Suprise Party Ch. 4

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"Yo dudes! Did you hear?" Nino exclaimed as he sat down beside Felix.

Before Felix new it, he had joined Bridgette's little lunch group. After being asked constantly, he finally agreed and sat at the table under the tree every day. His spot beside Nino became a permanent seat. Once the bell rang for lunch, he always rushed off to the picnic table.

He looked forward to lunch everyday. Though he didn't know why.

Maybe it was because he wasn't alone anymore.

"There's a surprise birthday party for Alix on Saturday!" He said as he shoved a sandwich in his mouth.

Alya laughed. "Of course we know, Nino. Bridgette's the one hosting it!"

Felix raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Felix had gradually started evolving him in the table conversations and began warming up to everyone.

"Well, it was really Kim's idea. I just supported it," Bridgette said humbly.

Lê Chiên Kim, or just Kim, is Alix Kubdel's boyfriend. Both loved sports and any athletic activity. Alix was a tomboy and loved rollerblading while her boyfriend was the fastest guy at school, not to mention that he had a former crush on the school bully, Chloe Bourgeois, only to get crushed by his crush. Alex ended up comforting him after his heartbreak and they soon became close enough to have a romantic relationship.

"Seriously, those two are relationship goals," Alya sighed.

Bridgette and Felix rolled their eyes while a light blush appeared on Nino's cheeks.

"So where's the party going to be?" Felix asked Bridgette.

"It's going to be at the park, Saturday 2:00 pm sharp," She answered.

Felix just nodded and turned his attention towards his plate.

"Kim said that anyone's invited. He says, and I quote, 'The more people, the bigger the surprise.'" Bridgette continued. "If you want, you can go Felix."

Felix looked at her, surprised, but accepted anyways.

"Oh, by the way, there's an after party!" She added.

"An after party?" Alya echoed. "Where, girl?"

Bridgette shrugged. "That's the only thing that Kim didn't tell me."

"Well, either way, it still sounds cool. Hey dudette, does Kim need a DJ?" Nino asked as he wiggles his eyebrows.

Bridgette laughed. "That spot's always open to you, Nino."


The week passed by and soon it was already Saturday, 1:00 pm sharp. Everyone in Bridgette's homeroom class had been invited, even Chloe, though she declined the offer, as well as Sabrina. They were all at the park setting up, besides Felix. Due to his packed schedule, he would be coming later during the party. Nino was setting up his DJ table, Rose and Juleka were putting up the decorations, Mylene was bringing the snacks, while Bridgette, Alya, Kim, Ivan, and Nathaniel were planning the 'surprise' part of the party.

"Alright Alya. You've got the brains in this situation," Kim said as he handed the floor to the ombre haired girl.

"So here's how we'll do this," Alya said, getting right down to it. She pulled out some paper with drawings on them, showing the plan. "At 1:30, Kim goes to Alix's house to pick her up on her "birthday date." Both Kimand Alex stroll around anywhere, but away from the park, got it? Then, Nathaniel randomly appears where they are. Remember, it has to be a "coincidence," Alya held up both of her hands and bent her index and middle fingers at the same time, influencing the marks around 'coincidence.'

Nathaniel nodded in response.

"Nathaniel helps distract Alice until it turns 1:50. When it does, Nathaniel, you come back here. When it turns 2:00, Kim takes Alise to the park and then the "surprise" part of the party will be complete!" Alya said determinedly as she set down her pictures.

"We," Alya said, waging her hand to Bridgette and Ivan, "will stay back here to help finish up. Until then," Alya looked up at the clock.

It read 1:26.

"Kim, you better go get your girlfriend!"

Kim turned to the clock and his eyes widened.

"Oh shoot, she's gonna tease me if I'm late! Thanks again guys! She'll love it, I'm sure!" Kim exclaimed as he rushed off.

Bridgette and Alya giggled as they high-fived and set off to preparing.


"They're coming!" Mylene shouted from her hiding spot.

They all scrambled to hide for the surprise. Kim walked into the park holding Alix's hand. They started for the fountain, where most of the party decorations were, and Alix's looked at them strangely.




