Chapter 8: Battle training

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Y/N was walking home alone because his brother Shoto left him behind.

Y/N: (Thinking) I guess Shoto still pretty angry about what I said. But he'll let go eventually right? But then again he still keeps a grudge with father.
Y/N sighs in defeat but then hears a voice behind him.

???: Walking alone?
Y/N turned out and sees Momo.

Y/N: Momo. I didn't expect you to walk the same route as I do.

Momo: Neither did I. How come your by yourself? I expected you to be walking with your brother.

Y/N: Yeah well I guess he's still mad at me.

Momo: For what?

Y/N: Well.

Mini time skip they were both walking together as Y/N explained everything.

Momo: Why did you say that?

Y/N: Because it was true. And I didn't want him to be like father but he didn't listen. He may not realize it but he's turning out to be like him more and more.
Y/N sighs as he looks down sadden Momo then puts her hand on his shoulder.

Momo: Don't worry you'll get to him or somebody will.

Y/N: I hope so.
Y/N then stretches his arms out.

Y/N: But man was that intense. I'm surprised you figured it out it was just a lie.

Momo: Well it just didn't make sense. Why expel someone on the first day.

Y/N: Good point. But you were amazing. You made it to first place.

Momo: Don't count yourself out you were in third place... Hey I've been meaning to ask you. That throw.
Y/N eyes widened he looked at Momo for a second then looked back at the ground knowing what she's going to ask.

Momo: I saw a sudden change with the glow of your arm. What was that?
Y/N was very hesitant on telling her but he took a deep breath and looked at her in the eyes.

Y/N: So you know about my quirk so far yes.

Momo: Yes. You are able to use Fire ice lightning and what ever that other quirk is.

Y/N: Well that was my dragon element. My fourth element. It enhances my strength and speed.

Momo: It seems really strong how come you didn't use it during the test?

Y/N: Because I don't know how to control it.
Momo looks at Y/N shocked to hear that.

Y/N: I remember the first time I used it was when my mom was... Take away. And I nearly tore off the gate. At first I thought it was cool until I lost control on sixth grade. Everyone heard what happened to my mother so I defended her then everything went black. The next thing I know I'm waking up in the office with my father and my sister with the principal discussing about what just happened. Apparently I attacked three defenseless kids and nearly put them in the hospital. And ever since that day. I was never able to see my mother again.

Momo: Oh. I'm... I'm so sorry.

Y/N: It's ok. You were just asking a question. All tho I have to be honest. It's becoming more difficult to control it. But I'll compress it like I always do.

Momo: So you don't plan on ever using it.

Y/N: I'll only use it if it's necessary. But seeing how powerful my ice thunder and fire quirk is I'll most likely won't need to use it. But I have to say your quirk is pretty cool.

Momo: Thanks but it's not as powerful as yours.

Y/N: Sure but it's more versatile. My quirk is more useful for fighting yours can be used for many different ways other then fighting.

Momo: Oh. Why thank you.
Y/N smiled but looked Momo in the eyes he couldn't help but continue to stare at them.

Momo: Why...Why are you staring at me?
Y/N realized what he's doing looked away and trying to hide his face that's turning red.

Y/N: Oh um it's nothing. Sorry I was just uhhh-

Momo: Oh no it's ok no need to apologize.
Momo then sees that she's home.

Momo: Well this is my stop.
Y/N then sees a gate from the other side of the street.

Y/N: Wow. That's a pretty huge gate.

Momo: Yeah. Well let's talk tomorrow.

Y/N: Oh yeah definitely. See you later.
Y/N walks off as he sees Momo go near the gate and it opens. Y/N had the biggest smile on his face.

Finally Y/N was in the house he sighs of relief as he closes the door but then he hears a voice behind him.

Fuyumi: Y/N where have you been?

Y/N: Sorry I got here late I was—

Natsuo: Talking to his girlfriend.
Y/N face started to turn red.

Y/N: What!? No she isn't! And how do you know I was talking to a girl anyway!

Natsuo: I have my ways.

Fuyumi: Ohhh so you've been talking to a girl?

Y/N: *Sighs* Yes. She's very nice and cool. And very smart.

Natsuo: Oh what other things do you like about your girlfriend.

Y/N: I told you she's not my girlfriend!
Both siblings laughed not knowing Shoto was listening.

