Chapter 13 More Confessions And meeting more girls

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It's been a few days since Looma joined your group and the plumbers and WHOOP as we see Donna and Eighteight at the kitchen thinking about you.

Donna: So uh you have feelings for (Y/N) too huh?

Eighteight: *writes on a piece of paper* "Yeah I do he does so much for us even after how bad we were in the past"

Donna: Yeah we wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for him. So who should confess to him first and who confess tomorrow?

Eighteight: *writes on a piece of paper* "How about we play rock paper scissors to see who gets to confess first"

Donna: Okay.

Eighteight and Donna then play rock paper scissors to see who should confess first as we see Donna does Scissors and Eighteight does paper.

Donna: Guess I'm going first but don't worry you'll confess tomorrow.

Eighteight: *writes down* "Thanks"

Meanwhile we see you, Clover and Looma at a clothing store to buy Looma an Earth outfit.

Looma: So why must I change my attire?

Clover: To blend in with other people, you don't want them to know you're a you-know-what.

(Y/N): Yeah Bellwood is okay with aliens Beverly hills not so much.

Looma: I see so which attire would suit me best for blending in.

Clover: Oh I got it.

Clover then looked around and found an outfit that is composed of a coat big enough to hide her extra arms, a pair of sunglasses, and a hat. This outfit combines both Looma's extra arms and eyes.

Looma: Amazing thank you Clover

Clover: Aw it was nothing.

(Y/N): That's Clover for you, expert on all things clothing.

Mandy: Well well if isn't The Loser Club. *sees Looma* Oh I see you have a new member, did the bodybuilding club kick you out for being too weak?

Mandy then laughs at Looma as she gets angry, grabs Mandy by the throat and holds her up in the air.

(Y/N): Oh I see you already met Looma, she can bench press 50 tons with one hand, crush an entire junkyard of 900 cars into a ball at the size of the palm of her hand, and she can kill people in 9000 different ways with just one hand. Which is very impressive for her and she could make the whole bodybuilding club look like wimps.

Looma: Aw thanks beloved.

Mandy: *gasping for air* Can’t….breathe….need….air!

Clover: What’s the magic word?

Mandy: *gasping for air* I'm gonna….die!

(Y/N): Aside from those words.

Mandy: *gasping for air* Please!

Looma then toss Mandy into the nearest trash can after hearing the word: Please.

Clover: Wow, not bad Looma.

Looma: Thank you, who was that annoying human anyway?

Clover: That was Mandy, she’s always been the most annoying person on the planet, she is getting on our nerves ever since we met her.

(Y/N): Everytime I hear her voice I get a headache from it.

Looma: *pulls out her hammer* Do you want me to mount her head over our fireplace to cease her voice forever beloved!?

Clover: Ok as much as we all hate her we don't wanna kill her.

(Y/N): Yeah, the last thing we need is the police arresting us for murder, so Looma you may not kill Mandy no matter how annoying she is, but you can toss her in the trash or anything that doesn’t have to do with murder.

Looma: Okay, I will do it for you my beloved.

(Y/N): Thanks now let's go home.

Later we see you, Clover and Looma heading home as Mandy got herself up from the trashcan as she had an angry look on her face.

Mandy: No one throws me into a garbage can and gets away with it! I'll get them back for this.

Meanwhile we see you and the others at home as Donna comes up to you.

(Y/N): Hey Donna what's up?

Donna: Hey (Y/N) there's uh something I gotta tell ya.

(Y/N): What is it?

Donna: I...uh….I love you!

(Y/N): You do?

Donna: Yeah even though I was a bully back then you and others saw the good in me and I kinda got feelings for ya.

(Y/N): Oh I kinda loved you too, you looked pretty cool on your motorcycle.

Donna: *giggles* Thanks frosty.

Donna then kisses you on the lips as you kiss back unaware that a certain annoying girl took a pic as laughed evilly.  The next day we see you, Sam and Eighteight at a hardware store shopping for parts for a special translator for Eighteight.

(Y/N): Okay the parts we need  should be around here somewhere.

Sam: So what are we making?

