Two (Edited)

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Calum's outfit but imagine the flannel tied around his waist.

"-and I was in panties too," Calum groaned on his way out of school. He was telling Michael and Luke what had happened and how embarrassed he was. "Is he hot?" Luke asked with an arm slung around Calum's shoulder. "Meh," Michael rose his eyebrows. "What do you mean 'meh'? From the way you described him, he seems like a god," Calum looked away from his friends, blushing. "You could say that," he muttered, clearing his throat and Luke and Michael laughed at him.

"Oh my god," Calum whispered. "What?" The other two said in Union. "Nothing, just keep your heads down and walk quickly," He pleaded. The other two looked at Calum like he was crazy, but did as told anyway. "Calum!" A voice shouted. Calum kept on walking. "Calum I can see you walking away," Calum groaned and turned around. Ashton was leant against his red convertible in a tight grey suit, Raybans and his hair tied back into a 'man bun'.

"Christian fucking grey," Michael muttered and Calum punched him on his arm before walking towards Ashton. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking around nervously as students began to stare at them. "Your mum asked me to pick you up," Calum nodded with a sigh and turned to his friends.

"I guess I'll see you guys later," he smiled. Calum hugged Michael tightly before he hugged Luke. As he pulled away Luke brought his hand up to Calum's cheek and leant in connecting their lips. The smaller boy closed his eyes and gripped onto Luke black shirt as he tilted his head so he could deepen this kiss.

Ashton clenched his jaw and looked away from Calum and Luke as jealousy bubbled up inside him. He cleared his throat and Calum pulled away blushing. "Call me, yeah?" Luke asked. Calum nodded before pecking Luke's cheek and turning towards Ashton. "Let's get going," the hazel eyed man muttered, opening the car door for Calum.

The car ride home was eerily silent and Calum gnawed on his bottom lip, sneaking glances at Ashton. He couldn't help, but feel like he had done something wrong. He desperately wanted to ask if Ashton was okay, but his anxiety bubbled up inside him. He really couldn't deal with being yelled at. Ashton's hands gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white and his jaw was clenched making his jawline look more defined. He probably had a fight with Adele, Calum thought.

Calum sighed loudly, playing with the rips in his boyfriend jeans. "Are you okay?" He asked. Ashton glanced at the smaller of the two before his attention went back to the road. "Just peachy," Ashton muttered. "Is it because Luke and I kissed? I know that some people don't like PDA, but I didn't expect him to just kiss me like that you know--" Ashton placed a hand on Calum's thigh and shook his head as he cut him off from rambling on. "It's not that. I've just had a bad day at work," He replied, rubbing his thumb in circles on Calum's skin through the rips in his jeans. Calum blushed at the gesture. "Okay," he mumbled as they pulled up the drive to his house.

Once they were inside Calum dropped his bag down in the hallway before making his way into the kitchen, raiding the fridge for juice and cookies. He sat down, putting his feet on the table, pulling his phone out to look through Tumblr. Ashton sat across from Calum, dressed in a plain white shirt and grey sweatpants. Calum looked up with raised eyebrows. "What?" and Ashton cleared his throat before he sat back in his chair. "I've never met anyone that dresses like you do," He stated and Calum shrugged his shoulders in response. "Guess I'm just extra gay and fabulous. One of a kind," He replied.

"You really are beautiful," Ashton complimented him, his cheeks turning a rosy colour as he realised what he had said. "Thank you," Calum let out a laugh. He rose his eyebrows. "But that really is something you should be saying to my mum," He continued. Ashton's blushed even more if that was possible. "I, uh, I guess it should," he replied, ranking his hand over his hair.

Calum got up from his seat, jumping up onto the counter. He could feel Ashton's gaze on him as he popped the last pear drop in his mouth from the sweet jar. "What?" Ashton practically whined like a child as he looked at Calum. "Did you just eat the last pear drop?" he asked and Calum nodded his head. "Still eating. See?" He held the candy between his teeth before sucking it back in. "Can I have it?"

"It's in my mouth,"


"Ew, Ashton, no," Calum grimaced. Ashton stood from his seat, walking towards Calum as he held his hand out. "I want it," Ashton stated and Calum shook his head before he placed the sweet between his lips. "If you want it, come and get it," Calum laughed, though he didn't expect Ashton to act on his words.

Ashton stepped closer to the smaller boy, his eyes flickering from Calum's eyes to his lips. His mind wasn't thinking straight as he leant in, his lips barely grazing Calum's. Calum made the first move, pressing his lips to Ashton's as they closed the gap between them. One of Ashton's hands went up to cup Calum's cheek while the other gripped the back of his left thigh, pulling him so their chests were touching as their tongues moulded together.

Ashton broke their kiss, his lips moving to the younger boy's neck. Calum gasped, his fingers going up to grip onto Ashton's hair. The older one of the two began to nibble on the sensitive area of Calum's neck, just below his jaw. His mind clouded over with lust as Ashton began to suck on the spot before trailing his tongue up to the tanned boy's ear lobe, back to his lips. Ashton's hand began to roam under the smaller boys shirt, hitching it up. Before Calum could even comprehend what was happening, the front door slammed causing Ashton to quickly move away from Calum.

His eyes went wide as stared at the dishevelled looking boy in front of him. He was in deep shit. What the fuck was he even thinking. "Ashton. Cal, I'm home," Adele yelled. "Oh shit," Ashton whispered. He quickly tied his hair back up, hoping it would cover up how untidy he looked. Calum, on the other hand, was completely freaking out of the inside as he rearranged his shirt before quickly ruffling his hair.

He didn't even take the fucking sweet, Calum thought.

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