The next day everyone was in class discussing stuff Y/N got into class but feels someone put there hands on his shoulders Y/N turns around and sees Tenya and Izuku.

Y/N: Tenya Izuku.

Tenya: Were you ok yesterday?
Y/N was confused.

Y/N: Yeah why do you ask?

Izuku: Because you didn't walk with us yesterday so we assumed that something happened.

Y/N: No nothing happened. I guess Ochako didn't tell you.
Ochako then scratches her head nervously.

Ochako: Yeah sorry about that.

Y/N: Yeah usually on the first day of school I try my best to get home really early so my older sister won't have worry. She dose this every time it's the first day of school.

Izuku: Oh ok makes sense.

Tenya: But how come she gets worried every first day of school?

Y/N: You don't want to know.

Mini time skip it was finally time for basic hero training and everyone was waiting to see who there teacher is going to be and to there surprise it was All Might.

All Might: I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!

Y/N: Wow he's going to be teaching here at UA! (Thinking) Come on Y/N keep your fanboy self in control! But he's so cool!

All Might: Welcome to the most important class at UA high. Think of it has hero-ing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good. Alright let's get into it todays lesson will pull no punches.

Katsuki: Fight training!

Izuku: Real combat?

Y/N: This should be interesting.

All Might: But one of the keys of being a hero is... Looking good!
Then coming out of the wall was cases full of numbers.

All Might: These were design for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started.
All of the students gasped in excitement and the same goes for Y/N. His idol All Might was here in person and he's teaching at this school Y/N was beyond excited.

All Might: Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at training ground beta!

Student's: Yes sir!

Time skip

All the students walked out of the with there hero costumes Y/N was amazed by everyone's look. But he was also really proud of his costume It was a tench coat with a hoodie but it had a purple grey and black color skim

Ok so this is what the color of your trench coat looks like it's the color you got to focus on not the armor unless you want the armor up to you. And behind it is a symbol on the back.

This is not my art work by the way I repeat not my art work.

All Might: They say the clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen and behold you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you are all... Heroes in training! This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Should we get started you bunch of newbie's?

Momo: Hmm I have to say I really like your hero costume.
Y/N turns around and looks at Momo's and starts to turn red.

Y/N: Oh uhhh yours look good too.

Momo: Is there something wrong?

Y/N: No not all!

Izuku: Hey I really like your costume Y/N.
Y/N turns around to look at Izuku.

Y/N: Thanks I like your's too.

Izuku: So how come you went with a trench coat and hoodie for your hero design?

Y/N: Oh I always found them to be really cool especially for a hero so I went with it.

All Might: Now that your ready. It's time for combat training.

Tenya: Sir. This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Dose that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?

All Might: Not Quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However statistically speaking run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Back room deals home invasions secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight three on three indoor battles.

Tsuyu: Isn't this a little advance?

All Might: The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now.

Momo: Sir will you be the one deciding who wins?

Katsuki: How much can we hurt the other team?

Ochako: Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?

Tenya: Will you be splitting us up based on chance or Compartive skill?

Yuga: Isn't this cape Tra s chic?

All Might: I wasn't finished talking!
All Might then proceeded to tell the class the situation of the training and what they'll have to do to win.

All Might: Times limited and we'll choose teams by drawing lots.

Y/N: Alright let's do this I'm ready.

Team A Is Izuku Ochako and Y/N

Team B is Mezo Tsuyu and Fumikage

Team C I'd Momo Minoru and Hanta

Team D Katsuki Tenya and Shoto

Team E Yuga Mina and Koji.

Team F Rikido Eijiro and Mashirao

Team G Kyoka Denki and Toru

Ochako: Wow what a chances? We're a team.
Y/N smiles as he wraps his arms around both his partners.

Y/N: Let's do our best guys!

Ochako: Yeah!

All Might: I declare that the first teams to fight will be... These guys!
Y/N Izuku gasped as there fighting team D.

All Might: Team A will be the hero's team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!

Y/N: (Thinking) Man what were the chances that I'll be fighting my brother. Well don't worry Y/N you got this! No need to worry.
As Y/N was getting his confidence up he couldn't help but noticed Katsuki glaring at Izuku. Izuku hesitates but then glares back surprising Katsuki.

Y/N: (Thinking) I don't know too much about this Katsuki guy but I have a bad feeling about him.

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