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Were making a translator for me since UTs don't work on my species"

Sam: Oh gotcha but how come our translators don't work on Eighteight or her siblings.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "I'm not so sure why our language isn't translated through UTs" but don't worry once we build this translator everyone will be able to understand you Eighteight.

Eighteight: *unknown language and hugs you*

(Y/N): *hugs back* Your welcome.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): There's something you wanna tell me? What is it?

Eighteight: *Unknown language*

Sam: What did she say?

(Y/N): She said she loves me.

Sam: Aw how sweet.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "You saw the good in me and watched my little sister when I couldn't find anyone else to do it" anything for you Eighteight.

Eighteight then removes her mask as we saw she was surprisingly fine and almost looked similar to Sam.

Sam: Woah Eighteight you look amazing.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Thanks Sam"

Eighteight then kisses you on the lips as Sam smiled in admiration meanwhile we see Mandy taking another pic and laughing evilly. The next day we see You and Looma going to the tennis court as you saw a couple arguing.

Julie: I'm just saying you take more photos of me playing than you do any actual playing.

Herve: I do too play I just choose not to.

Julie: Oh really? Well then let's see you play then other than taking pics.

Herve: With who exactly?

(Y/N): Uh did we come at a bad time?

Julie: *sees you* Ben? Is that you? How come you're in alien mode?

(Y/N): Nope, it’s (Y/N) Nitrogen, and you are?

Julie: I'm Julie and this is my boyfriend Herve who doesn't play tennis.

Herve: I do too.

Julie: Well how about you prove it by playing a two on two match with them.

Looma: That does sound fun, so how does this work?

(Y/N): It's easy, all we have to do is hit that green ball with these rackets and if it lands on their side we get a point, oh yeah and we can't touch the net.

Looma: Okay, like this?

Looma then grabs a racket and tennis ball and makes the first serve and launches the ball at a car and splits in half as everyone were shocked to see that.

(Y/N): Uh yeah, just like that, just not as hard like that. *whispers* Note to self, remember to tell Jerry about the car and pay for the owner’s insurance.

Looma: Okay beloved.

Later, we see you and Looma on the right side of the court while Julie and Herve were on the other side.

Julie: Ready (Y/N)?

(Y/N): We’re ready Julie!

Julie: Okay!

We then see Julie serve up the ball as you hit it back as Julie hits it back as Looma hits it back at Herve, but the ball broke his racket due to Looma’s incredible strength. Next, after getting a new racket, Looma then served the ball to Herve and due to her strength she launched Herve into the bleachers. After getting Herve out of the bleachers, you then served up the ball to Julie as she hit it back at Looma as she hit it back at Herve but once again tried to hit the ball but the racket broke due to Looma’s strength. After getting yet another racket you and the others took a breather.

(Y/N): So what's the score?

Julie: 10 to 0 and it looks like we're losing. *glares at Herve*

Herve: Well do not blame me for this, I'm a photographer not a sports enthusiast.

Julie: How can I not blame you, you can’t hit the ball, you spend more time breaking rackets then playing the game, and you’re not even trying!

Herve: Well it is not my fault, they have a power house on their team!

Looma: I’ve been trying to hold back, it’s not my fault that you humans have weak and frail bodies like toothpicks, no offense.

Julie: None taken.

(Y/N): *looks at Herve's camera* Hey cool camera *takes it* yoink.

Herve: Hey give that back you ice maker!

You then look through the pics and look to see some unusual pics of Julie, but only when her skirt is up.

(Y/N): That's a weird angle, Hey Julie come take a look at this.

Julie:  What? *sees the pics* What the heck!? *to Herve* You’ve been taking pictures of my panties!?

Herve: What? N-No Julie I-

Julie: Don't weasel your way out of this! I thought you were better than Ben, but this?! Oh that's it we are done! *smashes the camera*

Herve: My camera! How could you?!

Julie: You know what you did!

Herve: Grrr *glares at you* You did this you freak! 

Looma: I’m sorry, but nobody calls my beloved a freak. *grabs Herve by the back of the collar*

Looma then tosses Herve like a throwing disc out of the court and he screamed the word: Sorry!

