Chapter 7: Evil Ice Cream Man Much

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It was now 3:27 pm as Beverly hills as we see a boy skateboarding down the road till an ice cream truck showed up beside him and got too close to him

Boy: Hey!

The boy was met with a puff of smoke but  managed to regain his balance as the icecream truck stopped as the boy with the skateboard stopped by the ice cream truck

???: I'm so sorry young man I hope I didn't scare you *goes to the front the window and sticks out a triple scoop cone* care for some ice cream?

Boy: Thanks anyway.

But just as the boy was leaving the man inside pushed a red button and a mechanical hand came out of the truck and grabbed the boy and brought him to the truck as a hose was seen from inside the truck and sprayed him with what looked to be ice cream batter. As the truck goes off we look to see the skateboard has ice on it. Meanwhile, at the groove here we see you, Sam, Clover, Shirley, and Shar at a table with Clover enjoying her shaved ice with an annoyed Sam.

Sam: Please, Clover I am trying to concentrate over here.

Clover: Concentrate on this.

Clover then puts a spoonful of the shaved ice into Sam's mouth as she then holds her head in pain.

(Y/N): You okay Sam?

Sam: Ow, yeah I'm good.

Clover: Isn't that scrumptious?

Sam: Why is my head throbbing?

Clover: Oh that's just the brain freeze don't you love this?

(Y/N): What is that stuff anyways.

Clover: It's a triple frapo cafo shaved ice it's like so totally in.

Sam: Yeah well the next time I need to have my brain frozen I'll order one.

Shar: Shaved ice?

Clover: Oh it's what humans eat when they're lactose intolerant.

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Sam: Oh it means they can't have anything that has dairy in it like milk, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, anything that has milk in it.

Shar: I see and how come some humans can't consume products.

Clover: Well it's because dairy might do some weird stuff to them.

Shirley: Like having an allergic reaction to it.

(Y/N): Oh gotcha.

Alex: Hey guys I'm so excited I found you *looks the shaved ice* is that a triple frapo cafo shaved ice ooh I love those.

(Y/N): How good are they?

Clover: Totally good, want a bite.

Sam: Are you sure that's a good idea Clover?

Clover: Totally, what's the worst that could happen.

Sam: (Y/N) could get a brain freeze.

Clover: Don't worry it'll be fine.

Clover then feeds you then shaved ice as swallowed as the girls wait for your reaction.

Sam: Well?

(Y/N): It's pretty good.

Sam: Wait you didn't get a brain freeze?

(Y/N): What's a brain freeze?

Sam: It's a pain that you feel when you eat too much frozen treats *realizes* Oh duh, necrofriggians are used to the cold and heat.

(Y/N): We sure are.

Shar: Definitely and was there not something you wanted to tell us Alexandra er I mean Alex.

Alex: Oh right, you remember Barry? Cute Barry, really really cute and perfect Barry.

Shar: The human from our science class?

Alex: That's the one, perfect wonderful magnificent-

Clover: We got it, Barry what about him.

Alex: He just asked me to the out of this world dance this Saturday night.

Shar: Dance?

Clover: Oh yeah a dance is like a big party we have on earth.

Shar: Oh just like the harvest festival on Revonnah.

Sam: And that's nice of him Alex.

Clover: That's just not nice, that's amazing do you know what this means?

Sam: Alex is going to the dance with "Perfect wonderful Barry"

Clover: No, Alex has to get a new dress and one of your closest friends and alien friend I feel it is our responsibility to help you pick it out.

(Y/N): It is?

Alex: I don't know if I really need a new dress.

Clover: *chuckles* Of course you do I mean if you don't get a new dress how am I supposed to borrow it.

Shar: Your species is very unusual Ms. Samantha.

Sam: That’s just Clover being Clover.

Later we see you and the others at a clothing shop where we see Alex in a green dress.

(Y/N): Not bad Alex.

Shar: Yes you look wonderful like the harvest queen.

Alex: Aw thanks guys.

Clover then nods her head in a no gesture as we then see Alex in a red dress.

(Y/N): Looks amazing but that would be more for a Valentine or Christmas theme party.

Clover: Hm (Y/N) does make a good point.

Alex: Yeah you’re right.

Next, we then see Alex in a Yellow dress.

