Chapter 2: Shopping and Spying

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It's been over a day since you became the first alien spy for WHOOP as we see you and Clover in bed as we see you sleeping peacefully while exhaling puffs of cold air as we then hear the alarm ring waking up Clover.

Clover: *yawns* Oh man that was the best sleep I had since we'll ever.

Clover then turns to see your still asleep

Clover: *in her head* You know for an alien boy, he's kind of cute when he's asleep *sighs* too bad I have to wake him up, *outloud* (Y/N) time to wake up it's morning.

You then begin to stir in your sleep as you then wake up.

(Y/N): *yawns* Morning Clover, how was your sleep.

Clover: Oh it was amazing with you here and your wings were great on my back.

(Y/N): Thanks and speaking of wings could you uh you know *points to where clover is sitting*.

Clover: Oh whoopsie *gets up* my bad.

(Y/N): *gets up* It's cool and it doesn't hurt me that much.

As you got up you stretched your wings out showing the fire like design on them as Clover starred in awe.

Clover: Woah your wings look so cool.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Later we then see you and Clover in the kitchen along with a jealous Sam and Alex.

Sam: So, how did you sleep last night Clover?

Clover: Oh it was amazing usually my back is seeping icky sweat from all the heat, but with (Y/N) it felt like I was sleeping on a comfy bed of ice.

Alex: It did?

Clover: Sure did.

Sam and Alex: Lucky.

Clover: Huh?

Alex: Well, if we’re gonna teach him on how to be a spy, we get a turn on sharing a bed with him.

Sam: Yeah, that means no hogging our cuddle buddy, I mean (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Cuddle what now?

Sam: Oh it's nothing (Y/N) just uh girl talk.

(Y/N): Oh okay, I'm gonna get some breakfast.

As you were fixing up some grub the girls were talking about what to do with you.

Sam: *whispers* I know (Y/N) is now a spy and all-

Alex: *whispers* Alien spy.

Sam: *whispers* Yes alien spy but it makes me wonder how long he was staying on earth.

Clover: *whispers* Totally, and don't forget he's not exactly up to earth standards.

The girls turned to see you putting some toaster waffles in the toaster and after a few seconds then popped up as you caught them and noticed they were a bit hot so you blew on them but accidentally froze them instead.

(Y/N): Whoops, oh well waff-sicles for breakfast then *eats some of the frozen waffles*

Sam: *whispers* Well you’re right about that Clover, so while you teach him on how to be a spy, teach him on how to be a human too we don't want people thinking he's a you-know-what.

Clover: *whispers* Gotcha.

(Y/N): *off-screen* Hey Sam where do you keep the syrup?

Sam: *to you*Oh in the cabinet.

(Y/N): *off screen* Thank you.

Alex: *whispers* Well should I be next to teach him about being a spy.

Clover: *whispers* And what would that be?

Alex: *whispers* I can teach him how to use gadgets in our missions.

Sam: *whispers* Good point.

Alex: *whispers* What about you Sam, what lesson on being a spy are you gonna do?

Sam: *whispers* Well I can teach him how to use martial arts and stealth tactics.

(Y/N): *appears behind Sam* What about Stealth tactics?

Sam: *screamed and gets startles* Ahh! *Turns to see you* What the? How long were you there?

(Y/N): Long enough.

Alex: *to Sam* Woah he's got potential.

Sam: *To Alex* Yeah he does.

Clover: *to you* Well, let's get to the Groove to go shopping.

(Y/N): Groove?

Clover: Right you don’t know about Groove yet, well it’s where girls like us go shopping for new fashionable outfits and the latest trends in clothing.

(Y/N): And that's what humans do around here?

Clover: Sure do.

(Y/N): Hmm I see, so when does the lesson begin?

Clover: After breakfast.

(Y/N): Okay.

Later we see You and Clover at the grove as you look around the place.

(Y/N): So which store do we go to first?

