Chapter 1: Meet the Moth

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It was another day at Beverly Hills California as we saw our three spies walking to the groove as they were talking.

Sam: Phew, man this must be the hottest day of the year.

Alex: Yeah, it's so hot I feel like I'm melting.

Clover: Totally, what I wouldn't give for some shaved ice.

Sam: Well, we're almost to the Groove we'll be able to cool down there.

Alex: Awesome.

As the girls were heading to the Groove to get their shaved ice we see what looked to be a boy donned in a red cloaked wearing a white mask with his head down, pushing a cart full of metal stuff as he unintentionally bumps into Clover.

Clover: *gets bumped by the reader* Woah, watch yourself pal!

???(Y/N): *in an accent* My apologies.

You continued pushing your cart as the girls kept staring at you and saw the cart full of metal stuff.

Alex: Woah, did you girls hear his voice? Someone needs a lozenge.

Clover: And manners, he almost scuffed my boots.

Sam: Manners aside, he was pushing a lot of metal in that cart.

Alex: Maybe, he has a metal collection?

Clover: Well I totally like his red cloak, it's totes fab.

Sam: But, why is he wearing that now? It's 96°

Alex: Maybe, he likes cloaks?

Clover: He’s gotta be hiding something, nobody wears a cloak in this heat.

Sam: Clover, you could be onto something, we need to investigate this.

Later, we see you pushing your cart until you bump into a very annoying girl.

Mandy: *gets bumped by you* Hey watch yourself loser!

(Y/N): *in an accent* My apologies.

Dominique: How dare you bump into Mandy!

Catlin: Yeah, you're not cool to be with Mandy!

(Y/N): Cool? I'll show you cool.

You then unfolded your cloak which revealed to be red and orange moth like wings which freaked the girls out.

Mandy: What the-

Before Mandy or her followers could say anything you then exhaled fire at them, but it froze them on the spot as you landed on the ground folding your wings back into a cloak.

(Y/N): Is that cool enough for you?

You then grabbed your cart and you headed back to your hideout which happened to be a house made out metal. Meanwhile, we see the three spies at the groove thinking about the guy they bumped into.

Sam: It just doesn't make sense, why he would be carrying all that metal.

Alex: Maybe, he’s a junk man or maybe he’s doing a metal drive.

Clover: In a red cloak?

Alex: Maybe he likes cloaks.

Sam: Well whatever it is we have to *sees the trash can turn into a vacuum* Uh oh in coming Whoop!

We then see the girls are sucked down by a trash can as they then land on a couch where they see Jerry.

Jerry: Good afternoon girls.

Sam: What is it Jerry, we were going to investigate something weird.

Jerry: That's what I wanted to tell you three take a look.

Jerry then pulls up a video where they see you and Mandy as you flew up and froze Mandy and her friends on the spot as the girls were shocked by this.

Alex: Whoah, did that fire give Mandy and her goons the cold shoulder?!

Jerry: Quite literally, it seems he can emit sub-zero flames from his mouth.

Clover: Woah I know Mandy is an ice queen but not like this.

Jerry: And she's not only one.

Jerry then shows pictures of various people frozen in blocks of ice.

Sam: Did he give these people the cold shoulder?

Clover: Now that’s cold.

Jerry: Indeed and what baffles me the most is that the ice is not natural at all nor are the flames.

Alex: What do you mean?

Jerry: The ice is not water based which would explain why the trapped victims are not melting in the heat.

Sam: Woah now that's strange.

Jerry: Indeed which is why you three are to investigate the frozen victims and find out who's doing this.

Alex: Were on it Jerry.

Later we see the spies now in their cat suits as they went to where the first three victims were frozen, unfortunately it was their worst enemies Mandy and her cronies.

Clover: Ugh of all the people we could go to why Mandy?

Sam: I don’t know, but let's get to investigating.

We then see the spies show up as they saw the frozen ice queen and her followers.

Clover: Well on the upside, at least Mandy got what she deserves.

Sam: True that.

Alex: Sure did, *sees some red flakes and foot prints* Woah check it out *picks some up a red flake* What is this stuff?

Sam: Let me see. *takes some of the red flakes and place them on the com powder* Now let's see what this stuff is about.

After the comp powder scanned the red flakes it showed it was the skin of an unknown species.

Sam: It's some kind of skin, but the species is unknown.

Alex: *sees the foot prints* Woah and these tracks look unusual too.

Sam: No kidding, they look very insect like.