Clover: *gasp* Perfect, that will look great with my eye color.

(Y/N): Uh Clover? We're shopping for Alex remember and also you mean it would look great with your hair.

Clover: Oh right I mean Alex's eye color.

Alex: Hm, Sam what do you think?

Sam: I think the green one looks better with Clover's eyes.

(Y/N): Wouldn't match your eyes too?

Sam: *blushes* I uh, thank you.

(Y/N): You’re welcome.

Alex then sees the boy she was talking about Barry who was outside the window.

Alex: It's him, Barry.

Alex then waves at him while he waved back.

Clover: What are you doing? Don't you know a boy isn't supposed to see a girl in her date dress before a date.

Shar: That is a rule in this world?

Clover: Of course it is everyone knows that, oh man that'll bring 7 years of bad dating luck.

Alex: Really?

Sam: Now you're being ridiculous.

Clover: Alex quick pull down the blinds.

Alex then pulls down the blinds but not completely as she and Barry stared at each other for a few seconds as Barry laughed at her as the blinds closed completely.

Clover: Too late the bad dating luck has begun.

Alex: Oh great, now he must think I'm an idiot.

(Y/N): Hey you're not an idiot, you're just a bit clumsy it happens to everyone.

Alex: Thanks (Y/N)

(Y/N): No problem, also get ready for the trap door.

Sam: Wait wha-

Before Sam could finish her sentence the floor opened up as you and the others fell into it as Barry looked to see everyone was gone as we see you and the girls falling through the tube.

Alex: I hope Barry doesn't have a convertible.

Shar: I have no clue what that means.

We then see you and the girls fall on the couch into Jerry's office.

Jerry: Good afternoon superspies and trainers *sees Alex's new dress* Ah new dress that would go great with Clover's eyes.

(Y/N): Wouldn't a blue dress go well with Clover's eyes?

Clover: Hey your right (Y/N) a blue dress would go great with my eyes.

Sam: Anyways, What's up Jerry.

Jerry: There's something very odd going on and I need you to check it out.

Clover: Cool.

Jerry: Actually cold, extremely cold, several people have been found frozen solid, our scientists never seen anything like it.

We then see the girls then turn to look at you as you did the same, but realized they were looking at you.

(Y/N): What?

Sam: (Y/N)......not that we're accusing you but….

Clover: Did you freeze anyone recently?

(Y/N): Oh sure, blame the ice ghost from space, you know just because I can shoot ice doesn’t mean I'm the culprit!

Shar: Well you do have a habit of freezing other guys that look at me and or flirt with me.

(Y/N): Okay you got me there, but I would never freeze anyone unless I had a reason to do so.

Clover: He has a point.

(Y/N): Exactly, and are the people okay.

Jerry: For now, they seem to be in sort of hibernation were trying to figure out how to thaw them out the only clue we have is we got from a distress call *pushes the button*

Voice: You gotta help me! He's after me! *Screams*

We then hear ice cream truck music being played.

Alex: What was that weird music?

Jerry: We don't know but it's our only clue.

Sam: Were on it Jerry.

Jerry: As I knew you would be, Gladis.

Gladis: Girls based on what we know so far, I think the following items will keep you from getting a cold reception, get it? Get it?

(Y/N): *dry chuckle* Good joke.

Gladis: *gives her a bracelet* For Sam the multi-function charm bracelet.

Clover: How come I can't get the charm bracelet?

(Y/N): You know exactly why.

Gladis: Because the last time you used it you inflated the emergency life raft inside an elevator.

Alex: *laughs* Yeah that was something.

Shar: That is not the best place for a life raft.

Gladis: *gives clover an MP3 player* So for Clover let's go with the hi-range sound sensing CD and mp3 player.

Alex: What do I get?

Gladis: Considering your already over-dressed let's go simple *gives her a mood ring* Hologram Projector Mood Ring.

Alex: *gasp* What do you mean "overdressed"?

(Y/N): I think she means you’re overdressed for the occasion or any occasion.

Alex: Oh *realizes* Hey!

(Y/N): *holds your hands up defensively* I’m just telling the truth okay.

Alex: Hm, fair enough.

Jerry: Scour the city everyone, find the source of that distinctive sound and you'll find our perpetrator.

