Chapter 11 Like a Jolt from the past

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Flashback, Bellwood 5 years ago.

It was night time as we see a bolt of electricity going to a Mr. Smoothie sign traveling down to the ground as it goes to a cash register and out pops a megawatt as it zaps a both of the cash registers as we then see a young stink fly show up as it shot goo at the megawatt trapping it.

Young Stinkfly: *Snorts*

Megawatts: *Shrieks* * Speaking alien language*

Young Ben: *as stink fly* Man, you Megawatts are annoying!

Megawatts: *Grunting* *Giggles evilly*

The megawatt then frees itself as it zapps a smoothie machine making it shoot smoothie mix at Ben as he turns back into human.

Young Ben: Ow. So annoying. Blah! Smoothies? Who'd ever want to drink something like that?

The Megawatt then goes and tries to escape the store as young Ben then catches it with a smoothie cup

Young Ben:  *Grunts*  Fun's over! At least this time, there's only one of you. *struggles and the cup explodes* Um... Aah!

The Megawatt then escapes and absorbed the electricity as it then made more of itself

Young Ben: *Counts the Megawatts * One, two, three, four. *Sees the many Megawatts* Oh, man!

We then see the Megawatts forming an electric loop.

Young Ben: Great. And, of course, I don't have anything that can handle electricity. *Realizes* Oh, wait. Yeah, I do!

Young Ben then hits his omnitrix and becomes feedback.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Totally forgot about Feedback.

Megawatts then laughs at him.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Let's see you laugh without any energy!

Ben then absorbs all of the energy out of the Megawatts as they fall to the ground asleep.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Oh, yeah! Because nobody... and I mean nobody... Makes a fool out of Ben 10!

The Rustbucket  shows up as Gwen and Max wrap the Megawatts in rubber sheets.

Max Tennyson: It's a good thing Ben still needs his rubber sheets. These should make for good insulation.

Young Ben: *as Back and sees Gwen looking at him* Don't go there Gwen.

Present day.

Here at Plumber base we see you, Max,  Shar, and the spies along with Shirley and Donna all waiting for Ben.

(Y/N): So does anyone have any idea where Ben is?

Donna: Beats me.

Sam: I haven't seen him in while.

We then see Ben show up drinking a smoothie.

Ben: *Slurping* Sorry I'm late.

Max Tennyson: You're not on your own schedule anymore, Ben. You can't keep your team waiting.

Ben: I was... Off saving the Universe.

Max then sees the smoothie in his hand.

(Y/N): With a smoothie? *realizes* Wait, you saved the universe, then you picked up a smoothie afterwards.

Ben: Uh...yes I did.

Max then goes off leaving Ben and the others.

Ben: *sighs* Come on guys, I'm parked over here.

Shar: We will take mine.

Ben and the others turn to see a plumber tank as Ben eyes widened in shock as the tank left leaving a truck that said "Max's Plumbing"

Ben: Wow I bet the guys will be screaming when they see this ride rolling down the block.

Shar: Males are not afraid of my vehicle, but they probably should.

Shar then pushes a button as the truck then transforms into a ship.

Donna: I wish I have a set of wheels like that, you know Shar sometimes you're actually kind of awesome.

Shar then smiles in admiration.

Donna: Sometimes.

We then see the ship go through the tunnel as it turned back to a truck as it went on the road. As you and the others were driving Shar then notices Ben's and Donna's looks of boredom.

Shar: I'm not familiar with human emotional cues, but are you two angry at me?

Ben: Nah, just bored. I'm feeling more like a tour guide than a hero lately. Over here on your right, you'll see a city. Over here on your left, you'll see what we call water. Careful, it's wet.

Donna: The more you talk to me, the more bored I get.

Shar: Water is wet. I'm familiar with that.

Ben: I'm sorry that I left you guys waiting around. I just don't want to change how I work. I've saved the Universe a million times... At least!

Shar: That is why I look forward to this. I hope the real Ben Tennyson lives up to the legends.

Ben: There are legends?

Clover: That means more movies, merchandise, broadways, TV Shows, and t-shirts.

Shar: They can't all be true, though. For instance, Alien X... That's just a rumor that a fan made up and put on the Extranet, right?

Sam: What's the Extranet?

