One (Edited)

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Mila Kunis plays Adele who is Calum's mum. She's thirty-three and had Calum at seventeen so Calum is sixteen.

Calum folded his arms over his chest as he sat in the passenger seat of his mum's car. "What do you mean you're engaged?" Calum asked, glaring at him mum. Adele sighed as she tapped her fingers against the steering wheel. She had told Calum that they were going for something to eat, not letting him know that he was actually going to meet her new husband to be. She knew Calum would act like this and that's why she hadn't mentioned her boyfriend until now because she didn't know if they were serious or not. Obviously, they were because he had proposed the night before.

"He's sweet and I didn't want to introduce him to you until I knew we were serious. Please just give him a chance," she pleaded. Calum looked at his mum and huffed. He noticed she did look a lot healthier and happier lately. Calum really didn't know how all this happened. It was like within a blink of an eye it had gone from just him and his mum to some random ass guy moving in with them. His mum's new fiancé. He didn't even know his name. How the hell did his mum keep something like this from him?

"It's not like a have a choice. He's moving in with us next week. How do you know he's not some drug dealer?" Adele pulled into a parking space outside Angelo's. "Stop being such a brat for once. You're going to walk in there, smile and be nice to Ashton. Do you understand me? You're sixteen, not eighteen. I can still ground you," She snapped and Calum mentally groaned because he couldn't even go to his dad's anymore; they moved to New York. "Fine, I'll be nice, but if he's a dick I get to say I told you so and pick the ice cream later," Calum replied. He opened the car door, pulling his sleeves down to make sweater paws as he made his way towards the restaurant's front doors. It was obvious his mum had picked his favourite place to eat. The bitch was sweetening him up for when he met her fiancé.

"Fine, but do I look alright?" Adele asked as they made their way into Angelo's. Calum smiled at his mum before reaching up to kiss her cheek. "You look amazing like always," he reassured her. The two made their way to the small desk just inside the restaurant. "Reservation for Irwin?" Adele asked. The man behind the desk smiled at the two. "Right this way. Mr Irwin has already arrived," the man lead Calum and his mum to their table where a man with sandy hair sat with his back to them.

The man stood from his seat as Adele and Calum got to their table. "You must be Calum," he smiled after he gave Adele a chaste kiss and told her how beautiful she looked. Calum looked over the hazel eyed man and bit his lip. He didn't trust himself to talk so instead he nodded and smiled to be polite.

Honestly, Calum couldn't fault Ashton. He felt bad for giving his mum a load of shit about not saying anything to him. During the dinner, Calum made sure to make conversation with Ashton like his mum had asked. They ended up talking for hours while they ate pizza and Calum was in awe of how much Ashton actually knew about fashion and how he listened rather than pretending to. He really couldn't have chosen someone better for his mum to spend the rest of her life with.

"So Calum, that purse looks really expensive," Ashton stated and Calum nodded his head as he finished taking a drink of his soda. "I'm guessing you're familiar with my dad's work?" Calum asked. "I actually met him a few weeks ago. He wanted to approve of me before he gave the thumbs up about moving in," Calum all but whined as he looked over to his mum. "Was I the only person that didn't know about everything?" Adele nodded her head in response. "Pretty much," She replied.

After they had eaten Adele invited Ashton to stay over for the night which he agreed to. Calum mentally groaned because he had school the next day and his mum and Ashton were probably going to keep him awake all night.

Once they got home Calum got changed into one of Luke's shirts that were huge on him and went to the kitchen to get a glass of juice. He hummed the tune from 'Teenagers' as he placed his glass on the counter, taking a cookie from the jar his mum always tried to hide from him. funny really because Adele was always really bad at hiding things, yet she hid her fiance for months.

Calum picked up his glass, taking a drink before someone let out a choked sound behind the petite boy. Calum jumped, his heart pounding as he spun around to face the person. "Ashton!" Calum whined as he spilt his drink down Luke's shirt. "For fucks sake," he hissed out as the cold juice began so soak through the shirt. He pulled the shirt over his head, grumbling to himself about how cold the juice was and Ashton stood still, his eyes wide.

"I-I a-are-" Ashton stuttered. "What?" Calum asked. "Are those panties?" He asked and Calum's whole body froze. He slowly looked down to see the navy lace against his skin. The younger boy squeaked out, covering his junk before grabbing his shirt from the kitchen counter and covering his lower half with it.

"Jesus Christ," Ashton muttered under his breath, his cheeks flushing a dark pink. Calum stood at the other side of the kitchen, blushing as they both stared at each other. He snapped out of his gaze and he looked away. "I'm just gonna go," he whispered. He ran to his room as fast as he could. Ashton, on the other hand, followed Calum's ass with his eyes. He nearly came in his pants right there as he saw Calum's bum wobble a little under the lace.

Chapter one edited, hope you like it :)

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