A Hint of Doubt

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"Heroism doesn't always happen in a burst of glory. Sometimes small triumphs and large hearts can change the course of history"
Mary Roach


They stood there baffled by my statement. maybe I did something wrong.

White: How do you not know Professor Ozpin? Have you been living under a rock?

This causes Jim to giggle at Snow White's little statement. Which make me shoot a glare his way that shut him up immediately. I still stood there Time Splitter at the ready.

Me: I'm not gonna answer that question, Okay kid.

White: What are you talking about kid! Your 17!

Now this caught me off guard. I look 25 so why does she think I'm 17? I take a look back at Jim and my eyes widen when I see he looks 17 again. He has the very same shocked look.

Me/Jim: Hooooly shit...

Was all we were able to get out. she's right we look 17 again. Hell I feel like it too, more energetic. I guess I should play along better to not reveal everything about us to possible hostiles.

Me: Sorry, my failed attempt at intimidation.

I try to play it off and they look pretty convinced by now I feel less suspicious about them being hostile so I lower my guard.

Red: Hey! That's good we're getting somewhere! So do mind telling us you names?

I think for a moment, then look to the rest of my squad, while they were busy with me Cam relocated their bones and stuff they glance at each other then nod.

Me: Well my name's J, J Kesler

Yellow: We all know that's not your real name so why don't ya tell us

Me: I wasn't lying, but my full name is Jace Kesler but everyone calls me J.

Yellow: Okay, so what about you handsome~

As she said this she look directly at Con while his whole face lit up like a Molotov.

Conner POV

My face is red hot as she looks me dead in the eyes. Then she starts giggling at me!

Yellow: *giggles* I'm kidding! Unless you don't want me to~

My face is on fucking fire right now as I'm trying to hide it and not look at her ummm.... "assets" she finally gets serious and I can answer.

Me:*quick exhale* My name's Conner Bokov but my friend just call me Con

Yellow: Okay~ Con.


I'm just amazed by what just happened The Con-Man fallen by a girl. HA! I lookback at the group from the corner of my eye and see the girl in white staring at me. She makes white and blue look amazing together.

Weiss POV

I'm staring at the boy with a hatchet. I eye him up and down but something catches my eye. His build look great, he probably has some great muscles underneath...ugh No! Weiss don't think like that he probably isn't worth your time!

Me: So what's your name.

I ask coldly. I know it won't make friends but guy only hit on me for money or status this deters them from that. But he just smiles and says

Hat guy: Name's Jim, Jim McKillin nice to meet you Snow White.

He say in a southern type accent, it makes me blush a bit at how he can hear how cold I was yet be kind and calm like he's been though this before.

Yang: Snow White huh? Thats new we usually call her Ice Queen.

That makes me mad but I hear everyone giggle. I even hear Jim chuckle but...it's a sad chuckle

Velvet POV

After we calm down Coco ask the guy with big gun what his name is they would probably get along well considering they both us big guns.

Machine gunner: Yea, the name's Michael StrongBull but you can call me Mike.

His last name surprises me "StrongBull" it makes him sound like a faunus that's interesting...

Camren POV

I'm sitting there tending to J's arm with a splint while the girl in black is staring at me like she wants something from me...oh right my name.

Black: So what's your-.

Me:*still working on J* Camren, Camren Lafayette

Black: Well that wasn't very nice Camren.

She said crossing her arms that annoys me a bit but I calm down.

Me: Sorry for being rude but I have to help my friends with their injuries. Since I'm the only one trained for it

She looks like she was about to say something but decided against it so I shrugged it off. J gets up to announce to the group of 8

3rd POV

The boy now know to the teams as J stands with a arm splint ask

J: So you know our names how's about yours?

Ruby: Hi I'm Ruby! Ruby Rose!

J: Ruby Rose huh? Ironic and cute...uuuuggh Goddamnit J shut up!

Yang: Yo, I'm Yang, Ruby's sister.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee you could have heard of me. I'm heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

Jim:hmmm so she's a heiress, no wonder she was so cold to me...also J taught me enough German to know her name translates to White Snow, pretty funny.

Blake: Hi I'm Blake.

Cam: Wow that's it? She's got some mystery to her kinda like me...hmm don't know why but I feel she has a kind of black cat aura about her.

Jaune: Hey I'm Jaune Arc

Phyrra: Hello~ I'm Phyrra Nikos


Ren: Nora...

Alpha: Yes/yup/yea/mhm

Coco: Okay...Hi I'm Coco Adel. By the way those clothes look terrible,

This causes the squad to look down at their uniforms and raise their eyebrows

Coco: Moving on this little rabbit is Velvet, say hi Velvet

Velvet:*Shyly* h-hi

Fox: Hey, Names Fox Alistair and this is Yatsushi

Yatsu: Hey

Alpha: Hey/sup/yo/hi/what's good?

J Pov

Then Ruby steps up and ask me if I want to talk to this Professor Ozpin guy. He seem like a good guy to talk to so we can get our bearings. so why the hell not?

Me: Alright we'll come but one thing ya'll carry these weapons why?

Yang: umm because we're all Huntsman and Huntresses?

This confused me a little I know about hunting but hunting with scythes, rapiers, swords, and fist is kind of ridiculous

Me: Why hunt animals with those?

Ruby: Oh no! We don't hunt animals we fight Grimm!

Alpha: Grimm?

Weiss: You don't know what Grimm is either?!

Alpha just shrugged their shoulders.

Blake: Those Beowolves were one of many types of Grimm.

Jim: Ight that makes sense.

Jaune: Speaking of Grimm how about we go before they find us and eat us.

Alpha/RWBY/PNR/CFVY: Okay.

And they all walked back to beacon with the marines wondering what's in store for them.

A/N: Okay chapter 3 is done. I'm still under threat of being evaced out of my city due to fires but I'll try to post once or twice a day with that being said leave me any suggestions about how I write and how to improve. Ok BUH-BYE

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