Julie: I'm not! *To you*  and thanks for showing how much of a creep Herve was (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem, my natural sense of curiosity actually saved your life from a bad boyfriend.

Looma: And a very annoying human, no offense.

Julie: None taken, and it's nice to meet you uh….

Looma: Looma, Looma Red Wind.

Julie: Oh yeah, I'm sure you were with Kevin and then Ben at one point.

(Y/N): Yeah we were and you know them too?

Julie: Ben was my boyfriend before Herve, he broke up with me.

(Y/N): From what I know about him, he must’ve been playing a video game called "Sumo Slammers", he said that he described a video game character in the most hateful way possible and you thought that he was describing you.

Julie: Wait you mean he was- Oh boy, I gotta apologize when I see him. Oh and this my pet Ship, *whistles* Ship come here boy.

We then see small mechamorph puppy come out of Julie's tennis back and went to Julie as she pet it

Julie: Aw I like you too buddy.

(Y/N): You have a Galvanic Mechamorph as a pet?

Julie: Sure do this is Ship.

Ship: Ship, ship.

Julie: And not only is he a pet but he can do this.

Ship then jumps onto Julie as he then made a mechamorph armor around Julie.

Looma: Impressive.

(Y/N): Yeah not bad, wanna see my pet?

Julie: Sure.

(Y/N): Ok, *calls Erza* Here Erza comes to me.

We then see an Omnivoracious fly to where you and the girls were as it changed back to normal as Erza landed next to as you pet her.

(Y/N): Hey girl you missed me? *Erza Licks you* yep you definitely did.

Julie: You got an alien dog?

(Y/N): Yep, this is Erza, my anubian baskurr.

Julie: *sees the Nemetrix on Erza's collar* Hey what's that Erza's collar?

(Y/N): Oh that's the Nemetrix.

Julie: What's the Nemetrix?

(Y/N): Well it's like the Omnitrix but it contains non-sapient DNA and it only works on non-sapient species. The last time someone tried this on a human it didn't end so well.

Julie: Yikes, so anyways I’m gonna go and apologize to Ben. And once again thanks for letting me see how much of a creep Herve was.

(Y/N): Anytime Jules

You and Looma then go home as Julie was thinking about you.

Julie: *in her head* Maybe he could be my new boyfriend I'm sure Looma will share.

The next day it was a hot summer day we see you, Clover and Eighteight walking down the street in Bellwood with Eighteight now wearing the translation device you made for her and for the first time when she spoke it came out as English and she was super happy.

Eighteight: It's so nice to talk like a human for once and people can understand me now.

Clover: Yeah and it was totally nice of you to build that translator for Eighteight, (Y/N).

(Y/N): It was the least I could do for Eighteight since she's in the group now.

Eighteight: Aw thanks honey.

As you and the girls were going to get some ice cream you then saw a couple arguing again.

Ester: You’ve been trying to leave me behind, I don't know why you're like this.

Antonio: You keep trying to get me to wear normal clothes, what's wrong with what I'm wearing now?

Ester: You look like a criminal, if you're going to be good then you have to dress good.

Antonio: I am dressed good!

???: What’s going on here?

The two then turn to you, Clover, and EightEight.

Ester: Ben? Why are you alien now?

(Y/N): Uh, no no, not Ben, I'm (Y/N) Nitrogen and you are?

Ester: I'm Ester, leader of the Kraaho, and this is my irritating boyfriend Antonio.

Antonio: I'm not Irritating!

Ester: Yes you are!

(Y/N): So what’s going on here?

Clover: I mean you know other than the arguing.

Ester: Just trying to get him to act more….civilized but does he? No of course not!

Antonio: I can too be civilized.

Ester: Really? Name one time you've ever been civilized.

Antonio: What about that date we had last night.

Ester: Oh yeah, that was right after you left me with the check and burped in my face.

(Y/N): That ain’t right.

Clover: Ok, ew.

Eighteight: And rude.

Ester: Oh and that time you stood me up to hang out with your friends.

Clover: Strike two on the dating game.

