Another day of shcool, oh yeah, no more bullies!

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A/N im so so so so soo sorry about the abrubt ending last chap!!! I hate school. ON WITH DA STORAY!!! AND FOR NOT POSTING!!!!! # worst author ever. I've been a lazy fuck who wanted to catch up on supernatural and docter who. Also 2days my moms bday! On with the story!

Ty's P.O.V

Ok I have a sister that's a wolf hybrid, who I never knew, I have a crush on the star football player, im bullied in school, shall I go on? No? Ok then. I got on the bus and sat with Paige, Seto, and Jason, the same 3 friends as always. I take a glance out the window and see a light

grey and light brown wolf with a fire/ice strip in her hair running along side the bus. When we get to shcool the wolf ran up to me and shifted to a human with a paper bag. "Forgot your lunch!" She exclaimed. She handed me the bag and was about to shift when,

"HEY FAGGOT!" Yelled the bully's. CRAP! "oh who's this? You're GIRLFRIEND?!" He yelled at me. "Nope, im his fucking sister asses." She answered showing her sharp canine fangs. "Look here little missie, step aside or we'll use force." He said feministly. "Heh, we'll see." She said

simply before lunging at the three bullies, biting, scratching, burning, and freezing them. "Promise not to hurt my brother again?" She asked. "Y-YES J-JUST PL-PLEASE D-DON'T KILL M-ME!" The bully screamed. She smiled and droped the bully retuing to turning to a wolf and

running to the house. For once I felt good! I wish she was here a long time ago, but she is now! I walked to class with a REAL smile, no not a fake one like the one's I wear oh so often, oh no

this one was REAL!!! I went in class and payed attention for once in my life! I was surprisingly smart when I tried, i was top of the class! Besides Seto of course. At luch I wasn't afraid of

being bullied, I walked to lunch with Jason, Harvey, (yes I know Seto real name!) and Paige.

The bullies aproached us but the second they saw me they froze, and quickly turned around and speed walked back to they're table. "Ty, what just happened?" Seto asked.

"Destiney." Ty answered. Paige's smile grew quickly."huh?" Jason asked."Destiney is our sister Jason!" Paige exclaimed.

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