Chapter 12 Many Happy Reunions

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It was now night time in Bellwood as we see there was a house on fire as we saw a dad come out of the burning building.

Madison's Father: *Coughing* Madison? Where's Madison?

Madison: Daddy!

Madison's Father: My little girl is in there! *Sees you* Ghost moth.

(Y/N): Don't worry sir I'll have your daughter out in no time

You then flew into the burning house looking for the girl.

(Y/N): Hello?! Anyone in here?

You then hear a scream as you then saw the girl as a pillar was about to land on her but you caught it just in time as she saw you.

Madison: *gasp* Big Chill!

(Y/N): *tosses the pilar to the side* Yeah it's me, now let's go!

You then grab Madison as you and her run out of the building as she sighed.

(Y/N): What's your deal?

Madison:Oh, I like the brain crab better.

(Y/N): Me too but uh he wasn't available for the night.

You and the girls then phased through the wall as both land on the ground.

Madison: Daddy! *Hugs her dad*

Madison's Father: Madison! *Hugs back*

Madison: *looks to see no dolly*. My dolly. I dropped my dolly!

(Y/N): *Deadpan* Of course you did.

You then go back into the burning house looking for the doll as you then turned into Rath

(Y/N): *as Rath* Show yourself, dolly. Rath doesn't have all day. *Jumps higher to the stairs*

The floor then breaks as you were falling only be enveloped by a purple bubble and dropped to the ground

(Y/N): *as Rath* Huh? What? Hey!

You then turn to see Gwen and Kevin.

Gwen: Did you miss us?

Kevin: Hey, Tennyson.

(Y/N): *as Rath* Let me tell you something, Kevin E. Levin and Gwen Tennyson, former teammates back from college. You show up out of nowhere in Rath's town and save Rath? Nobody saves Rath. Rath saves himself. *Sees the dolly in Gwen's hand* Dolly!

Gwen: Yell at us later c'mon!

You, Kevin, and Gwen then ran out of the building as you changed back as Kevin and Gwen gasped in shock.

Gwen: Wait your not Ben, your….

(Y/N): Ultimate Big Chill, yeah I know.

Kevin: Dude it's been awhile since I saw you.

(Y/N): Same here.

Gwen: It's been years since we saw you, how did you get here anyways?

(Y/N): It's a long story, and cool hair cut and when did you start glasses?

Gwen: *blushes a little* Thanks and I wore glasses for a couple months now.

Later we see you, Kevin, and Gwen at Mr. Smoothies

(Y/N): So you two go to college huh?

Gwen: Yep, It's exactly like saving the universe. Just replace Vilgax with a pompous art history professor. Forget her. I'm on spring break. Kevin took the week off from work so we could visit.

(Y/N): Stop right there. Kevin has a job?

Kevin Levin: At a garage, my own cot and everything.

(Y/N): Like a job job?

Kevin: Oops *drops his smoothie*. Look at that. Nitrogen, help me get some more.

You and Kevin then went off to where Gwen can't hear

(Y/N): So, your own cot, huh?

Kevin Levin: Yeah, yeah. Listen. (Y/N), you got to hide me.

(Y/N): From Gwen? *Chuckles* I mean, yeah, college seems to have had an effect on her, but…

You and Kevin then look to see a ship.

(Y/N): Oh from that

The ship then shot a missile at the Mr.Smoothie sign as it blew up and another one at Gwen as you and Kevin gasped in shock only to see Gwen was okay as you sighed in relief but Kevin on the other hand.

Kevin: *Screams* My ride! What is it about this town?

The ship then shot some lasers as you and Kevin got behind Gwen with her shield.

Gwen: And here I thought I was homesick.

We then see Shar and the girls pull up to where you and the others were

Shar: Get in!

(Y/N): *gets in along with Kevin and Gwen* Thanks sweetie.

Shar then drives off as the ship is hot on her trail.

Kevin: We'll never outrun that in a van.

Shar then pushes a button turning the truck into its ship form.

Kevin: Huh. That works.

(Y/N): Everyone, this is Sam, Alex, Clover Rook Shar, and Shirley there my girlfriends.

Gwen: Woah congrats (Y/N)

Kevin: Could you pull up by that tree over there.

Shar then stops the ship as Kevin goes out and goes behind a tree as a loud scream could be heard as then goes back into the ship.

Kevin: Okay let's go.

(Y/N): You took it well.

Kevin: Oh yeah, why wouldn't I be okay.

We then see the ship get hit as Shar manages to get it steady

(Y/N): Okay that's it.

