Chapter 5: Getting to know (YN)

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It's been a few days since the reconfiguration of the house and Shirley moving in, at first the spies were skeptical about her leaning in towards revenge on them but she didn't and the spies managed to warm up to her, with Shirley now doing yoga but not as intense as before as she tried being calm and nice for a change as the spies did treat her more kindly after her change in personality. Today we see the girls in the kitchen eating breakfast as they were wondering where you were.

Shirley: Hey has anyone seen (Y/N)?

Alex: Nope.

Clover: I haven't seen him.

Sam: Hmm it is kind of unusual for him I mean usually he's already here or right behind-

(Y/N): *appears behind Shirley* Someone called?

Shirley: *gets startled and screams* Ahh! *Turns to see you* Were you there the whole time?!

(Y/N): Uh, no I actually just got here.

You then went over to the fridge to get some grub as Shirley was regaining her breath.

Shirley: Does he always do that?

Spies: Yep.

Clover: But you get use to it after awhile

Shirley: I'm sure I will.

Sam: So uh Shirley how are adjusting to this redemption thing?

Shirley: It's been an adjustment, I just need a lot more time to prove myself that I'm good again.

Alex: Okay, but I think I should get to know (Y/N) much more.

Clover: Woah hang on I think I should get to know (Y/N) more.

Sam: I think I have a solution to this, let's play rock paper scissors on who gets to spend time with (Y/N), winner gets to hang out with him, we get four rounds and to make it fair each win for each round will be a day spent with him.

Girls: Okay.

We then see the girls play rock paper scissors with Alex putting scissors and Clover doing paper making Alex the winner, then it was Sam and Shirley and Sam chose paper and Shirly chose rock and Sam won. Alex and Sam are doing the next round as Alex chose paper and Sam chose rock which made Alex the winner. Later in the day we see you and Alex in undertown doing some shopping as you were picking up some amber ogia.

(Y/N): Nothing says a good day like some Amber Ogia.

Alex: Yeah this stuff is good.

As you took the basket of amber Ogia we then saw what looked to be an axe as it came down between you and Alex as you both dodged it at the last second.

Alex: Woah! Who did that?!

Sunder: That would me.

You then saw an all too familiar face Sunder the Bounty Hunter that was after your Alphaitrix.

(Y/N): Sunder, why am I not surprised.

Alex: You know this guy?

(Y/N): He tried to get my Alphatrix and each time he failed and at this point he needed a hobby.

Sunder: This time it's going to be different.

(Y/N): Pfft yeah right, you and what army.

We then see Liam the alien rooster, bubble head and exo-skull.

Sunder: This army.

(Y/N): When this is over, may I suggest a hobby for you that doesn’t involve stealing things.

Exo-skull: No.

(Y/N): *sighs* That's what I thought, Alex get to cover I'll handle them.

Alex: I’m kicking butt with you as well.

(Y/N): Okay if you say so.

You then turned into a Humungosaur as Alex used her compowder to get into her catsuit as we see you and Alex fighting off Sunder and his guys as you punched exo-skull in the face hard enough that he passed out from head trauma and it hurt your hand.

(Y/N): *as Humungousaur*  Thats gonna hurt in the morning.

We then see Alex fighting off Liam and Bubble head and she manages to grab Liam by the gizzard and she then throws him at bubble head knocking both of them out as Sunders came at you as you became Shocksquatch.

Sunders: Just hand me your watch Nitrogen and it'll be over.

(Y/N): *as Shocksquatch* Oh yeah like that's gonna happen.

Sunder then came at you with his axe whip as you charged at him and then bear hug him and supercharge yourself to electricity shocking him and short circuiting his hoverboard as he went out of control.

Sunder: *screaming* This isn't over!!

(Y/N): *changes back* Looks to me like it is!! Oh right, Alex you okay?

Alex: I'm good so I'm guessing you fought those creeps before.

(Y/N): Yeah anytime that I go to undertown solo, these keep showing up trying to steal my Alphatrix.

Alex: Woah, that must get really annoying.

(Y/N): Yeah it does, c'mon let's get the rest of them stuff for tonight.

Alex: Okay.

