Chapter 3: Brotherly bounding

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Ok so before this story starts I want to give a big shout out to @SoraStrife97 after I announce the discontinuation of power of aura he had some really kind words and it was very sweet and awesome so I wanted to give that man a shout out but anyways back to the story

It was the morning and Toya was the first one to be up in the morning he wakes up and yawns as he walks out of the room he sees flame ice and electricity shoot out from the forest near them. He goes to investigate when he gets there he sees Y/N training with his quirk he breaths heavily as he falls on one knee.

Toya: Y/N?

Y/N turns around to see Toya.

Y/N: Oh hey Toya what brings you here?

Toya: Well I couldn't help but noticed all the ice lightning and Fire in the forest.

Y/N then looks at the forest and sees the huge chunk of ice burnet stains on the ground and some of of the trees are on fire.

Y/N: Oh yeah. I might have went a little overboard.

Toya: So are you training?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm trying to get better with these abilities. Each time I use the abilities I can feel them draining me. The more I use it the more tired I get I'm training my body to adapt to it so when I use my quirk I won't get tired easily.

Toya: That's good to hear.

Toya then thinks about the times his father use to train him.

Toya: Hey Y/N.

Y/N turns to look as his brother.

Toya: You believe that I can be a hero one day right?

Y/N was about to say yes but then he remembers the conversation his mother and father had about his quirk. About how each time he uses it he hurts himself and could end up getting himself killed.

Y/N: I... I don't know.

Toya: What?

Y/N: Your strong no question about it. It's just... You hurt yourself every time you use it. And I'm just worr—

As Y/N was about to grab his hand Toya slaps his hand away and his eyes where darkened.

Toya: I... I thought you would be different Y/N. But it seems like. Your just like the rest. You underestimate me. I'll show you. I'll show you all. And I will for fill father's dream.

Y/N: Toya wait!

But it was too late as Toya walks away from a very sad Y/N. But Y/N face changes to determination as he continues his training of fire ice and lightning.

After finishing his training he ate breakfast with his siblings well except for Toya he was missing he assumed he was still angry at him but as he was eating he remembered his recent dream he had with the strange dragon in it. He didn't know why but he felt like that dragon existed some how so he turned to the person who would most likely know.

Y/N: Uhh Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: Yes?

Y/N: Do you have any books that talk about mythical dragons?

Fuyumi: I do. Why do you ask?

Y/N: Well last night I had a strange dream and I saw this dragon that had black scales and two huge horns on it's head.

Fuyumi: Hmm alright after breakfast let's go to my room and check if you'll see any dragon that looked familiar in your dream.

Y/N: Yay!
Fuyumi Chuckle's.

Breakfast was over and Fuyumi was skimming through the pages to see if they were one of them was in his dream.

Fuyumi: Is this it?

Y/N: No.

Fuyumi: What about this one?

Y/N: Nope.

Fuyumi: Or this.

Y/N: Not even close.

Fuyumi then smiled smugly.

Fuyumi: What about this one?

Y/N: *Chuckles* No sis.

Fuyumi Chuckles as she turns to the next page but then Y/N sees the dragon.

Y/N: There it is! It's that one!

Fuyumi looks at it and is shocked.

Fuyumi: That's the dragon you saw?

Y/N: Yeah it was in my dream.

Fuyumi: Wow.

Y/N: What is it called?

Fuyumi: It's called Alatreon. It's one of the most powerful dragons. It's one of the black dragons.

Y/N: The black dragons?

Fuyumi: Yeah they were pretty powerful. Especially this one being able to control four elements.

Y/N: And those elements being?

Fuyumi: Well the same as you. It's able to use fire ice and lightning like you. but your missing one. It has the dragon element.

Y/N walked towards it and put his hand on the page where Alatreon is.

Y/N: Do you think... I'm connected to this thing some how?

Fuyumi: Maybe who knows. But at the end of the day wether your connected or not dosent matter to me. Because your still my favorite brother.

Fuyumi then hugs Y/N

Fuyumi: *Whispers* But don't tell the others I said that.

Y/N: *Chuckles* I won't. I'll be the best and strongest hero ever!

Fuyumi: You sure will.

Fuyumi starts to tickle Y/N making him laugh but unknowingly Toya has been listening in there conversation. And hearing how Y/N might be connected to this powerful dragon made him even more determined to prove how strong he was to his father even tho Enji dosen't acknowledge Y/N potential.

It was the night and everyone was asleep but then In his sleep Y/N felt an uneasy presence not like someone was near him but something was happening Something bad.

Y/N begins to wake up and couldn't help but see that Toya wearing some clothes like he's going some where Y/N carful walks towards the door to see Toya walking towards the stairs Y/N quickly walks towards the wind opens it up and makes a ice slide to slide down on he lands on the ground then putting his hand on the ice he quickly melts it he walks towards the entrance door but hears Toya talking to someone it sounded like there mother and he could tell it wasn't a good conversation Toya finally walked off and when Toya was at a far distance Y/N fallowed him until they made it to Sekoto peak where he saw his older brother training with his quirk amazed how powerful it was but horrified to see that he would hurt himself too but to Y/N amazement his quirk changed from red to blue. But then finally Toya said something that made Y/N heart pound really fast.

Toya: I know your there Y/N. Show yourself.
Y/N was hesitant but eventually he came out from hiding in the bushes.

Y/N: How did you—

Toya: I saw you as soon as I walked out.

Y/N saw his burns again concerned for his brother.

Toya: Here to tell me to stop trying to be a hero again?

Y/N looks at Toya.

Toya: Well it's no use. I have to do this because this is a fire that will not burn out it's a fire father lit inside me so. I have to do this I will become a pro and I will surpass All Might.

But then to Toya surprise he feels and impact on his stomach he looks down to see Y/N hugging him with tears in his eyes.

Y/N: *Crying* I'm sorry Toya. I do believe you can become a hero. But I don't want to lose you.

Toya was absolutely shocked by this he didn't know what to do at first but then he hugged Y/N back then lifted his face up so he could look at him and saw that is eyes still full of tears.

Toya: Y/N you will never lose.

He then wipes his tears with his finger then hugs him again.

Few minutes later they were back at the house and he put Y/N to bed he looked at him for a few minutes and moved his finger through his hair and thought about what Y/N said he then gets up and walks back to his room.

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