Chapter 10 - Tinkywinky gets raped

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Caution: this involves rape, sexual-content, mature-content, and very unnecessary violence...enjoy:

TinkyWinkys pov

I felt my mouth sealed shut by the cloth around it, I feel my hands tied together behind my back so tight...really tight...I feel like I was gonna cry...I'm scared of being raped...I maybe a boy...but there's a chance I'll be him...they wanted me for themselves...but why me? One of them said as he remove the cloth from my mouth, so...what do you say TinkyWinky... I said as the cloth was removed, what I haft to ask why all of you haft to take me for yourselves? Then the one that remove the cloth said as he grinned, oh...we only had a hand on this...*points and looks at the Golden-yellow Teletubby* he wants you to himself... my eyes widened at the mean and perverted teletubby... he looked at me with lusty eyes and said in a hushed, perverted, but really evil tone, hello my dear... I recognized was the shadow that try to kidnap and seduce me... he gave me a sadistic smile and said as he walked to me, well...looks like someone....has a shocking have you? I slowly nod as I felt fear in my heart. I didn't wanna imagine what he is going to do to me... the golden-yellow teletubby reaches down and touched my crotch so hard I blushed...very badly as I tried to resist but he smirked and said, oh know you like don't try to resist baby... I obeyed as I moaned I am so very scared as he forced my legs apart and yanked my pants off. I thought, someone...hhhheeeeellllllpppppp... then it happened my eyes widened as he roughly insert his cock into me as I gasped and grunted. Oh God it hurts so bad...I can feel his cold hands all over me...touching my chest, my thighs, and my tightly grabbing my was so hard I screamed as I felt a very bad bruise on it...every thrust, every hit, every touch, and every violent move...really hurts. I even ended up with a black eye...oh man it hurts so badly...I had hope in my heart that Dipsy will come for me...I felt like I was gonna cum before thick liquid spurted out of me as tears fall down my face...I breathed heavily and so badly...oh God it hurts so badly...I breathed heavily as the teletubby gave me a sadistic grin and said, that was wasn't so bad baby...was it? I nodded but I lied I didn't like it...I feel my body bruised, bleeding, and hurt....covered in cum stains...he walked off but stopped and said, oh by the way...I am known as Tin-Gold...hehehe see you later darling... he walked off as I felt so hurt.... one of his friends sealed my mouth with tape as I whimpered before they all laughed so scary and so bad. I thought, help me Dipsy...

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