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"yoongi, what is it?" she urges him on when she's greeted by a sudden silence. yoongi seems to be a bit hesitant, and jiseo wonders why.

"im sorry, jiseo."

he's apologizing for god knows what, and a thousand of questions bombards jiseo with his apology as it was an abrupt action. "w-what?"

"you left your phone at my place and—" yoongi pauses while the female feels her heart stop. "—jungkook kept contacting you."

"he told you to meet him at the park, which i assumed is the one near your apartment, and told you to meet him there at 2am today. i— i'm sorry jiseo, but i have to do what's right and that's what i did, i made a call to the police station. i reported all of it to them, so they coul—"

"you— you what?!"

"look, i did what was the best for you. you shouldn't be associating yourself with someone like jungkook."

"you can't just do that!" jiseo raises her voice in fury. the corners of her lips curve downwards as she thinks about what yoongi has done. "i told you to let him be, he didn't harm anyone."

"harm— didn't harm anyone?!" yoongi scoffs, "that's funny because last time i checked, he was a criminal, his face is on wanted posters across the city— and you want me to turn a blind eye towards the truth that is literally right in front of me!"

"not everything he does is neccessarily bad, just because he has done some horrible things doesn't define him as a person at all!" jiseo argues, heart heavy with emotions such as anger, sadness, fear and irrationality. "i— i can't believe you, yoongi! i told you to let him be, i— i just—" she turns her head to the clock, it's an hour past 2am already, "where the fuck is he right now? you said you didn't want to be apart of this whole— whole mess, so why are you suddenly meddling into my business?"

"do you expect me to just pretend like my own best friend isn't associating herself with a god damn criminal?!" he shoots back, clearly furiated as well. "for god's sake, seo! you're being so fucking ignorant. this is better for you, better for me. better for everyone else."

"but it's not better for jungkook, it's not fair for him."

"not fair? he has really brainwashed you, hasn't he?" yoongi scoffs. "in what type of way is this not fair? he's practically insane, jiseo!"

"then he can change. i—" he cuts her off before she can finish whatever she wants to say.

"but the thing is, you can't jiseo! he has blood on his hands. all those terrible things he's done are going to haunt him till the day of his death. i'm sorry to say this but you can't fix him, not when he's already so fucked up. i know there's something going on between you two but wake up jiseo, it's better this way."

"what he'd done in the past doesn't define who he is. he's human too, yoongi. he can change and—"

"of course!" yoongi yells from the other line and jiseo winces at his outburst. "of course, you're going to choose his side instead of mine. it's fine, jiseo, don't side with your best friend who has been there for you practically your whole life!" sarcasm drips from his voice like venom. "be ignorant and choose the guy that brainwashes you! choose the guy that has police sirens chasing him. choose the guy that probably has fucking mafias and gangs that wants to his head! you're really something else, jiseo. you've become so ignorant and ignorance makes you a fool."

"then let me be a fool." those were her last words over the phone to yoongi as jiseo ends the call, and she doesn't even care because suddenly the only thing on her mind is jungkook, jungkook, jungkook. she doesn't fathom why she's attached to him. he frightens her but at the same time, she wants to stay by his side.

she glances around her room, trying to just think of something she can do to somehow contact jungkook. though her train of thoughts is interrupted by a loud thud from outside her bedroom. the sound makes jiseo flinch and she thinks someone had just broken into her home at just the right time when everything in her life is a complete mess. she was almost ready to just hold up a white flag and just accept the fact that she would get most likely get mugged.

but of course, none of that happens. what happens is that her heart swells when she hears the voice as sweet as honey. a voice that belonged to a person who had changed her life, for the better and for the worst. he has planted flowers and beautiful plants on the path of life she has been walking on. however, at the same time, he has also made the flowers on the path wither and wilt as well with his touch.

"jiseo! wh— where are you?! we need to talk, please!" the soft voice croaks. jiseo immediately runs towards the door and turns on the doorknob to exit her room. when she sees the figure, she feels her heart break at the sight in front of her.

there jungkook stands, appearance disheveled and wrecked. his hair is a mess and his clothes, yet again in the colour black, and she swears she can smell the stench of blood but she tries to ignore it. and for whatever fucked up reason, jiseo still thinks he looks lovely, and she absolutely hates herself for that. she knows it's not a right mindset and she also knows this type of... infatuation is unhealthy. his doe eyes are grow wide as his gaze finally settles on the female.

"h—how did you get in here?!"

"i picked the lock on your door," he explains. "—but that's not important right now."

