Chapter 7: The dragon within

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Y/N is shocked by the stipulations

comprehending on what he just said.

Y/N: (Thinking) The last person will be expelled? That's a little much!

Aizawa: Like I said I get to run my class however I like. Understand? If you have a problem with it you can head home now.
Ochako tries to argue with Aizawa on how unfair the stipulation are but Aizawa argues back by mentioning how hero work isn't fair either like dealing with natural disasters but Y/N agreed with everything Ochako said.

Y/N: (Thinking) God first day and the stipulations is already high. Talk about intense.

First was the 50 meter dash and he was up against his brother Shoto they both get in positions getting ready to use there quirks.

Robot: Get set.

They hear a gun shot and immediately they use there ice quirks to slide towards the finish line they look at each other then back at the end of the 50 meter race Y/N then jumps off and shoots fire with both of his hands helping him go further then Shoto and making it first.

Aizawa: (Thinking) Hmm they both show impressive display of there quirks. But that Y/N kid. By what I hear he has more then two abilities. He has the power of an Alatreon. So that would mean he would have the thunder and dragon element. If what he says is true I'll need to keep and eye on him the myths say that the creature was able to cause natural disasters. He seem to have control over his Quirk... For now.

Throughout the test Y/N was able to pass them with no difficulty but he could feel the dragon element trying to come but Y/N continues to compress it. Finally it was the ball throw test. Ochako Uraraka was standing in the center of the circle she throws it and the ball continues to go further and further up until there was a bright sparkle in the sky. Aizawa then shows his phone it and had the infinity symbol on it.

Students: Infinity!

Denki: That's insane how is that possible!

Finally it was Izuku. Y/N saw how Izuku was doing and he felt bad for him but he has a feeling that he'll make it. But for some odd reason he felt a strange connection to him. He couldn't figure out why. It was just a strange feeling he had. But he watched closely as Izuku got ready to throw the ball Y/N saw his arm glow with red lines appearing on his arms he throws the ball but then nothing happens as it went a short distance. Everyone was confused.

Izuku: What gives I was just trying to use it just now.

Aizawa: I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam weren't rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school. 

Izuku: You did what to my—

Izuku then gasped realizing who is standing In front of him when he sees the googles.

Izuku: Those googles. I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Eraser Hero. Eraser Head.

Hanta: Eraser? Who's that?

Tsuyu: Ohhh I heard of him. I think he works on the down low.

Everyone was discussing about who Eraser Head was but Y/N stayed quiet watching.

Aizawa: You're not ready. You don't have control over your power. Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?

Izuku: No that's not what I was trying to do.

Aizawa then wraps his cloth around Izuku and drags him closer to himself.

Aizawa: It doesn't matter what your intentions are you would be nothing more then a liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved 1,000 people by himself and became a legend. But even with that drive you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down. Sorry Izuku. With your power there's no way you can become a hero.

Aizawa then release Izuku Y/N had his arm crossed he then grip's his sleeves when he remembered someone else saying that.


???: Please stop! You'll never be a hero this way if you do that. What will he think if he saw you do this?!

Flashback ends.

Y/N: (Thinking) Why am I remembering her!

They all watched waiting to see what Izuku would do Izuku then coil's his arm back getting ready to throw it. He then tosses the ball and his finger starts to glow and he tosses the ball at a far distance surprising everyone.

Y/N: (Thinking) Nice!

Aizawa looked at his phone surprised.

Izuku: Mr Aizawa. I'm still standing.

Denki: He threw that over 700 meters.

Ochako: Alright he's finally showing us his full power!

Tenya: But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. This quirk is very odd.

Y/N: Well what matters is that he got the job done.

Everyone was impressed by what they saw but Katsuki was shocked the most and confused then there was small explosion's coming out of Katsuki hands.

Katsuki: I'm getting to the bottom of this.

He then ran towards Izuku.

Katsuki: Hey! Deku you bastard tell me how you did that or you're dead!

Izuku starts to scream out of fear but then a thunderbolt strikes in front of Katsuki. Surprising him and Izuku. Katsuki looks back to see who did it and he sees the blue electricity sparking through Y/N body.

Y/N: That's enough.

Katsuki growls in frustration as he walks towards Y/N.

Katsuki: Mind your own damn business loser or I'll kill you!

Y/N: You can try.

Katsuki and Y/N glare at each other until finally Aizawa said something.

Aizawa: That's enough you two.

They both look at Aizawa.

Aizawa: I don't want any casualties so stand down.

They both back away from each other Izuku then runs back to the group.

Aizawa: Ok Y/N since your so eager to show off your powers why don't you take the next throw.

Y/N: (Thinking) Wow. Just because I want to do the right thing. Alright let's do this.

Y/N walks in the middle of the circle and holds the ball in his hand.

Y/N: (Thinking) Alright I'll use my thunder element to throw it.

Y/N reel's his arm back as sparks of blue electricity starts to spark and flicker through his arm and as he goes to throw the ball to his surprise instead of using his electricity it was replaced with the dragon element he winches in pain a bit as he throws the ball making a huge gust of wind surprising everyone. Aizawa then shows how far he threw it.