Clover: Hmmm *looks at a clothing store that has a 50% off sales* Ooh how about that one they're having a sale.

(Y/N): It does seem like you would save a decent amount of money there sure.

We then see you and Clover at the store as you were holding a bag for Clover as we then see her with two purses one was blue with a yellow handle and the other was purple with a magenta handle.

Clover: Okay (Y/N) first lesson, which purse should we buy *pulls up the blue and yellow* this purse that matches my looks or *pulls up a purple and magenta* this goth style purse.

(Y/N): Hmm why not both, the first one that matches your looks and a day time purse and one that matches any gothic style outfits you might have or a night out on a town.

Clover: Hey, you’re right, you have an eye for a true fashionista.

(Y/N): Thank you.

As Clover was purchasing the purses you then saw a weird looking badge on the floor as you went and picked it up.

(Y/N): *picks up the Nemetrix* Hmm what's this? Never seen an omnitrix like this before.

You then went up the cashier and showed him the Nemetrix.

(Y/N): Hey how much for this broch?

Cashier: Sorry sir, I don’t think we have something like this in stock, but I can give it to you free of charge.

(Y/N): Really? Thanks.

Cashier: You are welcome sir.

Later, we see you and Clover back at the beach house as Clover was seen with the girls with several hundred shopping bags.

Sam: So how did shopping go with our new recruit.

Clover: Totally amazing, (Y/N) even knew what purses I should use *pulls out the first purse* like the blue and yellow for day time shopping and *pulls out the second purse*  The purple and magenta purse should be used for night time in the town.

Sam: Woah that's... actually pretty impressive.

Alex: Yeah I had no idea (Y/N) would be good at fashion.

Clover: Neither did I, and he even got himself a little something for himself though it was a weird looking brooch.

Sam: Really? What did it look like?

Clover: Well I did snap a pic of what it looked like when (Y/N) found it *shows her phone with the picture of the nemetrix on it* Here's what it looks like.

Alex: *sees the Nemetrix* Woah never seen a brooch like that before.

Sam: Did they carry anymore of them?

Clover: No that's the weird part they didn't carry this kind of brooch in any of the stores.

Alex: What do you mean?

Clover: I mean when I asked them about (Y/N)'s brooch they said they don’t carry brooches like it.

Sam: Hmm weird, what would (Y/N) want with a brooch like that?

Clover: Oh maybe he wants to try something new.

Alex: Maybe.

Meanwhile in Clover's room, we see you tinkering with the Nemetrix via Clover's computer.

(Y/N): Interesting a device similar to the Ultimatrix I was once in, now let's what aliens do you hold.

You then look through the library of aliens in the Nemetrix and  see that it’s full of non-sapient aliens.

(Y/N): Woah very powerful *sees the hypnotick DNA* even my predator, remarkable, for a cheap knock-off. And I use the term loosely.

Later, at night time, it was now 10:00pm as we see you looking at the beach house blueprints and saw the places where you and the girls would get quote on quote "Whooped"

(Y/N): Hmm looks the house is well equipped with entrances to WHOOP, very impressive, something that was made by humans.*yawns* okay time for some shut-eye.

You then joined Alex in bed as you saw her hugging what looked to be a stuffed turtle. You then place a wing over Alex as she notices the cool feeling she was getting.

Alex: *in her head* Woah Clover was right it's I'm sleeping on a bed of cool ice it's so soothing.

The next day we see Alex getting up as she stretches her arms.

Alex: *yawns* Oh man that was the best sleep I had before the heat wave hit. *Sees you still sleeping and in her head* Woah for an alien boy he does look cute when he's asleep too bad I have to wake him up.*outloud* Wake up (Y/N), it’s morning.

You stir in your sleep as you then woke up and saw Alex already.

(Y/N): *Yawns* Oh morning Alex, how was your sleep?

Alex: Amazing with you here.

(Y/N): Thanks by the way I have to ask what's with the stuffed turtle?

Alex: I like turtles and he has a name, it's Ollie

(Y/N): And how long has….Ollie been with you?