(Y/N): Space internet.

Alex: Woah, I guess aliens have their own internet.

Ben: Yeah and Alien X is real.

Shar: He is? Show me. Change into Alien X right now.

Ben: I'd better not. It's a whole thing *drinks more of the smoothie*

Shar: Just as I thought.

(Y/N): Shar honey, You do realize you can transform into him yourself.

Shar: *realizes* Oh right, Omnitrix.

(Y/N): Yeah, although I don't get why Alien X showed up at our family reunion when Kundo showed up.

Ben: Look, find us a little heroing to do, and you can tell me if I live up to the legend.

Later we see some aliens eating parts of  a car as you and others show up as Ben activates his omnitrix as the aliens knew what was gonna happen as they spat out the car parts and put them back where they were but poorly as Ben deactivates his Omnitrix as he points to the road indicating Shar to drive. Next we see you and the others chasing an alien as it had a purse in its mouth as it went to a lady on the bench as Ben activates his omnitrix as sees it returned the purse to her and turned to see an alien was smiling as she screamed and walked off as Ben was disappointed. Next  we see a bigger alien cornering a smaller alien as it turned to see you and the others as Ben activates his omnitrix as the alien was a mother feeding her baby as she glared angrily at Ben as he deactivates his Omnitrix and holds his hands in defense and walked back as you and the others walked back to the truck as We then see you and others back in the truck.

Ben: Some heroing so far. At least the world is safe from car-munching aliens. *Sees a guy*  Look, some normal dude. Maybe we should arrest him for jaywalking.

(Y/N): Nah, we should give him a ticket.

Sam: Or just a stern talking too.

Shar: His phone shouldn't be able to be powered here on Earth. Is that normal?

Ben:No, that's not normal.

We then see corvo going into an alley with you and the others tailing him

Corvo: Well, you tell her that I'm part of something big. *Looks back as he sees you and the others are gone* I'll call you back.

Corvo then turns and blasts your hiding spot as he runs away with Ben getting back up.

Ben: Your welcome.

You and the others soon follow Ben as you then saw the headlights of a car as drove off as you got out of the way.

Ben: Finally, some action. Big Chill will let me cut right through these buildings.

But instead of turning into Big Chill Ben turned into Heatblast as he slammed into a wall and fell back.

Ben: *as Heatblast* Heatblast seriously? *Looks at the building* Time to improvise.

Ben then propels himself like a rocket and follows Corvo as he sees him and tries to shoot him down as you flew by Ben and blocked the shots with your wings as Corvo looked to see Shar and the others in the truck as Shar turns the truck into ship mode and follows Corvo as he goes into another direction to try and lose you and the others as you and catch up to him and took out one of his tires with a combined fire blast making him stop as Ben turned back into human.

Ben: Oh this one's gonna sting a little.

Just as Ben was about to land on the ground you then caught him as you and him landed safely.

Ben: Oh man, thanks (Y/N).

(Y/N): Your welcome Ben.

We then see the ship stop as Shar saw Corvo about to run off as she then jumped and tacked him to the ground as you and the others joined up with her.

Corvo: What is your deal? I wasn't doing anything!

Shar: Except shooting at a plumber.

Ben: And a team of superheroes, *looks at his phone* alien communicator, alien weapon. Please tell me you work for someone big and dangerous so we can kick his butt.

Corvo: You guys wouldn't last a minute against my boss.

You and the others then hear something from the car.

Shar: This does not sound like a typical earth combustion engine.

Ben: Maybe it's a hybrid.

Donna: Or an electric engine.

Corvo: There's nothing in there, I swear.

We then see Shar open the hood of the car showing some kind of engine as it blew up as you all took cover as a bolt of electricity flew up and landed on the ground and as smoke subsided it revealed to be a megawatt as Ben gasped in shock. The Megawatt then went to Corvo as he was about to run but the Megawatt got to him and zapped his book bag as it showed to be another Megawatt.

Ben: Megawatts? I haven't seen any of these guys in years.

Sam: You know what these aliens are?

(Y/N): I read about them, Ben fought them 6 years ago in a town called Sparksvile, they think anything is funny, and busting open a dam to flood a whole town is funny to them.

Donna: Who would think that's funny?

Ben: The Megawatts apparently.

