Wolf in sheeps clothing

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Okay I love the song wolf in sheeps clothing! It's awesome and I like the Gravity falls one with all the Bipper images so I'm gonna make it a dark one shot! Enjoy my lovelies! Oh and Mabek and Dipper don't know of the supernatural. *smirks* this shall be fun~ enjoy

Off in the room of a shack the kitchen light was still on with Ford and Stan sitting at the table with two cups of coffee and all three journals sitting in front of them, the shine from the golden six fingered hands shines mocking at them reminding them of a certain foe of theirs. 

"Ford we can't just keep the kids inside all their lives. The kids are starting to see! They are 13 they need to know so they can protect themselves! We need to protect the shack before something happens them."

This is about you, Beware beware be skeptical their smiles their smiles are plated gold 

"Stanely we can't if they know then they will go explore and get killed! I am working on a bubble to keep the supernatural out. We can't tell them and they can't go into the woods! It's too dangerous to tell them." 

A man dressed in a black suit with a red fez, and glasses with aging hair and tired sits across from his twin who looks almost the same expect for his six fingers and different hair. 

Deceit so natural but a wolf in sheeps clothing is more than a warning 

Stan pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Alright but if something happens it's all on you the kids can't be cooped up for much longer." The six fingered man named Ford opens the third journal on a barrier for the shack but opens a different page by mistake. It was a triangle with thin black arms and legs, a top cat, bow tie, and a single eye with eyelashes with a long slitted pupil. 

Ford glares down at the drawing like it offended him. "Don't worry I'll have it up in two days then we can tell the kids." The triangle was in a summoning wheel with many different symbols around it. The eye seem liked it was watching the two men at the table but that's impossible it's just a drawing. Drawn in black lettering is the name Bill Cipher. 

Ford slams the journal closed and gets up from the table. "I'll get started get some sleep Stanely." His twin sighs once more. "You get some too." Was all he said before he left. 

Ba ba black sheep have you any soul?  No sir by the way what the hell are mortals? 

Up in the attic two brown haired twins sleep peacefully in their beds across from one another. A girl with long brown hair, rosy cheeks, and braces sleeps with a pig in her arms. The boy has fluffy brown hair, a rosy nose, and part of his birthmark sticks out from under his hair. Both sleep fine in the small space.

The window in their room was a triangle with one single eye. The eye seemed to move and look at the girl before turning to the sleeping boy. It lingered on his form as his chest rises and falls at a steady rhythm. The eye moved back in place as the moon moves higher into the night giving little light into the attic room.

Jack be nimble jack be quick Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks 

A shadow of q triangle forms from the light. It's hand grows and grows claws, the hand reaches towards the boy and was bout to enclose on him when the door opens letting let flood in and cast the shadow away before it could claim the child. 

Stan stands at the door and gazes at each of them before closing the door once more letting the light from the hall away disappear. The shadow once again forms and the clawed hand reaches for the child once more. The boy shifts and begins to wake from his sleep making the shadow once again leave before the boy could see. 

So could you tell me how you're how sleeping easy how you're only thinking of your self  Show me how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature 

Dipper woke up feeling like he wasn't along. Which was true with his sister being here but if felt off..he shakes his head then looks out the window and looks at the moon. It was beautiful and it bathed the forest in a pretty way it made everything look silver. He wanted to explore so a badly but his great uncles forbidded it. 

He glances at the forest once more and feels a sudden need to explore more than ever. He was sure that if he got back before anyone noticed it would be fine. Dipper dresses in a pair of jeans, his red shirt and bubble vest, then puts on his shoes before lastly putting his pine tree cap on his head. 

He quickly and quietly sneaks out of the house and heads straight into the forest unaware of the triangle shadow following him through the dark woods.

Listen mark my words one day you will pay you will pay Karamas gonna come collect your debt! 

The woods were still beautiful and it amazed Dipper how the moon light bathed everything in a silver light making it look like a alien planet. He hadn't been outside much but Dipper isn't sure if he wants to return just yet. 

Aware, aware you stalk your prey, with criminality. You sink your teeth into the people you depend on, infecting everyone, youre quite the problem. 

Goosebumps appear on Dippers arms and the hair on the back of his neck rises. Suddenly the forest isn't beautiful anymore it's dark and creepy as clouds block out the moon casting Dipper in darkness. Eyes open all around Dipper and stare at him with curious expressions. 

