•| chapter 11 : What the hell is a Cushman Armitage?

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"i run on caffeine, sarcasm and inappropriate thoughts"

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THE HORSEMEN ARE free to go after the police found no evidence, whatsoever that they were involved in the bank robbery in Paris. Once they step out of the building, Jack takes Athena's hand before opening one of the SUV's doors that is waiting for them.

All their suitcases and belongings are in the car. Once in the car, Athena fell asleep on Jack's shoulder. A grin appears on the young magician's face when he looks at the blonde.

"You really like her huh?" Henley exclaimed Jack looks at the older magician before looking down at his hands on his laps. "You have no idea" He replies. "Promise me one thing, don't hurt her, I'm afraid the next time she got her heart broken, she will turn back to the person she was before she met you." The older magician said.

"What do you mean?" He asks her, "It's not my place to say, but let's just say she's a heartless bitch" Henley states. "Now, she's just a bitch, but a loving one" She continues.

"I promise," Jack promised to the red-headed magician.


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Athena opens her eyes when she felt that something beneath her is moving. She opens her eyes just to realize that she was being carried by someone. Jack was giving her a piggyback ride.

"Hey, A, you awake?" Jack speaks up, asking her a question. Athena hums in response before speaking up, "I'm up now, I can walk" She was about to get down from Jack, but Jack groaned in protest.

"Nope, I am carrying you," He said. Athena who is fully awake now narrows her eyes at him "Put me down, I can walk I have legs" She states

"I know and they are sexy, but the answer is still a no, I am carrying you" He replies, "Don't make me kick you Wilder" The blonde magician exclaimed, "You can go ahead and do that, but we'll both fall." He said looking straight, they are currently walking behind the other Horsemen to the private jet wing.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Athena asks. "Oh yeah," He exclaimed

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Once they got into the private jet, Athena kicks Jack's back which he took by surprise and both of them fall in between the seats. The other Horsemen looks at their youngest magician who is groaning in pain.

"You ass," Athena said "What? You kicked me!" He replies, "I told you to put me down," she growls at him. "Yeah, and I said no!" He growls back, "Yeah, and that's why you have a footprint on your back" She replies the slightly older magician.

"Okay, guys, just sit down on your seats first, then you can continue arguing," Henley said. "They are just like an old married couple, it's weird" Merritt exclaimed.

"Shut it Merritt" Athena exclaimed before getting up with one of the seats as support and sits down on it. Jack did the same thing before claiming the seats in front of her.

While they are waiting for Arthur, Merritt is passed out at his seat, Henley is using her phone, Danny is looking out the window, deep in thought, Jack is playing a game on his phone and Athena is reading one of the magazines that they got on the plane.

Once, Arthur arrives and is all seat up, the jet takes off.

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Athena is looking out the window deep in thought while holding the necklace around her neck in between her index finger and thumb, so deep, that she didn't even realize a set pair of eyes is looking at her. Henley and Merritt are laughing at the back of the plane, and Danny is looking at them feeling irritated.

He stands up and walks towards them "Oh, Danny, can I talk to you about my role in the show real quick" Jack asks the older magician, once he snaps out of his trance by looking at the blonde magician.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure" Danny replies and slaps his hands on Jacks hand a few times, "Hey guys, we got a show to prepare for," Danny said to Henley and Merritt. "Oh." Henley said, "Oh! Do we now?" Merritt asks and gets up from his seat looking at Danny, trying to test his mentalism on him, to annoy him.

"No, no, no, don't do that. You're not doing that thing to me. No." Danny said and turn around to walk away from the oldest magician. "What thing? I'm just looking at you." Merritt said.

"No, you're not. I've been watching you for a year. I know all of your little tricks." Danny exclaimed and turn to look at Merritt, Athena is pulled out of her trance, once she hears arguments.

She looks at Jack, asking him what's happening, Jack shrugs before they both look at the scene.

"That what they are to you? Tricks?" Merritt asks, "Yes, it's gimmicks. it's Barnum statements. It's reading the eyes. Body language. I get it." Danny argues.

"If it's such an easy thing, why don't you do Henley?" Merritt challenges Danny, Athena holds in a laugh. "Yeah, Danny. Why don't you do me?" Henley provokes the magician.

"No, you're too easy. I'll do Jasmine." Danny states. "No. Do me." Someone from the front said, and they all turn towards Arthur. "Yeah, shell head, do Art," Athena said. Danny narrows his eyes at him before agreeing "Okay,"

"Even better," Merritt said. "Okay, Art," Danny said. "Yeah, But I warn you, I can be difficult to read when I want to be." Arthur exclaim.

"Just stay with me, okay? So, Art, you were a tough kid. You know, kind of a real rapscallion. You had a dog. A real tough dog. A brutish breed. Like a real... I want to say, Ben the bulldog." Danny said, more like guessing, having no idea about Arthur.

"Actually, I was a prissy little tot. I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles." Arthur corrects him, everybody erupts in laughter, laughing at the magician.

"Wow," Merritt said. Danny hit the overhead compartment and apologizing after.

"Wait, let me try one. I can do way better than that." Jack said, "Let him do it," Henley said, "Come on, give me one more time. One more time." Danny said, "He can do way better than whatever that is" Athena exclaims in fits of giggles.

"Let's do family. You had an uncle on your mother's side. He had a real, kind of... A real masculine name. A real, kind of, salt-of-the-earth... You know, a real stick-it-to-you...Like it was some kind of Paul. Thompson? Was it a Paul..." Danny looks at Arthur before letting out a huge sigh "Okay. You know what? I got nothin'." He exclaims.

"Nearly though," Arthur said, Danny's face immediately lit up. "Was I?" He asks their benefactor.

"Yeah. My uncle's name was Cushman Armitage." Arthur replies before all of them laughs at the statement, "What the hell is a Cushman Armitage?" Athena asks before continuing laughing with the other Horsemen.

"Really? Snuffles and Cushman Armitage? That was your childhood?" Danny asks, "I certainly hope tomorrow night's show is gonna be better than this." Arthur said.

"Oh, just you wait, Art, it's going to be a big steal," Athena exclaimed. With a smirk on her face.

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