Alex: Ever since I was a little girl, Ollie  has always been with me through thick and thin.

(Y/N): That long huh, well I'm not one to judge on who or what your friend is, it's actually kind of cute.

Alex: *blushes* Oh stop, you’re making me blush.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Anyways let's get ready for the day the other two are probably waiting in the kitchen.

Alex: Okay then.

Later we see you and the girls at the kitchen as you were seen reading the blueprints to the house.

Clover: Hey (Y/N) whatcha reading there?

(Y/N): Blueprints to your beach house, it has everything including the entrances to WHOOP.

Sam: Wait really?

(Y/N): Sure does check it out *points to the aquarium* Here you'll vacuumed by the aquarium in the living room *points to the sofa* Here the seats on the sofas are actually hollowed out tubes that also lead to the WHOOP. It's actually really surprising how a regular beach house can have so many entrances to a hidden spy organization.

Sam: Okay, talk about invasion of privacy! Wait how did you get a hold of these blueprints?

(Y/N): Looked through the WHOOP database on how the beach house was built and let's not forget the trap doors hidden throughout the house.

Sam: *looks around cautiously* Okay then, duly noted.

(Y/N): Anytime, so what's my lesson for today?

Alex: Well I should teach you about some gadgets on some mission

(Y/N): Gadgets?

Alex: Yeah, all spies have gadgets that can help them on missions when they get into a situation.

(Y/N): Sounds like it could be helpful let's go with the lesson.

Alex: Awesome.

Later we see You and Alex at WHOOP headquarters as we see a table full of gadgets the girls used for past missions.

Alex: Alright, lets see what to start with. * Sees the 24-hour Extra-Power All-Day Adhesive Hair Pomade* Oh here we go.

(Y/N): Pomade spray? How's that gonna help?

Alex: It's not just pomade, it's actually super sticky stuff to help you stop baddies.

(Y/N): I see, they are gadgets, they look like a regular can of pomade.

Alex: Yep, the key is subtlety so no one knows what it really is.

(Y/N): I see *sees the exploding lipstick* Exploding lipstick? *Sees the Expandable Mascara Brush* Expandable Mascara Brush? Uh Alex not to sound offensive, but these gadgets aren't really made for guys like me.

Alex: Oh yeah the gadgets that me and the girls used were made specifically for us, whoopsie sorry (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's cool, I'm sure Jerry has something lying around that's made for a guy like me.

Alex: I might know somewhere that can have some guy based gadgets for male spies like you or jerry.

After a few minutes of looking Alex comes back with a box that says "Male based gadgets" as she sits it on the table.

Alex: Phew I looked through the armory and I found some.

(Y/N): Thanks Alex let's we what we have *picks up a wallet* A communicator disguised as a wallet, neat *pulls out a ascot* an ascot cable not bad, *pulls out a fountain pen* Fountain Pen microphone, pretty useful, *pulls out a monocle* And a monocle?

Then a laser beam fired from the monocle and it bounced multiple times across the room as you and Alex went under the table as the beam disappeared as you and Alex got up under the table.

(Y/N): Okay, not a regular monocle, *puts the monocle on the table* Just gonna put it right here for now. *steps away from it slowly* sheesh was it like this when you, Sam and Clover first became spies.

Alex: Yeah it totally was at first, we didn't even know how to use the gadgets, but a little training goes a long way and someday you'll be just like us, trust me I know.

(Y/N): Okay then *sees the microphone pen* Hmm I wonder.

Later we see you at the WHOOP training hall, as we see you with the others and a robotic 4 armed Samurai.

Jerry: Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'm positive Jerry set the difficulty to maximum.

Spies: WHAT?!

Clover: (Y/N) don't do this, that samurai will turn you into sushi!

Alex: You'll get killed!

Sam: You don't have to do this!

(Y/N): Don't worry I know what I'm doing, Jerry turn the robot on.

Jerry: As you wish.

