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Soon everyone was seated at the table, Amanda being at the head.

No one spoke as the food was brought out.

"Knock Knock!" someone said from the living room.

"Anyone home?" a masked face popped his head into the dinning room.   

"Hey! Here's everyone!" the masked person came into the dinning room, wearing a smile.

"Is that food?" Nightwing asked with wide eyes.

"Yep." Amanda said.

"Scooch over! I haven't eaten all DAY!" Nightwing grabbed a chair and sat between Mirror Master and Trickster. 

He grabbed a plate and started piling mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, fruit, a roll, and a chicken leg onto it.

"Really?" Poison Ivy asked, disgusted. 

Nightwing looked up with a questioning look.

"What?" Nightwing asked.

Poison Ivy just shook her head.

"So how are you guys?" Nightwing asked, taking a bite of his roll.

No one answered.

Nightwing put up his hand and made a little puppet out of it.

"We're good. How about you Nightwing sir?" Nightwing moved his hand to make it look like the hand was talking.

"Well I'm tired. I've been on monitor duty for the day and then I just got back from a last minuet mission. Then I was told to go check on how everyone is doing here." Nightwing answered his hand.

"Wow! That DOES sound tiring! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!" the hand 'said'.

"I know I'm not going to. I have to work on three cases, go to my day job, babysit, AND give a mission to the young heroes. Not to mention I have to help them train." Nightwing said.

"Oh my! Well good luck with that. I hope you can rest soon or at least get a vacation day." the hand 'spoke'.

"The League doesn't give vacation days. The best I can hope for is an hour of sleep tonight. But let's be honest, I might not even get that." Nightwing said.

Nightwing raised his hand again, but before he could say anything else he was cut off.

"Just stop. Just...no. Don't." Cheetah said.

"Well no one was talking and it was getting as bad as having dinner with Batman." Nightwing grimaced. "And that's saying something. Normally he talks about missions or work or how his day went."

"Well sorry! We are still kind of taking it in. You know, being put somewhere new, that's not jail, and having Nightwing come visit." Cheetah said.

"I visit people sometimes! Just never Belle Rev." Nightwing said.

"Oh yeah? Who do you 'visit'?" asked Poison Ivy asked.

"Joker, Harley, Riddler, Penguin, heck! I've even visited Mister Freeze!" Nightwing said.

"He has. It was quiet scary." Mister Freeze confirmed. 

"Really? My talks with Nightwing were really nice and eye-opening." Riddler said.

"SEE?! I DO MATTER!" Nightwing smiled brightly and squeaked in happiness. 

"What do you DO with him Riddler?" Mister Freeze asked.

"I told you; we talk." Riddler said.

"About what?" Poison Ivy asked. 

"Well, we do riddles and puzzles. And we have talked about home life. Sometimes the future. It's a mix really." Riddler said. 

"That sounds stupid." Professor Zoom snorted.

"He's actually really interesting." Riddler said.

Nightwing squealed and was over hugging Riddler in an instant. 

"Can't...breathe!" Riddler gasped out.

"Sorry!" Nightwing was smiling.

"Go eat, doofus." Riddle smirked, not meaning the insult.

"Aye, Aye Captain!" Nightwing saluted and flipped back into his chair.   

Riddler rolled his eyes.

"So what I'm saying is that you're stuck with me unless the League tells me otherwise." Nightwing said.

"Greeeeeeat." Cheetah sighed.

"Cheetah." Amanda warned. 

"Yeah, yeah." Cheetah waved her off.

"So, how are you guys?" Nightwing asked.

"Eh." Mister Freeze shrugged.

Most of the villains agreed with Freeze.

"Okay. Is that a good eh or a bad eh?" Nightwing asked.

"Both." Freeze said.

"Why?" Nightwing asked, his head tilted to the side.

"'Cause." Freeze said cryptically. 

"Could 'ya be more specific?" Nightwing pushed.

"Well how would you feel after you got shipped off to somewhere else?" Freeze asked.

"Hmmm...excited and maybe a bit homesick." Nightwing answered.

"See? That's the eh." Freeze said.

"Ahhh!" Nightwing got it.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Nightwing asked, head tilting to the side again.

 "How about you go away?" Cheetah said rubbing her head.

Nightwing scowled.

"I can't. I was told to check on you." Nightwing said.

"Well, you checked. Now leave." Cheetah said.

"Cheetah!" Amanda scowled.

"No, it's fine. I should probably go." Nightwing said looking at his lap.

He got up and took his plate to the kitchen.

Then he left.

"Good. Now the idiot is gone." Cheetah smirked.

"Why'd you do that?" Riddler asked, mad.

"Come on! You can't mean that you actually like him!" Cheetah said.

"He was trying to help and be friendly. And you just made him sad." Riddler snarled. 

"You can't be serious? You actually like him!" Cheetah said.  

"He's better company then Superman or Batman! And that's what we'll get if you keep being rude to him!" Riddler scowled.

"He's got a point. Nightwing is WAY nicer than any other hero." Penguin said.

"You can like him all you want. I don't!" Cheetah said.

"That's fine. The least you can do is tolerate him! Or at least get to know him! He's different from the other heroes." Riddler said. 

"No he isn't! All heroes are the same! It's all black and white to them!" Cheetah said angrily.  

"He's not. He's grey." Riddler said.

"It's true. He cares. He also understands." Freeze says.

"As much as I hate to say it...Riddler and Freeze are right. Nightwing is different." Poison Ivy said.

Penguin nodded.

"I don't care. All capes are the same." Cheetah said.

"HE'S-" Riddler started to scream.

"Riddler! Stop. She's not worth it. If she can't see how different Nightwing is, she doesn't deserve to be around him." Poison Ivy said. 

"I hope you're happy." Riddler snarled at her.

And honestly?

Cheetah wasn't. 

In fact, she had a terrible feeling in her stomach. 

A feeling that she just made a bad choice. 

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