Chapter 9: Intense battle training

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Team D go into the building and All Might gives them some advice Y/N was confident and took a few deep breaths.

Ochako: You seem really calm.

Y/N: Yeah well I'm just trying to settle my nerves. Can't go in nervous or else I'll make tons of mistakes.

Ochako: Yeah you make a good point. What do you think Izuku?

She then sees him sweating through his costume.

Ochako: Ah! You're sweating through your costume!

Izuku: Uh. Well. I's just because we're up against Kacchan. Plus there's Tenya too. We should be on our guard who knows what they'll pull.

Ochako: Oh right Katsuki.

Y/N: Is he messing with you?

Izuku: *Sighs* Yeah. And he's amazing.

Y/N was shocked to hear Izuku praising his tormentor.

Izuku: He can be a real pain sure. But his strength and confidence...And his ambitions...Not to mention his quirk. They're all so much greater then mine. But that just means I have to do better. I refuse to lose today.

Ochako looks at Izuku amazed by what he said and Y/N smiled hearing this from him. But then he has a slight flashback of him in school with a sinister smile it ends and he frowns remembering it as he heard Izuku and Ochako talking to each other Y/N then puts his hand on Izuku shoulder Izuku then looks back.

Y/N: Izuku you don't have to fight Katsuki.

Izuku looks at Y/N for a bit he was about to say something until they all heard All Might.

All Might: All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D your time starts now!

Y/N puts his hoodie up.

Y/N: Alright were do we start?

Izuku points to a open window on top.

Izuku: Up there.

Y/N nodded.

Small time skip they made it inside the building walking around the area looking for where they placed the bomb while covering there blind spots as they continued walking Katsuki jumps out to the right hallway As Izuku tackles Ochako out the way Y/N hand starts to spark electricity has he shoots it at Katsuki hitting him while Katsuki hits Y/N with an explosion both Izuku and Ochako check on Y/N.

Izuku: Oh my gosh Y/N are you alright!

The smoke clears to reveal Y/N covered in dust and debris and a little bit bruised up.

Y/N: Well other then taking that explosion I'm fine.

Meanwhile Katsuki body starts sparking with electricity as he's still on the ground.

Katsuki: (Thinking) What the?! What the hell was that!? One shot! And it felt like I got hit by a truck!

Katsuki then gets up as he feels his body twitch a bit from the electricity.

Katsuki: (Thinking) This Y/N kid is no joke. I'm not here to fight him tho. I want Izuku so I better beat him fast.

Y/N then lifts his arm up with his hand out as Fire appeared at the palm of his hand.

Y/N: You guys get the weapon. I'll take care of Katsuki.

Izuku: No.

Y/N then looks at Izuku.

Izuku: I'll fight Kacchan.

Y/N: What?!

Izuku: He's most likely only here for me. So if I fight him he'll be distracted long enough for you guys to get the weapon.

Y/N: Izuku.

Izuku: Just trust me.

Katsuki charges at Izuku getting ready to attack him with a right hook but Izuku dodges out the way grabs Katsuki arm and throws him over his shoulder and slams him into the ground.

Y/N: (Thinking) Nice!

Izuku: Kacchan. You always use a big right hook to start a fight. I know because I've watched you for years. I analyzed every amazing hero even you. I wanted to learn everything about them. It was all in the notebook you burned and threw away. You can call me Deku but I'm not the same helpless defenseless kid anymore! You hear me?! I changed. From now on Deku is a name of a hero!

Katsuki: Deku!

Katsuki begins to get up.

Katsuki: Your shacking in your boots your so scared. But you want to fight me anyway. THAT'S WHY I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Y/N was about to attack Katsuki but Izuku just stared at Y/N. Y/N could see the deterioration in his face and Y/N backed off having confidence that Izuku can do it. Katsuki then put two fingers on the radio ear piece.

Katsuki: Just shut up and defend the weapon!
He then fires an explosion flying towards Izuku.

Izuku: Ochako Y/N go now!
They both run off to find the weapon.

Ochako: Hey do you think we should have stayed with Izuku?

Y/N: He'll be fine. I have faith in him. (Thinking) Besides now when I think about it. If I stayed to fight that guy yeah I would most likely win but Izuku's quirk breaks his bones. And he would have to go against my brother and Tenya. Katsuki quirk is strong but he's very brash a really good opponent could probably predict his attack. And knowing how Izuku and Katsuki know each other from childhood he'll most like predict his moves.

As they continue to search for the weapon they made it to the room where the weapon but there not alone as Shoto and Tenya are guarding the weapon.

Y/N: *Whispers* Looks like we found it.

Ochako: *Whispers* Yeah I'll tell Deku which floor it is.

Tenya: Katsuki definitely has a villainous side. And that's exactly what we need to succeed in this mission. I need to temporarily devote myself to criminal intent. Yes. I won't fail this trial and risk bringing shame down on the Iida family name. That means... I must embrace evil to become a hero!

Tenya: Behold! I am the personification of villainy!

Shoto stares at Tenya unimpressed Ochako try's to hold in her laughter and Y/N smiles and holds in his laughter better then Ochako.

Y/N & Ochako: (Thinking) He's so serious.