Ester: And let's not forget the time I made us an amazing dinner when you tossed it in the trash and ordered pizza and wrecked the hot spot for my people!!

Clover: Strike 3 and he’s out of here.

Antonio: Well it was too hot and I already ordered pizza anyway!

Erza: That doesn't give you a reason to wreck the hot spot.

Antonio: Yes it does! Good thing Sunny is coming back and I'm dumping you *realizes what he said covers his mouth* oops.

Erza: Wait what?!

Sunny: Antonio, you dumped that Kraaho girl yet?

You and the others then turn to see a girl who looks like Gwen but she wore and had darker colors.

(Y/N): Gwen?

Sunny: No, I'm her cousin Sunny, you should know who your family is Ben.

(Y/N): Ok seriously? Why do people keep thinking I'm Ben, I look nothing like him.

Sunny: Well you're already in alien mode.

(Y/N): Sunny was it? look closer at my chest, do you see the Omnitrix logo on me.

Sunny: *looks at you chest* Wait so you're not….

(Y/N): Now you're putting it together.

Sunny: Oh yeah Gwen told me about Ben's Ultimate aliens trying to off him, but they made up in the end.

(Y/N): Thank you, and your Gwen's cousin? I thought you were her twin sister.

Sunny:  I may look like her twin sister, but I'm not her sister, I'm her cousin, huge difference.

Antonio: Sunny come on we're leaving this dump and these loser people.

Sunny then begins to think should she get back with Antonio? And after some thought she then came to a decision.

Sunny: No.

Antonio: What?

Sunny: You heard me, you dumped me for her and you expect us to get back together to an idiot like you no way, I'm not making that same mistake again.

Antonio: This isn't your choice.

Just as Antonio was about to grab Sunny you then grab his shoulder.

(Y/N): Not gonna happen dude.

Antonio: Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it shrimpy.

(Y/N): This

You then flew up and phased through him for a couple of times and he was starting to get enveloped by ice as he was now frozen.

(Y/N): And that’s how to do an actual cold shoulder.

Ester: Woah not bad Ben er (Y/N).

Sunny: Yeah cool moves back there dude.

(Y/N): Thanks, and you two are gonna be okay?

Eater: Yeah, Antonio wasn't really the best boyfriend I had.

Sunny: Same here and I actually liked him, biggest mistake I made and I should know made a lot of mistakes.

(Y/N): Well you could always make up for them by being a hero like Gwen.

Sunny: Hey yeah I could, wait where am I gonna live?

(Y/N)' How about with us?

Sunny: Sounds fun.

Clover: So you have the same powers like your cousin does.

Sunny: Sure do although I have more experience being an anodite than Gwen does.

Clover: Ano what now?

Sunny: Anodite, were energy based aliens well me and cousin are half anodites.

Ester: And I'm half kraaho.

Clover: Huh?

Ester: Kraaho, that's the name of my species.

Clover: Oh gotcha and what can you do?

Ester: *stretch her arms to impossible length* I can do this.

Clover: Woah so your like made out of rubber.

Eater: Well kind of but not exactly.

Clover: Oh but why are you wearing a coat it's 98° out here

Ester: Well to most Kraaho it would be really cold here but since I'm half Kraaho it's just nippy to me.

(Y/N): And the heat doesn't bother me either.

Clover: *pouts a little* Lucky.

(Y/N): Don't blame us, blame our biology.

Eighteight: Yeah.

Clover: That's what you guys always say. No offense.

You, Sunny, Ester, and Eighteight: None taken.

Meanwhile we see Mandy take another pic of you as she laughed evilly. Later, we see you, Alex and Looma at the gym.

Looma: So this is an Earth gym?

Alex: Yep, here we have weights, treadmills and bench presses.

You then looked to see a lot of buff guys here.

(Y/N): Oh yeah and a lot of humans that like to show off a lot.

Looma: They’re puny compared to the men of Khoros

Raymond: Alex is that you?

Alex: *sees Raymond* Oh hey Raymond.

(Y/N): Alex, you know this guy?

Alex: Oh yeah this is my ex-boyfriend Raymond.

(Y/N): Ex?