"SUPRISE!" Everyone shouted as they jumped out of their hiding spots and ran towards the happy couple.

Alix was so surprised that she jumped and fell into Kim's chest. She then blushed as Kim wrapped his arms around her.

"Happy Birthday!" They all exclaimed, including Kim.

Alix was so happy and shocked that her eyes were tearing up, which was a somewhat strange sight to see from the tomboyish girl.

The party started and they all started having fun. Well, not everyone. Near the end of the party, Bridgette finally noticed that Felix hadn't shown up yet.

"Maybe he's just to busy," She thought with a frown.

At that moment, she watched as a black car pulled up at the curb and parked. Then, a tall blonde boy in a black vest and gray dress shirt stepped out of the car. Bridgette's frown turned upside down as she raced off towards the blonde.

"Felix! Where were you!" She shouted as she ran to him.

Felix turned around to face the bluenette. In his hands was a present.

"Umm... Sorry. My schedule was packed and I couldn't get out earlier," He apologized.

"It's fine! The party's almost over, but there's still the after party!" Bridgette exclaimed.

Felix nodded in response. He looked passed Bridgette and saw Alix talking to Mylene and Rose. He started for them.

When he was behind Alix, he reached over to tap her shoulder. She immediately turned around at his touch.

"Huh? Oh, Felix! Thanks for coming!" Alix grinned at him.

Felix gave a short nod in acknowledgment. He brought his hand up to his mouth and cleared his throat.

"Here," He said as he thrust the present into her arms.

Alix was taken by surprise but gladly accepted the gift. Alix had already opened all of her presents and asked Felix if she could open his. He nodded in response.

She tore the wrapping off of the present to reveal a white cardboard box. She looked up at Felix who gestured to open it. Alix tore off the top of the box to reveal a helmet. But not just any helmet, a skating helmet.

"No way, dude! This is a (use your imagination) brand helmet. These things are so rare and expensive how did you get it?!" Alix asked excitedly.

Felix shrugged. "The author gave it to me."

"Who?" Alix asked.

"Uh, I mean, ahem, my dad has connections," Felix answered sheepishly.

"Uh, alright then..." Alex said confused.

The party lasted a few more minutes until it was 2:50. Kim suddenly shouted, "Alright guys! Don't forget to come to the after party guys!"

"We can't come if we don't know where it is!" Nino retorted.

Kim only grinned. "At 3:00, come over to Alix's house! And bring your swimsuits!"

"Why?" Alya asked.

"Because we're having a pool after party at her private pool!" Kim shouted confidently.

"What?! I wasn't informed about this!" Alix said incredulously.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ignorant child. I asked your father and he was perfectly fine with it!" Kim said.

"A pool party? Fun!" Rose shouted.

"I'll come," Juleka said quietly.

Everyone else seemed set to go as well. Except Felix.

"Hey, Felix, are you coming?" Bridgette asked.

Felix looked down at her.

"...Well, my schedule's still tight..." He started.

Bridgette pouted.

"But I think I could make it," Felix finished, giving he girl a small smile.

He couldn't help but smile wider when he saw he eyes light up and she smiled as well.

"God, she has such a cute smile..." Felix thought.

He suddenly blinked after realizing what he thought, and a small blush appeared on his face. But the blush reddened when Bridgette jumped up and hugged him.

Felix stood there in shock, not processing anything. Her tiny arms wrapped around his neck and she stood on her tip-toes because he was taller than her.

Felix hadn't been hugged since his mother's death, the reason he was so cold and distant. Not even his father had comforted him. He hadn't felt another being's warmth since he was five, besides his cat's.

Bridgette let go of the hug, which made the warmth that Felix felt fade in a flash. He was somewhat upset at that.

"Welp, I'll see you in ten!" Bridgette said to him as she ran off towards the bakery she called home, leaving the blonde, lonely, rich kid alone as everyone left for their houses.

Sorry for the late update! I've been... lazy :P Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and share! Ciao!


Word Count: 1516


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