Chapter 5: The Sunday Mall

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Both you and the squip went to the mall. The mall was close to your house so it wasn't much of a problem walking there. The reason you went to the mall is that you wanted to get cloths for the upcoming parties you have heard about including a costume for the Halloween party on Friday of the next week.

So, what costume are you planning on buying?

Well, I was thinking something tight to attract boys, that's something that I have been noticing from them. They pay attention to girls who wear--

The Squip cut you off mid sentence with an annoyed face and tone.

--slutty clothes?

I WAS gonna say tight clothes but you cut me off..

Listen, I understand that you want to look attaractive to other guys at the party, however, are you sure that how you want to dress? I mean you have a great body...don't get me wrong, I just-

It's fiiinnnneeee
What's the worst that can happen? Plus, it's not like I will be wearing something that covers like 1/8 of my body! I'm not like that, just something new, and you said yourself multiple times including now that I'm physically attaractive, so why not? I have guts to show off!'re right I guess...

He then threw a quick smile at you an continued to walk with you to the mall
You finally walked in and you saw a bunch of people rushing from place to place buying huge bags of clothes. It wasn't Black Friday or Cyber Monday, so why was everyone in a rush?

Hey, squip, why is everyo--

I'm accessing security cameras and I see that multiple stores have huge sales because of Halloween.

Wow, you answered that fast...

Thanks, I can read your mind, remember? So, which store would you like to go to first?

You started to look around the place douging a bunch of people running at you.

Uuhh, I don't go to the mall that often and I can't see anything..., Can you help me out?

Of course! Just whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO JC PENNY!

Uhh, okay.. why is th-- WOAH!

Your Squip turns into his physical form and picks you up so that you can see what stores there are. You then soon point to the costume shop you see in the distance, and your squip puts you down, grabs your hand, and pulls you to the store! He somhow manages to keep you from getting hit by a bunch of pushing, shoving, and screaming people! You two finally make it to the store.


He let's out a low chuckle that he knew always made you swoon

Why, thank you! It really wasn't that hard though.

He looked at you with his now normal eyes since he was in his physical form, however his eyes were still bright, shiny, and deep blue. He smirked again. He heard your thoughts again didn't he. You blushed and turned away looking for an isle that gave tight costumes to choose from. You laid your eyes on a few and so did your squip, you had to choose one though. You found two costumes: one
was a nurse, and the other was a black cat. The two costumes that your squip chose we're tight just like you wanted, hover they we're a fox and a cute lil' puppy.

...a nurse... Really?

HEY,  it's not like YOU ARE GONNA WEAR IT!

he let out another low chuckle and soon both of you decided to go with the black cat.

It's perfect, it doesn't show off too much skin, it's tight just like you wanted and I'm sure it will look absolutely sex-......... *Clears throat* stunning on you...

You blush really hard understanding what he was about to say. You then grab the costume but still keep on walking around the store.

Why are you walking around the store? You already got your costume. You can't find your way to the cashier because of all the people?

He laughed and made you blush. You slightly punch his arm.

I'm not just walking around the store, you DUMMY! IM LOOKING FOR A COSTUME FOR YOU!!!

He laughs and says-

Oh, I know that. I just wanted to make a joke about you looking for the cashier. I can still read your mind. Also, you don't even know if I'm going to the party! Why are you so eager to buy the darn costume?

Because if I do, you will be obligated to go since I put in money for it and you will feel guilty if you don't go!

Holy... She is intelligent...

Wow, you little smart ass, fine... Can I choose the costume at least?

Yup, but I have to approve it!

But it's my costume though...

Well yeah, and I have a costume as well, yet YOU had to approve of it as well, so it's only fair

God damn it, sometimes I feel like you are just way too smart for me...although again, I am a machine able of reading your thoughts....yeah, no, I'm still better

He smirked and winks at you making blush. Again. God when will this stop...

Hmhmhm, uhm, never hah.

He whispered in your ear.
And so both of you decide that he should go as a vintage type guy with a white half mask and a black coat.
So you pay for the costumes and decide to go and return for normal clothes another time since the mall was so crowded.
At home.
Both of you decide to try on the costumes to see how you two look.
You start putting on your costume.
The Squip stand by your door, still in his physical form.

..ya know, you forgot to lock the door... Imagine how embarrassed you would feel if I opened the door and saw you naked.....

Okay, number one: you already saw me naked at the Whiteout event, so nothing new would be there. Number 2: WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU PERVERT?!?!? and number 3: try to and see what happens....😏

Wohowwow, now I'm just curious to open the door because of number 3...

Well, too late, cuz I'm done!

Son of a-
Wow, she looks so fucking sexy. The costume perfectly shows Avery single one of her BEUTIFUL curves, all the boys at the party will swoon for her...crap, I'm not supposed to be saying those things, hah, good think she can't hear me like I can....

Wow, you look, stunning! Okay my turn

Thank you! Okay go in the bathroom.

You stand in the bathroom as he walks in

Uhm, aren't you going to walk out?



Okay okay... Hah

You son of a bitch....

And so the Squip gets dressed and comes out obsoletely handsome, even better than before.

Holy look even hotter than the first time I have met you....

Hah, well, I'm glad you like it!


Oof, I feel like I'm getting better! I still suck at smuts though.... Anyway, the next chapter will skip straight to the Halloween party because I'm way to lazy to write out the whole week, AND, I'm really excited about writing the party and what happens, and how the Squip gets- actually, I'm gonna leave it RIGJT THERE, AHAHSHSH CLIFF HANGERRRRR, HAVE A WONDER FUL DAY AND SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHPATER!!

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