Chapter 6: Meet your puppet master and Girlfriend!

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It's been about a couple of days since your last memory flash as you saw someone you're all too familiar with, Ben Tennyson. In the morning we see you and Erza in the kitchen as you grabbed a bowl full of nails from the fridge and gave Erza her dog food as we see the spies and Shirley enter the kitchen.

Clover: Hey (Y/N) how was your sleep.

(Y/N): *munches on a nail* Uh pretty good.

Shirley: Um why are you eating nails?

Sam: Oh yeah (Y/N) here likes to snack on metal it's kind a thing with necrofriggian.

Shirley: Oh gotcha.

(Y/N): Yeah and I had another memory flash.

Sam: Another memory flash?

(Y/N): Yep.

Alex: What did you see?

(Y/N): Someone from my past.

Clover: Who was it?

(Y/N): Someone named Ben Tennyson.

Sam: Ben Tennyson? Who's he?

(Y/N): The original wielder of the Omnitrix and I plan to meet him and-

Just as you were about to finish your sentence you then hear a knock at the door.

Clover: Okay, who could be here right now?

Clover then went over to the door as we then saw a girl with periwinkle blue-colored fur, black markings on her face, and pointed ears. The middle of her face, her chest and her stomach are white. She has black stripes on her shoulders, waist, lower legs and lower arms and orange/red eyes and long violet hair goes to her waist as she was wearing a white plumber as you recognized her dad Rook Shar, your girlfriend.

(Y/N): Shar?

Shar: Beloved is that you?

She then goes past Clover and hugs you as you hugged back.

Shar: Oh it has been forever since I have seen you my love.

(Y/N): And it's been awhile since I've seen you sweetie.

Sam: Sweetie?

Alex: Beloved?

Clover: (Y/N) you know this girl?

(Y/N): Of course, why wouldn't I know my own girlfriend.

Spies and Shirley: WHAAAAT?!

Sam: Y-You have a girlfriend?!

(Y/N): Yes, why is that so hard to believe?

Clover: *jealous* You, have a girlfriend?! Why didn't you tell us?

(Y/N): I did remember last night.

Flashback flashback.

We see you and the girls in the living room watching TV.

(Y/N): This is nice.

Clover: Totally.

Alex: Yeah it is.

Shirley: Sure is.

Sam: Agred.

(Y/N): Yep oh don't forget my girlfriend is coming tomorrow.

Spies and Shirley: *Yawn* Sure/yeah/awesome.

Flashback end.

Clover: Oh….yeah *blushes* Hehehe our bad.

(Y/N): It's cool.

Alex: So what's your name?

Shar: My name is Rook Shar I am from Revonnah and (Y/N) is my boyfriend, we met when he landed on Revonnah long ago he and I learned Revonnah Kai together and there our love blossomed like the amber Ogia of my planet.

Clover: And how long was that?

Shar: Hmm by my count approximately 10 earth years ago.

Spies and Shirley: 10 years?!

Alex: Woah that's one long relationship.

Shar: Indeed it is you must be Alexander, and I am guessing you must be Samantha, Ms. Clover and Ms. Shirley.

Clover: Um yeah, how do you know who we are?

Shar: Mr. Lewis explained who you four are and do not worry I will not tell anyone about your secrets.

Sam: Wait, Jerry knows about you and told you me, Alex and Clover are spies?

Shar: Of course has he not told you about the plumbers?

Clover: You mean the people who clean icky bathrooms?

(Y/N): Not those kinds of plumbers, the other kind.

Shirley: The other kind?

(Y/N): Yes as in intergalactic law enforcement or in simple terms space cops.

Alex: Wait there are space cops?

Shar: Indeed they are Alexander.

Alex: Oh so cool!

Clover: And you don't have Ms or our full names Shar just call me Clover dude.

Shar: Okay, Cloverdude.

Clover: It's just Clover.

Shar: Oh I see Clover.

Alex: Man, I can’t believe you two have been dating for 10 years.

Shar: Yes we have known each other for quite some time I'm surprised as well *realizes what she said and covers her mouth* Oh my apologies for my language.

Clover: But you didn't say anything bad.

(Y/N): Oh yeah Revonnahganders don't use contractions at all.

Sam: Why?

(Y/N): They consider contractions a "bad language" which would be the Earth equivalent of curse words.

Clover: Oh gotcha.