After getting the items needed for tonight we later see you and Alex making an Amber Ogia pizza and a tiffin parfait for dinner as we see you and Alex setting up the table as the rest of the girls came in for dinner.

Shirley: *sees the amber Ogia* Woah never saw that kind of pizza before.

(Y/N): That's because it's made of Amber Ogia.

Shirley: Amber what?

Sam: It's an alien fruit from another planet.

Clover: But it can be found in Undertown.

Shirley: Under what?

(Y/N): A city full of aliens living underground.

Shirley: Woah that sounds very interesting.

(Y/N): Sure does anyway dig in girls.

As the five of you were eating dinner the other wondered what they would do with you on their day. The next day we see you and Clover at the groove with you holding multiple shopping bags as you and Clover were seen at a shoe store.

Clover: Okay (Y/N), which shoes should we get, *pulls up a baby blue with Dandelion designs* these summer themed pumps or *pulls up a pair of bright red and white streaked shoes* these Ruby red and toasted coconut white heels.

(Y/N): Hmm well I'd probably go with both, the summer themed pumps can be worn in the summer season and the red and white heels can be worn during winter and Christmas giving you the holiday season themed look.

Clover: Another perfectly planned outfit, I wish I have your attention to detail.

(Y/N): Thanks, it's a gift, I think, now I think about it I have no idea how I keep doing this.

Clover: Well whatever, it's totally amazing.

We later see you and Clover leaving the store as you then saw what looked to be purple and black androids but when saw you, you then realized who they were.

(Y/N): Sixsix and sevenseven.

Clover: You know these robots?

(Y/N): They're not robots, they're Sotoraggians, and believe me you don't want to know what's under there.

Sixsix: *unknown language*

Clover: What?

(Y/N): They said "surrender now or die" and what if we don't want to.

In response to that they then arm themselves with multiple blasters coming from their armor and hands.

Sevenseven: *unknown language*

Clover: What did they say now?

(Y/N): They said “hand over the Alphatrix or else” yeah like that's gonna happen.

You then hit your watch as you became Kickinhawk and Clover using her compowder to get into her catsuit as you and her fought the two cyborg aliens with you fighting Sevenseven and Clover fighting Sixsix. Then a female variant then bursts through the wall and turns to you and Clover.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Clover: *while fighting* What did she say?

(Y/N): *as Kickin Hawk* she said "where did you get that outfit at a thrift store or the junkyard?"

Clover: *while fighting* Oh no one disses my outfit and gets away with it!

Clover then charges at Eighteight in a rage and fights her off and overpower in skill and strength. What they all didn’t realize is that there's a smaller version of all of them named Twotwo and she is watching the whole until all of you stop and see her.

Clover: Wait hold the phone, who's she?

Twotwo: *unknown language*

(Y/N): *as Kickin Hawk* She said “I am their baby sister Twotwo" Wait, you brought your kid sister here?

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Clover: What did she say?

(Y/N): *as Kickin Hawk* she said "Yes we couldn't find a babysitter on such short notice so we had to bring her here and tell her to stay away from the fight".

Clover: Well how come you couldn't leave her at a daycare.

In response to that Eighteight gave Clover the "really" look as Clover then realized their situation.

Clover: Oh right there are no alien daycares.

(Y/N): *changes back* Okay, tell you what, we can babysit your baby sister, if we can call this fight a draw.

Sixsix, SevenSeven and Eighteight looked at each other as they then put their weapons away.

Sixsix: *unknown language*

Clover: What did he say?

(Y/N): He said “Deal”.

Sevenseven: *unknown language*

Clover: What did he say?

(Y/N): He said "You two can watch Twotwo for the rest of the day, we don't want her to get hurt whenever we bring her to wherever we go to do our jobs" and good point she is a kid.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Clover: What did she say?

(Y/N): She said "Watch Twotwo like your life depended on it and I'm sorry about the whole insulting your outfit it actually looks kinda cool, but not as cool as mine"

Clover: I don’t know whether to feel insulted or to feel happy.

Eighteight: *unknown language*.