You and the others then fell through a trap door as we then see you and everyone else in a large convertible with Sam and Clover in the front while you, Alex, Shar and Shirley were in the back.

Sam: Clover any luck?

Clover: *singing* Yeah yeah, boyfriend's gone, gone all purple.

Sam then turns off the music player making Clover snap out of it.

Clover: Hey!

Sam: You should be scanning for that bizzaro sound not listening to your bizzaro music.

Clover: For your information, smoochie platypus is the number 1 band today.

The car then stops behind a stop light as Clover sees two guys.

Clover: Hold it I think I'm getting something.

Sam: Put it on the speaker.

Guy 1: Dude that check out those two cute girls in the front seat and that purple haired one behind the seat.

Alex: Hey, what am I yesterday's meatloaf!?

You then got angry as you then flew up and blasted two large icicles at the two guys scaring them off.

(Y/N): That’s right, you better run *mutters* block heads.

Shar: Feel better?

(Y/N): A little.

Sam: Was that really necessary?

Shar: Oh do not worry (Y/N) does this from time to time

Clover: Wow, I guess (Y/N) is really committed.

Shar: Oh yes, he has protected me whenever we went shopping here or in undertown.

(Y/N): Yeah when it comes to other guys flirting with Shar I just get so grrr, I can't even put it into words, but I just wanna freeze them so bad.

Shar: *hugs you* Oh it is okay sweetie they are gone now and will not bother us for a while.

(Y/N): *hugs back* Thanks honey.

Clover: Shar, you’re my hero.

Shar: But I did not save you from any danger Clover.

Clover: You got a guy to fall head over heels for you and he managed to beat up any guy who flirts with you, (Y/N) must be an amazing boyfriend.

Shar: Oh he certainly is, we would watch the sunset, have a picnic, or just hang out.

Spies: *in their head* Lucky.

We then see the light turn green as Sam goes while Alex pouts.

Clover:  There it is again, proof positive 7 years of bad dating luck have started for you.

Shar: I do not believe in luck, only skill.

Alex: I'm gonna be like 50 by the time this curse is over.

As you and the others were driving Clover picked something on the sound sensor.

Clover: Wait hold on I'm getting something else.

We the hear the weird music play again

Sam: That's it, can you track it?

Clover: Turn left.

Sam then turns left to the source of the sound.

Sam: Where is it?

Clover: It's speeding up and moving further away like it knows we're after it, turn right.

Alex: Sam stay on it

Clover: We're getting on it. It's just up ahead around the corner, left go left!

Sam then makes a sharp turn as we see an ice cream truck.

Sam: We lost it.

Alex: Nothing, maybe it came from that ice cream truck.

Clover: Oh sure and cute guy over there is a supervillain.

Alex then gets out of the car.

Clover: Where are you going?

Alex: I just wanna go check him out, it out the-the truck.

Clover: While your there, see if they have a triple frapo shaved ice *tosses Alex a coin*

Alex then goes to the truck but then gets distracted and bumps into the guy and falls to the ground.

Guy: You Should watch where you're going.

Alex: Oh great, more bad dating luck, maybe Clover's right.

Guy: *goes to the truck* You got nothing other than plain old ice cream.

While Alex looked away we then see the same mechanical hand come out of the truck grabbed the guy and sprayed him with melted ice cream freezing him then the mechanic claw then grabbed Alex by surprise

Alex: *screams* Ahh! Sam, Clover, Shar, (Y/N)!

You and the others then get out of the car as you spit an icescile at the arm, cutting Alex free as you caught her.

(Y/N): You okay?

Alex: I am now.

We then see the truck leaving.

Shar: Come girls and (Y/N) let us stop that truck.

Later we see you and the others in high speed chase with an ice cream truck as the driver in the tuck sees you and the girls

Clover: Please tell me that we're not being outrun by an Icecream truck.

Alex: Not for long.

Alex then presses a button and releases the suction cup grappling hook.

(Y/N): Nice going Alex.

Alex: Nobody does electromagnet like I do electromagnet

We then see Alex pull the break trying to stop the truck as the back part of the truck opens up to show a guy as it begins to spray melted ice cream on the road.

Alex: Guys?

Clover: It's attacking us with ice cream? *Chuckles* how lame.

We then see the car slipping and sliding on the road

(Y/N): And yet, highly effective.

