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( Five years ago. At Lumious city airport, Kalos region )

' It was fun travelling with you all ' Serena said to Clemont, Bonnie and Ash.

' Same here. Do your best in Hoenn!' Ash said while doing a thumbs up sign.

' Next time we will meet, you will find me more attractive' Serena said with a wink.

She then took the escalator and proceed downwards. Suddenly, she called for Ash.

' Ash, actually there's one more thing left' Serena said.

Serena began coming up the escalator. Ash was just standing there. Serena came close to him and...............................................................................................................................................................

Ash was standing there dumbfounded. For him, it seemed like time stopped, winds stopped blowing. He was only feeling.................................

' Thank you! Thank you for everything' Serena said as she blushed and went down the escalator.

Ash closed his eyes for a moment and after that opened his eyes and waved Serena goodbye.

( End of Flashback. Present day - Pallet town, Kanto region )

Ash was lying on his bed thinking about his friends and especially Serena. He understood that what Serena meant for him. For the last five years, Ash has travelled Alola and then Galar. He has won both the Alolan and Galar league. Also, Orange league has now became an official league. So, Ash was the champion of Alola, Galar and Orange Islands. He has over 100 pokemons but still he was feeling that something was missing or someone.

' Ash! Dinner is ready!' his mom, Delia called him.

' Coming Mom' Ash said.

Ash went down in the kitchen and sat on dinning table. He was just picking his food and eating slowly. Delia noticed this.

' Ash, what happened?' Delia asked.

' Nothing Mom' Ash said dully.

' There's something Ash. You are not eating your food at all and that's a very strange thing of yours' Delia said.

Ash looked at her and then spoke.

' Mom, I am feeling that something or someone is missing. I am not able to concentrate on anything these days. This is happening me since I left Kalos.' Ash said.

' Ok, tell me what happened on your last day in Kalos?' Delia asked.

' On that day, me, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena were packing for your departure. Then on airport, when Serena went down the escalator, she came back on top and ______ me. I feel like I want to stay in that position forever.' Ash explained to her.

' Now I understood what happened' Delia exclaimed.

Ash was sitting there trying to understand what she said.

' What mom?' Ash asked.

' It seems that my Ashy has fallen in love with a girl' Delia teased him.

Ash blushed like a volcano.

' I-I-I-Its n-n-n-n-nothing l-l-l-l-like that' Ash stammered trying to hide his blush.

' Ash listen, Serena loves you and you also loves her but you can't understand it.' Delia said.

' Is that so?' Ash asked.

' Yes. Now go and get your lady and my future daughter-in-law' Delia said.

Ash again blushed at ' daughter-in-law '.

' Yes mom but I have a different plan' Ash said.

' What different plan'?' Delia asked.

' I want to re challenge all the league that I have participated' Ash said with determined look.

Delia thought for a moment.

' What if you go first to Hoenn? You said that Serena went there. You can challenge the league and find Serena and tell her your feelings' Delia suggested.

' That's a great idea mom. I will go there tomorrow itself.' Ash said with a thumbs up sign.

' Good. Now go and sleep. You have a long day ahead' Delia said.

' Okay mom. Good night' Ash said as he got up and went in his bedroom.

Delia them went on the couch and looked at the night stars outside. Then she saw a huge mountain.

' I wished he was also here. Hope he is fine' Delia said to herself while gazing outside the window.


' The world is gonna change. I will change it!!' a voice shouted in a dark room and then laughed evilly.

End of chapter 1.

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