The Megawatts then glare angrily at Corvo as they go over to him and zap him

Corvo: *while Getting zapped* Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop... Ow! That!

Shar: I've never faced a Nosedeenian. Any advice?

Corvo: Ow!

The Megawatts then go over to Shar and travel through her prototech armor and zap her.

Ben: Try not to let them zap you.

Shar: Duly noted.

The Megawatts kept zapping her until they went to an electrical pole and ran off.

Ben: Stop them.

You and the others ran to the Megawatts as Corvo made an escape while you and the others ran downtown for the Megawatts.

Ben: Which way?

Shar then points right to where the taunting Megawatts were as they ran off.

Ben: Me and (Y/N) will keep after them. Give me some eyes in the sky.

While you and Ben were chasing after the Megawatts Shar and the others used their grappling hook and bungie belts to hoist themselves to a higher point on a building.

Clover: They look like they're going to the water port.

We then see you and Ben running after them.

Ben Tennyson: They can outrun me, but they can't outrun XLR8. *Activates his omnitrix* It's hero time!

But instead of turning into XLR8 Ben turns into Clockwork while you turn into Fast track.

Ben: *as Clockwork* Clockwork this is ridiculous

(Y/N): *as Fast track sarcastically* And you turned into Chronosapian, nice.

Ben: *as Clockwork* And that’s good how?

(Y/N): *as Fast Track* According to the theory of relativity, you can make yourself move at the same speed, just at a faster time frame, from an outside point of view you’re like a blur, but it doesn’t affect the laws of physics like personal gravity or force. And I'm guessing you were going for XLR8

Ben: *as Clockwork* Yes I was.

You and Ben kept running after the Megawatts as they occasionally stopped and taunted you two since Ben was a bit slow so you had to slow down just for him to keep up as you saw Ben taking a breath.

(Y/N): *as Fasttrack* Uh you good Ben?

Ben: *as Clockwork* I'm fine but we lost them, they're too far ahead of... *Gasps* Wait, what?

The Megawatts then go back and taunt you two again as they run off as the two of you followed them as the two of you stopped by the stairs as you saw them go into a warehouse. We then see Shar and the others join up with you and Ben as you both change back with Ben still tired.

Shar: Are you hurt, Ben?

Ben: *Sighs* Give me a sec so I don't hurl.

Shar:  It's a miracle they didn't escape a Chronosapien or a Citrakayah

Ben: That's the thing. I think they wanted me and (Y/N)  to follow them.

Shar:  Do you need more time?

Ben: No. But if you see my face turning green, step back.

You and the others then run into a warehouse duck behind a crate where you saw a large generator and some Megawatts trying to free the others and one of them getting Ben's attention.

Ben:  I see it, but I don't believe it. The Megawatts need our help.

Shar: Someone has set up a factory that uses them as a power source.

We then see a henchman in a mech suit walking by.

Hoodlum: Hey, two of the batteries got out!

We then see the two Megawatts try to escape only to be captured by the guy as another one was going behind you and the others.

Ben: Better do something soon, if you know what I mean.

(Y/N): We do.

Just as the guy was about to get you Ben then leg sweeps him while you and Shar deliver a high kick knocking him to a wall as you and the others then get trapped in an electric force field.

Ben: Great.

We then see a guy with a mohawk and a skull print tank top and orange pants show up.

Fistrick: You better be worth interrupting my workout for.

Hoodlum: Looks like spies, Fistrick.

Fistrick then tosses his towel aside as he punches a punching bag.

Fistrick: * Grunting* We got spies in my house of business? *Grunting*

Ben: There's no sign out front. Seems like you don't want people to know your business.

Fistrick: *Grunts while punching* Well *Sniffs* this kind of alien tech doesn't just fall off a truck.

Ben: I'm sure whoever you took it from isn't too happy about it going missing.

Fistrick: *Grunts and punches the bag off the chain* *Laughs evilly* He don't care anymore... Bro.

Ben: You steal alien tech and then use alien hostages to charge it.

(Y/N): That's all kinds of messed up.

Donna: Not cool.

Fistrick: One alien makes it. Another alien powers it. I mass-produce it and sell it to the highest bidder. It's just good business, bro *sees the switch in Shar's hand* What is that?

Shar: An electron entanglement disruptor.