Alex: Look out!

The car then breaks the railing as it gets back onto the road.

Shar: Alex release the cable.

Alex: I'm trying.

Alex then managed to push the button releasing the cable

Alex: Got it.

Sam: Watch out!

The car then swerves out of control as  you and the girls jump out of it and then fall off the cliff into a revenue and blow up as we then hear the same ice cream truck music.

(Y/N): You know what?

Alex: What?

(Y/N): I'm beginning to hate that song.

Shar: As am I.

Later at WHOOP we then see the guy from earlier being thawed out by two guys with heat guns

Jerry: It appears this young man is also perfectly fine for someone who was flash frozen, he probably won't even remember what happened to him assuming we can figure out how to thaw him.

Sam: How's it going?

Clover: I just finished running a scan on the sample of ice cream scraped off the road main ingredient, barro acko?

Alex: What's that?

Shar: Only an exceptional rare and experimental element that causes anything that comes in contact with to freeze immediately.

Sam: How did you know that?

Shar: I've done research on earth and their elements.

(Y/N): You know I hate to say "I told you so" but….oh who am I kidding I love saying it, I told you so.

Sam: Okay so maybe we jumped the gun on that one.

Alex: Sorry, about accusing you (Y/N)

(Y/N): It's cool.

Alex: Well it can't be that simple.

Jerry: I'll have the WHOOP scientists to start working on an antifreeze formula straight away.

Alex then hears her phone ring as she answers it.

Alex: Hello? *gasp* oh hi Barry, I'm so excited about the dance when are you gonna pick me up? Hmm, something came up? You're not gonna be able to go to the dance after all? Oh….no, that's okay I understand.

Clover: More dating bad luck.

Sam: Sush.

Alex then hears the ice cream truck music.

(Y/N): *whispers*If that’s ice cream man, order plain vanilla, no wait pistachio.

Clover: *whispers*Ooh good one, with chocolate sauce and pineapple slices.

Alex: Shush, wait Barry what's making that sound an ice cream truck just pulled up to the school? Oh wait Barry don't hang up! *Hears the dial tone*

Jerry: Take the car we repaired it, just be more careful with it this time.

(Y/N): Jerry with all due respect we nearly risked our lives out there for the car to get totaled. What do you think is gonna happen this time?

Shar: He makes a good point Mr. Lewis.

Jerry: Fair enough.

Later we see you and the girls pull up to the school.

Clover: Where is everyone?

Alex: This is majorly creepy.

You then looked in the classroom to see no one was there.

(Y/N): No students in the classroom.

Shar then checked the lab to see no one was there.

Shar: No students are in the lab.

We then then see you and the girls in the cafe to see no one was there.

Shar: It is like a ghost city here.

Clover: It's ghost town Shar.

Shar: Oh yes.

We then see you and the others in the gymnasium to see the frozen people.

Sam: *gasp* Were too late, there frozen.

Alex then goes to the frozen Barry.

Alex: See? This is what you get for canceling on me.

(Y/N): And people say I give the cold shoulder, and that’s saying something considering I have ice powers.

Clover: Oh no they got Mandy, *realizes* Oh they got Mandy.

Clover then goes over to the frozen Mandy and pulls out a marker.

Clover: Just a little surprise for Mandy when we thaw her out *draws a mustache on her*.

(Y/N): Oh come on really Clover.

Clover: I know I know my bad and a little immature.

(Y/N): Darn right your bad, *takes the marker and draws a full beard, an eye patch, some fake stitches, broken hearts, and a phrase ‘I’m with stupid’ and the arrow that is pointing at her below the phrase 'dummy' on Mandy and also draws a unibrow* there that's how it's done.

Clover: Woah not bad (Y/N).

(Y/N): Why thank you my lady.

Sam: Yeah my compliments to the artist.

Alex: I’m going to capture the moment. *takes a selfie with the art on Mandy’s face* There, now we can remember this moment forever.

Shar: Yes and she is truly a vile woman.

Clover: No kidding she's the worst.

Alex: The worst of the worst.

Sam: Agreed.

You and the girls then hear the ice cream truck.

Alex: It's the ice cream truck c'mon.

You and the girls then run to the ice cream truck but just as Alex was about to go to the truck she was met by an ice wall as you helped her up.