(Y/N): She said "why not both, between you and me I'm not exactly good looking under this armor" no kidding, I’ve seen her brother’s look under his armor and he’s ugly, no offense.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

Clover: What did she say?

(Y/N): She said "none taken and you’re good looking yourself"

Clover: Oh thank you and I guess your armor is pretty cool.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said “I was referring to you and your friend" Oh thank you.*blushes* Wait, are you saying that I'm attractive to you?

Eighteight: *blushes and unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "U-um I mean yeah you are pretty good looking* Thank you, you're not bad yourself, so who sent you four after me.

Sevenseven: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said  “Vilgax sent us to get your Alphaitrix. He said it was more powerful than the Omnitrix".

Clover: Note to self, remember to keep an eye out for an alien named Vilgax, whoever he is.

(Y/N): He's the most dangerous alien in the galaxy, he conquered 11 planets.

Clover: Okay, take that note, put it in a hard drive and put the hard drive into a time capsule and tattoo the coordinates of said time capsule on your foot and cryogenically freeze yourself and toss it into a safe inside of the Earth’s core.

You and the aliens didn’t even catch half of what Clover just said.

(Y/N): What?

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "are humans always this weird?" And yes they are, but you get used to it after living with them for as long as I have.

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said “Well since we got this free time, let's go for shopping, but I’m not getting hats”

Clover: Why?

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said “He hates hats”

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said “Not just me but on everyone else”

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said “One second the person has a weird shaped head, the next second that part of the head is a hat” That's why you don’t like hats?

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said "Yes that's why I don't wear hats" I can relate I don't wear shoes because of my two toed feet.*shows feet* see, but wait a second you’re wearing a helmet, that’s like a hat!

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said “That’s different cause I have to wear it everyday for my entire life and it’s part of my armor".

Clover: Oof that must not be pleasant.

Sixsix: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said "You have no idea"

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "We also met another human female, but she was so annoying, and her voice is like a harpy trying to sing in a choir too hard so we fired a warning shot at her and she ran off screaming and hid in a rose bush".

Clover: I'm guessing you must have met Mandy, if she was in pain when you first met her, try going to school with her girlfriend.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Oof that's rough, if that's what represents humanity then I feel sorry for your species" Thank the stars she’s not, cause I might go nuts and try to ruin the world just to get rid of her by setting free the most dangerous supernatural creatures and beings onto the planet.

Sevenseven: *unknown language*

(Y/N): He said, “Where did you get that idea?” I found it on the extranet webpage called SCP Foundation, it’s really good, SCP-5000 is a guy who saved the world by combining two antimemtic SCPs, which is where I got the idea from.

Eighteight: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Not bad, I would have just captured her and tossed her to the sun ridding her from your planet"

Clover: If it’s up to me, I would just toss her into the nearest blackhole.

(Y/N): A blackhole pulling her atoms apart and stretching her molecules is not a bad idea Clover.

Clover: Thanks.

Later we see you, Clover and Twotwo on Clover's shoulders as the others show up and see Twotwo.

Alex: Um who's the little alien girl.

Clover: Twotwo was babysitting her for Eighteight and her brothers Sixsix and Sevenseven.

Sam: Um (Y/N) explanation please.

(Y/N): Alien bounty hunters sent by Vilgax, the most dangerous alien in the galaxy who conquered 11 planets he sent bounty hunters after me cause he wants my Alphatrix and since Eighteight and her brothers couldn't find a sitter on such short notice they had to bring her with them but since they didn't want her to get hurt or worse me and Clover offered to babysit for them.

Shirley: So now you two are babysitting, Twotwo was it?

Twotwo: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said “Yes and who are you apes?” Twotwo don’t be rude.

Twotwo: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Sorry, force of habit"

Sam: Well I'm Sam, this is Alex, and Shirley is a former criminal starting to turn into a good girl.

Shirley Hey, I'm trying, it’s a process!

Alex: And you’re adorable, can I hold her?

(Y/N): Hmm Twotwo you okay with Alex holding you?

Twotwo: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "Yes you can hold me".

Clover then hands Twotwo to Alex as Mandy appears and then points and screams in horror from the sight of Twotwo.

Mandy: AAHHHH, why do you have that little monster!?