(Y/N): Yeah, and Revonnahganders aren't really big on Earth expressions either, like this. *to Shar* At least it's not raining cats and dogs.

Shar: But there are no K-9s or felines falling from the sky.

Sam: What he said it’s not raining water outside.

Shar: Oh I see.

(Y/N): Yeah, anyway girls and sweetie were going on a little road trip.

Alex: To where?

(Y/N): Bellwood.

Later we see you and the girls in Shar's Proto-truck with Clover being a little pouty.

Sam: Of all the things we could take to Bellwood it had to be a Plumber truck.

Clover: Yeah I bet the guys will be screaming when this ride rolls down the block.

Shar: Males should not be afraid of my vehicle but they probably should.

Shar then pushes a button as the truck then becomes a ship as Alex and the girls look out the window to see they're flying.

Sam: Woah it also doubles as a spaceship?!

Clover: Wow, you know sometimes you're actually kinda cool.

Shar then smiles in admiration.

Clover: Um, sometimes, so where is this Ben 10 guy.

You then looked to see him and Shar's brother Rook blonko were fighting what looked to be mutant large mutant frogs and snails.

(Y/N): Probably over there fighting those monsters.

Sam: Should we help them?

(Y/N): I think we should, let's go.

We then see you and the girls land as you all get out of the truck and see a frog about to go to Ben but just before it could go to him you then shot ice fire at the frog freezing it in its place as Ben turns to see it was you.

Ben: No way….

(Y/N): Hello Tennyson

Ben: I thought you were sent to that planet.

Sam: Planet? What are you talking about?

Ben: Ultimate Big Chill and the other ultimates were sent to another planet because they were all ticked at me for using them.

(Y/N): Ultimate Big Chill?

Ben: That's you.

(Y/N): Oh, that was my name before? That is an awesome name.

Rook: It seems that sentient Ultimate Big Chill is experiencing amnesia.

Alex: Well back at Beverly hills, he got some of his memories back.

(Y/N): Yeah and uh sorry if me and the other ultimates tried to kill you in the Ultimatrix

Ben: It's okay, you had your own life and I didn't really know back then.

(Y/N): Yeah so who were you fighting today?

Ben: Animo.

Alex: Animo?

Ben: Mad scientist, he's a B-level villian.

(Y/N): So who’s the S-level villain?

Ben: Hm the well it varies there's Vilgax, the highbreed, and Agregor.

(Y/N): Right, so what’s C-Level villains?

Rook: Might I suggest we postpone the villain ranking and focus on the threat.

Ben: Oh yeah

(Y/N): Right, is there a way to fight both villains and talk about villains at the same time?

Ben: I don't think there is.

(Y/N): So the only thing we can do is put the hurt on the bad guy.

Rook: I think you can multitask on both matters.

(Y/N): Are you thinking what I'm thinking? *Shows his Alphatrix*

Ben: *shows his Omnitrix* You read my mind like a book.

You and Ben then slam your watches as Ben became Echo echo and you became Ditto as you and Ben made duplicates of yourselves to fight off the mutant frogs and snails as You and Ben were talking about villain ranks.

Ben: *as Echo echo* So Villgax would be the biggest big bad since he took over 11 planets.

(Y/N): *as Ditto* Fair point but Ma Vreedle on the other hand is wanted in 12 systems and once made Vilgax cry.

Ben: *as Echo Echo* Oh yeah good point.

(Y/N): *as Ditto* So in your opinion, who’s the most dangerous villain.

Ben: * as Echo Echo* In my opinion probably Vilgax has been after the omnitrix longer than any of the baddies I've dealt with.

(Y/N): *as Ditto* Fair enough, I've had tons of baddies after me and my friends wherever I go shopping in undertown, a few days ago Vreedle brothers attacked me and my friend Shirly and then Ma Vreedle stopped them and then ground them for 5 months.

Ben: *as Echo Echo* Oof I almost feel about them. *sees Rook giving Ben the “really” look* What I said almost.

Later, after defeating Animo and his mutants, we see you, Ben, rook and the girls at Mr.Smoothies.

Rook: So (Y/N) how are you and Shar doing now?

(Y/N): Pretty good and don't worry I promise to protect her with my life, I'll blow myself up with the Annilargh if it makes her happy.

Ben: Whoa, take the lovesickness down a few pegs before you do something crazy.

Alex: What's the ani- ana- anna-

You, Rook, and Shar: Annilargh.

