Another day, another search, SUCKSESS?!?

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A/N im soooo sorry about the short chapter =::< i was tired. SCHOOL SUCKS!!! Ttyl!

Destiny's P.O.V

I found the house they lived at. I hid in a tree and waited for them. I miss them so much. If ANYONE and i mean ANYONE so much as TOUCHED them I will personally KILL them. I saw them coming home. I climed down and ran at them. I hugged them to death until Paige asked who I was. I was heart broke. "D - don't you r - remember me???" I asked. She shook her head."I'm your sister! Paige come on!" I pleaded. Her eyes widend as she looked me over, stoping at my ying yang necklace. She looked shocked. "DESTINY!!!!!!!" She lunged at me, being able to pick me up due to my wait. Oh, did I mention I was experimented on daily? Thus why I have wolf ears, tail, claws, fangs, and paws instead of feet. "Ty, this is your sister Destiny, you were too young to remember her. Des, why are you a wolf hyprid, and why do you way so little?" She said/asked. Oh crap im screwed. " Um... I was a project by Xavior Dugless." I answered. Her mouthe opened in shock. "The mad scientist that was shut down?!?!?!" "Yeah...." i answered rubing my arm gaurd. She huged me and shoved me through the door. It was grand in that place. 6 bedrooms, basement, atic, 3 bathrooms, kitchen backyard, garage, perfect. "Who else lives here?" I asked. "Noone." She answered. "Could I live with you?" I asked. "Sure!" She answered. We ate and played MC PS3 edition until Ty asked "would you mind helping me with math?" He asked. "Sure!" I answered and started tutering my unforgotten brother.

Sky's P.O.V

Dammit dammit DAMMIT! I can't stop thinking about that boy! I love him!!! I'm dating him! I don't care about popularity, I care about him!

*tardis time skip*(DOCTOR WHO IS AWESOME!)

I was on the bus and saw him get on. He sat with him, that, and what's her face.

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