The great papyrus

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

I didn't understand why they did this.

I couldn't understand why.

Over and over and over again.

I've already lost my brother what more could I lose?

I stood in the room as the air filled with dust.

I looked over as they approached me.

They didn't say anything all they did was stare and their knife gleaming in the light.

We stood there a few moments before I decide to speak.

(Y/N):"Human I.... I don't think I understand this game you play."

I looked them straight in the eyes and saw nothing but hate and blood lust.

(Y/N):"No this isn't a game is it? Your just a heartless person aren't you?"

I closed my eyes as I started to remember my brother and all of my friends. Sans, undyne, asgore, the lady behind the door, the little monster kid who didn't have any arms. I remembered them all..... and how they died.

(Y/N):"I-I-I don't think I believe in you anymore I don't see how I can.... not after what you've done. So I'm not going to give you a bad time, no no you don't deserve anything. I on the other hand.....

I summoned a bone out of the ground and picked it up with my hands and held it like a sword while also opening my eyes with one of them glowing orange.

(Y/N):"I'm going to have a great time."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(You only need to listen to phase 1 and 2)

The battle begun as they went to slash at me only for me to block it.

(Y/N):"Just a heads up this might hurt."

I summoned some of my more basic attacks only making them go faster then before. They seemed to have known what the attack already was since they dodged it with ease. They went to slash at me again only for it to be blocked again.

(Y/N):"don't worry we'll have some fun soon."

I threw my bone sword at them making it change from blue to orange while summoning some bone to keep them occupied. As my sword flew back they tried to slash me again only for me to block it again, this time it left a crack in it.

(Y/N):"I don't see what your end goal is. But whatever it is I will stop you."

I summoned a more complex attack that almost killed them until I blocked it with another bone.

(Y/N):"NO this is not how it's supposed to be we can still be friends right? I know you can change you just have to try, And I THE GREAT (Y/N) SHALL HELP YOU!"

I held out my hand as they stared at me. They slowly walked forward and extended their hand before they went to take a swing at me with their knife only for me to block it and my sword broke in half. I looked at it then back at them before realizing there was no saving them.

(Y/N):"Fine then no more games no more puzzles you will die here."

I summoned more bones while also throwing my now two swords at them to try and make an almost impossible situation to dodge.... but they did and it was really starting to bug me. I summoned more bones while also summoning a blaster to fire at them. They had some difficulty dodging but they did non the less. Seeing as how they dodged everything I threw at them I decided to throw every attack I knew at them. Yet they still dodged it. I got frustrated and charged at them and tried to slash them with both of my swords till I was tired. I looked at them to see they didn't even have a cut on them. I started to get the feeling that something wasn't right here as they stared at me with knowing eyes. I then realized that this meant nothing if I couldn't hit them. I chuckled a bit to myself, me the great (Y/N) couldn't do the one thing I've always trained for. I knew I didn't stand a chance against them, not against a soul like theirs, but maybe I didn't need a soul maybe just maybe I could use my belief and greatness to try something.

(Y/N):"*huff* *puff* not even a hit huh? I'm surprised you've made it this far it's almost like you've done this before."

They seemed a bit surprised but quickly regained they're posture.

(Y/N):"Heh so we have done this before... What's the purpose then?"

They didn't say anything as they stood there waiting.

(Y/N):"I wonder was it for fun? Or was it something more? Either way it shouldn't have changed who I was. Having said that."

I extended my hands out in a hugging motion.


I stood there waiting to see what they would do next. I waited and waited as they seemed to be deciding on what to do. They seemed to have made their decision as they walked over to me lowering the knife they had. I thought that they had finally changed for the better, I was happy that I've finally done something that could change everything... not that it would matter now but still. As they got closer they swung at me while I was completely defenseless.



I thought it was the end. I should've been dead right? I looked out in front of me as I noticed giant letters standing between me and their blade.


stood confused as I had no clue as to what that meant. I looked around and noticed that the judgement hall was slowly changing into a forest. After a little while the words disappeared along with them. I looked around the forest and noticed something was a bit off about it too. I started to walk in a random direction to see if their was any sort of place where I could stay. As I walked around I started to think about what had just happened. I don't think I could ever trust a human again, theirs no saving any of them since their cruel and heartless. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings until I heard a growl come from behind me. I turned around to see some red eyes staring at me through the darkness of the forest. I readied my bone sword in case it attacked me. It walked out and I noticed that it looked just like a dog.... but bigger. I thought it might've been friendly so I held out my hand to it.