Sam: Yeah what is that?

(Y/N): The most powerful doomsday device known in the galaxy.

Clover: How powerful are we talking?

Shar: It can wipe out the entire universe.

Alex: Yikes now that's powerful.

Rook: Yes, before it was just a rumor like Alien X.

Ben: Alien X is real, and I have him in my omnitrix.

Shar: Then why not show us?

Ben: I better not, it's a whole issue.

Clover: So who's Alien X?

(Y/N): Alien X is the DNA sample of a Celestial Sapian, the most powerful aliens in the omniverse.

Sam: How powerful are they?

(Y/N): They could just blink and you would be gone.

Clover: Woah that powerful huh? Think they make Mandy disappear?

(Y/N): Probably.

Rook: Mandy?

Clover: The worst girl in the world, nay the universe.

Rook: Is she an intergalactic criminal?

(Y/N): Well if you wanna call her that, she's a very annoying human we have to deal with on a daily basis.

Ben: How annoying are we talking about?

(Y/N): To the point where you'd want to use the Annilargh to rid the universe of her.

Rook: Is that not a bit excessive?

(Y/N): You have to meet her to understand how annoying she is.

Rook: I see, *to Sam, Alex and Clover*  and I am guessing you three are the spies Mr. Lewis was talking about.

Sam: Wait you know about us too?

Rook: Of course we were briefed on the agents of WHOOP.

Clover: And Jerry told you two about Whoop?

Shar: Well Magister Tennyson explained how he was friends with a man named Jerry Lewis.

Ben: Oh yeah Grandpa Max did talk about a guy named Jerry.

Sam: Who's Magister Tennyson?

Later we see you and the gang at Plumber headquarters as we see a man in a Hawaiian shirt.

Max: Hey Ben *sees you* Ultimate Big Chill? Aren't you supposed to be on your planet.

(Y/N): To be honest, I have no idea how I ended up on Earth, but I am glad that I met some people that accept me for who I am and not what I am.

Sam: Aw thanks.

Max: And you must be the spies Jerry told me about.

Alex: Yep, that's us Mr.Tennyson I'm Alex and this Sam, Clover and Shirley.

Jerry: And it's good to see you girls too

Spies: *sees Jerry* Jerry?!

Shirley: What are you doing here?

Jerry: Just catching up with an old friend of mine.

Max: Jerry and I used to fight alongside each other in some missions.

Sam: Alien related missions?

Jerry: Indeed they were.

Clover: Jerry why didn't you tell us this? We're your best spies.

Alex: Yeah, how come you didn't tell us these things.

Jerry: I was afraid of how you three would react and even some things I do are secret.

Sam: Well at least we can beat up some alien baddies now.

Jerry: Are you sure?

Clover: Totally we've even handled them back in undertown.

Shirley: And they were pretty tough.

Alex: Yeah but not all of them are evil remember twotwo.

Ben: Twotwo?

(Y/N): Eighteight's little sister we came to an agreement and if we watch Twotwo they won't hunt us down.

Ben: Oh gotcha.

Rook: That is a peaceful resolution.

(Y/N): It sure is, I even asked Jerry if I can rehabilitate Shirley and she's been doing well so far.

Shirley: I came a long way.

Rook: Remarkable, you must be quite the peacekeeper.

(Y/N): Well I did fight her in hand to hand combat and get this, she survived the stone cutter.

Rook: She survived the stone cutter?!

Shar: I am quite surprised she survived.

Shirley: So what is the stone cutter anyway?

Shar: The stone cutter is the most powerful move in Revonnah Kai master Kundo only taught that move to (Y/N) is second best student after Blonko.

Rook: Indeed.

(Y/N): It's true he was Kundo's best student and I passed on what he taught me onto the spies.

Clover: Yep and it was not easy, I chipped all of my nails from breaking all those stone slabs.

Alex: And breaking our fingers.

Sam: But it was totally worth it to master it and yes it was not easy.

Rook: It never is.

(Y/N): Agreed, I was surprised that Kundo actually taught the first offworlder Revonnah Kai.

Rook: I was as well as the other Revonnahganders were surprised.

Shar: I was as well too me and (Y/N) first met on Revonnah.

(Y/N): And I loved every moment being with you Shar *hugs her*

Shar: *giggles* thank you beloved I enjoy being with you as well.

We then hear the alarms sound off as you and the others went over to the monitors.