Clover: But a bug who walks on two legs? It doesn't make any sense.

Sam: Well at least we can find him since the tracks lead to where our baddie is.

Alex: Well let's not waste time let's put this guy on ice.

Meanwhile, we see you at your metal hut without your mask on as you grab some of the metal things into a bowl as you walk to a couch.

(Y/N): Finally I can enjoy my dinner in peace. Without anyone to bother me.

Just as you were about to eat a metal fork you then looked out the window to see the three girls you saw earlier in the day.

(Y/N): Oh great those three, time to put them on ice.

You then turned intangible as you phased through the wall of your hut and hid from them. Meanwhile we see the girls now in the forest as they arrive where the tracks stop.

Sam: Well this is it at the end of the line.

Alex: *sees the metal hut* Woah talk about metal.

Clover: Yeah although it looks a little dingy to be a home.

Alex: *sees a sign* Hey what's this? *Reads the sign* Beware of the ghost moth, let not his icy breath freeze you where you stand.

Clover: Ghost moth? Oh yeah I've heard about him, he’s an urban legend.

Sam: Same here, but he's not real he's a myth.

???: Who are you calling "not real"?

The three spies turn to see you flying in the air as they backed up.

Alex: Ahhh! Ghost moth!

(Y/N): Ghost moth? I'm a necrofriggian, an evolved one at that.

Sam: Wait so you're not gonna freeze us?

(Y/N): I won't if you give me a reason why you're trespassing on my home.

Alex: Wait, this is your home?

(Y/N): Yes, now who are you three and why are you here?

Sam: I’m Sam, this is Clover and Alex, we’re sent here from WHOOP to investigate attacks that involve freezing people in unnatural ice.

(Y/N): Oh that would be my doing I'm afraid.

Clover: Wait you?

(Y/N): Yeah, but I did it out of self defense, you humans keep trespassing here taking parts of my home for whatever purpose you have with it thinking no one owns it well someone does and it's me. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make  a house out of metal.

Alex: So that's what all the metal was for.

Sam: But why did you freeze Mandy and friends?

(Y/N): Is that who they were? I froze them because they were annoying.

Clover: Wow I guess even ghosts find Mandy annoying.

(Y/N): I'm not a ghost, I'm an evolved necrofriggian.

Sam: A Necro what now?

(Y/N): I’m basically an alien that can control ice and has ghost powers.

Alex: Woah cool so what are you doing out here?

(Y/N): This was my secret sanctuary, well it was a secret when you three got here.

Alex: Oh hehe sorry for finding home...uh.

(Y/N): (Y/N) nitrogen and it looks like I'm gonna need a new home.

Alex: Oh you can live with us at our beach house.

(Y/N): Really?

Alex: Sure you *gets pulled by Clover* Woah!

Clover: Will you excuse us for a quick second.

We then see Clover along with Sam and Alex huddle into a group as they talk.

Clover: *whispers* Alex what are you doing?

Alex: *whispers* Offering (Y/N) a place to stay duh.

Sam: *whispers* He’s a dangerous monster.

Alex: *whispers* He only attacks people out of self-defense, plus he’s a nice guy.

Clover: *Whispers* Alex he's an alien what if he eats our brains?

Alex: *whispers* He's not gonna eat our brains, he just has trust issues and I'm gonna help him.

Sam: *whispers* I still say he's dangerous, we don't know what he'll do.

Alex: *whispers* Dangerous or not he needs a home and what better people to give a home then us.

Sam: *whispers* Well it is kind of our fault for finding he lives, okay he can stay with us.

Alex: *whispers* Yay, *to you* (Y/N) good news you can stay with us.

(Y/N): Amazing.

Sam: After we unfreeze the people back at WHOOP.

(Y/N): Gotcha.

Later, we see you and the girls heading to whoop as Alex kept touching your antennas.

(Y/N): Ms, would you please refrain from touching my antennas.

Alex: Sorry, but they look so nice.

(Y/N): Thanks, though I'm not like the others.

Clover: Others?

(Y/N): Yeah my home world Klymmus home of the necrofriggians.

Sam: So there are more like you?

(Y/N): Yeah, but they're not evolved like me.

Sam: Evolved? What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well you see, awhile back I was born out of nowhere and the next thing I knew I was on Earth in some place called "Beverly hills" since I didn't want people to find me I decided to hide out and make a little home away from where ever I came from.

Alex: That's awful, not knowing where you came from but don't worry about that, you're gonna live with us now.

(Y/N): Thank you, for your kindness.