Clover: It's getting away.

You and the girls then rushed to the car only to see it flashed frozen as Sam hears her compowder ringing and answers it to see Jerry.

Sam: Hello?

Jerry: Sam, how's it going?

Sam: Well you better send a team down to the school there are 8 kids frozen in the gym, any luck with the antadoad?

Jerry: Not yet, but I traced the barro acko that was found in the ice cream to a recent shipment to a laboratory. It went to a factory downtown you better look into it.

Sam: Okay Jerry we'll check it out.

Jerry: How's the car holding up?

(Y/N): Uh you want an honest answer or a lie?

Jerry: What did you do?

(Y/N): We did absolutely nothing to the car, it's definitely fine.

Jerry then gives you the "really?" Look.

(Y/N): It's not my fault! I was with them the whole time honest.

Sam: Yeah, he's the truth Jerr.

Clover: Please don’t fire him because of a cold shoulder.

Jerry: Don't worry I won't fire Mr. Nitrogen.

(Y/N): Oh phew that's a relief, cause if you think about it this situation is kind of on you boss dude.

Jerry: Wha- me? How?

(Y/N): Well I mean if you ice proofed the car the second time you had your people rebuilt it, this situation wouldn't have happened.

Shar: He does a valid point Mr.Lewis.

Clover: Yeah (Y/N) is right, if you had the time to ice proofed the car we would have a decent ride.

Jerry: Right, I'll make a note of that right away. Jerry out.

Jerry then hangs up.

(Y/N): Well at least I'm not being blamed for this one.

Clover: You sure aren't.

Shar: Yes, although Alex I must ask, why are you still wearing your dress during our mission?

Alex: Hey, if you have a job as an international super spy, you should do it in style.

Shar: And good attire is useful in combat?

Sam: Well in some situations it is.

(Y/N): Okay clothing aside let's go to the factory.

Later, we see you and the others outside of the factory.

Alex: How are we gonna check out that factory without being turned into spysicles?

Clover: So what's your plan for getting in Sam.

Sam: Pipe problems.

Sam then activates the bracelet as she shoots the water pipe a couple times as you and the others disguise yourselves as repair men as Sam rings the bell as a large man opens it.

Sam: Yo, speedy pumpers we heard about your leaky pipe.

Guy: There's no leak here

(Y/N): Better check again bub.

The guy then looks to see there's water on the floor.

Guy: Oh I guess we do have a leak come on in.

Clover: Thank goodness for stupid henchmen.

Shar: Agreed.

You and the others then enter the factory where there were multiple henchmen and a water covered floor.

Sam: Oh this is a nasty problem you got here, my men and I best have a look see.

Clover: Yeah.

Alex: Yeah like she said, uh he said.

Guy: Okay, just stay out of the mixing room in the back it's private.

You and the others: Riiiiiiight.

Later, we see the door handle get frozen as then broke open as Sam knocked the door open as you and the girls went into the mixing room as all of you then mixing vats

Alex: Wow I wonder what flavor that is.

You then poke Alex's Shoulder as she turned to see where you were pointing and gasped in shock to see a chemical being added in the ice cream.

(Y/N): Toxic.

You and the others then hear someone opening the door as all of you got into fighting positions to see it was an ice cream guy.

Ice cream guy: Oh my I must of, wondered into the wrong place.

Sam: You gotta get out of here sir.

Alex: There's some bad bad stuff going on here.

Ice cream guy: Bad stuff, oh deer, we better leave in a jiffy.

The ice cream guy then goes the wrong way.

(Y/N): Uh sir not that way come with us we'll get you to safety.

You then see he now had a hose aimed at all of you

Ice cream guy: Bad, bad stuff!

He then sprays you and the others with ice cream mix as we then see all of you chained up over a vat of ice cream mix.

Clover: You know for an old man your kind of nasty.

Ice cream guy: Old and nasty huh? You kids today you're the nasty ones, not me.

Alex: Hey! You don't see us going around freezing people.

(Y/N): Ahem.

Alex: Oh well almost all of us.

(Y/N): Thanks you

Ice cream man: No, I see you going around your low fat, low carb, low cal frozen treats, your slush ice of watery nothings my family has been making ice cream for four generations and I'm gonna be put out of business because I'm not trendy or groovy.