You then turn into Bloxx and jump out the sunroof as you then formed a wall but the ship went by so fast it went under you as you then went after it while the other ship was chasing Shar and the others as you then jumped onto the other ship hanging from it as you then anchored yourself to a pole knocking it down as you landed on the ground as you then got back on the Proto-truck and changed back.

Gwen: Same old Bellwood

(Y/N): Nothing changes around here.

Later, we see you and the others in a crater that leads to undertown as Kevin was checking out Shar's truck

Kevin: Gavitorque boosters, detrovite nav system. I think there's even some Galvan tech on here.

(Y/N): Um, Kevin, who was that?

Kevin Levin: Quil-temp nano shift transformer. Ha! Dude, (Y/N), she's got a nano shift transformer.

(Y/N): *sighs and turn to Gwen* Any ideas?

Gwen Tennyson: For once, I'm gonna let you figure out who's after you. I have some reading to catch up on.

Kevin Levin: This is a sweet ride.

Shar: Yes. As you say, my vehicle is a treat not unlike candy.

Kevin: Who retrofitted this Chassis? *Looks at Shar* You? Get out of town. That's the coolest person you've ever hung out with... That isn't me.


Kevin: *sighs* Okay fine, we need to stay hidden. That's all you get.

(Y/N): Me and the girls might know a place.

Later we see you and the others at undertown.

Gwen: Okay. Not the same Bellwood. How long has this been here?

(Y/N): I think it was ever since the Realitor incident 6 years ago.

Kevin: You can buy dark-matter afterburners on Earth? We live in an age of wonder.

Clover: You get used to it.

Gwen then sees an alien bus.

Gwen: I doubt that.

Kevin: *to you* Still a lot of eyes down here, gotta be somewhere to hide.

(Y/N): Why are you asking me?

Kevin: Cause you're the master of hiding in plain sight.

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

Kevin then looks inside a white that was a bathroom with a small alien

Alien: Hey! Ever heard of knocking? *Throws the news paper at Kevin*

Kevin: Ever heard of locking the door?

You then showed Kevin an old chamber.

(Y/N): This looks promising.

Kevin then goes in but it was too small as Shar and the others then saw you and Kevin.

Sam: Um what's going on here?

(Y/N): Gwen. We were just fitting Kevin for... A tank suit... Which is a thing down here.

Kevin: Yep. Totally a thing.

Gwen Tennyson: I was thinking of majoring in Anthropology. Maybe I'll do an independent study in alien anthro.

Shar: A fine idea. When I was stationed on Revonnah, I took several extranet classes.

Gwen: Shar

Shar: Hm?

Gwen: Do you know why (Y/N) is trying to hide Kevin?

Shar: I, too, have noticed this.

Gwen: Kinda hard to miss.

Kevin: Phew. That was close.

(Y/N): Tell me about it, now explain why you’re trying to find a hiding space for you?

Just as Kevin was about to say something an explosion could be heard as you and Kevin then saw the same ship as a female tetramand emerged from the ship along with Argit.

(Y/N): Argit?

Argit: I didn't want to give you up, Kev. She made me.

Looma Red Wind: I am Princess Looma Red Wind, and I am here to claim my husband, Kevin E. Levin.

Gwen: Husband?

Looma: Kevin Levin, you are mine.

Shar: You are a husband? I had not heard.

Kevin : No, we're just engaged. *chuckles* I meant to tell you.

Gwen: Go on.

(Y/N): Or I’ll break your nose. *shows Kevin your right fist* With this hand!

Looma then charges at Kevin.

Kevin: Kinda busy at the moment.

Kevin then runs off as he absorbs the wood to hide himself.

Looma: Why have you been hiding from me, Kevin?

Kevin: I wasn't hiding! *dodges punch* I was sick! My ship broke down! *gets punched in the face* I needed a new suit! *gets punched in the face* There was an earthquake! *gets punched in the face* A flood! *gets punched in the face* Vilgax attacked! *gets knocked on the head* It wasn't my fault!

Looma Red Wind: Liar!

You then transformed into Terraspin.

(Y/N): *as Terraspin*  Terraspin? Great. I'll turtle her into submission.

Lomma then jumps onto you as you then flew after Kevin and Looma was punching you.

(Y/N)' *as Terraspin* Hey get off!

You then flew up high as you then crash landed as you changed back as you then saw Looma rise up too.

(Y/N): Crud.

Kevin: (Y/N)!

You then turn to see Kevin and the others on a scooter as you then hopped on.

Undertown Robot: Hey, you've got to pay for those rentals

You then toss some Taydens at him.

