Meeting the rude baby red

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

The sans imposter, girly me imposter, and the little devil stood there looking confused.

Lil devil:"What do you mean this time? Have we met before?"

I didn't answer as I summoned a wave of bones and sent it towards them surprising them. They dodged before they stood up straight and seemingly prepared themselves.

Imposter sans:"I don't know what your problem is but I'd suggest you stop before you do something you'll regret."

I didn't listen and summoned my blasters trying to hit the little devil but they just dodged.

Girly me:"don't say we didn't warn you."

Their eyes started to glow as they sent their own attacks against me. A wave of bones and knives came towards me as I blocked most of them with my sword and dodged a few of them leaving them a bit surprised but they didn't waver.

Imposter:"too easy for you huh?"

I laughed at that.

(Y/N):"nothing is to hard for me for I THE GREAT (Y/N) SHALL STOP AT NOTHING TO DEFEAT HER!"

I stabbed the sword into the ground and summoned more bones both orange and blue in which they had a hard time dodging due to the different patterns and colored bones. After awhile I decided to let them have a turn as they looked a little bit tired from dodging.

Lil devil:"w-where did you l-learn to f-fight like that?"

She was still trying to catch her breath as I smiled widely.


I thought about it but I have absolutely no idea how I knew to fight.


I surrounded them with bones and readied blasters above them.

(Y/N):"Any last words?"

Lil devil:"Why?"

I looked at her my eyes being shadowed by the trees.

(Y/N):"you took everything and everyone I cared about."

My right eye glowed a bright orange.



(Y/N):"And for that I shall end you here so that you can't hurt anyone else."

They looked more confused as I sent the bones and blasted them.

The imposter and girly me somehow dodged all of it but collapsed on the ground exhausted while the lil devil stood there with a slash on her chest and a knife pointed towards me... just like last time.

Lil devil:"so you managed to hit me huh? Well how's time for the real fun!"

She charged at me and swung her knife as blocked it with my sword and she continued slashing and I blocking. This continued on for a little bit before my sword broke into two and I blasted her back. She shakily stood up as I walked towards her.

(Y/N):"So it's come down to this then huh? Pity you lasted so much longer the last time."

She looked at me with her mouth bleeding and a confused expression.

Lil devil:"w-what do you m-mean last time?"

I chuckled at her attempt to trick me.

(Y/N):"You can not fool me that easily FOR I AM THE GREAT (Y/N) AND I SHALL END YOU HERE AND NOW!"

She looked scared as she tried to back away but I kept walking forward before summoning a bone ready to impale her.

(Y/N):"this is where it ends for you human."

I launched the bone at her as she covered her eyes.


My eyes widened as I saw the bone being deflected away from a sword blocking it. I looked around trying to find out where it came from until I saw someone standing in front of the imposter and girly me wearing a red cloak.

???:"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"

I looked at him angrily.


I tried to stab her again only for another sword to block it.

???:"So it's this timeline now huh? I'm sorry but I can't let you kill her not just because my teammate wouldn't like it but she's to valuable to my plans."

He waved his arms and the trio disappeared as the figure stood there seemingly staring at me.

(Y/N):"Why would you protect her? She's killed hundreds of people and yet you protect her."

???:"You must be confused that was in your timeline not this one. In this one compared to me she's a harmless butterfly."

I didn't know whether to believe them or not so I took to a fighting stance and prepared a blaster.

(Y/N):"Human before I beat you may I ask for your name?"

The figure chuckled before stabbing his sword into the ground and summoning swords and little white balls that floated around him.

Craz:"The names craz and I'm your worst nightmare!"

I tried to blast him but a wall of swords came up and blocked hit as he disappeared and reappeared beside me and swung his sword at me. I barely managed to block it before the white orbs suddenly blasted me knocking me through a few trees. I stood back up and blocked another attack before blasting him through a few trees. A button then appeared that said CHECK so I pressed it.




Just a normal guy fighting for his sister.

So it didn't seem like he was that strong or could to many hits so he should be an easy enemy to defeat. I would feel bad hurting him if he's only trying to defend his sister. I looked over at him and saw him standing up with hundreds of swords and orbs behind him.

Craz:"Lucky shot."

I started to spin my sword around and summoned walls of bones to block the incoming attack.... but it never came. I stopped my sword and noticed that Craz left but another man showed up with a cane and a coffee mug.