Shar: I am fairly certain no one says those anymore.

Ice cream man: But now, I'm gonna get my revenge on all of you Beverly hills types and believe me revenge is a that's a dish best served-

(Y/N): If you say "best served cold" then you lose all credibility as a villain and ice cream guy.

Ice cream guy: No I wasn't gonna-

(Y/N): You were and you know it, there's no denying it.

Ice cream guy: Grrr, is he always like this?

Sam: Sometimes yes and sometimes no and sometimes neither.

Ice cream guy: Anyways, in less than an hour I'm gonna unleash my frozen rath on all of Beverly hills and you won't be able to stop me.

The ice cream guy presses a  button slowly putting you and the girls down into the vat.

Clover: Oh please! Being dipped slowly into nasty liquid by an evil mad man is so 20 years ago.

(Y/N): Tell me about it.

Ice cream guy: Oh those were the days.

The ice cream guy then leaves.

Alex: How are you gonna get everyone in Beverly hills to eat your ice cream? I thought you can't give this stuff away.

We then see the ice cream guy on a truck.

Ice cream guy: Who said they have to eat it.

He then leaves as you and the others get nervous, since the ice cream is getting close.

Clover: Anybody got a plan?

Alex: Yeah me.

Alex then frees her hand with the mood ring on it.

Sam: Great Alex, 1 limb free only 11 more to go we'll never make it in time.

(Y/N): We will if we get some help Alex, do your thing.

Alex: Right.

Outside the mixing room the guy then hears a fake voice.

Clover: *in disguise* Help! They got away!

The guy then rushes in as he's the others tied up.

Guy: Oh great.

He then stops the chain just in time, releases you and the unites all of you.

Guy: How'd they get away.

Alex then disengages the hologram mood ring to show the real her and the others as Shar punches the guy to the ground.

Shar: Forgive me, I have no witty remarks.

(Y/N): Remember Shar, don't force it, let the wisecrack come to you.

Sam: Yeah, it will come to you very easily.

Meanwhile we the ice cream guy pull up on the highest point of Beverly hills.

Ice cream guy: Ah, perfect.

Later we see you and girls flying where the ice cream truck guy is.

Clover: Are you sure we're going in the right direction?

Sam: Remember what the ice cream man said, he was gonna get his revenge on all of Beverly hills, this is the perfect place to launch his attack, keep looking.

You and the others kept looking as Alex spotted him.

Alex: There!

You and the flew to where Alex said, meanwhile the ice cream man was ready to launch his attack.

Ice cream man: Alright, who's ready for a little ice cream.

You and the others dive bomb him knocking him off the truck as he caught the edge of the platform.

Clover: How many times do we have to tell you?

Shar: No dessert until after your dinner *realizes* I believe that was my first wisecrack.

(Y/N): See told you it would come to you.

The ice cream then gets back up and mounts the terent as then begins shooting at you all as you all dodged it.

Sam: Spit up.

The ice cream guy kept shooting at you all but kept missing.

Shar: Alex lookout!

Alex then dodged the blast as he kept shooting.

Shar: We must take out his weapon.

Clover: *sees the multi-function bracelet* I got an idea, *To you and Alex* (Y/N)! Alex!

Clover then flies up in front  of the ice cream truck.

Clover: Hey Mr.Ice cream man, you wouldn't happen to have a triple frapo cafo shaved ice in there would you?

You and the others then charged at the ice cream man as he took aim.

Ice cream: *laughs* Good-bye my little low fat friends

Clover: Now!

You and Alex then get out of the way as Sam gets on the gun putting the bracelet in the barrel as she flies off and the ice cream guy pulls the trigger as we then see the inflatable raft is activated.

Ice cream guy: What?!

Shar: Just like you and the life raft.

(Y/N): Yeah, Clover you're a genius.

Clover: Aw thanks (Y/N) that's what I keep telling everyone.

The raft then exploded as the gun exploded creating a geyser of ice cream as it poured onto the ice cream guy as you and the girls cheered but then you saw the ice cream guy was about to move his foot.

(Y/N): Oh no you don't.

You then used your ice plasma on him, freezing him completely solid in ice as you then used your ice breath to freeze the geyser completely solid and then used your solar plasma to thaw it out as it then became regular ice cream.