Ben: Oh great who is it this time?

Max: *looks at the screen* Vulkanis, he’s stealing a stockpile of Element X to make weapons.

(Y/N): Well we can't let him do that.

Clover: What's Element X?

Rook: A very rare mineral much like your earth diamonds.

(Y/N): If you mix them with iron ore, they can destroy entire solar systems.

Jerry: And it seems he’s planning on destroying our solar system for money on building a galactic casino.

Clover: He can’t destroy Earth or the solar system, I keep all of my clothes on Earth!

Ben: Who cares about clothes!

Clover: I do!

(Y/N): Trust me she does. And believe me you don't wanna get between her and half off of a pair of heels it is not pretty.

Alex: It's true, she bit (Y/N) on the arm just to get a sale on shoes.

Clover: I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.

Sam: She bite was aimed at Mandy and not (Y/N), we can assure of that.

(Y/N): Yeah and I never knew earth girls were that scary up until I saw Clover trying to bite Mandy.

Ben: Okay, anyone who is with Clover for shopping, keep a clear distance away from her if she sees a big sale for any clothing or put on protective gear.

(Y/N): Well speaking of gear I got you girls something special.

You then press a button as it shows 5 proto tech armors, proto tools and 5 omnitrixes in different colors.

Clover: Woah cool armor.

Alex: And watches.

Rook: Remarkable proto-tech armor and Omnitrixes

(Y/N): Yep made them all myself.

Ben: Wait you made them?

(Y/N): Yeah why is that so hard to believe?

Ben: Well, Azmuth is a lot smarter than anyone in the galaxy and made the Omnitrix.

Sam: Azmuth?

(Y/N): Azmuth is the smartest Galvan in 3 to 5 galaxies, or in Clover words, he's a super alien nerd.

Clover: Woah cool, so where is he now?

(Y/N): My guess, Galvan Prime doing who knows what.

Later, we see you and the others on the streets as you saw Vulkanis and his pickaxe aliens getting the element X.

Ben: Alright Vulkanis we can do this the easy way or in my opinion the hard way.

Vulkanis: Not gonna Tennyson and while you're at it hand me you're your fancy watches.

(Y/N): Well that's not happening either, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Ben: Sure am it's hero time come on humungosaur.

You and the others then hit your Alphaitrix and Omnitrixes as Clover became Kickin Hawk, Alex became four arms, Sam became Diamondhead, Shar became Cannonbolt, you became Astrodactyl while instead of Humungosaur Ben turned into Wildmutt.

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* Uh why did you turn into a Vulpimancer?

Ben: *as Wildmutt* *growls and grunts*

Sam: *as Diamondhead* Uh what did he say?

Clover: *as Kickin Hawk* No idea.

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* Alright whatever, let's just stop Vulkanis from getting the Element X.

We then see you and others fighting off the pick axe aliens while you and Ben as Astrodactyl and Wildmutt fighting Vulkanis as you were hitting him from the back and Ben as Wildmutt charges at him biting his arm as Vulkanis knocked Ben off of his arm as you caught him.

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* Your welcome.

Alex: *as Four Arms* How do we take this guy out?

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* We don't need to take him out, we need to take out his suit.

Clover: *as Kickin Hawk* And how's that gonna help?

Rook: He is vulnerable without his suit.

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* Right, so everyone take out his suit.

We then see Sam immobilize Vulkanis in a petrosapien cage, Alex and Clover then charge at Vulkanis punching his armor breaking it apart as you grabbed Shar who was already in ball form as you two made a Cannonbolt flail as knocked Vulkanis to the ground as you turn to Ben as Wildmutt.

(Y/N): *as Astrodactyl* Care to do the honors.

Ben: *as Wildmutt* *roars in agreement*

Ben then charges at Vulkanis and slashes his armor off revealing that Vulkanis is actually the size of a baby and as he was about to escape Sam then ensnared him in a diamond cage.

Clover: *changes back* That was awesome!

Alex: *changes back* Totally, that was amazing!

Shar: *changes back* It was quite remarkable.

Sam: *changes back* Yeah who knew being an alien was so amazing *to you and Ben* is this what it's like for you two.

(Y/N): *changes back* Yep, also Ben why did you change into a Vulpimancer?

Ben: *changes back* Don't blame me, blame the Omnitrix.

Sam: What's wrong with your omnitrix?