(Y/N): She’s not a monster, she’s a little girl.

Mandy: I don’t care what it is, I want it out of here!

(Y/N): *points to Mandy*You know one of these days karma will hit you in the face from a baseball chucked at you.

Then a baseball flew at Mandy’s face as you turned to your own finger amazed from the sight of it.

(Y/N): I must use this power for good.

You then turn to twotwo who was armed with a baseball bat.

Twotwo: *unknown language*

Sam: Um what did she say?

(Y/N): She said "That's what she gets for calling me a monster" Where did you get the baseball bat?

Twotwo: *unknown language*

(Y/N): She said "The human you call Shirley has baseball bats in her room" uh why do you have baseball bats in your room Shirley.

Shirley: In case a burglar tries to break in.

Sam: Hmm fair enough.

Alex: Wow, I guess even aliens hate Mandy.

(Y/N): Yep they certainly do.

The next day we see you and Sam as you two we're at the beach.

Sam: It's so nice going to the beach with you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thanks and it's nice being here with you.

Sam: Aw, thanks, but are you sure you don't need any sunblock you'll get sunburn.

(Y/N): What's sunburn?

Sam: Oh right alien, it's what happens to a human skin in the sun when they don't use sunblock.

(Y/N): Oh gotcha, but that shouldn't be a problem for me, I survived being in the desert once.

Sam: You have? But shouldn't you be sweating? *Feels your forehead to feel it's still cold* Woah you're still cold but how? It's 100° out here.

(Y/N): *realizes* Oh right, sorry I forgot to mention that not only necrofriggian are not only bothered by the cold there also not bothered by the heat.

Sam: Sheesh, no wonder you're not sweating you're like a living AC but a cool alien ac.

(Y/N): Thanks *leans against the umbrella but realizes it's a lever to your underground lab* Uh oh.

Sam: What do you mean-

Just as Sam was about to finish her sentence a secret hatch opened under you two as you two fell through it and fell on a sofa in your secret lab.

Sam: *sees your lab* a Whoop lab?

(Y/N): It's not a whoop lab, it's my lab.

Sam: Wait your lab?

(Y/N): Yep, and this was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess the surprise is out.

We then see Erza come to you as she lickes your face.

Erza: *barks*

(Y/N): *chuckles* Nice to see you too Erza *pets her*

Sam: Um (Y/N) what kind of dog is that?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, Sam this is Erza, my pet Anubian baskurr.

Sam: Anubian baskurr? I've never heard of that breed before.

(Y/N): That's because Erza is not from this planet.

Sam: Wait so Erza is an alien dog.

(Y/N): Yep, but don't worry she's trained *To Erza* Erza this is Sam she's the good spy.

Erza then goes over to Sam as she then puts her paw out.

Sam: Oh you want me to shake your paw okay *shakes Erza's paw* wow she's so obedient.

(Y/N): Yeah I was the one who trained her.

Sam: Well she is  well mannered *sees the Nemetrix 2.0 on her collar* Hey what's that on Erza's collar.

(Y/N): That's the Nemetrix 2.0, an upgraded variant of the original Nemetrix.

Sam: Cool, so what is a Nemetrix anyway?

(Y/N): Well like my Alphatrix, the Nemetrix has its own aliens in it, but they’re from non sapient species from different worlds and it only works on Erza here.

Sam: I bet she can wreck a lot of stuff when she transforms into whatever alien she is, like all of Mandy’s wardrobe

(Y/N): *chuckles* Actually she did that on her own without the need of transforming, but there is one downside with the Nemetrix.

Sam: What's the catch?

(Y/N): The Nemetrix can only with non-sapient aliens like Erza here the first time the Nemetrix was used on a human was years ago and well let's just say the results were not pretty.

Sam: Yikes, the Nemetrix sounds pretty dangerous, but I have one question left.

(Y/N): What’s that?

Sam: I wonder what Mandy’s reaction to her horribly mangled wardrobe after Erza is done with it.

Mandy: *off-screen* MY WARDROBE!!!

(Y/N): That would be her reaction, my red-head spy.