Shar: I believe the earth expression is "You just got frostbite".

Sam: Not bad Shar.

Clover: Yeah, ‘cool’ job with the comeback.

Shar: Thank you and amazing job freezing the criminal (Y/N).

(Y/N): Aw thanks sweetheart.

Sam: Yeah but how did you know the heavy hydro-carbons in your plasma would turn in back into regular ice cream?

(Y/N): Oh I didn't I just figured if I superheated the baro acko it would turn back to regular ice cream.

Alex: Okay then and on that note let's go to the dance.

Later we see you and the others at the dance with the spies dressed as aliens and you and Shar wearing formal wear well more like you wearing a neck tie and Shar wearing a gold dress.QF

Alex: Can't believe I still don't have a date, I thought my bad dating luck was over.

Shar: Why would you think that?

Alex: Remember I saved those bunnies on the way here, that's a total of 8 rabbits-feet I figured I get one year of good luck.

Clover: *laughs* That's the most ridiculous thing.

(Y/N): And the whole 7 years of bad luck dating isn't?

Clover: Touche.

You and the others then saw Barry dressed as a stereotypical space  captain.

Barry: Hey Alex.

Alex: Barry you made it after all.

Barry: Yeah hey look I know I've been kind of a jerk to you but would you like to dance?

(Y/N): *whispers to Alex* Don't forget he laughed at your dress at the shop today.

Shar: *whispers to Alex: And do not forget he cancelled on your date because he had "other things to do".

Alex: Hey yeah you two are right, Barry I don't think I wanna dance after what you did today.

Barry: What? You're really gonna listen to those two freaks? *Covers his mouth after what he just said* Oh gosh what did I just say?

(Y/N): You called us freaks, ouch.

Shar: Not cold.

Clover: Not cool.

Shar: Yes that.

Alex: Barry how could you?! They’re not freaks, they’re my friends!

Barry: Look Alex I-

Alex: No save it, we’re through! *turns to Shar* Hey Shar is it okay if I dance with (Y/N).

Shar: Sure it is okay with me.

Alex: Awesome, come on (Y/N) let's go to the dance floor.

(Y/N): Okay Alex.

We then see you and Alex dancing out there while Barry left the dance with misery and woe and after that Sam and Clover decided to join in. After the dance we see you and the girls come back to the beach house as they take off the head bands as we see Shirley petting Erza.

Shirley: Hey everyone how was the dance?

Alex: Pretty good except for the fact that "perfect Barry" called (Y/N) and Shar freaks.

Shirley: Oh that's awful.

Shar: It was and we knew he was gonna say it at some point.

Sam: Wait you two knew he thought you were….you know.

(Y/N): Yeah we knew the whole time no guy is that nice not saying how their friends look.

Shar: Agreed he was as you say "Playing Alex like a fiddle".

Clover: Woah who knew he was really like that.

Alex Yeah so much for "Perfect and Wonderful"

(Y/N): Hey don't worry Alex you'll find that perfect guy soon.

Alex: You think so?

(Y/N): Yeah, you and the others are fun to be with and you don't see us as what we are but who we are that's what we like about you girls.

Alex: Aw thanks (Y/N) *hugs you and in her head* And I think I just found Mr.Perfect.

Clover, Sam, and Shirley: *in their heads* So did I.

(Y/N): *hugs back* Don't mention well it's getting late and I for one had enough ice cream today.

Clover: Agreed, I can't even look at ice cream right now.

Sam: You said it.

Shar: Yes after today I may not consume any ice cream.

Later, we see you and the girls now asleep as they begin thinking about you.

Alex: *in her head* Even though he's an alien (Y/N) is definitely the one.

Sam: *in her head* He's smart and brave.

Clover: *in her head* He's amazing at fashion.

Shirley: *in her head* He saw the good in me even though I was a villain.

Sam, Clover, Alex, and Shirley: *in her head* He is the one for me.

Meanwhile with you and Shar she then begins to think at how the others look at you.

Shar: *in her head* I am beginning to think the other four may have developed feelings for (Y/N), they seem trustworthy enough and it would not be fair to keep (Y/N) to myself, maybe I should get them to confess to him first.

The camera then fades to black as your Alphaitrix and Erza's Nemetrix were glowing red and green.

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