Chapter 4: Tragedy

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Toya was outside watching Fuyumi and Y/N playing together and he couldn't help but think about what happened last night between him and Y/N. Y/N giving him that hug and the words he said to him. It kept on echoing in his head.

Natsuo: Toya?

He snaps out of it seeing Natsuo.

Natsuo: You ok man?

Toya: Yeah just. I have a lot to think about.

Natsuo then looks at what Toya is looking at and sees that he's starring at Y/N.

Natsuo: Did you and Y/N get into a argument?

Toya: What no it's like I said. I have a lot to think about. Like why do I exist if i can't be what my father use to think I could be. And what I did to Shoto when he was just a baby. I tried to hurt him when he did nothing wrong and I use to be jealous of Y/N quirk and I outcasted him because he was adopted but. He loves me so much and I realized how come father doesn't love us like Y/N Dose. There's just a lot of questions and regrets that have been in my head all day.

Natsuo: Hey man that's just part of life. Making decisions that we regret but in the end we learn from them to make better decisions and improve ourselves and base on what I'm hearing. You have improved a lot. A lot better then father.

Natsuo then looks at Y/N.

Natsuo: But we need more people like Y/N. I think we can both agree that Y/N brings a light in all of us. He might not have our blood but he is my little brother. And nothing will change that.

Toya Chuckles before looking at Y/N.

Toya: Yeah.

Toys looked at his hand then looks at his hand and clinch's it with determination. Not only to live up to his father's dreams but to also be a good role model to Y/N. Y/N slipped and begins to laugh it off with his sister but unknowing to anyone there smiles and laughter would soon turn to sadness.

Days later Y/N was reading a book about Alatreon interested in the creature he learned many things about it. Especially knowing that he's a specific dragon there are three Black dragons Alatreon being one of them but it is also known for being an Elder dragon. Then he is interrupted by Natsuo opening his door.

Natsuo: Hey have you seen Toya.

Y/N: No. Did you ask our siblings.

Natsuo: Yeah they said they haven't seen him either.

Y/N: Huh. Strange.

Natsuo: Yeah. I'll continue looking for him.

He then walks out the room Y/N continues to read his book when he feels a tap on his shoulder he turns around to see Toya.

Y/N: Ahh! Toya?! Where have you been?

Toya: Oh I've been at the spot where I usually train.

Y/N: Toya.

Toya: I know I know but I promise you that I won't go overbored. But hey want to see something.

Toya holds out his hand and in the middle of his palm was a blue little flame Y/N was amazed by it he touched it and it burnt his finger a little bit.

Y/N: Wow that's so cool!

Toya: I know right.

Y/N eyes started to sparkled with amazement.

Y/N: Whoa. It's so cool.

Toya smiled seeing Y/N reaction.

Toya: Hey want to come to where I train.

Y/N: Yeah!

Toya chuckle's as he offers Y/N his hand Y/N smiles as he takes it they then started to walk down the stairs then towards the door Rei sees them go and she smiles a bit seeing Toya and Y/N interacting well.

Meanwhile Y/N is skipping while swinging there arms and Toya smiles seeing this but then Y/N stops.

Y/N: Hey Toya is there a reason we are going to this hill?

Toya: Oh well I thought that maybe since your trying to train your quirk you should train we I usually do. And I'm hoping that father can see how much stronger I've gotten.

Y/N: What makes you think he'll come?

Toya: Because he will I just know it.

Y/N was unsure but stayed quiet not wanting to ruin it for Toya. They then finally made it he looks back at Toya.

Toya: Go for it.

Y/N smiled as his hands are engulfed in fire and throughout the rest of the day Y/N was using his quirk to train he would look at his brother Toya and Toya would smile at him showing how impressed he is.

Time skip it was night and Y/N was tired from using his quirk and was ready to go home he walks towards Toya with a smile on his face but then saw that Toya was upset sitting on a log.

Y/N: Toya?

Toya: Father... He didn't show up.

Y/N then realized what he was talking about.

Y/N: Oh Toya.

Y/N was about to put his hand to comfort him but then a blue flame came out.

Y/N: Toya?

Then his body starts to be engulfed in flames.

Y/N: Toya!

He shoots and Ice wall at Toya to stop it but the ice then burst into smoke as Toya was still on fire.



He try's to run towards him but Toya puts her hand out telling him to stop.


Y/N looks at him and starts to cry.

Toya: Y/N! DON'T LOOK!

Y/N tries not to look but can't help but see his brother burning to death but then he gets an idea.


Y/N then starts to run back to the town with tears in his eyes hoping to get some help from anyone he had been screaming for help for awhile but couldn't find anyone until he bumped into a hero.

Hero 1: Hello little one.

He then sees the tears in his eyes.

Hero 1: What's wrong?

Y/N: *Crying* My. My my. Brother... He's on fire! Please help him!