(Y/N):"Come here little dog I shall not hurt you."

It came closer and closer as I thought it looked really cool up close.


I smiled widely as it moved even closer to me. It was almost to my hand when it decided to do something.


I looked down to see it had took a bite of my arm. Even though it didn't hurt I didn't want it on my arm anyways.


I shook my hand around everywhere trying to get it off but to no success. It decided to bite down further on my arm.


(Meanwhile else where)

There was a bird sitting on a branch just enjoying the day. That was until he looked over at another bird and saw that they were trying to get with the bird he liked. He knew he didn't stand a chance against that bird since he was practically nothing compared to him. He looked over at them and hoped that the bird would pay for trying to steal his mate. Which was granted when a large beam came through the trees completely obliterating the other bird. He chirped happily and flew over to the bird he liked. And what happened next is another story to tell later.

(Back with (Y/N))

I finally got the dog thing off of my arm and I looked around at the whole mess I made while doing it. I started walking off in another direction and saw something like a village in the distance.

(Y/N):maybe their nice?

(At beacon)
(Ozpins POV)

After retrieving the flower I looked at my scroll and notice that the other being giving off the power surge and noticed that it had stopped at a local village near there. I decided to investigate and see what was causing it so I called for glynda to come up here. As she walked through the door slightly bandaged up from what happened with the flower she knew exactly what I needed her for.

Glynda:"Are you seriously going for the other one now?"

Ozpin:"yes we need to see exactly what is causing this surge."

Glynda sighed before starting to walk out.

Glynda:"I know who to bring this time."

(Sansy's POV)

I was sitting with (Y/N) joking about some things whenever me and charas teams got called to the bullhead outside. I took a shortcut outside and noticed that swap and shift were already here.

Sansy:"Do you know why we're here?"

Swap shrugged as shift just stood there thinking. I was about to ask her what she was thinking about before glynda showed up.

Glynda:"You may be wondering why I called you out here."

We just shrugged.

Glynda:"Well it's because ozpin has asked me to investigate something that is completely out of the ordinary and since the usual two teams I would bring with me are recovering from yesterday I decided your team would be okay for now."

We lazily nodded as Glynda sighed.

Glynda:"So get on the bullhead and we'll get this over as quick as we can."

We got on and instantly fell asleep.

(A little while later)

We woke up to the sound of the bullhead slowing down and descending. I looked out the window to see we were in a forest right outside a little village. Glynda started to get off so we followed her to the village. As we walked into it the people inside gave us weird looks and they started to crowd around us.

No name villager:"Who are you and what brings you here?"

Glynda:"We are from beacon and we're here to look for something."

Unimportant villager:"And that would be?"

Glynda:"I'd rather not discuss it in front of so many people."

The super unimportant villager nodded before walking to the side with her. The rest of the villagers stayed in the giant crowd as they just looked at us. I lazily stood their scanning the crowd until my eyes opened up surprised as I saw what looked like Papie in the background. I started to make my way through the crowd trying to get to her and figure out why she was here. As I made it to the back of the crowd I noticed that she had disappeared but their were a trail of footprints leading into the forest so I followed them as swap and shift both came after me trying to see what was wrong.

(A few moments later)

We looked everywhere I couldn't find her. Maybe she wasn't here and it was just my imagination. We were about to leave when out of nowhere we heard a voice call out.


(A few moments before)
((Y/N) POV)

I walked into the village a noticed that most of the people here were.... humans. They seemed to ignore me though as they started to gather around some other people that that had started walking in. I looked around and noticed that some of them were giving me strange looks so I decided to leave. As I got into the forest I heard some footsteps behind me so I hid behind a tree as I watch the person run by. After a closer inspection of the person I realized that they looked like sans...... I miss him. I noticed that they were about to leave so I walked out of the shadows and confronted them.


The person turned around and I was surprised. They looked like sans but they were a girl so it wasn't him.

(Y/N):"Oh sorry I thought you were someone else."

She was about to say something but the person in the green hoodie turned around and I was furious. It was THEM I don't know how they got here but they are. I quickly summoned my sword and pointed it at them.


They pointed at themself.



(And that's a wrap hope y'all enjoyed it.... I didn't it took forever to write it and school and everything. But I'm trying to write so don't worry about me.)


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