"look, there— there's people after me. not just the police and i— i d-don't know, i just came here because you were the first thing i thought of. i— just really need to make sure you're safe. i told you to meet me at the park but—" he pauses. "yoongi, your friend, he came instead with the police— and i guess the news got out because suddenly it wasn't just the police— but, i only had one person in my mind and that person was you."

"listen here, some people will do absolutely anything to have me dead, i swear they're going to get you too because i know some of them are aware of your presence." he swiftly walks towards jiseo and his arms immediately flies up to hold on her shoulders. jiseo flinches at his touch and jungkook's hold falters a bit, and hurt flashes across his eyes but it's gone in a blink of an eye. he doesn't let go of the grip he has on jiseo's shoulder though. he looks at her deeply with his eyes and speaks up. "jiseo, you need to listen to me."

jiseo looks at him warily but nods, indicating that jungkook should continue whatever he wants to say. however, the calm expression on her face quickly morphes into confusion and panic when she hears what he says. "let's run away. it'll be just you and me."

what? jiseo wants to asks but she finds an answer to his statement quite quickly, which is a surprising event for her as well because she didn't know why but the words just came out of her mouth without her thinking it through. "but i can't," she responds.

"if i run away, i'll lose everything. i'll lose my family, i'll lose all of friends, i'll lose all the hard work i've done, i'll lose the things that could lead to so much more, we don't know what's ahead of us, we'll run out of money, we'll— we'll get chased by the cops— we're going to get ourselves killed! we don't even have anywhere to go—" she continues to elaborate. she doesn't fathom why there's so much excuses to refuse his request.  "i'll— i'll lose yoongi."

yes, yoongi. she can't just leave him. he had contributed so much in her life and she couldn't imagine her life without the male. he had grew roots in her life and sprouted flowers. he was such an important part of her life, she couldn't just— just disappear without telling him anything.

yoongi was home to her.

"yoongi, huh?"

"what about yoongi?"

"... no, it's nothing. you're right, that was stupid of me to say," jungkook frowns, looking away from jiseo.

"no, it's not stupid, it's just—"

"how did i ever think i was this important? yoongi's always going to be the first person in your eyes."

"no— it's not like that," jiseo immediately denies. "you know that."

"do i really?" he grimaces. "yoongi has always been there for you. then i come along and barge in. maybe i should mind my own business and leave."

"you don't understand, you're not the same as yoongi! i don't see you like how i see yoongi. you're different from him."

"different in a bad way, yeah."

jiseo looks at him miserably, "don't say that, kook."

"then run away with me."

"no, i can't. if i leave— everything's gonna be gone, i'll make my family worry. i'll scare the fuck out of yoongi by disappearing just like that."

"why does everything need to revolve around yoongi?!"

"you don't get it. yoongi's important to me, my family's important to me." jungkook rolls his eyes. of course, i wouldn't get it, would i? he wanted to argue back but pursued his lips. though, the words were on the tip of his tongue and he felt tempted to use them as a response. "i won't have anyone left if i run away."

"you have me."

"i—" a pause. "i'm sorry but it's just not what i want. jungkook, you're— lovely, but that doesn't mean i want to run to god knows where with you."

he scoffs, "then you can go back to yoongi. he's right about me anyways, he's always been right."

"no, kook, stop it."

"i know yoongi's more important, he's been there for you for so long. honestly, i don't have the right to stop you when you're head over heels for yoongi," he continues on, his vision becomes a bit blurry and he mentally curses himself.

"stop talking about yoongi. jungkook, you're special to me. you—"

"no, stop. don't say that when you don't mean it." he clenches jaw. "please stop. don't lead me on." his voice breaks and he feels his vision get worse as tears wouldn't stop clouding his eyes.

"but i do mean it, kook."

"don't call me that."

"but kook, just listen to mㅡ"

"shut your fucking mouth!" he screams and jiseo jumps at his sudden aggression. "i don't want to hear it anymore, if you don't care about me then just leave me alone!" the look of his face his filled with nothing but hurt and sorrow. jiseo's eyes widen as jungkook proceeds to raise his voice and let out his anger. "i can't believe you."