These eyes all looked the same expect for they were different sizes. Dipper looks around scared and takes a step back. Many small black hands reach from the darkness towards the boy. 

Fee-fi-do-fum you better run and hide, I smell the blood of a petty little coward. Jack be lethal, Jack be slick, Jill will leave you lonely dying in a filthy ditch. 

Dipper backs up then quickly runs in the opposite direction of the shack and away from the eyes and hands. He keeps running even if he's tiring and his legs start to ache but keeps running. The boy takes a small glance back and runs even harder seeing the hands were still after him.

The eyes appear to be every direction he looks and he trips over a root and lands in a small clearing with giant trees forming a circle around it. The eyes were back and were along the trees. Dipper backs up slowly so he's in the middle and looks around scared out of his mind. 

So could you tell me how you're sleeping easy only thinking of yourself. Show me how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature. Listen, mark my words one day you will pay, you will pay Karamas gonna come collect your debt!

The black hands come from all directions and wrap around the boy keeping him up. Dipper screams and struggles in their grip. The hands tighten lightly around him then two cover his eyes and mouth to stop his screaming.Dipper breaths heavily and goes limp slightly exhausted from the running and struggling.

His breathing calms slightly when nothing else happens and tries to move away from the hands but they keep him in place. The triangle forms and lights up the small clearing slightly with his yellow glow and floats over to the boy. He holds Dippers face with both of his hands and Dipper tries to lean away with a small whimper. 

Maybe you'll change, abandon all your wicked ways, make amends and start anew again. Maybe you'll see, all the wrongs you did to me, start all over, start all over again. 

The triangle chuckles softly and he moves the boys bangs away from his forehead revealing the Big Dipper birthmark. "No need to be afriad Pine Tree just relax and fall asleep." He touches the boys birthmark and Dipper falls completely limp asleep.

The triangle forms back into a shadow and enters inside of the boy. The hands release their hold and retreat then the eyes close and disappear. A small amount of moonlight filters through the small clearing as Dippers body gets up. His eyes open and instead of brown eyes the eyes are yellow with a black slitted pupil. The entity known as Bill laughs and it sounds slightly echo even in the kids body. "Let's go cause some trouble Pine Tree." He makes his way back to the shack. 

Stan comes back in the kitchen and Ford is back sitting at the table pouring over the barrier spell in the journal. "Come on Ford you need sleep." He gets a small wave of a hand. "No this needs to be done before something happens to those kids." The front door busts open. "Time to pay Pines!" 

Who am I kidding? Now let's not get overzealous here. You've always been a huge piece of shit! If I could kill you, I would, But it's frowned upon in all fifty states. Having said that, burn in hell! 

Bill hums a small tone as he finishes tying up each of then pines family in a chair expect Dipper seeing as he's still in his body. Stan and Ford are slightly bleeding from the head while Mabels just gagged. Stan is the first to come two and looks at Bill in shock. "Kid what are you doing?!" 

"Oh your up already fez I should have hit you harder but oh well." Bill starts humming again as he pours gas over the gift shop and around their chairs they are tied too. "Bill Cipher you get out of my newphews body right now!" Bill tosses aside the now empty gas can to the side. "What's the fun in that? Besides Pine Trees asleep right now and I don't want him hurt." 

Ford starts to come too next and Mabels crying slightly not really knowing what's going on. "Now sixer up now it's a party! You've been a pain in my side long enough pines time to say bye bye  to your lives but don't worry Pine Tree and I will have lots of fun!"

So tell me, how you're sleeping easy,  how you're only thinking of yourself.  Show me how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature. Listen, mark my words one day, you will pay, you will pay, karams gonna come collect you debt! 

"Stop this now Bill and let our nephew go!" Bill taps his chin and pretends to think. "Nah I like the kid too much I'm gonna show him the joys of being with me." He takes a smaller gas can and pours it over all over the pines family then walks to the door. He pulls out a match box. "I would say it was a pleasure knowing you but it really wasn't." He ignores their shouts and cries for help and walks a little ways from the door. 

He starts up a match and grins at the Pines Family. "Say good bye to Pine Tree." He throws the match and it lights the gas on fire and in a matter of moments the whole shack is up in flames. He walks away and sighs happily hearing screams from inside of the burning building. 

Karams gonna come collect your debt, Karamas gonna come collect your debt! 

"Don't worry you little sleeping head Pine Tree I'll take care of you." 

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