Raymond: I don't date women who are stronger than me.

(Y/N): Sounds like someone has an inferiority complex.

Looma: This is an insult to the culture of all Tetramand! The women of my world are vastly stronger than the men, the men of my world have to prove that they can win their hand in marriage by defeating them in combat! And your ideals of women being weaker than you makes you a coward!

Looma then starts to wrestle Raymond and pummel him into submission. She throws Raymond to the ground and then elbow drops on him.

Alex: Should we stop them?

(Y/N): Probably not, once Looma gets started on fighting, there's no way of stopping her *pulls out some popcorn and eats some and offers some to Alex* Popcorn?

Alex: Sure *eats some*

Looma then performs a suplex on Raymond and then tosses him into a wall where his head sticks out from the outside and knocks him out while the other guys are really scared of her.

Looma: What are you all looking at?!

All the guys then ran away from the gym as you and the girls were the only ones left.

(Y/N): Nice job Looma.

Looma: Aw thanks beloved.

Alex: Yeah you showed him.

Raymond *in pain* Why….

Looma: You know exactly why!?

(Y/N): Yeah just because someone is stronger than you, doesn’t mean they have feelings too ya jerk.

Alex: Yeah, Raymond was a complete jerk for telling me he dates weaker girls, but I'm glad I'm with you (Y/N).

Looma: And I am as well. *Hugs you*.

(Y/N): *while being hugged by Looma* No…. problem….air….please

Looma: Oh *releases you* My apologies.

(Y/N): It's okay.

Later in the day we see you and the others at home as you then hear a knock at the door as Shirley opens to reveal it was Mandy.

Shirley: Ugh what do you want Mandy?

Mandy: I have proof that your ‘boyfriend’ has been cheating on you!

Clover: Oh really and what kind of proof would that be?

Mandy: This kind.

Mandy then shows various of you with each of the girls on your dates.

Mandy: See! Read it and weep losers.

Alex: *sarcastically* Oh wow (Y/N) how could you?

Shar: *sarcastically* Yes, how could you?

(Y/N)' *sarcastically* It's not what it looks like.

Looma: *sarcastically* Then what do you call these?

(Y/N): Poorly taken pictures of us.

Mandy: What?! Why aren't you losers mad at him?!

Clover: He’s our boyfriend, Mandy.

Sam: As in we're all dating him, well except for Sunny.

Sunny: It's true *in her head* but that's gonna change soon.

Mandy: Wha--Why?

Shar: Because we all love him and I agreed to share him with the other girls.

(Y/N): Yeah and we were enjoying our evening until you showed up, Looma if you please?

Looma: Gladly beloved.

Looma then grabs Mandy and chucks her across the neighborhood, all the way into a pile of manure as muffled screams could be heard.

Clover: Nice aim Looma.

Looma: Thank you.

Sunny: So who was that anyway?

Sam: That was Mandy.

(Y/N): The world’s most annoying person alive.

Sunny: Wow she was almost like…like….another me? Now I see why cousin Gwen is the responsible one.

Alex: Hey don't worry you can be responsible too.

(Y/N): Yeah, you'll be a great hero over time.

Sunny: Good, I do not want to be like her.

Clover: Yeah the last thing we need is you acting like Mandy, uh no offense.

Sunny: Non taken.

The next day, we see you, Sunny, and Looma in Bellwood as we see you all getting a smoothie as Ben and Rook show up.

(Y/N): Hey guys how's it going?

Ben: Going pretty good, *sees Sunny* Sunny? What are you doing here?

Sunny: I thought I would change my ways since I’ve gotten over Antonio.

Ben: Oh yeah, he's dating Ester.

(Y/N): Was dating Ester.

Ben: What do you mean?

Sunny: Turns out my ex was using her to get me back together, but I turned him down and (Y/N) here froze him.

Ben: Woah now that's messed up.

???: That's nothing.

You and the others turn to see Julie was here.

Ben: Oh hey Julie.

Julie: Hey Ben, and yeah Herve is even worse than that.

Sunny: How worse are we talking here? Can't play sports?