"y-yo— you led me on, you keep on fucking caring about me, you keep on m-making me fucking fall in love with you!" he cups his ears, shaking his head continuously as tears start falling, staining the ground. he hates himself, he can't believe how pathetic he looks. jiseo must be pitying at how miserable he looks. "th— this is so fucking shitty. it's like— like i'm in some type of high school movie where you're playing with my feelings, yet i still feel my heart skip and i still feel butterflies when i'm with you. but guess what? no matter how big of a galaxy you are in my eyes, i'll always be just a mere fucking star to you, right?!"

jiseo doesn't know what to say, everything he just blurted out renders her speechless. however, she tries her best to provide solace to him and calm him down. "jungkook, calm down. you mean a lot to me, don't think otherwise—"

"god— stop it jiseo," he croaks, tears running down his soft cheeks. "you're hurting me, my heart fucking hurts."

he starts sobbing, because his heart really does hurt, it feels like a dagger stabbed him right in the centre, he feels like a mirror that's breaking into a million shards. he feels pathetic, so fucking pathetic. his hands fly up to cover his face as he faces downwards, refusing to look at jiseo because he knows his pitiful self would break even more. "just when i— when i t-thought i had someone to love, someone that actually cared about me, it all c-crumbles down— because bad guys don't get happy endings, right?"

"you do have people who care about you, jungkook." jiseo takes a small step forward, hands hovering over jungkook's frame, unsure of where to place them. his shoulders were shaking but jiseo couldn't see his face. jungkook is covering his face with his own hands as he felt his palms get wet from the salty tears emitting from his eyes. she drops her arms though, deciding it was probably better to just talk him down. "i know namjoon cares, he has always cared about you."

"h—he's just sticking around before he rats me out and sends me to the police station. it's n-not like he genuinely wants to be with me. he just— he's just t-trying to be nice because he knew me when i was y-younger. he f-fucking pities me. we've both changed. he's putting up a— a front, so he can get me arrested later."

"jungkook, stop," jiseo dismisses his opinion. "he does care about you. hell, i care about you! stop acting like you're alone, because you're not."

"stop," jungkook shakes his head more. his raven hair moving as he still has his head down. he lets his hands fall however. he finally gathers the courage to lift his head and look at the girl in front of him. he can't believe this is making him cry. he looks wrecked and he knows that. "i hate how you're making me cry. god— this is— this is so stupid— i'm being stupid."

"i hate how i'll leave the entire universe for you but i'm sure you wouldn't do that for me," he continues. "but i mostly hate the way how i don't hate you, not even a single fucking bit."

"and that's so pathetic of me." because if jiseo were the shore, jungkook would be the waves that always came running back to her.

"hav— have you ever loved me like how i love you?" jungkook rasps. "please just tell me the truth."

silence is all he receives and jungkook is pretty sure he knows the answer. "have you ever fucking loved me?!" irate clouds the male's voice.

"i don't know! okay?!" jiseo yells back. "i don't know what to think of you!"

"you left me. you— you ran," jungkook carries on. "back there, you ran like i was— like i was a monster. you left me."

she knows what incident he's indicating. "and why does this piss you off so much?!" jiseo can't stand this. she isn't just going to stand there and listen to jungkook's complaints— because she has a reasonable side too. jungkook can't just come into her house and scream at her for being insensitive. jiseo wants to roll her eyes at how dramatic he was being.

"because let me tell you jeongguk, you were fucking scary. no— you are fucking scary. why is it so wrong for me to freak out when you literally killed a person right in front of me?! why the hell are you so pissed off that i ran away?! the thing i needed right then was relief. i was so scared— gosh— i needed to calm down and i was just so fucking terrified— i—"

"the thing i needed right then was you!"

"but i don't need you!" she exclaims and jungkook breaks.

"ever since you came crashing into my life, it's been a fucking mess!"

"what happened to 'i don't want you to leave'?! what happened to that?!" the male argues back.

"i was stupid! too naive to believe that we could go far!"

"so— so you're giving up on me? on us? just like that?"

"so what if i am? why does it concern you that much when you can clearly see i feel nothing but fear when i'm with you?!"

"can't you see i was just trying to protect you?!"

there it is again, protect you, it seems like everyone who brings chaos into her life just wants to protect her, that's what they had always claimed to do. jeongguk doesn't seem to realize that he was the tsunami that destroyed her. you see, jungkook will never understand jiseo as a person completely until he considers things from her point of view— until he climbs onto her skin and walk around it in order to see the monstrosity he has caused.

"you left once without any hesitation. aren't you going to tell me to leave? what's stopping you now?" jungkook doesn't raise his voice this time. instead, it's a whisper, an odd transition from the previous shouting. his voice is hoarse and worn out and it was almost inaudible if jiseo's apartment wasn't eerily silent.

"yeah," she replies. "i'm sick of you. i can't do this anymore. you're— you're such a damn handful. yoongi was right," she bitterly spits out the words. "so get out of my house."

there's pain and aching in his chest. it's like a story, a story in which the universe breaks into a thousand small shards, a universe that bleeds and falls. but instead, the one that breaks, bleeds and falls is him.

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