Chapter 11 - gathering a rescue team

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LaaLaas pov

We've told my parents and Waltons parents about what happened. So right now we're working on a rescue team for TinkyWinky. My father said, sweetheart are you sure? I said, yes father...I am... my mother said, well were still forming a rescue team honey-swirls....but who knows what that obsessive menace is capable of. Honey-swirls is one of the nicknames my parents call me...I said, I know but your right mom...we don't know what he's capable of...but I can say this...he's defiantly dangerous... my father said as he frowned, we'll try whatever we can...*to Walton* we'll discuss you marrying our little girl...later. Walton blushed before he said, uhh...sure sir... I giggled knowing he was so cute when he's the truth he did proposed to me about a week ago...and we're still making arrangements for our wedding...anyway it will take some time until we got everything we need to rescue TinkyWinky.

(11 months later)

Dipsy's pov's been 11 months since Tinky has been kidnapped. And I'm going mad and insane...come on when is this gonna take...I'm worried about my love life... I screamed and shouted, WHEN IS THIS GONNA BE DONE?!...I HAFT TO SAVE TINKYWINKY!!! My older brothers Finley and Tipsy hugged me and calmed me down as Finely said, Dips...calm down we'll get him back I promise... I said, I hope so's been 11 months and yet... Tipsy said, we're almost ready...we just need to... Tinkys parents came in as his father said, were ready... I said, finally...*sighs* I hope TinkyWinky is alright... Tinkys mother said in a worried tone, I hope he's alright too...I'm worried about my baby much... Po said as Dark walked beside her, we all do Ms. Rainy-Daisy... I walked to everyone and said, alright guys let's go save Tinky... everyone agreed but thats when Tinkys cousin Minky said, wait you guys...We can't take Lilly-Molly with us she's too young... Lilly huffed before Po said, we'll watch over Lilly-Milly. Dark asked Po, hey...Po are you good with kids? Po nodded as she smiled and said, well yes...I am... Lilly-Milly said as she felt concern, Dipsy?...please save my big brother... I said, I will Lilly-Milly...I'll save him. I thought, I will save matter what. Then we headed off to save TinkyWinky.

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