Julie: Worse than that, he took photos of my….*whispers to Sunny* panties

Sunny: What?! No way!

Julie: Yeah if it wasn't for (Y/N) I'd be still dating that creep.

???: Yeah (Y/N) saved me too.

You and the others turn to see Ester.

(Y/N): Hey Eater.

Ester: Hey (Y/N) *to the girls* and yes (Y/N) did save me too.

Sunny: Yeah I was there too.

Soon the girls were talking about you while you, Ben and Rook were watching from the sidelines.

Ben: So what do you think they're talking about?

(Y/N): No idea it's probably a girl thing

Ben: It probably is, then again most girls are a bit secretive.

Rook: I think it is best to learn about what they are talking about.

(Y/N): Rook if there's one thing I learned from having 8 girlfriends is to sometimes give their space.

Ben: You have 8 girlfriends?!

(Y/N): Yep, Rook Shar, Looma, Eighteight, Donna, Sam, Alex, Clover, and Shirley all love me.

Rook: Impressive, how you manage to win 8 hearts.

(Y/N): I don’t know? Although I do have to thank Kevin for getting me with Looma.

Ben: Oh yeah Kevin told me about that, he got hitched with Looma before and now you're hitched with her too huh?

(Y/N): Yep, but I don't mind it at all since Looma agreed to have an Earth wedding.

Ben: Earth wedding?

(Y/N): Like how marriage works on Earth.

Ben: Oh gotcha.

Meanwhile the girls were talking about you.

Ester: I still can't believe your ex was using me to get back with you.

Sunny: Same here thank goodness I dumped him *to Julie* and I can't believe your ex took pics of your….you-know-whats.

Julie: I know right? He was a total creep.

Looma: And he insulted my beloved.

Julie: Yeah if it wasn't for (Y/N), I'd still be dating Herve.

Ester: And I'd be dumped by Antonio if it wasn't for (Y/N).

Sunny: Wait do we….all have feelings for (Y/N)?

Julie: *blushes* Uh well he is kind of cool.

Ester: *blushes* He is very nice to me. And let's not forget he saved us from our ex's.

Looma: *blushes a little* He is very kind to me, he gives me various meats to eat in the morning and works out with me.

Sunny: So it's clear, me, Julie, and Ester all have a thing for (Y/N).

Julie: Yeah, that is if Looma approves.

Looma: Hm, well you three do hold vast affections for my beloved, and if anyone truly loves my beloved the same way as I do or any of the others, very well I will allow it

Julie: Really?

Looma: Yes, if you three truly love my beloved then I will allow it.

Julie, Sunny, and Ester: Thank you Looma.

Sunny: But to make it official, *to you* Hey (Y/N) we got something to tell you.

(Y/N): What is it? *heads to the girls*

Ester: Well we talked a little and….

Julie: Me, Ester and Sunny, all love you.

(Y/N): Oh wow I sorta had a feeling you girls did and I sorta had feelings for you three too.

Sunny: Aw thanks honey, now why don't we make it official.

We then see Julie, Ester, Looma, and Sunny, all take turns kissing you as Ben was feeling a bit angry about the whole thing.

Ben: Hey, what am I chopped liver!?

Julie: Sorry Ben, even though we did had something special, we just love (Y/N) more.

Ester: Yeah you are great, but (Y/N) is pretty cool.

Ben: I can't believe this!

Julie: Sorry Ben, but at least we can be friends right?

Ben: Yeah, I can't be that mad, I mean if you three are happy with (Y/N), then I'm happy.

Ester: Thanks Ben.

(Y/N): Yeah thanks and don't worry I'll treat them well.

Ben: Thanks (Y/N) and be sure to treat them better than I have.

(Y/N): I will, that’s a promise.

Rook: It truly is remarkable that your Sentient Evolved Necrofriggian form is winning many hearts.

Ben: While I’m here being in the friendzone for most of my life. I wanna be mad, but surprisingly I'm impressed.

Rook: I am as well and I am guessing he might have picked something up from you.

Ben: Yeah probably.

Later we see you and the girls at home all asleep as the camera fades to black with all your omnitrixes glowing their respective colors.

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