Chapter 5: Recommended tryouts

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Years later Y/N is 15 and he's still his normal self he's still his bright energetic happy self but over the years he has been drowning in the past with regrets and sorrow. And has always thought of the days where he lost each of his family members. Toya and Rei. He's not even allowed to see his mother and that's because of one man Enji. Enji has made it specific that Y/N can't see her and he never understood why. Him and Enji didn't get closer over the years obviously. Y/N blames Enji for every bad thing that has happened to this family especially what happened to Toya and Rei Y/N should hate him he wanted to hate him but some how for some reason he couldn't hate him. But he did stay a far distance from him. Shoto how ever has changed drastically he was more quiet he didn't talk to his siblings as much as he use to especially with Y/N his focus was becoming a great hero better then his father Y/N found it admiring but at the same time it cost him to not interact with others and be lonely throughout his life which worried Y/N.

Y/N was in middle school paying attention in class but obviously was board out of his mind he looked up at the clock waiting for it to finally be time for school to be over the bell rang and Y/N immediately got up and left class as he was walking in the hallway someone wrapped there arms around Y/N head.

???: Hey buddy how have you been!

Y/N looks up and smiles as it was his best friend Inasa Yoarashi.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Hi Inasa.

Inasa then let's him go.

Inasa: Are you excited I sure am. In the next few days I'll be recommended to a hero School. Which one are you trying to go.

Y/N: Isn't it obvious UA.

Inasa: Awesome! I'm trying to go there too!

Y/N: Sweet going to UA is good enough but going to UA with my best bro is the icing on the cake!

Inasa: Yeah!

They then high five each other.

Finally they were outside of the school and Y/N saw Shoto.

Y/N: Hey my brother is waiting for me so let's talk tomorrow.

Inasa: Yeah definitely.

Y/N waves him goodbye as he runs towards Shoto. Inasa waves back at Y/N and walks off Shoto and Y/N were walking back home and it was silent as usual but then Shoto finally speaks.

Shoto: That friend of yours. He's very lively.

Y/N: Yup he sure is. He's just as determined to be a hero as me and he has an amazing quirk. You know making new friends can help you improve as a hero.

Shoto: Hmm.

Again there was an awkward silence between the two but then finally Y/N said something.

Y/N: Shoto you should make some new friends. It will help you in the long run.

Shoto: *Sighs* I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to be the number 1 hero and to prove to father that I don't need his fire quirk to be the number 1.

Y/N: At what cost tho.

Again they stayed silent not wanting to continue the debate because they both know it would get heated finally they made it back home both brothers walked in Y/N went in his room and changed into his work out clothes he got out of his room and was about to walk out the door but then a voice called out to him.

Enji: Y/N.

Y/N turned around to look at his adoptive father.

Y/N: Father.

Enji: You're going to the hill again aren't you.

Y/N: I am. Why do you care about that?

Y/N didn't say it with malicious attention but he was questioning why he cared so much.

Y/N: Me and you don't talk to each other often. In fact I don't think you really like me that much. Which is fine. But why the concern?

Enji: Nothing. Do what ever you want.

Y/N sighs as he walks off and shacks his head in disappointment.

Minutes later Y/N was breathing heavily as there was fire everywhere but not bad enough where there would be a forest fire ice and there was sparks of electricity in his body but then Growns in pain as he looks at his arm and the draconic energy and flickering out of his arms and hands.

Y/N: No. Must keep control.

He looks up in the sky and thinks of Toya.

Y/N: *Sighs* What am I going to do with this power? I wish you were here Toya.

Y/N then gets up as he dust himself off.

Y/N: I can't give up now. I have to keep going. Then I might be able to see my mother again.

Y/N continues to train with his quirk not knowing a figure with Black spiky hair is watching him.

Back at home every one is eating and Fuyumi couldn't help but noticed how exhausted Y/N and Shoto are.

Fuyumi: Uhhhh are you two ok?

Shoto: Yes.

Y/N: Why do you ask?

Fuyumi: Well because.

Both Shoto and Y/N are full of sweat and a little bit of bruises.

Fuyumi: Because you don't look alright.

Shoto: We've just been training after all. The recommended exams are coming soon.

Y/N: And we'll most likely need to use our quirks so we've been training real hard.

Fuyumi: Well don't train too hard.

Y/N: Understood.

Y/N continues to eat and so dose Shoto Fuyumi and Natsuo both smile seeing there little brothers grow up so fast.

Timeskip it was the day for the recommendation test and Y/N was excited he was sure he was going to pass with his powerful quirk and how much he studied for the hero classes he was sitting on the couch waiting for his brother then he hears foot steps coming closer to him he looks up to see Shoto.

Shoto: Let's go.

Y/N nodded as he got up and walked out the door with a huge smile on his face.

Finally they made it to the recommendation test and Y/N was excited of course and he cracks his knuckles.

Y/N: Alright let's do this.

him and Shoto start to walk towards the building ready for the exam first they had to show what there quirks could do Y/N waited for awhile until it was his turn.

Hero 1: Alright what's your quirk called and what can it do.

Y/N: My quirk is called Elemental Black dragon. I basically have the same abilities of the mythical creature Alatreon. Being able to use Fire.

Then there was a burst of flames in his hand.

Y/N: Thunder.

Electricity started to flow through his body
Then after there was a huge ice wall to his right.

Y/N: Ice & Dragon.
They were all amazed by this and they all nodded.

Hero 1: Thank you for your time please go to the next room.

Y/N nodded as he walked out of the room feeling really confident.

Now it was time for the exams first was the writing the exam and there was some difficulty questions but he got through then there was the physical exam. Where they had to get to a finish line while going through many obstacles he looked at all the students but there was one student that caught his eye particularly she had black hair and onyx eyes

Y/N couldn't help but stare at her out of all the girls he's seen. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen his heart starts to beat a little bit Y/N shacks his head as he looks straight at the course getting ready for when it's time to go.

Present Mic: Alright are you ready? Go!

They all then run trying to get to the finish line.

Time skip the girl that Y/N was admiring was close to the finish line she created a poll to push her self towards the finish line as she almost made it Y/N dashed passed her using his fire surprising her he then made it to the finishing line he then starts to breath heavily.

Y/N: Phew that was crazy.

???: Wow that was impressive.

Y/N looks up to see the girl he was looking at.

Y/N: Oh well thank you.

Y/N scratches the back of his head.

Y/N: Well I have to say you have an impressive quirk too.

???: So you have a fire base quirk?

Y/N: No it's more then that. So which school your going to?

???: Hopefully UA you.

Y/N: Same here.

???: Great. Well hope to see you soon.

She then runs off.

Y/N: Wait! I never. Got. Your. Name.

Y/N then puts his head down in disappointment.

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