Jerry then activates the robot setting it to maximum difficulty as the robot woke up and pulled out four swords and you pulled out the microphone fountain pen.

Sam: The microphone fountain pen? How is that gonna help?

(Y/N): For those who are not armed, words are weapons.

The robot then charged at you as you stood still with the girls and even in suspense.

Clover: Oh man I can't look! *Covers her eyes*

(Y/N): *to the robot* You're just like the other rusty tin cans. *leans into the microphone* broken *echos*

As you whispered into the microphone it then sent out a sonic shock wave at the robot that then stopped it as it then short circuits and blew up into various pieces as they fell to the ground.

Alex: How did you do that?

(Y/N): I altered the frequency of the microphone pen at a decibel that can destroy a single machine. Sometimes, words can be more powerful than any weapon on Earth.

Jerry: Impressive, never have I seen a spy use a gadget like that before.

Clover: Me neither.

Sam: (Y/N) just continues to amaze us each day.

Alex: Yep.

(Y/N): Speaking of gadgets, Jerry, can I work on my own gadget while I'm here.

Jerry: Well I don't see why not,  sure you can work on your gadget here for the time being.

(Y/N): Thanks Jerry.

Later in the WHOOP labs, we see you working on the Nemetrix as you were using parts from older gadgets before the girls had joined WHOOP including the laser Monocle as we see parts of it laying on the table as we then see you attaching two wires.

(Y/N): *attaching two wires together* Almost there.

As you attached the two wires together the symbol on the Nemetrix glowed red turned into a red square hourglass shaped badge with red accents on it.

(Y/N): Perfect and with a few more modifications it will be the greatest device in the galaxy, The Alphaitrix.

Later in the day we see you in the kitchen writing down a list of ingredients you were buying tonight as we then see the spies show up.

Clover: Hey (Y/N) what's up.

(Y/N): *while writing a shopping list* Hey girls.

Alex: What are you writing there?

(Y/N): Shopping list, I'm gonna go out for a bit and get a few things for dinner tonight.

Sam: *looks a the list* Where are you gonna go to find this stuff?

(Y/N): Easy, Undertown.

Clover: Under what?

Later, we then see you and the girls going through a cave.

Sam: (Y/N) are you sure you know where we're going?

Clover: Yeah, my new boots are getting all muddy.

(Y/N): Sure, I'm sure and look where right up ahead.

You then went to the opening as the girls showed up and gasped in shock at what they saw, a city full of aliens and shops too.

Clover: Oh my….

Sam: No way.

Alex: A city full of aliens so cool.

(Y/N): Yep, this is Undertown, a little city made by and for aliens like me.

Clover: Unless you’re a hyper evolved space ice ghost.

(Y/N): That too.

We then see you and the girls walking through undertown seeing all the different kiosks and stuff.

Sam: Whoah, look at all of this stuff how long has there been an undertown?

(Y/N): Probably ever since Earth became an open system.

As you and the girls are looking around we see a bunny like an alien selling tentacles on a stick.

Bunny alien: Tentacles on a stick! So fresh they grab you.

Alex: Woah never had alien food before.

(Y/N): Want one?

Alex: Oh sure.

(Y/N): *pulls out a few taydenite* Hey sir, a tentacle for the lady.

Bunny: with or without suckers?

Alex: Suckers please.

Bunny: Alright *gives Alex a Tentacle on a stick with suckers on it* Here ya go kid.

Alex: *takes the Tentacle on a stick* Thanks. *takes a bite* Yum, it tastes like calamari.

Clover: Okay there's gotta good for me here like-

Guy: Get your protozoan smoothies.

Sam: Smoothies?

Clover: Ooh let's go.

We then see you and the girls at a booth where we see an ant-eater-like alien selling smoothies.

Guy: Get your protozoan smoothies!

As you and the girls showed up we then see a customer come by and give the seller a taydenite as the girls then see him regurgitate a large purple protozoan as he puts a straw through it and gives it to the customer.

