Chapter 6: The Halloween Party

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You and your squip put on your costumes and get outside to get in the car and rive to Jake's house. (The host of the party)

So, do you know how to drive?
It's fine if you don't.

Uh, no, actually.....

You let out a nervous chuckle and blushed a little, the Squip however gave you a reasuring smile.

It's okay, don't worry about it. I can drive!

And so you two get in the car and drives you to the party.

You know, if I'm gonna be there in physical form, you need to call me something else, not squip. People will start asking why and you don't want to tell them about me!

Oh yeah, I forgot about So just any nickname?

He nodded

Uhm, hmm.... I dunno, what would YOU like to be called?

Y/N, whatever you want, I'm only here to satisfy your needs.

Uhm, okay....Eric? I guess....

Okay, Eric it is!

The ride to the party is quite silent, so you sq- Eric, tries to start a conversation with you but you are kinda nervous so you just answer with simple words like "yeah" "meh" "not really" or "nope"
And so both of you get to the party. Before you could open the door to get out, Eric already opens it up for you and let's you out. Both of you came a few minutes later so the party has already started. You get in and a bunch of people walk up to you and Eric and ask who he is.

"Hi Y/N! Who is this with you? I dont remember him going to our school...."

"Well, that's Eric met him.."

Uh, I can't make up a senario in which I meet you, little help here?

Well, me and Y/N met up at the park. She accidentally dripped her ice cream so I bought another one for her!

"Oouuu, you are quit the gentle men!" Said Jenna.

"Aaaand you look really hot!" Said Brook with puppy dog eyes. You did not like that. Eric smirked at her that then turned into a smile.

Why, thank you ladies! I must say, you look quite good yourself!

You then gave him an evil look and thought to you-

What? They do look attractive, wait a second.... Are you jealous? Already? Huh....I didn't expect that from you.

You blush and quickly rushed over to the table where drinks and cookies were served. There was alcohol, fruit punch, soda...more alcohol..... There were chocolate chip and plain cookies... Yummy. You took Coke and chocolate chip cookie.

"Hey, I know it's a weird question but, c-can you get drunk?"

He blushed a bit and so did you. But he smiled again and said-

Well, in physical form yes, yes I can get drunk. However in my holographic form the only thing that will happen is that I will start to get all glitchy, speak Chinese, and shut off. It really messed with me in both ways but not as bad in physical form. Why? Just so you know, I'm still not drinking alcohol, it's not healthy or professional.

And evil smirk came up on your face as you looked at the alcohol...

If you drink the alcohol, the only person it will effect is you, not me, at least in physical form. The only things that you drink that can effect me are My.Dews, so don't even try to get me drunk...

"What do you MEAN?! I wasn't TRYING to get you drunk...just a quick idea flashed through my head...."

Yes, I know Y/N, I'm still in your head. I know what thought flashed through your mind, and before you could get yourself in trouble I told it wasn't going to work.

Eric then gave another smirk this one though wasn't evil. Just his normal dreamy smirk....

Hah, I can see that you found another word to describe me...

"Oh, shut up!"

He laughed and went into the crowd. As you followed him he grabbed your hand and lead you to the dance floor. Right after you two got there, your favorite song started to play! It was "Or Nah" by SloMo (or any other song that you like,but it is a really good but dirty song, you should listen to it) you couldn't believe at what right time it started playing! Did Eric know it would start?

As a matter of fact, I did know! I'm able to access the DJ table playlist, and it just so happened that your favorite song was next on the playlist. I thought you would like to dance to it since I could access your memory of you dancing to this song, and may I say you were pretty good, so I thought you would like to go on the dance floor!

"Wow, sq-...I mean Eric, you are really thoughtful, thank you!"

You are welcome, I am here to make your life worth while after all, am I correct?

"Hahah, I guess you are!"

And so the song starts and everybody starts dancing to it, including you. Nobody however could even COMPARE to your dance moves, and Eric seemed to think the same, since you saw a smile slowly showing on his face. As you were dancing you came up to Eric who was confused why you were gonna say what you are thinking to say. (Translation: he read your mind, and is confused about your thought)

"Hey! Eric, come join me!"

Uhm, Y/N I don't know, I never danced before. Plus I don't feel like it, just in joy the moment, or if you want to dance with someone, ask someone else. You have to find a guy that interests you. Look, that person's name is Rich, and he seems to be amazed by your dancing, talk to him.

"But I want to dance with you!"

That's not what I'm here for. Now go ask Rich!"

His cute smile turned into an annoyed face in all of a sudden.


No! Now ask HIM!!!

You were very shocked. He never yelled at you like that before. You stopped dancing and started to go to Rich, trying to bring that smile back up on your face.
Eric quickly grabs your hand.