(Y/N): Thanks, we’ll bring it back in one piece!

Gwen: I can't wait to hear your explanation.

Kevin: Uh, that's Looma. Been after me since we left campus.

Gwen: So that's what happened to the recreation building.

(Y/N): I figured you owe somebody money, but engaged? What do you get out of it?

You and the others stop the scooter as you all get off of it.

Kevin Levin: It's a long story.

Argit: Ha. No, it's not. You just... *Gets hit by Kevin*

Kevin: *sighs* I think we're clear. Fine. I'll tell. *sighs* This was a while back during me, (Y/N) and Argit's more questionable days. I needed a piece of tech from the Tetramands. It was... important. They said there was no way. I was an outsider. So I made a deal. I got what I wanted, plus a fiancé in the process. I'm not proud of it, but it happened.

Argit: You should have just given the tech back, dude.

Kevin: Yeah, right. I'm not giving up my car to some spoiled, four-armed princess. *Realizes what he said* Oops.

(Y/N): All this, is it about your car?!

Shar: In fairness, Tetramands do make indestructible engine blocks. The best in the galaxy.

Kevin: Right. How else do you think that car has survived all the beatings you've given it?

(Y/N): Yeah, but...

Kevin: You got a better way to get a Khoros-5 engine, Nitrogen? I'd like to hear it.

Gwen: That poor princess.

Kevin Levin: That poor nothing. You're not...

Gwen: *Scoffs* What did you expect? The jealous-girlfriend routine? You're the one that jilted some vulnerable alien girl.

Argit: Oh, yeah. She looked really vulnerable back there.

Gwen: She's just upset, Kevin. She's probably off somewhere right now crying her eyes out.

You then punch Kevin in the face hard enough that you broke his nose as it starts to bleed out.


(Y/N): And that's what you get for engaging with a girl over an engine block, karma hurts. *Heals his nose*

We then see the wall broken as Kevin was on the ground as Looma comes in.

Looma: I will fight for our love, Kevin, even if I must break every bone in your tiny human body!

Gwen: Aw. That's so sweet!

Kevin: Not seeing it.

You then become XLR8

(Y/N): *as XLR8* Let's do this.

You then run to Looma only to be knocked to the ground as you then got up as you then ran around delivering hits to her.

(Y/N): *as XLR8* Sorry, lady, you can't hit what you can't…

Lomma then punches the ground causing a shockwave as it sent you to Kevin as she then grabs Kev9n

Gwen: Hey! Take it easy.

Shar: Allow me, Ms. Tennyson.

Shar then shoots a grappling hook at Kevin and a another one at the ceiling

Kevin Levin: Whoa.

(Y/N): *as XLR8* Nice thinking, Rook.

We then see Looma swing off into a pipe.

Kevin: Don't just stand there, (Y/N). Help!

(Y/N): On my way.

We then see Shar, Gwen and the others get out of the sewers as they went to Kevin

Gwen Tennyson: Where's (Y/N)?

We then see you and Looma come out lfa building as you landed on the ground

Shar: Hang ten, (Y/N)!

Kevin: Hang tight.

Shar: Hang tight!

Looma then see Shar about to swing at her as she then swung back using you as she flung you and Shar to the building

Gwen: Look, let's be grown-ups about this. It's probably just a misunderstanding. A... cultural- relativism, thing.

Looma Red Wind: Human insect! (Looma swings her hammer at Gwen)

Gwen Tennyson: (Blocks swing with her force field) I don't want to fight you.

Looma Red Wind: (laughs) As though I would ever lower myself to
fight...a girl! (continues laughter)

Gwen: (angered) What did you call me?

Gwen transforms into her Anodite form and pulses a small wave of Mana around her, pushing back Looma. Looma, swings her hammer at Gwen once again, but Gwen ducks and dodges it. She brings both of her hands forward, repelling Looma back with a burst of mana, throwing her into a pile of large pipes

Gwen: *looks back at Kevin* And as for you...

Kevin Levin: Gwen.

Kevin then pushes Gwen out of the way only to be hit by a steel pipe

Loom: Now we end this, beloved.

Gwen then gets up as turned back to normal as you and Shar joined up with the others as we then see lasers were fired at you and the others as you all took cover to see a large ship as a three armed and eyed Tetramand came out.

Gar Red Wind: Enough. You now face warlord Gar of the House of the Red Wind. Turn Kevin Levin over to Looma, or Earth perishes. You hand me Kevin Levin, or I will incinerate this planet.

A tetramand guard then gets Kevin.

Argit: I am not with them.

Kevin: Hey, Gar, how's it going, pops?

