Ouija Board horror

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Hello my little lovelies! This will be set at a college in Gravity falls! The town is just weird with no paranormal. Dippers a girl in this and while helping a teacher clean out their back room Norman, Mabel, Wirt, and Pacfica find a Ouija board. I think you already know what Bill will be.

5 teens sit in a circle with candles lighting the room instead of turning on the light. A boy with brown hair and eyes sits next to Mabel who's bouncing in her spot with a huge smile. "Okay so who's going to be the medium?" A blonde girl with purple pajamas asks.

"Well Pacfica I think Norman should." Mabel says with a smile. A boy with zombie pajamas and spikey hair looks at Mabel. "What why me?"

"Yeah why Norman?"

"Because he says he likes zombies and I think he would be an awesome medium."

"You know what I'll just do it." Mabel turns to her turn who looks almost exactly like her but has slightly pink nose instead of pink cheeks with doe eyes and her bust was larger than her own. (In my opinion Dipper needs bigger boobs than the ones in pictures don't judge me and bust means breasts)

Norman sighs partly in relief. "See let's just have Dipper do it besides she knows more about the paranormal than I do."

Mabel nods then sets the board in the middle. "Alright sis let's get this started. So is it all of our hands on it or just Dippers?"

"Well everyone else hold hands and I'll keep my hands on it alright? And I'll ask your questions." Dipper says and everyone holds hands as she puts her finger tips on the triangle piece with tbe circle glass in the center.

After 5 minutes of asking simple questions like ' are you here with us?' 'is anything here?' with no movement of the wooden piece at all.

"Maybe we should just say good bye and end this." Pacifica says and the other three teens shake their heads in agreement.

Dipper sighs and was about to slide the piece over to goodbye when Mabel stops her. "Wait ask if they worked here."

Dipper nods. "Do you work here at this college?" To everyone's surprise the piece moves down to 'yes'.

Mabel smiles big and the group keeps telling Dipper what to ask the spirit who they find out is Bill. He was a student at the college years ago before he died of a weird illness in his sleep.

Before Dipper was about to ask another question the piece moves.

Everything looks confused usually the spirits didn't ask the questions. "Who are you talking too?"


Norman and Wirt look slightly uneasy but it melts as the spirit asks questions about Dipper and how college as been so far. Bill even called her different names like Pine Tree from her pajamas and even called her sweetie.

Dipper could hear Mabel giggle every time Bill called her sweetie.

Dipper decides to ask one more question before they ended the session. "Can you prove to us that your here?" Everyone looked to one of the candles and even Mabel put her phone down to see if something happen.

The air around Dipper seems to shift to a cooler temperature making goosebumps appear on her skin. Nobody noticed so it probably wasn't happening to them.

Dipper stiffens as she feels a icy hand on her hip and another on her shoulder. The hands travel around her stomach and even up to her breasts.


Everyone looked at Dipper confused by what the spirit meant but she shakes her head and shakes slightly in fear. Norman reaches over and moves Dippers hand over to the goodbye. The hands and everything disappear and the candles blow out all at once.

The whole room drops in temperature and the door slams shut and everyone can hear the lock slowly click into place trapping them inside. The board goes flying against the wall making everyone scream.

Mabel and Pacifca hold onto each other. Norman tries for the door but it wouldn't budge. Things start to fly around the room and hit everyone in the head.

Before Dipper passed out she swear she saw a dark shadow above her with piercing gold before everything went black.

Everyone woke up in their dorm confused about what happened last night. Dipper and Mabel look at each other as they both get up. "Was everything just a messed up dream?"

Mabel shrugs and starts to change. "I don't know maybe it was I'm not sure."

Dipper sighs and rubs her head feeling a headache come on. "Well let's just get ready and head to class."


Dippers friends had been sick for the past 2 weeks. Their skin was sickly pale and they all had dark bags under their eyes. The twins were worried about them and their health but they couldn't do much but send them flowers and visit them to help cheer them up.

A week later they still weren't getting any better if anything they were getting worse and Mabel was acting strange for the past week.

It was like she was avoiding her. She always seemed to disappear right when Dipper was looking for her. It seems like her whole world was crushing down.

Dipper steps out of the shower and wraps her towel around her as she leaves the bathroom letting the steam out of it.

Dipper gets dressed and looks at the empty dorm. She sighs seeing as her sister wasn't here right now. After drying her hair Dipper walks to her bed and sits down.

She suddenly felt chills going down her spine and everything felt cold. The room felt wrong and Dipper quickly gets up and leaves her dorm room.

The hallway was dark and it felt just as cold as her dorm room. It all felt off and there was no sound not even crickets that usually were alway heard that were ways outside.

It was if the whole place was holding it's breath seeing what would happen to her.

Dipper holds her arms as she walks down the hallway towards Candy and Grendas dorm. If she knew her twin she would be there for sure.

The brunette knocks on the door to the dorm and the door opens by itself. Dipper forces down the small bit of fear and peeks to see the inside. No body was in the dorm and it was just as dark and cold as the hallway.

Dipper stiffens as hears a scraping sound in the hallway. She turns her head and sees claw marks appear on the wall like a monster was creating them. Dipper takes a step back but stops when it spells something on the wall.


Dipper quickly runs as she sees a dark shadow start to form next to claw marks on the wall.

She quickly runs to a classroom and locks the door then hides under the teachers desk.

Dipper covers her mouth as she hears scraping sounds come from outside of the classroom. Shivers rack up her spine as she hears a high pitched haunting voice sing and a little tune plays like from a music box.

One two buckle my shoe~

Three four better lock your door

Five six grab a crucifix

Seven eight gonna stay up late

Nine ten Bills back again!

Dipper covers her mouth and holds her breath as she hears the door slowly creak open.

After a few moment of no sound see takes a breath and uncovers her mouth thinking he's gone. Dipper screams she's pulled out under the desk and out into the open.

A being made of shadows towers above her with piercing gold eyes and black slitted pupils. His teeth are pointed and has a chesire grin as it pulls Dipper from her hiding spot.

"Your coming with Pine Tree~" Bill purrs and shadows envople Dipper as she screams.

Wirt, Norman, and Pacifica were released a day after Dipper Pines went missing from the campus. Nobody knew where she wentnot even her own twin. Some say she just left, others say she was murdered and the person hid her body. But the people who were with her the night they talked to Bill who saw the craving in the wall knew better than anyone what really happened to her.

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