Drop In or Drop Out Pt 2

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"When society falls, we rise."-The Division Motto

Ozpin's POV

It was going to be a normal day in vale nothing exciting like that at least I thought. in the middle of the day while I was looking outside sipping my cocoa I hear what I thought was an explosion. I look down to see nothing but worried students, I then look up to see 5 figures falling in to the Emerald Forest.

Me: Hmm... Interesting. Glynda!

My assistant Glynda Goodwitch walked though the door with a worried face.

Glynda: Professor, did you hear that explosion?

Me: Yes Glynda I did, but did you happen to see 5 figures fall out of the sky after?

Glynda: I believe I did professor, what of it?

Ozpin: Call teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY up here please.

Glynda: Right away professor.

Ruby's POV

After hearing the explosion I got really worried and looked to my team mates and friends to see the same face expect for Nora she seemed excited.

Me: What do you guys think that was?

Yang, my sister, came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

Yang: Don't worry Rubes it was probably nothing.

She then turned to the other asking.

Yang: Right guys?

Blake, Nora, Ren, and CFVY nodded their heads

Blake the ninja of the team trying to reassure me said

Blake: Yeah Ruby it's probably nothing.

I noticed Weiss, Jaune, and Pyrra still looking skeptical

Jaune: Should we tell professor Ozpin about this?

Pyrra: That maybe the best thing to do Jaune.

Weiss: Well if we're going tell him let's-.

Suddenly the intercom came on and the voice of Professor Goodwitch can be heard.

Glynda: May teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY come to the headmaster's office please? Thank you.

Me: Well looks like he want to see us instead.

Yang/Nora: Well what are we waiting for!

Time skip

We're all in Professor Ozpin's office waiting for him to return. When he does he sits down and leans back before saying.

Ozpin: So I assume you all hear the explosion that has everyone troubled?

Me: Yes Professor we all heard it... why?

Ozpin: Did you also happen to see 5 figures fall out of the sky?

RWBY/JNPR/CFVY: No, when did that happen!

Ozpin: Right after the explosion, so I want you to go in to the Emerald Forest to investigate.

RWBY/JNPR/CFVY: Yes Professor!

We are all pretty excited for what we were about find but nothing we thought of compares to what we found


After the mortar hit I blacked out. When I came too I felt the rush of... wind? I then realized that me and the other were falling. We're all awake and we tried not to panic, key word tried, we were screaming and flaying about I looked down and saw a body of water below us. We would live but we would be hurting... meh better then dying.

Me: There water belies us just dive!

We all do so when we hit the water I can feel my arm dislocate and my leg hurting like hell. The pain was enough to make me scream underwater.

When we all got to shore we to a breather, we were all hurting. Me and Jim had dislocated left arms, Mike had a dislocated knee, and Con and Cam looked a little dazed...possible concussions.

We all had our gear, like our rifles, handguns, melee weapons, and knives while Mike was carrying Jim and I's Long gun.

Me: We all good?

They all gave weak thumbs up while me and Jim were drying out our hats

Jim: *grunts and looks up* Hell of a fall huh?

Con: You got that damn right.

Mike: *shocked* ummm...guys look

We all look at what he was looking at and our jaws dropped. We saw a 10ft tall wolf with black fur, red eyes, and some sort of bone mask.

Me: uhh good doggie?

The Wolf growled at us and boy did it look hungry.

Me: Run!!!

We all bolted pass the wolf after it tried to pounce on us. We ran farther into the forest we were in when we ran into more wolves.

Me: Scheisse!

Jim: You gotta be shitting me!

Me: Open up on the das Schwein!

We all tried to fire our weapons at them but to no avail, with our injuries we couldn't even raise our weapons.

But unbeknownst to us someone was watching the whole time.

Ruby POV

We all watched these strange people on shore, the looked beat up and tired. They all wore a weird looking uniform I thought they were from Atlas but Weiss said "they hardly looked the part". We were waiting until the one with a hat and a scar on his neck ask if the others were alright. they gave thumbs up but everyone knew they were not alright.

Weiss: look terrible.

Coco: *scoffs*I know right camo is so last year.

Blake: I think she was talking about their injuries Coco.

Coco: oh! That too!

Suddenly we hear the one with the big backpack and amazing looking sniper rifle told the other to look at a Beowulf walking their way nothing to worry about.

My thought was so proven wrong when instead of attacking they just stared with dropped jaws
And the one with a scar said something that made us face palm

Then they ran...ran! We followed from
The trees until the reaches a whole pack

Me: They weapons why don't they use them!

Pyrra: With those injuries they probably can't use them.

That...makes sense

The one with a scar yells something we couldn't understand, and then told the rest to fire.

Me: He must be their leader he look pretty beat up and scared and handsome...wait what! Get a hold of yourself Ruby!

They all try to raise their guns but couldn't. We were all ready to jump in and help until the one with a scar, the other guy with a hat, the one with a helmet, and the one with a Red Cross pulled out a cutlass, a hatchet, a machete, and throwing knives

3rd POV

The squad were out numbered 4 to 6 as Mike fell to ground due to his knee.

J rushed a Beowulf with his cutlass. He slid under its legs and cut it in half then he decapitated another. While J was doing that Jim rushed forward jump off a tree to lodge his hatchet in a Beowulf's neck. Then he proceeded to hack at the Beowulf's head eventually killing it now making it 4-3. Conner after regaining his strength charged forward jump up high and brought down his machete down cutting it in half but he didn't notice one sneaking up behind him. It didn't get the chance to attack due to a knife lodged in its head the knife source was Camren. Conner gave Camren a high five but remembered.....they only killed 5 wolves. That's when a Beowulf jump out about to take J's head off but was stopped when it was stabbed in the by a red futurist looking scythe.

Ruby POV

I was in awe at how well the took care of the Beowolves that was until one jump out ready to strike the guy with a scar. I didn't think twice to activate Crescent Rose and stab it in the ground the others reactions varied from happy to shocked but the shocked ones were the group of guys


I was in complete shock that a wolf was about to kill me but I didn't expect it to be killed by a scythe. I look to the source of the scythe and saw a girl in black and red clothing with a little red riding hood kind of cloak. She had silver eyes and had black hair with red tips.

Me: She looks kinda cute...what?!

I shook my head aggressively and raised Time Splitter at her. She look shocked like she didn't expect me to be hostile.

Me: I wouldn't do this towards someone who saved my life but I have to be careful. For all I know she could be a Dak.

Red: Wait! Don't! We're friendly!

Me: Wait...We?

Me: Who else is there?

To my surprise 7 more kid walked out of the trees the others took defensive stances as they all had weapons except the blonde but she looked like a brawler like Con other than her on girl with sunglasses and a beret only had a hand bag and another girl with...bunny ears? I thought she was just a cosplayer until her ears twitched which kind of freaked me out.

Me: What in the Sam Hill?

Me: If your friendly the put away your scythe...thing and tell us why your here

Little Red Listens and puts up her scythe which fold in on its self she then decides to speak up.

Red: We were sent by Professor Ozpin to find 5 figures that fell out of the sky and...well we found them

Me: Ok yes you'd be correct but quick question who's Professor...Ozpin?

A/N: Mein Gott 1533 words that's a lot of words I wish I can be this motivated when I write essays. Well here's the second chapter to Alpha I hope you enjoyed and hope you have a wonderful day or night BUH-BYE!!!

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