Gar Red Wind: Kevin.

Looma: Daddy.

Gar Red Wind: Ah, there's my girl. Oh! *chuckles and gets hugged by Looma* You're getting stronger every day. I'm sure you make your enemies quake.

Looma Red Wind: *Giggles* Oh. Stop it.

Gar Red Wind: Warriors of Earth, I am not a violent man... Per se. But understand, I would do anything to protect my daughter's interest.

(Y/N): *as XLR8*You and what army, Gar?

Gar Red Wind: That would be my personal fleet, in position to fire with a word.

Looma Red Wind: Daddy.

You then change back.

(Y/N): Not gonna happen.

Gar Red Wind: Let the wedding commence!

We then see a large battle arena was formed

(Y/N): Whoa.

Gwen: They don't waste time, huh?

Tetramand Priest: Warriors and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today in the eyes of Zed, for it is written "Love is a battlefield."

(Y/N): We got to stop this.

Gwen: Part of me wants to let them go through with it to teach Kevin a lesson and part of me...

(Y/N): Yeah. I saw that part. * transforms into Crashhopper*

Tetramand Priest: ...Our battered bones, love.

(Y/N): *as Crashopper* Listen up. I don't want to fight you, but I will.

Gar Red Wind: Kevin Levin, do you allow this?

Kevin: Yes.

Gar Red Wind: Then challenge accepted. What good fortune.

(Y/N): *as Crashopper* Wait *gets grabbed my Looma*  What?

We then see you were punched into the arena as you then dodged Looma only to be grabbed by the neck

Gar Red Wind: Hm. Is this one a trained fighter?

(Y/N): *Grunts* Yes *gets punched*

Shar: No.

Gwen Tennyson: *scoffs* No.

Gar Red Wind: *laughs* Earth's greatest warrior.

(Y/N): Earth's greatest hero.

Gar Red Wind: This I will have to see. Looma is my greatest warrior. If what you say is true...

Kevin Levin: Yeah, yeah, we get it. Come on, (Y/N)! Earth in the balance! Show her what you got!

You then jump back as you then dodged one of Looma's punches.

Kevin: Come on, Ben. New alien. Turn into Way Big and step on her!

Argit: Wait, doesn't frosty know the rule about…

(Kevin hits Argit on the head)

Gwen: Is there a reason you just knocked out Argit?

You then transform into Clockwork)

Kevin Levin: Maybe.

Gwen: Wait. Why did (Y/N)  turn into Clockwork?

(Y/N): *as Clockwork* *Grunts*  I swear I was going for Cannonbolt. *gets tossed aside* Whoa!

Gar Red Wind: *Crying*

Looma Red Wind: What's wrong, father?

Gar Red Wind: Nothing. It's just, well, this is how your mother and I met.

Alex: Through fighting?!

Clover: To the death!?

Gar Red Wind: Of course.

Kevin: Come on, (Y/N). Let's see some hustle out there. New alien!

You then transform into Shocksquatch and grab Looma from behind and shock her as then moved your arms aside with ease and and punches you off as you block her punches as you then block another attack from her as you then charged at her as she catches one of your punches and catches your other hand and punches you in the gut as Looma grabs you.

Looma: Yield Necrofriggian! *Tosses you to a wall*

Gar Red Wind: Well, that's that. Shall we continue?

Kevin: But, but, I'm not good with commitments.

(Y/N): This isn't over, Looma. You know why I always win?

You then transform into Four Arms

(Y/N): *as Four arms*  Because I don't give up.

Kevin: Four Arms! Finally, a fair fight!

Shar: Female Tetramands are traditionally stronger. The princess still has the advantage.

The Spies: True story.

Kevin: I take back every nice thing I ever said about you.

You then punched Looma back into a wall as you went for another punch only to be thrown to the ground as you then got back and kicked her, breaking her crown as you dodged another punch from her as she punched you in the gut.

Shar: I doubt (Y/N) can stand much more of this.

You then blocked the punches Looma was giving you as you then kicked her back as you then hit her with a large pole as the dust sided as the others see you with an out cold Looma as you set her down on the ground.

Kevin: Yay!

(Y/N): *as Four arms*Yeah.

Gar Red Wind: At last, a champion fit to marry my daughter. And he's even a Tetramand. Eh, sometimes.

(Y/N): *as Four arms* Wait. What?

Looma then goes over to you as she hugs you.

Looma Red Wind: What would you like for an engagement gift? Daddy's loaded.

Gar Red Wind: Yes, it's true, my son. You have but to name it.