Tenya: Ochako Y/N is that you?

They were both surprised that Tenya saw them and finally revealed them selves.

Y/N: Crap we got caught.

Tenya: I knew you two would come here the instant that Katsuki ram off by himself and engaged with Izuku. Your quirk allows you to float anything that you touch but I've prepared for that. By hiding every object in this room so you have nothing to use against me do-gooder! My dastardly tricks have rendered you helpless! You've blundered hero!

Tenya starts to evilly laugh.

Ochako: He really is... Playing the part.

Y/N: You can say that again.

Shoto: Enough of this.

Shoto then makes a ice wall and it starts to charge at Ochako.

Y/N: Look out!

Y/N pushes Ochako out the way and got it by the ice wall.

Ochako: Y/N!

Then there was a red glow in the ice then the ice exploded as ice went flying everywhere reveling Y/N. Y/N patted all of the ice off.

Y/N: Woo that was cold. Thankfully I have a fire quirk. But let's see if my ice can match yours?

Then there was a loud explosion making the building shack they all stumbled a bit Tenya was trying to communicate with Katsuki but got no response Ochako then ran towards the weapon Tenya ran towards her to stop her from touching the weapon then she touched both of her hands and jumps making her self float over Tenya and towards the weapon Shoto was about to shoot a wall of ice towards Ochako when he noticed Y/N made one and it was coming towards him Shoto then shoots a ice wall towards Y/N ice. There ice clash making a wave of blue smoke but then all of the Ice is destroyed by a fire ball coming at Shoto he was able to dodge out the way but then looks to the ground and sees a blue light he slides out the way using his ice as a thunderbolt strikers where Shoto use to be at he looks in front of him and sees Y/N dashing towards him with is fist engulfed with electricity Y/N then he punches Shoto in the face but Shoto was able to grab his wrist and freeze his arm as Shoto goes Flying back but then makes a form of ice to slide on and land on his feet Izuku then starts to talk to Ochako and Y/N through the radio.

Izuku: Come in what's your guy's status?

Ochako: It's not good! Tenya is too fast for me to get the weapon.

Y/N: We need an opening.

Y/N then puts his hand on his frozen arm and melts the ice away.

Y/N: An opening that will keep Tenya from moving the weapon.

Izuku: Actually I might have a plan. I can use my quirk to destroy the building floors you and Y/N got to hold on to something they'll probably be lots of debris so you could use that to hit it towards Tenya since the pillars will be destroyed and you could use your quirk so the pillars won't be heavy and Tenya won't be able to move the weapon.

Ochako: But what if Shoto shoots his ice at me?

Y/N: You won't have to worry about that I'll keep you covered. Besides Ice dosen't mix well with fire.

Izuku: The pillar by the window. Get there now!

Y/N And Ochako nodded at each other Y/N fires a thunderbolt at Shoto he dodges out the way and forms a Ice wall towards Y/N but he shoots a fire ball destroying it both Ochako and Y/N made it and got ready for when Izuku would tell them when he was about to use his quirk.

Tenya: Why did they back away all of a sudden?

Shoto: I don't know and I don't like it. Tenya backup for you safety.

Tenya dose what Shoto asked and then with all of his strength Shoto fires a huge Ice wall at Y/N and Ochako that they couldn't dodge out the way and it was coming at them really fast so Y/N couldn't make a fire ball big enough yet since it takes him a while to charge it up.

Ochako: Oh no! What are we going to do?!

Y/N: I got this!

Y/N takes a deep breath as he closed his eyes then the red and black energy starts to flow through his arm he opens his eyes as his eyes turned red he screams as he punches the huge ice wall and the wall immediately shatters into a million of tiny pieces. But then the dragon element starts to come out of his body but he groans in pains he grabs his arm.

Tenya: Whoa such power!

Shoto: (Thinking) Damn I didn't think he would use it. That's the only reason why I made an ice wall that huge in the first place.

At the observing room.

Eijiro: Whoa in one punch!?

Denki: Geez that's some crazy strength.

Fumikage: I wonder why he never used it in the last exam we had with mr Aizawa if it's so strong that he can destroy something ten times his size.

Kyoka: But at what cost tho? It seems like it hurts his arm.

Momo looks at Y/N with concern worried that he's going to hurt himself back in the building Ochako starts to check on Y/N.

Ochako: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah. I'll be fine.

Izuku: Ochako Y/N now!

They look at each other Ochako then hung on to the pillar Y/N then made a icicle and jabbed it into the ground as the floor was destroyed and there was a huge gust of wind Ochako then starts to fly into the air holding on to the pillar.

Ochako: This is it! Sorry Tenya! Improvised
special move. The comet home run!

She then uses the pillar to hit a bunch of debris at Tenya and Shoto.

Tenya: In the name of villainy I demand that you stop this!

Ochako then jumps over Tenya Shoto sees this then makes an Ice wall but it is destroyed by a huge blast of fire Shoto looks where it comes from and sees Y/N but can tell he's in a lot of pain Ochako then lands on the weapon.

Ochako: I got it!

Tenya: No! The weapon!

Y/N smiles as he falls on one knee and the dragon element starts to flicker through his body as he breaths heavily

All Might: The hero team... Wins!

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