Y/N, I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I would love to dance with you, however you need to talk to guys. That's one of the ways to get what you want, and your goal is my goal as well. And I need to do anything and everything to accomplish that goal. Again, sorry fir raising my voice. You may now go to Rich...

You quickly nodded at your head, and went up to Rich.

"Hey Rich! Wanna dance?"

"Huh? Uh, y-yeah, su-sure!"

You really didn't want to dance with him, you wanted to dance with Eric, but since he insisted for you to dance with Rich, you did, because you trust him, right?
And so you danced until the song was over and the next one started to play you and Rich got off of the dance floor and started to just talk. He was actually really pleasant. Both of you went to get a drink. Got a soda just like before, and he got alcohol. While you two were talking about what you are gonna do over the weekend and such, you saw over the corner of your eye Eric, he was for some reason staring at you with a sad yet a but annoyed face. What was wrong? While talking to Rich you quickly thought to Eric.

Hey, what's wrong? I can see you staring you know.... Did something happen?

Huh? Oh nothing, I'm just watching you talk to know if it's going well, and I can see it is.

He quickly turned away.


"Hey, Rich, can I introduce you to my friend? I think you will like him, he is right there!"

"Ooh, I've seen him before! I liked his costume but I wasn't sure if I could come up to him, he seemed intimidating. So he is your friend?"

"Yuppies, come on let's go!"

Both of you walked over to Eric who wasn't so happy to see rich.
But he started to warm up to him as you were talking.

"Hey dude! Bomb costume ya got there!"

*Cough* thank you. I like yours as well, what is your name?

"Rich, and you?"

Eric, nice to meet you.

"Same here! So I heard that you and Y/N are friends, how did you two meet?"

Well, I saw Y/N first at the park when she dropped her ice cream. I then bought her another one and we started to talk. The end.

"...Coolio..." Said Rich

Hey, c'mon, be nicer. He is really cool!

Why did you bring him to meet me? Why didn't you just continue talking...?

Well, I thought that if he ever came over, and he saw you, he wouldn't question who the heck you were.

I can see many reasons why still him meeting me wasn't necessary, but fine, I don't want to discuss that right now.

And so all three of you talk and talk and talk, and soon the party is over. You and Rich exchange numbers, and Eric drives you back home.

"Hey, squ-i mean Eric. How was the party?"

It was nice. Also you can call me squip now, if that is more comfortable for you.

"Oh, okay.... Um, did you talk to anyone other than me and Rich?"

....well, I did talk to Brook. She was kinda annoying at first. But she got nicer as we kept on talking.... We actually.... nevermind

" actually what?"

That's not something you would like to hear, and I'm here to make your life better making you happy. Me saying what me and Brook did would not make you very happy therefore I'm not telling you.

"You made that sound so inappropriate.... C'mon, what did you do??? Or otherwise I will keep on bothering and thinking about what you did and I KNOW it will start bothering you... SO TELL ME!"

He laughed and said-

Hah, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you..... Me and Brook, may or may not have... What do you call it? Oh right. Me and Brook may or may not have "made out"

You went silent with a shocked face

Hahahah, I told you, you wouldn't like it!

I don't want to say this out loud so I will think it to you...... So let me get this straight....while I was dancing and talking to and Brook.....kissed.....???

Yup, I don't see why you are so mad? It's not like I'm your boyfriend....are you jealous, again???

NO, IM JUST,....I'm just....I'm just shocked and surprised you are such a player. Did you..... I know it's an awkward question but.....did you start it or her? And, did you in joy it?

Well, she DID start it.and yes, I may have in joyed it. But not to the point where I made the kiss deeper. I didn't want to leave the girl hanging on my neck so I wrapped my hands around her. And she may or may not have given me her number....

....dick and a bitch....what can I say a perfect combo....

HEY, I HEARD THAT! hahahahahah, but u actually think that me and Brook would look cute together, do you?

....I'm not saying anything to you FOR THE REST IF THE RIDE HOME.....

HAHAHA, okay okay, black cat, talk to you at home....

He threw you another smirk that you gotta be honest made you soften.but you still couldn't believe that he MADE OUT BEHIND YOUR BACK!!! okay, he did tell afterwards BUT STILL. but on the other hand he is right, why do you even care? It's not like you and eri-squip, you don't even know. Anyway, it's not like you and him are together..... You need to gather your cool. You two will talk about this more at home...


Oooof, that took a while. And again CLIFF HANGER, AHAHAHSHSHSHSHSHEIEBRODOE HAHAHAHAHSH, hmm, I wonder if you will blow up at him at home..... Well, I guess you will see in the next chapter!!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AND CHRISTMAS!!! (This was written on the Christmas day) 


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