Later, at Mandy’s house, Mandy is completely enraged at not only her broken house but now her wardrobe is completely gnarled up with chewed up clothing and teared up dresses.

Mandy: Whoever did this is so gonna pay!!

Mandy then burst through the door to the outside with all of her rage and stepped over to the beach house and then opened the front door to reveal a tyrannopede head as growled at her as she was now terrified.

Mandy: Uhh nice dino?

The tyrannopede then roared at so loud that her hair was standing on end and she was shaken from the roar and she turned around waddled back home and then fell to the ground. Meanwhile we see you and Sam as you get up stretching.

(Y/N): Hey Erza, who was at the door.

You and Sam then look outside and see Mandy laying down unconscious on the ground.

(Y/N): Hm, guess she saw tyrannopede the natural predator of the vaxasaurian.

Sam: Vax a what?

(Y/N): Humungosaur's race.

Sam: Oh, then what is Mandy doing on our front lawn?

(Y/N): Guessing she must be unconscious considering she never saw an alien like that before.

Sam: Good point.

Later in the lab we see you and Sam as she then saw the prototech armor and the proto tools.

Sam: Woah this armor is amazing.

(Y/N): It sure is, I made it after all.

Sam: Wait you made this and those blasters?

(Y/N): Yep, that's the prototech armor, a level 14 body armor capable of protecting the wearer from massive shockwaves and it can fit anyone since it can adapt to the size and shape of said person.

Sam: Woah that's so amazing! And what about the blasters.

(Y/N): The proto tool is a versatile weapon, it can turn into  a blaster, power sword, staff, bow, grappler, shield, fishing pole, and numerous other equipment.

Sam: Woah now that's some tech, I wish I have a makeup kit that is that versatile.

(Y/N): Well the proto armor and tools aren't the only things I made.

Sam: What else is there?

We then hear some mechanical noises as Sam turns to see two techadon robots.

Techadon robot: Samantha Simpson, whoop spy and friendly.

Sam: Those are big robots, I think they have the bodies of titanium, steel, or even tungsten combined.

(Y/N): Yep, these are techadon robots level 12 war machines that utilize powerful lasers and nanite-based regenerative technologies, able to re-create themselves entirely from a single hand.

Sam: Amazing, I've never seen tech this advance.

(Y/N): That's alien tech for you, I’ve wanted to use one as a personal bodyguard for each of you and some to protect the house in case of intruders or if Mandy comes in here uninvited.

Sam: That would be useful we don't wanna tell people were spies.

(Y/N): We sure don't.

Later, the next day we see you and Shirley in undertown as Shirley was shocked to see a whole city full of aliens.

Shirley: Woah what is this place?

(Y/N): This is Undertown, an alien's home away from home and an intergalactic supermarket.

Shirley: Whoa, so what are we getting?

(Y/N): Hold on, I made a list. *pulls out a grocery list* Let's see, Amber Ogia, canned tiffin, and a fleen cake.

Shirley: Sounds pretty tasty if I knew what that was.

(Y/N): Well Amber Ogia is a fruit that comes from Revonnah and it's not just a fruit, it's also fuel, and clothing this fruit so valuable and useful it can be used to fuel an entire army to invade a galaxy.

Shirley: Woah, now that's a powerful fruit.

(Y/N): It sure is.

Later, after getting a basket of Amber Ogia and Fleen Cake we then see You and Shirley going to a tiffin stand but just as you two about to go there a laser blast then hits the getting the attention of you and Shirley as it scared of the citizens as you saw an all too familiar elephant, Trombipulor along with the vreedle brothers.

(Y/N): What the? *Sees Trombipulor and the Vreedle brothers* Trombipulor and the Vreedle brothers.

Shirley: You know these guys?

(Y/N): Yeah, anytime I go to Undertown it's always one criminal after another trying to get my watch, uh no offense.

Shirley: None taken.

Octacgon: Who is the pipsqueak lady in the yoga pants?

Shirley: Pipsqueak?!

Boid: Uh Octagon, I dun reckon you've angered her.

Trombipulor: Anger or not we're not after her we're after Nitrogen and his fancy new watch.

(Y/N): Like your gonna get the Alphatrix peanut eater.