Shar: I see. Tetramand females are pledged to the male who defeats them in battle. You fought Looma and won so you could ask for the Khoros-5 engine block.

Kevin Levin: *Laughs* She wasn't always that big.

Gwen: This is ridiculous.

Looma Red Wind: It is an honor to lose to you. I always knew Kevin Levin was not husband material.

Kevin: Hey.

The Alphatrix powers down as you turned back to normal

(Y/N): So then, with the... And you knew this was happening?

Kevin: Yeah time to go.

We then see Kevin's car show up.

Kevin: Oh look my rides here My ride's here. So sorry that we have to leave you two love birds. Got to be going. Gwen's got class. *chuckles* Later.

(Y/N): Why you conniving little *realizes something* Hey WarLord Gar you said that Looma is completely loyal to me right?

Gar: But of course my dear son.

(Y/N): Looma, how good are your throwing skills?

Looma: Very good, why?

(Y/N): Looma sweetheart, could you toss Kevin Eleven's car into the ocean.

Looma: Certainly, dear anything for you.

Looma then grabs Kevin's car and swings it around and then tosses it into the ocean as we heard Kevin screaming.

Kevin: Nitrogen!!

Clover: Wow, good abuse of power honey.

(Y/N): Thanks *to Gar* And Warlord Gar, may I make a request?

Gar: Certainly son what is it?

(Y/N): May Looma, your lovely daughter, stay on Earth so that she may learn about earth culture, after all I don't want her to be lonely away from me.

Loom: *gasp* Can I daddy?

Gar: Hm well if it makes my little warrior happy, she may stay on earth.

Looma: Thanks daddy *to the others* Oh and my apologies for almost crushing you all into dust

Clover: It's cool

Gwen: Well this it's been fun I'm gonna go and fish out Kevin see you all some other time.

(Y/N): Okay see ya.

Gwen then takes her leave as she went to get Kevin

Gar: And I should be going to and I'll be back in 3 of your earth years, good battle (Y/N).

(Y/N): You are welcome sir and good battle to you too.

Later we see you and the others going to the beach house as you saw Donna with Erza.

Donna: *sees Looma* Uh who's she?

(Y/N): This is Looma Red Wind, and also my….bride.

Donna: Wait what?! When did this happen?

Clover: A couple of hours ago when (Y/N) saved Kevin from a marriage he didn't know about.

Shar: Yes, and Looma if you are going to be in this group you must understand that marriage is different on Earth.

Looma: Different how?

Sam: Well you have to get to know the person you want to marry before you actually marry the person.

Clover: And it is awesome about having a trophy husband, but you have to get to know him first before you spend your whole life with that person.

Looma: Hmm I see, then what do you Earth females call a husband that is not your husband yet.

Alex: Oh we call'em our boyfriend.

Looma: Boyfriend?

Clover: Oh it's when you call a boy when you're dating him.

Looma: I see, then (Y/N) is my boyfriend?

Alex: Yep.

(Y/N): Sure am.

Sam: And there are some rules if you want to join the group.

Looma: There are?

Sam: Yep and here are the rules: first rule you have to truly love (Y/N).

Shar: Second rule, you love him for himself and not because of his appearance.

Alex: Third rule, we all treat him as an equal.

Clover: Fourth and last rule, we don't take him for granted and we share him equally.

Looma: Of course, I will follow these rules until the day that I die!

Clover: That is devotion, I respect that.

Sam: She is from a warrior like race.

(Y/N): And incredibly strong and dedicated.

Looma: And if anyone wants to take away our (Y/N), I will grind their bones to dust and the ground will be stained from the blood of their entrails, I swear it!

Sam: *gulps in fear* I’m gonna have so many nightmares from that image in my head.

Alex: *gulps in fear* Same here.

Donna: Wow, that is some dedication.

Looma: Of course, female tetramands are dedicated to the male who defeats them in combat.

Shirley: Believe me, I was beaten in combat as well and I'm always loyal to (Y/N)

Looma: Impressive, you may have the flesh of a human, but you have the spirit of a Tetramand warrior!

Shirley: Oh thanks.

Clover: Are we sure we can be safe when she’s at the beach house.

(Y/N): Well Looma is pretty dedicated and she is the greatest warrior.

Looma: Aw, thank you beloved.

Sam: So she could be our bodyguard?

Looma: I did say I was dedicated to our beloved so not only am I protecting him, I am also protecting you girls as well.

Clover: Oh thank you.

Looma: You are welcome, now come along it is getting late.

We then see you and the others go off to sleep as the camera fades to black with your omnitrixes glowing.

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