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 ( Serena's POV )

( Five years ago ) 

' Thank you! Thank you for everything!' I said as I felt my cheeks heating up.

Ash closed his eyes for a moment and then opened his eyes and waved me goodbye. I was happy that he liked it.

( End of Flashback ) ( End of POV )

Serena was lying on her bed in her house in Vannivile town, Kalos. She was thinking about Ash. She has a huge crush on him since they were little. For the past five years, Serena had travelled Hoenn, Sinnoh, Johto and again Kalos. She has won the title of Top coordinator in Hoenn and Sinnoh by defeating the previous coordinators, May Maple and Dawn Berlitz, who were her best friends also. Then she came back to Kalos and competed for title of Kalos Queen and she won. She then went to Johto and completed in Pokemon contests there but lost to a boy named Drew in finals. She has caught many pokemons. In Hoenn, she caught an Absol, Delcatty and Roserade. In Sinnoh, she caught a Piplup which later evolved in Empoleon, Gliscor and a Mamoswine. In Johto, she caught a Sentret and a Skiploom. Her original team was same except Braixen who have evolved in Delphox.

' Serena! Dinner is ready!' her mom, Grace called her down.

' Coming Mom' Serena said from her bedroom.

She came down and sat on dinning table. She was only picking her food. Grace noticed this.

' Serena, have you heard that Ash has got a girlfriend' Grace told her.

Serena looked at Grace with a shocked expression.

' WHAT!!!!???' Serena yelled as Grace covered her ears so that it can't be damaged.

' I was only joking. Calm down or you will break my ears' Grace told her.

Serena calmed dowm and sat on her chair.

' Mom, Don't ever do that kind of joke' Serena said to her.

' Okay' Grace told her.

Both of then ate their dinner.

' So, What are your plans now?' Grace asked.

' I don't know' Serena told her.

' What about going to Johto? You can compete again and win the grand festival' Grace told her.

' No. I don't want to go there for sometime' Serena told her.

Grace then thought for a moment.

' What about Hoenn? You can compete again there and also flourish Pokemon performance there.' Grace suggested.

Serena thought for a moment.

' That sounds great. Also, the Hoenn league starts in a month. I can also see some great matches' Serena said.

' You are hoping that Ash will come there to compete in the league' Grace said.

Serena blushed at this.

' MOM!' Serena said.

' Okay. Now go and get some sleep. You are leaving tomorrow' Grace said.

' Okay. Good night' Serena said as she went in her room.

End of chapter 2

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