You then turn into Kickin Hawk as you and Shirley then fought Trombipulor and the Vreedle brothers with Shirley fighting the Vreedle brothers and you fought Trombipulor as he then punched you through a building as you got up.

(Y/N): *as Kickin Hawk*  Is that all you got Dumbo *turns to see a Vreedle coming* Uh guys?

Then everyone  sees Ma Vreedle angry when she sees Boid and Octagon Vreedle.

Ma Vreedle: Boid, Octagon, I told you you’re grounded for a week from crime!

(Y/N): Hey Ms.V.

Ma Vreedle: Zip it iceberg, i’m only here to pick up some trouble makers.

(Y/N): *to Boid and Octagon Vreedle* What did you two do?

Boid: We blew up our home by accident.

Shirley: How do you two blow up your own home by accident.

Octagon: It’s simple, we were trying a new explosive compound to blow things up real nice and then Boid drop a lit match onto the compound and you know what happens next.

(Y/N): You blew up your own home.

Shirley: *to Ma Vreedle* And these people are supposed to be criminals?

Ma Vreedle: Of course, it runs in the family.

(Y/N): Yeah don’t mess with Ma Vreedle, she once made Vilgax cry and on top of that she's wanted in 12 systems.

Ma Vreedle: Got that right frosty, so what are you two doing down here anyway?

Shirley: Just getting some stuff for tonight's dinner.

Ma Vreedle: *to Boid And Octagon* You boys interrupted their grocery shopping without my permission, even when you’re supposed to be grounded, you’re now grounded for a month!

Boid: But Ma, that ain’t fair!

Ma Vreedle: You’re right, grounded for 5 months.

Boid: Dangnamit, how can this get any worse?

Ma Vreedle: I’ll take away your weapons too!

Boid: What just happened Octagon?

Octagon: I believe saying that phrase makes the situation even worse than it has to.

Then Ma Vreedle grabs both Boid and Octagon by the ears and then heads back home.

Ma Vreedle: My apologies for my sons messin up your grocery shopping.

Shirley: It's okay Ms.Vreedle we weren't hurt unlike the people I've hurt.

Ma Vreedle: Somethin on your mind honey child.

Shirley: Well it's just this whole rehabilitation thing it's just what people still hate me after what I did.

Ma Vreedle: Hm Well what did ya do, *to you* Care to explain, iceberg?

(Y/N): She hypnotized her former students as an act of revenge for her studio going out of business, but we had a one on one fight if I won she surrendered if she won she would get me and my friends in the end I decided the best solution was to rehab and change her criminal ways.

Ma Vreedle: Hm not a bad crime if I do say so myself and wraslin her too not bad, *to Shirley* but as for you ponytail, the people will accept ya over time and forgive and forget, it’s only a matter of time girly.

Shirley: Huh, for an intergalactic criminal that's pretty good advice thanks Ma Vreedle.

Ma Vreedle: Ah don't mention it girly now if you excuse, I got some trouble makers to get to their punishment, girly, iceberg I bid you two adue.

(Y/N): Ok, bye.

Shirley: See ya.

Later we see you and Shirley at the beach house as you two were setting up the table.

(Y/N): Ma Vreedle does have a point, people will see you as a hero overtime.

Shirley: You think so?

(Y/N): I know so if me and the girls, and even an intergalactic criminal wanted in 12 systems can see good in you then the people of earth will see the good in you too.

Shirley: You are right (Y/N). *hugs your arm* I’m so glad that I met you.

(Y/N): And I'm glad I met you too.

Later, we see you and Erza in your lab working one of the Omnitrixes as you then programed the DNA of the residents of Anur Transyl ranging from Loboans, Ectonurites, Transylians, Thep Khufan, and Vladats.

(Y/N): There that should be-

Just as you were about to finish your sentence you then had another memory flash as you then someone you're all too familiar with….Ben Tennyson the wielder of the Omnitrix as you then fell to your knees as Erza looked at you with worry in her eyes.

(Y/N): It's fine, girl I just had my latest memory flash, someone I'm too familiar with.

The camera then fades to black as only your voice can be heard.

(Y/N):…..Ben Tennyson.

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