Alex: You are very welcome.

Later, we see you and the girls at whoop with the frozen victims as you saw a middle aged man in a suit.

(Y/N): Who’s the bald guy?

Jerry: I beg your pardon?!

Clover: *giggles* That's Jerry, our boss.

(Y/N): Oh nice to meet you.

Jerry: Pleasure is all mine Mr.

(Y/N): Nitrogen, (Y/N) Nitrogen.

Jerry:  Nice to meet you, now about the frozen people.

(Y/N): Don't worry I can handle this.

You then uncovered your wings/cloak as you then exhaled a wave of solar plasma melting the ice as the people fell out onto the floor.

Sam: Woah the ice is all melted.

Jerry: But we tried every means of melting the ice how in the world did you-

(Y/N): Solar plasma it's the only thing that can melt necrofriggian ice.

Alex: Are they gonna be okay?

(Y/N): They'll be a little groggy but other than that they'll be fine, I didn't make my ice that cold to freeze them just to lower their body temps.

Jerry: Remarkable, with skills like that how would you like to work for WHOOP.

(Y/N): Really? Even after what I just did before?

Jerry: Water under the bridge, you only did it out of self defense and you'd be an excellent agent for WHOOP.

(Y/N): Hmm sure why not.

Jerry: Excellent, Alex, Sam, and Clover will be your mentors for the time being.

Sam: Awesome, I always wanted to teach someone how to be a spy.

Alex: Well then on the count of my skills of a shopper, athlete, and spy I could teach him *thinks for a moment* throw in a Platinum Credit Card and you got a deal Jerry.

Clover: Make that 3.

(Y/N): Credit Card?

Clover: And also teaching (Y/N) about Earth culture and have him be human and blending in, starting with getting a new outfit other than the cloak you're wearing.

(Y/N): Wearing what now? This is my wings.

Clover: Oh, you mean...your cloak is a part of you and it’s your wings.

(Y/N): Yeah, I need them to fly.

Clover: Well then, I guess that makes you my shopping buddy, I do need someone to carry all of the bags from shopping sprees.

(Y/N): Clover, I'm an evolved necrofriggian not a tetramand.

Alex: Tetra what now?

(Y/N): red skinned alien, four arms and eyes and really strong.

Alex: Oh gotcha.

Later, we see you and girls at the beach house as you look around the place.

(Y/N): It's no igloo but It'll do for the time being.

You then looked to see the living room.

Alex: And that's the living room.

(Y/N): It looks very…. colorful *hears his stomach growling* Hmm getting a bit peckish. *grabs a piece of metal and eats it* It’s a good thing I brought some metal with me.

Sam: Um are you...eating metal?

(Y/N): Yeah, *eats another piece* why?

Clover: Is that a thing with your people?

(Y/N): We have very strong teeth, it's kinda like how humans say "main diet" *eats another piece*

Alex: Woah talking about getting iron in your diet.

(Y/N): Actually I think this might be steel, cast iron, or aluminum.

Sam: I think it’s vital to have some vitamins and minerals in your system.

(Y/N): Good point though, I have never eaten human food before.

Alex: I know the best restaurants with the best food.

(Y/N): That would be nice to go to someday, so uh where am I sleeping?

Clover: How about my room?

(Y/N): Really? You're sure you're okay with sleeping with an alien?

Clover: Oh sure don’t mind *to Sam and Alex* And dibs on his first lesson by the way.

Alex and Sam: Dang it!

(Y/N): And what lesson would this be?

Clover: Well, a lesson on shopping of course, like getting the best shoes, best purses, and best outfits.

(Y/N): And how is this a part of being an agent?

Clover: It’s about blending in within the public, don’t let people figure that you’re a spy.

(Y/N): Hmm I see, don’t let your enemies know that you’re a normal average person while in actuality you’re plotting to take down your enemies, good thinking Ms. Clover.

Clover: Oh just call me Clover, I don’t want to feel old when you call me Ms. Clover.

(Y/N): Ok, Clover.

Later, we see you and Clover in bed as we see your wings were spread over the bed as Clover was on your right wing sleeping.

Clover: *in her head* Oh wow, his wing feels so cool, it really helps with the blistering on my back and maybe after a few more nights with him, he'll be the perfect boyfriend.

The camera then fades to black as we see your eyes glow red.

(A/N):  Keep in mind the story will have some original chapters by me and Freelancer1337 and some of the episodes from seasons 3 to 6 We will not do all of the episodes.

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