Ozpin:"So your the one causing all the ruckus?"

I lowered my bones as I looked at him curiously. He didn't seem like a threat since all he had was a cane.

Ozpin:"Do you know who I am?"


Ozpin:"my name is Ozpin and I run beacon academy."

I tilted my head confused.


Ozpin just chuckled at that.

Ozpin:"no beacon it's a school for hunters and huntresses to train and defend the world."

(Y/N):"That sounds like a nice place."

Ozpin:"indeed it is and I would like to offer you a chance to join it."

I thought about it I would be able to be around other hero's and have a chance to defend this world then what I did with my other one. I was curious though about who I would be with.

(Y/N):"Who would I be with?"

Ozpin:"Well you've already met three of them."

The trio from earlier walked out of the woods bruised and battered and the lil devil was bandaged up around her wound.

Ozpin:"you did quite a number on them and I'm sure you would make a great member of their team also you would have to know their names since it can be confusing since their are somehow multiple versions of them."

(Y/N):"multiple versions of them?"

Ozpin:"Yes it can get confusing but I'm sure you can figure out very fast who they all are."

I can't do it. I can't go there if there's a whole bunch of... THEM there.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry I'm going to have to decline your offer."

Ozpin seemed shocked at what I said, it's almost as if nobody had ever said that to him before.

Ozpin:"What do you mean decline is something wrong."

I nodded before pointing over at the lil devil.

(Y/N):"they bring up bad memory's and have multiple of them in the same place as me.... I couldn't live like that."

Ozpin:"I'm sure we can come up with some arrangement-"

(Y/N):"NO I appreciate the offer but I must be going now."

Ozpin stood their confused and thinking before he thought of something.

Ozpin:"Very well if you insist on not joining then I must warn you since you did attack my students first when they meant no harm then I'll have no choice but to have every academy including mine hunt you down, if you join mine then the charges will be dropped and you be a free man."

I simply turned away before summoning orange bones surrounding them as my eyes were once again covered in the shadows.

(Y/N):"Let them come but be warned if they show up and attack me first I will not hesitate to kill them unlike a moment ago."

I didn't give them a chance to respond as I ran into the forest unaware of smoke ahead of me.

(Timeskip brought to you by nothing and nobody)

I kept running for what felt like hours until I came across some buildings burning as machines that were twice as tall as me were walking down the street seemingly looking for something. I was about to walk out and see what ya commotion was but instead the alarms blared as some one showed up in a red cloak and I knew it wasn't Craz considering the cloak and sword were both different. The machines turned and tried to fight them but saw kept on showing up from the ground and their sword just kept slicing directly through the machines. A giant flying machine showed up the figure was to focused on fighting the machines that they didn't notice the machine about the fire down on them. I decided to take action as I summoned blasters to block its shots as I blasted it with others. It seemed that I hit a vulnerable spot on it as it started to spin before exploding on the ground. I looked over and noticed the figure running towards me as it was getting chased by more machines so I summoned a blaster before gesturing for them to hop on with me. They looked skeptical but jumped on anyways as I had it fly away as fast as it could. I turned around and looked at the stranger as they looked at me curiously.

???:"Why did you save me?"


The stranger looked at me before chuckling and taking off their hood and surprisingly they look very much like me but I brushed it off as a coincidence for now.

Red:"how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself my names also (Y/N) but everyone just calls me red."

I stuck out my hand towards him.

(Y/N):"Well it's nice to meet you red."

He shook my hand and nodded. We sat in silence as I kept us flying away until red spoke up.

Red:"You know I've never actually had friends or people to talk to where I'm from."

He looked down and looked as if he was about to cry before I hugged him out of my good nature.

(Y/N):"Don't worry from now on you shall be blessed by me THE GREAT (Y/N) WITH MY FRIENDSHIP!"

Red looked up at me and chuckled.

Red:"that would be nice actually."

We sat and chatted about a few things until he looked a bit confused and looked around.

Red:"Uh where are we going exactly?"

I thought about it and realized I had no clue either.

(Y/N):"I haven't gotten that far yet..."

I looked down and saw a nice clear area where we could land so I made the blaster disappear leaving me with a very confused red.

Red:"you do realize that we're very high up in the air right?"

I looked down and noticed he was right.

(Y/N):"So it would seem."

We started to fall as I thought about how fun our adventures were going to be.

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