Shar then pushes the button as you, Ben and the girls become Bloxx and deliver a powerful shockwave knocking out Fisttrick's Henchman as we then see Shar fighting off another henchman while dodging his punches as she dodges of his punches and slashes his left armor arm making it short circuit and power down as he tried to use his other arm only for Donna to grab him and tossed him aside.

Fistrick: Oh, you just made a big mistake, bro-ett.

You, Ben and the others then turn back to normal.

Donna: We make a lot of mistakes. Shutting you down isn't one of them.

We then see Corvo and Fistrick run off as Corvo was about to do the same but was trapped by Shar blasting him with a net with her Proto-Tool as you all ran after Fisttrick as he jumped into a hole and we then see a class 12 armor mech suit rise up from the ground with Fist trick in it as you all step back.

Fistrick: You never asked why we needed so many of these Nosedeenians.

We then see the Megawatts are powering the suit on the back of it.

Fistrick: Let's take this baby for a test-drive. *Moves the suit*  Looks like I'm getting my workout after all.

Shar: *Gasps* A class 12 armored mech Suit. Have you ever dealt with one before?

Clover: Nope.

Donna: No idea.

Sam: Can't say I have.

Alex: Neither have I.

Ben: No. How do you beat it?

Shar: Me? You could try Alien X.

Ben: Stop it. *Sees the red dots* Huh?

The Mecha suit then shot laser guided missiles at you and the others as you all ran off  as you were all caught by the shockwave of the explosion.

Fistrick: Whoa! I love it!

Shar then shoots at the Mecha suit which causes the Megawatts pain.

(Y/N): Don't shoot, you might hit the Megawatts.

Shar: If we can not fight back, that does tend to make our job more difficult.

Ben: Oh, we can fight. We just have to take him down without hurting them.

Shar: That won't be easy.

Ben: It never is. Huh? *sees the mech suit* Okay, Omnitrix, no messing around. I want Four Arms. Do you hear me? Four Arms! I don't want Grey Matter. I don't want Nanomech. Four Arms!

Ben then turns into a rock like alien, While Donna becomes four arms, Clover becomes Diamondhead, Alex becomes Shocksquatch, Sam becomes Kickin Hawk, and you become Wildvine as Shar gasps in shock.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Who's this?

Fistrick: You can all presto-chango all you want. I'm still gonna squash all of you like bugs

Fistrick then punches all of you making you, Ben, and the others stumble back and crash through a wall as you get back up to see about to deliver a punch as Ben blocks it and was about to deliver a punch until his hand started glowing and Levites Fistrick.

Ben: *As Gravattack* Gravity powers, nice

Ben then slams Fistrick to the ground as you and the others hold him down as Shar jumps onto its back trying to free the Megawatts.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Yeah everyone!

Ben then unintentionally raises you and the others along with the mech.

Clover: *as Diamondhead* Ah! Hey come on.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* Dude, focus your gravitational field lower.

Shar: (Y/N) is right lower your field!

Ben: *as Gravattack* Oh sorry!

Ben then slams the mech armor down as Shar saw one of the Megawatts was free but then saw a laser blaster aimed at her.

Shar: Oh, dear.

Shar then gets blasted and knocked into a crate unconscious.

(Y/N):  Shar! *Goes to her*  are you okay, come on sweetie.

Fistrick then grabs you and the others and tosses you all to the ground as he puts his mech foot on Ben.

Fistrick: *while hitting Ben* You... Want... Some... More... Bro?

Clover: *in pain* Owww.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Not *gets hit*... Really! *Gets hit* Unh!

Fistrick: Too bad about your friend. Too bad for you that she got off easy.

Just as Fistrick was about to punch you all a crane hook then comes in and flings Fistrick into a roof of a building as we see Shar was driving the crane.

Shar: Your welcome.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* Oh thank goodness you're okay.

Shar: Of course the blast was not lethal.

We then see Fistrick jump back onto the field.

Fistrick: Weak!

Shar: Everyone, I think I can separate the Megawatts from the suit,*turns her Proto-Tool into a bow*  but it will be a difficult shot. Try to get the suit to stop moving.

Ben: *as Gravattack*  Yeah, thanks, Shar. We'll get right on that.

