Chapter 10: Aftermath of battle training

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Shoto walked towards Y/N. Y/N expected him to just walk off but then he offers a hand. Y/N grabs it and Shoto helps him up.

Shoto: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine.

Shoto: You shouldn't have pushed yourself back there.

Y/N: Yeah well I couldn't let my team down either.

Back at the monitoring room.

All Might: Well despite the results. The MVP of this exercise is young Tenya.

Everyone in the room looked at All Might shocked to hear that even Tenya.

Tsuyu: Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead since they're the winners?

All Might: Hm! Valid question. Why didn't I choose one of those three? Who has a guess?

Momo: Sir I can tell you why. Tenya embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role. I'll explain. Katsuki's judgment was clouded by a personal grudge against Izuku. As you pointed out earlier launching a large-scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly Izuku plan was also poorly thought out considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless. Not smart. As for Ochako she let her guard down mid-battle and her final attack was far too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. If she treated the fake weapon as though it were real she never would've risked using such an imprecise move. The Y/N and Shoto Todoroki were both doing well at the start but further on the fight they both started fighting recklessly. Tenya was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon even if he was foiled in the end. Technically the hero team won yes but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the trial.

Y/N: (Thinking) Goodness. That much from a single fight.

All Might: Yes... Well you overlooked a few things. Young Tenya could have relaxed a lik bit in the exercise but otherwise you nailed it!

Y/N looked at Momo amazed by her analysis of the fight he could feel his heart beating a lot then finally he looks away to calm himself.

Eijiro: Hey you did great out there man.

Y/N: Oh well thanks.

Mina: Yeah we're definitely going to try our best out there since you all did too.

Y/N: Oh cool I can't wait to see.

Momo looked at Y/N as the students continue to complement him Momo then smiles.

Time skip The day was over and Y/N was ready to go home and everyone was giving him compliments about his training as he walks off someone grabs him by the shoulders.

All Might: I found youuuuuu!

Y/N turns around and gasp seeing his idol.

Y/N: All Might!?

All Might: Yes I am here!

Y/N: Uhh did I do something?

All Might: No no young man. I just want to talk for a few minutes.

Y/N: Oh. Alright is there somewhere specific you want to.

All Might: No no this is quite fine.

Y/N: So uhh what do you want to talk about?

All Might: I want to talk about that display of power you showed when young Shoto fired that ice at you. That was a mighty punch back there. You shattered all of the ice but the way your body has reacted worried me. Do you mind explaining it to me?

Y/N was hesitant but then decided to tell him.

Y/N: Well I haven't gotten control over it yet. I tend to lose control when ever it activates.

All Might: Hmm. And tell me when this ever happened.

Y/N: Well the first time was when my mom was being taken away then the second time two kids were talking about my mother then I just blacked out in a sudden rage. So I decided to compress this power. So it won't hurt anyone again.

All Might: (Thinking) So he has control over his three quirks except for that one. What ever it is I'll have to figure it out. (Speaking) Hmm that is very interesting but you know you can't keep compressing it forever.

Y/N then looks at All Might.

All Might: That ability is part of you young man. And there's no changing that.

Y/N: I know but I'm just. I'm scared.

All Might: I know. But that's why I as well as the rest of UA will be here. To guide you to the path of being a hero. That is all Young Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you All Might... Oh All Might.

All Might: Hmm?

Y/N: Will you have these type of conversations again?

All Might: Yes but don't worry I will only pull you over for when the time is right.

Y/N nodded as he walks off and was about to walk off when All Might said something.

All Might: Oh Young Y/N one more thing.

Y/N looks at All Might.

All Might: When your fourth element takes control and you wake up. Did you feel any pain?

Y/N looks up but then shacks his head no Y/N then walks off with All Might watching from the distance.

In Nezu office All Might sat across from the principal discussing on what he learned about the boy's power.

Nezu: That's great news that Y/N was able to open up to you. Is there anything else you want to address.

All Might: Yes in fact... I feel as if Young Y/N has interpreted his dragon quirk wrong.

Nezu: Oh how?

All Might: Well you see. He says that he can't control his dragon quirk and he needs to oppress it so It won't go out of control but. When he used it during the soft ball throw test he didn't lose control. He tried to use his lightning quirk but it switched to his dragon element. And he threw it at full force. He should have went out of control but he didn't. I also asked him when he did go out of control was he in pain and answered no to that too.

Nezu: What are you suggesting?

All Might: What I'm saying is his problem might be he's holding the element back too much. It's like having a rapid animal in a cage.

Nezu: So you think he should let go?

All Might: Yes. But I'm still trying to figure out how dose the dragon element controls him.

Nezu: That is something that we will figure out soon.

Not Knowing to the principal and All Might Momo heard there conversation about his dragon element.

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