Guy: *gives the guy his smoothie* Here you are sir, enjoy.

Sam: Whoa never saw a smoothie like that before.

Clover: No kidding, is it safe to eat?

(Y/N): Probably, would you two like some?

Sam: Sure.

Clover: Hmm well who am I to say no to a good smoothie.

(Y/N): Okay then *to the seller and gives him two taydens* Hey two smoothies for the ladies.

Guy: Sure thing kid, *regurgitates two protozoan blobs and puts straws in each of them* Here you are sir and madams.

(Y/N): *takes the smoothes* Thanks *gives them to Sam and Clover* Here you have two protozoan Smoothies.

Sam: *takes the protozoan smoothie* Woah never seen a smoothie like this. *drinks the smoothie* Hey not bad.

Clover: *drinks the smoothie* Mmmm grape.

Alex: Hey can I have one?

(Y/N): Sure thing *to the seller* Can I get one more for the lady?

Seller: Sure thing kid *regurgitates a large protozoan and puts a straw through it* Here you are.

(Y/N): *takes the smoothie* Thanks *gives it to Alex* Here you are Alex, enjoy.

Alex: *drinks the smoothie* This is so yummy.

(Y/N): Thanks, now let's get to this shopping list, *checks the list* First up, Amber Ogia.

Sam: Amber what now?

(Y/N): Amber Ogia, *sees a kiosk selling Amber Ogia* Oh there it is.

You and the girls then went to a kiosk where they were selling a large coconut-sized, amber-hued fruit in a basket.

Alex: *sees the amber Ogia* Woah that's one big goose berry.

Clover: Or is it a papaya.

(Y/N): Well it does taste it like papaya, this fruit comes from Revonnah.

Sam: Woah alien fruit.

(Y/N): Yep, and it's not just a fruit people on Revonnah use it as food, clothing, and even the fuel that powers their world.

Clover: Wow, that is cool.

Sam: Yeah talk about a fruit with multi purpose.

(Y/N): Yep, *to the seller* Can I get the whole basket of Amber Ogia please *gives a couple Taydens to the seller*

Seller: Sure thing, *gives you a basket full of Amber Ogia* Here you are, kid.

(Y/N): *takes the basket of Amber Ogia* Thank you, now let's see *checks the list* Next on the list is bathorax *sees the kiosk selling the bathorax* oh there it is.

We then you and the girls at a kiosk where a merchant was holding up a bowl full of purple sea-cucumber like fruit.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Most people can't get Bathorax this fresh *grabs one and squeezes it making yellow ooze come out* Just right.

Sam: Woah looks like a sea-cucumber.

Alex: Yeah if sea cucumbers didn't ooze out yellow slime and it's kind of weird how we never saw any alien video games yet.

(Y/N): Video games rot the brain Alex *slaps your forehead* Oh I almost forgot the parmacean brain rot, be right back, oh almost forgot *gives some Taydens to the seller* I'll take these to go.

Seller: Here you are *gives Alex the bathorax*

Alex: Thanks.

You then went to another kiosk and got the parmacean brain rot which looked like a blue brain with purple spots, as you and the girls were walking through the streets Alex then spotted a tiffin ice cream stand.

Alex: Ooh what's that?

(Y/N): Oh that's that tiffin ice cream stand.

Alex: Woah, alien ice cream let's go.

Sam: Hmm does look pretty harmless sure.

Later we see you and the girls at the tiffin ice cream stand as you went up to the counter.

(Y/N): Hey there, can I get four tiffin flavored ice creams please. *Gives the seller four Taydens*

Seller: Toppings?

Alex: I would like some chocolate sauce, gummy bears, and chocolate sprinkles.

Sam: Rainbow sprinkles for me please.

Clover: And I'd like some chocolate syrup and sprinkles on mine.

(Y/N): Plain for me.

Seller: Okay *gives you and the girls your tiffin ice cream* Here you four are, enjoy.