He was shocked to hear this and saw the forest fire and immediately leaps into Action as he left Y/N crying.

At the police station Y/N was in one of the police office he wraps a blanket around him he then sat across from him.

Police 1: You ok kiddo.

Y/N: I'm worried about my brother.

Police 1: I know you are kiddo.

Another police officer enters the room.

Police 2: Officer his mom is here.

They take him out of the office and he sees his mother he starts to cry again as he runs towards her and hugs her Rei hugs back as she is also full of tears.

Y/N: This... This is all my fault! I... I...

Rei: Shhhh Shh Shh. It's not your fault baby. It's not your fault at all.

The next day the family heard the tragic news Toya wasn't found the only thing that remained was his burnt Jaw this devastated the family especially Y/N but his siblings and mother was there for him Rei and Fuyumi would sometimes go into his room and comfort him they eventually made a shrine for Toya and you would think that Enji would have learned his lesson but he didn't and unfortunately for little Y/N. This wasn't the last tragedy he would have to go through.

1 month later Y/N was still sad about Toya's death but he was eventually back to his light hearted self. He got ready for school as Fuyumi was waiting for the two brothers they eventually saw there mother.

Y/N: We're about to go to school mom.

Rei looked at them Y/N could tell that something was wrong that there was something off about there mother but Rei then smiled.

Rei: You boys have a great day you hear.

Y/N and Shoto: We will.

Rei then kisses both of them in the forehead as they begin to walk towards there sister so they can walk to school Y/N looks back with a concern look for his mother.

Time skip Y/N walked out of school without Shoto as the school day was over Y/N saw Fuyumi and walked towards her.

Fuyumi: Hey Y/N.

She then sees Shoto is not there.

Fuyumi: Where's Shoto?

Y/N: Oh he got picked up early by father.

Fuyumi: Oh.

Y/N: Well let's go home.

Y/N was about to walk off when Fuyumi said something.

Fuyumi: Y/N you don't have to hide your emotions. You can let it all out if you need to.
Y/N stayed silent for a bit but then spoke

Y/N: I would be lying if I said I'm not sad. But Toya wouldn't want me to be drowning in the past. It's going to be awhile for me to recover but I'll get through it. He turns to look at Fuyumi and gives her a thumbs up as he smiles thinking about how his favorite hero All Might is always smiling.

Y/N: So I'll be a hero. And make everyone proud.

Fuyumi started to tear up but then wiped them away and smiled.

Fuyumi: You sure will.

Y/N: Now let's go home. I can't wait to see the others!

Fuyumi: Right.

Later did they realize once they returned home they were in for an unpleasant surprise.

Timeskip They finally got home but something was different there was cars in front of the house and there were people wearing stranger uniforms.

Fuyumi: What in the world?

They then enter the house and they saw two men escorting Rei.

Y/N & Fuyumi: Mom!

They run towards her and she couldn't bare to look at them because of all the guilt she had with in her.

Y/N: Mommy what's going on?

Rei looks at the two men and they nod as she then crotch's down.

Rei: Listen. Mommy is going to go to a place where they fix people. I'll be gone for a very very long time. You won't see me for awhile so. Take care of each other ok.

Fuyumi understood why she was telling them this by why the cops where here and how emotional Rei was getting. Fuyumi nodded as she began to tear up.

Y/N: Momma. Your talking as if I won't see you again. I will see you soon right?

Rei stayed silent Y/N then looked at Fuyumi.

Y/N: Right?

And she stayed silent Y/N face then changed to sadden expression as he looks at Rei she then puts her hands on Y/N face and soon he begins to tear up.

Rei: Y/N no matter what anyone says. Know that I love you with all of my heart. Adopted or not. Take care my snowflake.

Rei began to leave but then something grabbed her leg she looked back to see Y/N grabbing her not wanting her to leave eyes full of tears.

Y/N: (Crying) Please mama. Please don't go. I need you to stay here with us. Please don't go.

Y/N Begged Rei to stay but Rei knew she could she began seeing the little boy she loved so much with the rest of her children she began to tear up as she grabs Y/N hand that was holding onto her she then moves his hand off of her and moves as fast as she could to get out the house and cried Y/N screamed as he tried to chase after her but the gate closes and Fuyumi was holding him him back as tears fell down her face as she was holding Y/N back as he screams trying to get to Rei and with all of his might he try's to pull the door open but to no avail but then a black and red energy starts to flow through his body as he pulls the bars and they started to bend this surprised Fuyumi the red and black aura started to surround him as he screamed with tears flowing through his eyes and his eyes glowing red as he continues to bend the bars but then gets chopped by the back of his neck by Enji he goes limp as Fuyumi looks up at Enji.

Enji: Take him to his room.

Enji walks away as Fuyumi looks at Y/N and starts to stroke his hair looking at Y/N.

Fuyumi: Poor Y/N.

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