We then see the mech suit charge at you and the others as Ben then uses his gravity power to lift the mech and slam it down on the ground while you and restrain it even more with you wrapping it in vines and Clover encasing the limbs of the mech as it struggles to move.

Fistrick: Got anything else, heroes, or are you just a one-trick ponies?

Alex: *as Shocksquatch* Hey give us a break ey, this is our first alien mission.

Ben: *as Gravattack* And it's my first time using this guy. Now you might be able to withstand 40 G's.

Fistrick then looks to see the dock was cracking under the pressure.

Ben: *as Gravattack* But I don't think the docks can. What do you think?

The docks then break as Ben levitates the mech suit up and down into the water while you and the others did your thing to stop the mech with you threw sap at it, Clover shooting shards of diamonds, Alex shooting electricity at it, Sam cutting it up with her talons, and Donna throwing crates it.

Donna: *as Four arms while seeing Ben dunking the mech suit* Hey this is like one of those dunk tanks.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* But minus all the pricey tickets.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Yeah it is, and are you having as much fun as we are?

We then see the suit has water leaking inside it as Fistrick was delirious.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* We got it to stop moving.

Shar then aims her bow at the back of the suit and shoots it as the mech short circuits and releases the Megawatts as they land on the ground and run off.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* Nice shot.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Yeah not bad Shar.

Ben then drops the suit to the ground as it was now on its knees

Suit Voice: Power level critical. 12% remaining.

Fistrick: Just enough.

Fistrick then pushes a button as the suit then shoots a barrage of missiles at you and the others as Ben then tries to levitate them only to see that they were circling around you, Ben and the others.

(Y/N): *as Wildvine* You have your own orbit?

Clover: *as Diamo* Okay that is pretty cool.

Ben: *as Gravattack* Yeah it is, hm I wonder.

Fistrick: Oh, this is not good.

We then see Ben circle the missiles around him as then became a ball as you and the others then hopped onto him as Fistrick and the mech suit got caught in the orbit spinning him around as he was them flung into a crate as the missiles were flung at him too as the mech suit was now destroyed as you and the others jumped off of Ben to see Fistrick all tired out.

(Y/N)' *as Wildvine* I think he had enough.

Donna: *as Four arms* He sure did.

Fistrick: *in pain* Bro.

You, Ben and the girls then change back.

Shar: That was not easy.

Ben: It never is.

Later we see you and the others as we see Fistrick being arrested by the plumbers.

Max: I hear there's a colony of Megawatts that helps power Undertown.

Ben: Since when?

Max: Since now.

You and the others look to see the Megawatts are all in a tube all thanking you.

(Y/N): Your welcome.

Shar: The Tennyson legends usually end with some kind of blended beverage.

Ben: Smoothies? Oh, they're more of a daytime thing. At night, it's chili fries.

(Y/N): Ok then, chili fries it is then.

Shar: *sighs* Okay

Ben: And by the way Alien X is real.

Shar: Why can not we see you transform into Alien X.

Ben: Dude, there are some things you're just gonna have to trust me on.

Later we see you and the others all eating chilli fries.

(Y/N): *While eating* I don't get *takes a bite* how you can eat these all time.

Ben: Well all of the butt kicking makes a good workout.

Donna: Yeah it kinda does. I liked having muscles.

Shar: But you already possess muscular strength.

Donna: I mean having four arms of muscles, and besides we need to stay in shape.

Clover: Yeah we do, I am starting to look a bit pudgy.

(Y/N): *looks at himself* Ironically, I look the same as before.

Sam: Yeah, I've noticed that too how come you stay so thin yet eat so much as we do (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't know, maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.

Alex: Or maybe you’re in peak condition from the hyper evolution.

Shar: That could be a possibility, no matter how much (Y/N) ate he still had the same physique for years.

Donna: Really?

(Y/N): Yep, it's true.

Donna: I wish I had a metabolism like that, then I wouldn't be so pudgy.

(Y/N): Isn't that normal for some humans? Uh, no offense.

Sam: None taken, and yeah it is normal for some humans just not all of them.

Ben: Yeah and how can someone not enjoy chili fries there amazing *takes a bite*.

(Y/N): Well there not that bad *takes a bite*

The camera then fades to black while you and the others are eating chili fries.

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