Alex: *looks at her tiffin ice cream* Aw it looks so cute with the little faces on them, I almost feel bad for eating it.*takes a bite of the ice cream*  Mmmm almost.

Sam: *takes a bite of the ice cream* Mmm oh this is amazing.

Clover: *takes a bit of the ice cream* Your right this stuff is delish, way better than regular ice cream.

(Y/N): *takes a bite of the ice cream* Sure is.

Sam: So (Y/N), why is it called tiffin ice cream?

(Y/N): Oh it's cause Tiffins are the off-spring of the Lewodans.

Alex: Wait so that means…..It's ice cream made from babies?!

(Y/N): Well not exactly, eating Lewodan babies is banned in 15 systems this is tiffin flavored as in artificially flavored, so there's no harm no foul.

Clover: Thank goodness, I do not want to eat ice cream made from babies.

Sam: Yeah, I really do not want that in my mind right now. *Shivers* To think I'd be eating ice cream that has babies in it, that would not be good on my resume or in our spy carear.

(Y/N): Yeah that would have been awful, and it looks like I have one more item on the list.

Sam: What is it?

(Y/N): Canned tiffin, *sees the girls wide eyed* Oh artificial canned tiffin not the real stuff.

Alex: Oh phew that's the relief.

Clover: Yeah for a minute there I thought you were getting canned babies.

(Y/N): Hey I may be an evolved alien ghost, but even I draw the line at eating babies.

Later, after getting several cans of artificial tiffins we then see the girls in the living room while you were in the kitchen making dinner while the girls were wondering what you were making.

Sam: What are you making in there?

(Y/N): *while in the kitchen* Tonight’s dinner. *while wrestling a Tentacle* No stay in there! I made you and I can unmake you! *Blasts the Tentacle with solar plasma* It’s a process girls! *grabbed by the foot* Let go of my foot! You're the dish and I'm the maker!

Alex: Uh everything okay in there (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *in the kitchen* Just dandy, * Gets grabbed by a tendril* Ah! Hey! *Burns the tendril with solar plasma* phew, that’s over with.

Clover: Are you sure?

(Y/N): *in the kitchen* Everything is okay!  Sees the tendrils come out of the pot again* No! Stay in there! *Closes the pot as the creature tries to get out* you're not done yet!

Later, you managed to finish cooking dinner and place it on the table for all girls to enjoy.

(Y/N): Girls, dinner is served.

The girls then see a pot zendurian goulash, an amber Ogia tart topped with slices of Bathorax and the Parmecean Brain Rot and the crown jewel a tub of tiffin flavored ice cream with bottles of various syrups.

Sam: Woah amazing spread.

Alex: Yeah everything looks tasty.

Clover: Not bad.

(Y/N): Thanks girls although that Zendurian Goulash did put up a fight, nearly tore me apart, Phew.

Sam: Fight?

(Y/N): Well it was made fresh and believe it was not an easy task putting in the pot.

Alex: You mean it was alive?

(Y/N): Yep well key word being "was alive" now it's in the goulash *to the goulash* not so tough now are you?

Clover: Well alive or not let's dig in.

You and the girls then proceeded to eat the dinner and after the goulash and the tart all that was left was the artificial tiffin ice cream.

Sam: Man that was delicious.

Clover: Totally amazing.

Alex: Yeah for an alien dinner that was good.

(Y/N): Thanks girls and I hope you saved room for dessert because we have tiffin ice cream.

Spies: Awesome!

We then see you and the girls eating artificial tiffin ice cream as you all were enjoying it.

Clover: I can't get over that this ice cream is amazing.

Alex: Totally, but it's good this is artificial and not the real stuff.

(Y/N): Yeah wouldn't want you three to eat real tiffins.

After dinner, we later see you and Sam asleep in bed as Sam was enjoying your wing over her.

Sam: *in her head* Woah the girls were right it's like sleeping on a comfy ice bed.

The camera then fades to black with your Alphaitrix glowing red.

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