Denki: 910 meters!

Kyoka: Sheesh that's crazy far!

Y/N holds his arm as the red and black energy flicker in his arm.

Aizawa: Is something wrong?

Y/N then turns to look at Aizawa.

Y/N: Everything is fine.

Y/N then gives a thumbs up Aizawa gives him a look of not believing him but he leaves it alone. Y/N walks back to where the students are later did he realize Momo saw the difference and was both intrigued and worried.

Y/N: (Thinking) What the hell was that! I was using my electricity a few moments ago! It's becoming more difficult to control the dragon element. If this keeps up I might go out of control again.

Aizawa: (Thinking) He's trying to hide it but it's clear as day that there's something up with his dragon element. I'll continue to keep a close eye on him.

Finally after a few more test it was over Izuku fell to the ground exhausted but then sees someone offering a helping hand he looks at it and sees Y/N he then takes it.

Izuku: Thank you.

Y/N: No problem. What's your name?

Izuku: I.. Izuku Midoriya.

Y/N: Y/N Todoroki. I have to say what you did back in the ball throw was really impressive.

Izuku: Oh why thank you.

Y/N: Your welcome.

They then join there classmates to see there results.

Aizawa: All right time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst you should probably have a good Idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the hole list it's not worth going over each individual's score.

Aizawa shows the scores and he saw that he was in 3rd place and Momo was in 1st and 2nd was his brother Shoto but he got worried when he saw 21st was Izuku.

Y/N: (Thinking) Oh no he got last. I just got to know the guy. I need to try and convince Mr Aizawa to—

Aizawa: And I was lying no one's going home.

Everyone was silent hearing what Aizawa said.

Aizawa: That was just a rational Deception to make sure you gave it your all in the test.

Y/N Izuku Ochako & Tenya: Whaaaaaaaat!?

Momo: I'm surprised none of you figured it out. I'm sorry I probably should have said something.

Y/N: Geez all that worrying for nothing. Hey at

least you'll get to stay at UA.
Y/N pats Izuku's back.

Tenya: I'm sorry but do you and Izuku know each other.

Y/N: No but I would like to. Perhaps I could be friends with you guys too.

Tenya: Certainly my name is Tenya Iida.

Ochako: Ochako Uraraka!

Y/N chuckle's at there enthusiasm.

Y/N: It's great to meet you. Y/N Todoroki.

Shoto listened in to there conversation but then looked away.

Finally school was over and Y/N was ready to walk home but then feels someone tap his shoulder he turns around and sees Ochako.

Y/N: Oh hey Ochako.

Ochako: Hello! So your walking home?

Y/N: Yup.

Ochako: I'm going to be walking back home with Izuku and Tenya. Want to join.

Y/N: I would love too but I really need to get home.

Ochako: Oh important business?

Y/N: No. it's when ever there's a first day of school my older sister gets really worried.

Ochako: How worried?

Y/N: Like mom type of worried.

Ochako: Oh well you better get there soon.

Y/N: Yeah but definitely next time.

Y/N runs off.

At Nezu's office Him and All Might we're talking about what All Might was going to be teaching for tomorrow when Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: Sorry am I interrupting?

Nezu: No no. We just finished our conversation.

Aizawa: Ok good I came to talk to you about the kid you told me to keep an eye on.
Nezu stays quiet as he looks at Aizawa with an intense stare.

Aizawa: I can definitely confirm that everything he said about his quirk is true.

Nezu gasped All Might looked at both of them confused.

All Might: I'm sorry but um what's going on.

Nezu: Well you do know about Alatreon right?

All Might: Yeah one of the three black dragons.

Nezu: Well Aizawa has confirmed that one of our students has that power.

All Might gasped as he immediately got up.

All Might: There here! Who is it!?

Nezu: Y/N Todoroki.

All Might: Young Y/N huh. Do you think he could be.

Nezu: He could be but we can't be for sure.

Aizawa: What should we do?

Nezu: We need to guide him. Make sure he's going to right path. And ask him questions about his personal life when he feels open to.

Aizawa: Base on what I seen and how he interacts with others. He seems fine but it did look like he had trouble controlling his dragon element.

Nezu: Well I trust you and All Might to help him. And Aizawa.

Aizawa then looks at Nezu.

Nezu: What ever you do. Do not expel him like you usually do with the students that come to this school unless it's necessary.

Aizawa: What? You can't be serious?

Nezu: Did you forget what happened last time you did that?

Aizawa flinches at the thought of the student particular he was talking about.

Nezu: We can not repeat what happened. The only way I'll except him being expelled is if he is being a menace to the school on purpose. Do I make myself clear.

Aizawa: *Sighs* Got it.

All Might: You won't have to worry about that Nezu.

Nezu then sees steam coming out of All Might as he transforms into his muscular form

All Might: I'll teach young Y/N the ways of being a hero. No matter how difficult it is.
Nezu then smiles at All Might's determination.

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