{I - The science fair project}

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(Ill like to thank my classmate Andi for helping me with this)


Saturday noon

Kiesha's (me) POV

I was just watching youtube while doing my speedpaint on the laptop while my brother, Kev is using his laptop, wattpad. Then my phone rang,It was viber.....Of course viber and its from.... the Augustinians group.....Then I checked it was Matthew and Hannah (Kotka_Moon) doing a Pun challenge I can tell Andi is watching the puns cause she's online then I decided to stop my speed paint and joined it....

K-u guys doing a pun challenge again?can I join?

M-ya Ill probably go monkeys on this one

H-Im enjoying this a latte so far

K-I bet u have a skele-ton of jokes I might not have the skin for it

M- I mustache you question but Ill shave it for later at school

H-Puns are catastic!!!

K-fine I wont coffee ur jokes

H-Kiesha, thats a purrfect pun!

M-ya you shouldnt becuase were all difrent tea eachother

K-do you guys like meowladys? there whisker good!

Then suddenly I got a text message from some on else.... It was Andi... well Ill be right back

K-yo guys BRB you guys keep going Andi is txting meh...



I left the group and went to talk to Andi--well most likely text her....

A-hey I need u to come at my place we need to do somethin since we are partners

K- ya sure wat is it again

A-Science fair...

K-oh yeah! wat are we making?

A-solar system!!!!

K-omg yas! ill get my stuff and some moneyz just in case ill be there soon! cya!

A-k cya!

Then I told my dad(yo im sorry but my parents is merome and any other reasons the person who made the heat// merome is going to be my sibling space dreamers ((kev))just for a thanks to him so yeah Ill add 2 other people here you can have a chance to be them) I was going to Andi's house to do the science Fair he agreed and told me to come back before 6 Then I got my stuff some money and my snacks and some flowers for Andi's parents then got out to my family's 5 story house jesus my father(jerome) is fuking rich then I asked our driver to take me to Andi's house while I was waiting I read some wattpad and listening to some owlcity 'when can I see you again'

Once I was at my destination I said goodbye to our driver and knocked at the 2 story house at was greeted by vikklan ( Andi said so and her siblings is ganna be my crush oh god... and one of you guys she'll pick from the people who wants to...)"oh hello Kiesha! Andi is up stairs at her room"vikk said '"thank you Mr.Barnpower here! this is for you"I reached out the flowers I brought and he took it "oh thank you!"he smiled and I went upstairs and open Andi's door I didnt see anyone inside then a light tap on my shoulder I almost jumped! I turned around and see Andi "Andi the heck?!"I yelled "woops sorry Kiesha I didnt mean to"she luaghed a bit "whatever...."I rolled my eyes and dumped my stuff on the floor gently I looked at her and said "well come on lets get to work!" she nodded and went to research on the computer while I was starting to make the sun

I was halfway done making Jupiter when we heard a knock on the door "Ill get it..."I said once I opened the door I lightly blushed pink oh god it was Klam,my crush "oh hey Kiesha can I... umm..."he said stuttering, scratching his head "can I borrow your science book??? I can't find mine...."he laughed a bit "uhh... s-sure!" I replied trying not to sound like a complete idiot while giving him my science book "well...thanks..." and closed the door "you like my brother dont you?" Andi raised an eyebrow while smirking "shut up...."I said and threw a pillow at her face "hey!" she yelled while removing her pillow off her face "hmph!" I pouted looking away from her and crossing my arms "hey Im sorry!"she apoligized "its fine I guess" I said while almost finishing Jupiter....

It was 5:46,"I need to go now or dad's ganna kill me" I said while looking at my phone "well okay were almost done anyways lets continue tomorrow you okay with that?"Andi asked "ya sure"I replied while fixing my stuff "see ya Andi!" I said leaving her room "bye!"as she waved "see ya Mr. Barnpower and Sir. Barnpower!" I said waving at vikklan "bye Kiesha"Lachlan waved while Vikk was smiling at me while holding some steak at his hands.

As I left I called our driver and after 2 minutes he came I went inside the luxury lamborghini at watched some youtube Skydoesmineraft vids once I got home it was 5:55 phew! yay for not getting killed by dad! I brought my stuff back at my room after taking the elevator at our house and dumped my stuff and the corner and floped down to my bed it was soft and I was tired of course then I hear someone open the door it was my brother Kev "You tired huh?"he asked while sitting down at my bed"yep science fair with Andi..."I groan "what about Klam?" I Blushed a light shade of red but he cant see becase my face was stuffed on my pillow luckily "what about him?"I asked "have you told him you like him yet?" he said smirking "shut up Kev"I said annoyed "Did he do something?"nudging his elbow at me, smirking "He asked if he could borrow my science book..."I replied"what for?"he asked"he cant find his for some apparent reason" then I realized at jumped out of my bed "I forgot to ask him to give it back to me!" I said in panic "yeesh you can ask him to bring it back tom.."he said"ya your right kev Ill ask him tomorrow..."I said as I calmed downed "wait kev arent you suppose to be continuing your wattpad book?"I asked him "nah Im done updating" he said laying down on my bed "Kids its dinner!" I hear a yell from Mitch "welp theres dinner lets go Kev!"I say about to leave the room "ya ya lets go..."he said following me as we head to the elevator and to the ground floor for diner


well thats it guys the first chapter! a total of 1,221 words including this words too now here are the things that are open:

-my 2 other siblings and you have a chance get to be my sibling and kev's (spacedreamers) and be Merome's children! I'll be picking by who gives the best suggestions or/ideas to me!only 2

-Andi's and my crush 1 other sibling and be Vikklan's child! and she'll be picking on of you guys so don't blame me ok?only 1

Go check out the song "when can I see you again" by owl city

and that's it you guys guys but dont worry if you dont get to be on of them there will be more ship parents on the way!!!!

Ill try posting tommorrow, sunday or as early as I can welp cya guys at the next chapter!!!!!

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