Ben: Occasionally whenever I need the right alien for the job it always gives me the wrong alien.

(Y/N): Seriously? It's still doing that?

Ben: I know right and this is supposed to be the official Omnitrix.

(Y/N): And I'm guessing Azmuth didn't fix the bugs in his "Most powerful device in the universe" huh.

Ben: Yep still hasn't done that.

(Y/N): You know if he's so smart, then why hasn't he fixed that yet.

Ben: I think he fixed it, so I might be hitting it too hard.

Rook: That could be the reason.

(Y/N): Doesn't really happen to me, I mean when I used the Alphatrix for the first time I turned into Upchuck.

Ben: Upchuck huh?, Not bad I turned into heatblast when I got the omnitrix for the first time.

(Y/N): Yeah I remembered that, you burned down an entire forest.

Ben: Hey don't blame me, blame the Omnitrix.

(Y/N): Fair enough.

Sam: So our Omnitrixes are like Ben's.

(Y/N): Pretty much but their improved versions and believe me it was not easy fixing the bugs in each of them.

Ben: Lucky.

Shar: Not luck, skill there is a difference.

Later after putting Vulkanis in jail, we see you and the others with Erza as Ben and Rook see her Nemetrix.

Rook: You have an Anubian baskurr?

(Y/N): Yep *pets Erza* This is Erza, my pet I had for a long time and she's the best.

Ben: *sees the Nemetrix 2.0* And she's wearing the Nemetrix.

Clover: The Nemetrix?

Ben: It's pretty much a copycat version of the omnitrix except it has predatory aliens to fight mine.

(Y/N): Yep but I improved it so it doesn't mess with the host's brain but it only works on non-sapient species.

Alex: So it only works on Erza here?

(Y/N): Yeah the last time the Nemetrix was used on a human was years ago and let's just say the results were not pretty.

Clover: How bad was it?

(Y/N): Well it could be possible the test subject's DNA was scrambled with one of the Predators’ DNA.

Alex: Yikes that sounds awful.

(Y/N): Yeah it truly is.

Ben: That test subject was my grandfather’s old friend and partner in crime, Phil. He was wearing Nemetrix when he first attacked me when I was 11, but I haven't seen him since then.

Sam: Woah where do you think he is now?

Ben: Don't know where he went.

(Y/N): And if he comes back?

Ben: We'll be ready.

Shirley: Yeah, I hope he will be back and be redeemed like me.

(Y/N): Probably, though with his DNA scrambled it's hard to say.

Ben: Yeah even though Phil was a good guy he wasn't a real hero.

Sam: What do you mean?

Ben: Back when I was 10, he released dangerous aliens from the null void, captured them just to get paid.

(Y/N): He did it for the money?

Ben: Yep.

Clover: That's just low, being a hero isn't about money.

(Y/N): It’s about protecting people from harm.

Shirley: And there goes his redemption.

(Y/N): Yep.

Later, after leaving and saying goodbye to Ben and the plumbers we see you and the girls back in Beverly hills as you all went to the beach house where we see you and Shar in your room along with Erza sleeping on her bed.

(Y/N): So sweetie, how are you liking Beverly hills so far?

Shar: It is amazing and it is nice to be reunited again with you.

(Y/N): Same here.

You and Shar then went to sleep. Meanwhile we see the others in the living room.

Sam: I can't believe (Y/N) has a girlfriend.

Clover: Yeah me neither!

Alex: And she looks gorgeous, it's like they were made for each other.

Shirley: Wait you three love (Y/N)?

Clover: *blushes* Well uh you see….yeah we do.

Sam: There's something about him that makes him different from other guys.

Alex: Totally, he's just so amazing *realizes* Wait Shirley do you love (Y/N) too?

Shirley: *blushes* Well uh he was the one who saw the good in me.

Clover: Welp, it's official, we all fell in love with the same guy.

Sam: Yeah, but he already has a girlfriend.

Shirley: Well maybe she'll share, Shar does seem pretty nice.

Sam: Yeah and who knows we might score a date with him.

Clover: Yeah I mean not unless we're attacked by evil aliens.

Sam: Or psychologically fragile supervillains.

Alex: Well evil aliens or supervillains will not stop us from getting the boy or alien of our dreams.

Girls: Yeah!

The girls then went to their rooms for the night as the camera faded to black with the Alphatrix and Nemetrix glowing red and green.

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