Where it all ends

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Sun shine: Okay I am making a one shot off the new episode! *squeaks then clears my throat* It will leave off from where it ended in the episode so I hope you like it! The song above is time of dying it kinda goes with this but I just really like the song.
I hope you enjoy! This my version how I think it should go but that's just me so enjoy! But remember don't read unless you have seen the new episode!


Bill laughs down at the pines family as the rip widens and weird, scary creatures come pouring out of it.

They all spread around around the town and cause havoc and chaos where ever they go.

Flipping over cars, trashing homes and buildings, scaring the people and even tearing the humans apart, some even eat the people or run towards the woods to spread out.

It was total chaos the billion year old prophecy was finally complete and the world was Bills to take and mold anyway he wanted to.

He watches in a amusement as humans scramble around and scream as they run from the horrible monsters chasing them.

If he had a head Bill would be shaking it. Running was useless they were only putting off their deaths but humans were so fragile so be wasn't worried about them actually putting up much of a fight.

He puts his arms behind his body and kicks up his feet like a boss sitting in his new office. A show was going on and this was his show so why not enjoy it? He hears a few shots fire off.

Glancing over at the shack he sees the Pines family fighting the monsters back and sheltering people in the shack. Well that wouldn't do at all. "Hey you 8 can you go catch them? And make sure they don't escape!" He yells at then turning a bit red as they run off to catch them.

He gives a sigh like motion then looks at boy with brown hair and doe like brown eyes. Bill liked Pine Tree and he did believe the deal from the beginning of the summer was still in play. The demon cackles and his eye lights up with glee. Well might as well let them run for a bit he new they wouldn't get far.

-With the Pines family!-

"Stanley help the people inside!" Ford yells to his twin as he shoots with his futuristic gun at the monsters and they then to dust.

Standely nods and heads inside to help the people keep the monsters out. Dipper and Mabel fend them off with bats enchanted with a  anti-demon spell. Mabel passes and looks at all the destruction.

Houses were on fire and even some of the forest was burning, cracks were forming and zombies were climbing out and attacking more people, the rip was still in the sky menacing and big as ever, her family was fighting for their lives and for others.

Hot tears were falling from her eyes, this was all her fault if she wouldn't have taken Dippers bag and handed the rift over to Bill in Blendons body this wouldn't be happening.

But she couldn't help but remember Dipper and Fords comforstaion at on the walkie talkies. This was also Dippers fault they were suppose to stick together thick and thin.

But he wanted to stay here and work with Ford and leave her all alone. She clutched her fists remembering all the fun times they had and then the moment back in the attic when Dipper returned talking about aliens and UFO's.

It wasn't fair and now everything was ruined. She turns to Dipper and pushes him. "Mabel what the heck!?" He questions her and the tears keep falling. "Its all stupid! We were suppose to stay together, go to school, have our birthday, and ride the bus back home. But you just had to stay here and leave me behind!"

Dipper shakes his head and stands back up. "We can't be doing this right now we have to stay on task!" He bellows back at her and she shakes her head. "This is much as my fault as yours! If you wouldn't have agreed to stay and leave me to go home alone I wouldn't have given the rift away!"

Dipper face turns fron anger to a hint of hurt. "Your the one who gave it to Bill..." It turns from hurt back to anger. "Do you know what you have done! You have given the world to Bill! He's going to destroy everything!"

As they bicker the creatures venture closer then attack them as they are distracted.

They twins scream and try to break away from them but they keep a firm hold and another four grab the Stan twins and drag them along back to Bill.

Everyone is chained to a tree that lays close to the rift and the creatures run off once more to join in the chaos of the apocalypse.

They all stop struggling when they hear Bills laughing and he floats down to them. "Well well well if it isn't the Pines family are you enjoying the big change?" He asks in a happy tone and summons his cane.

"Cut the crap Cipher stop this now!" Bill tsks Ford and snaps his fingers and his mouth is sewn closed. "Geez can't you see how much fin this all is?! Its perfect chaos and I have been waiting a long time for this Sixer and I ain't stopping anytime soon."

Mabel struggles to break free and glares a Bill. "You tricked mW you butt face!" Bill sighs and snaps his fingers so Mabels lips are closed as well. "Shooting star your annoying just be quiet for a minute." The demon quietly does it to Stanley before he could open his mouth.

"Hey you leave my family alone!" Dipper glares at the demon and expects go have his mouth sewn shut as well. "Pine Tree! Just the one I wanted to talk too!" He chirps happily and makes his way towards the brunette.

He pats the kids cheek. "Say you I thought you and shooting star were having a spat just a while ago and you still defend her?" Dipper goes to retort but Bills covers his mouth with his hand.

"I do also remember all the things you have done for her but what has she really done for you?" He keeps the boys mouth shut and flaota around him. "The things she took, what she had you give up for her, and your one way into what you wanted and she was the one who took offense and didn't let you explain."

He takes his cane and taps it against Mabels head. "She didn't even five you a second glance and took in what she wanted not you. Siblings have to leave at some point more than others and she didn't care if it cost you your dream at all." He flashes all the imagens of what Mabel has taken from him and even ones with Stan.

He shows the sock opera one last. "What about this one I do believe she ditched you for a boy and left you all alone and that deal is still active." He idealy twirls his cane in his hand. "I could make you my puppet right now abs make you do horrible things to your family." He watches the boys faces turn to know of terror and cackles lightly.

"Or we could make a another deal." Bill pretends to be looking at his nails. "I could give you everything you ever dreamed of and more. Even make you my apprentice if your good. I'll even save the ones you love and they won't be harmed. All you have to do is shake my hand and give up your entire being to me." 

Bill turns a bit red with a another cackle. "But of you refuse I'll make you kill your family and torture them until all the life has left their bodies heck I'll even make you kill everyone you loved as a friend or family."

The chains break releasing Dipper and Bill holds out his hand blue flames covering his hand. "Do Pine Tree do we have a deal?" Dipper looks at Bill then his family who are all shaking their heads.

A few tears slip past his eyes but he takes Bills outstretched hand and shakes it. "Only if you don't hurt them I accept." Bill laughs laughs as blue fire consumes them both and they disappear just as thw chains break and the monsters move onto the next town leaving the Pines family and a few other left alone.


Sun shine: wow! That went longer than I thought and don't whine to me if you didn't see the new episode than don't whine because I warned you.

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