+II - just grow up+

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(Hallo sorry for not updating I had to go somewhere at Sunday and I wasnt able to update at my phone cuz I cant find my works ;-; oh well....)

P. S. Im doing Andi's Pov Im sorry...


Andi's POV

           Once Kiesha left I started to clean my computer desk mostly papers and pens. I was going to have Dinner soon but why not use Youtube for a bit? so I did but I stopped halfway because my brother, Klam, came in without knocking..."Can you please knock next time?! God you almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled "woops sorry Andi" he said while entering the room " what do you want?" I asked "umm..." he says while showing Kiesha's Science book "You forgot to give it back to her?" I asked even tho it was obvious "yeah...." he said "Why? you afraid to give it back to give it back cause you have a crush on her?" I say joking "what?! no! of course not!" He say with his face heat up "ya sure you do..." I say with sarcasm and laughed about "whateve's... just shut your mouth..." he says annoyed and angry at the same time "its true tho!" I exclaimed "the truth hurts" he says "well to bad for you! you gatta grow up!" I say then he looked at me in a confuse look and said "huh?" "I mean you gotta tell her soon about how you feel!" I say with enthusiasm "ya.. I know" he says after realizing that and then it became silence "well I gatta go" he says breaking the silence and leaving my room.

           I sighed, well finally he left that's for sure... and I continued watching the video I last left of. It was a pretty good video then suddenly I here my dad call out "dinner is ready!" I jumped out of my chair and leave my room passing my brother's room, who's probably doing something weird or something like that like he always does, and went downstairs past the living room and to the dining room where I see my parents sitting down and I sit down on a chair to while waiting for my brother to come down and sit with us, after I few seconds he finally came and sits.

> with the power of wattpad we did some cool time skip after dinner! >

       I finished my dinner got up my chair put the plates on the counters and said goodnight to my parents and my brother and went up stairs took a bath, changed to my Pajamas and went to my room again I watched a couple more videos before going to bed, I collapsed on my bed and went under the covers and I closed my eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

--- Sunday, 9:26 in the morning ---

I slowly opened my eyes as i wake up I got out of bed took a bath and changed to my morning clothes then I sleepily walked to the dining room for breakfast my parents said "good morning" to me once I got there. when I was done I cleaned up and went straight to my room and jumped to my bed and stayed there for a while after some time I got my phone from my bedside desk and went to viber.....

A-Hey Kiesha!

then she respond back immediantly...

K-Hi Andi

A-we should continue our project 

K- Right ahead of you Im already packing my stuff

A- cool I'll see you later then!

I put my phone back on the bedside table and went up to get ready my stuff for the project after a few minutes, almost done getting my stuff I here a sound from the door. I turned around to see and it was Kiesha and said "Hey there Andi" She says, getting inside"Hello Kiesha!" I say turning around my chair "lets start!" she says excitedly while sitting down. Once we were done I put down my things and turned around and asked "Has Klam given you your book back?" " ya he did, once I was halfway to your room" she answered continuing to put the solar system together with some metal wires. I went back to what I was doing after some time we put it together. "Well were done with the project" Kiesha says in relief, I nodded and sighed "well finally thats over" I say as I start cleaning up then Kiesha went to help "Since I still have plenty more of time... I could hangout for some time" she says after cleaning the last thing around "sure" I say in agreement as I jumped on my bed "hey its almost lunch time do you want to watch something while having it?" she suggested, I nodded and went down to get some snacks and drinks and went back to my room again, Kiesha was waiting, who already set up the TV, she was sitting on the mattress with some pillows and i joined with her we chose Moana for the movie I really like the song actually.

                Once the movie was over Kiesha looked at the clock, it was 5:24 " I have to go home now"she says while getting her things " see ya Andi!" she said before leaving "see ya.." I said back once she left I cleaned my room, threw the empty drinks, plastic bags and wrappers to the bin, put back my pillows and kept the mattress back to the closet, Once I was done it was already 5: 57 so I just went to my computer and read some online books in wattpad until it was dinner.... after dinner I took a bath changed to my PJs and fixed my things and my school bag since it was school tomorrow I have to sleep early so after doing that I went back to my room did my own stuff until 8:00 (idk what time she sleeps Im srry Andi ;-;) and went to bed pulled my blanket over and let sleep takeover me.


There you go! after 6 days of no updating I finally did it! yay me! so yeah I made this chapter cuz I just want to do something and Im just mostly thanking Andi for helping me on this.... ill post the other 6 chapters tommorrow or on sunday if I could anyways btw the chapters might be shorter but I need to do 6 like tomorrow or something... and the siblings are still open so feel free to do that and Ill see you art writers in the next chapter! bai!


song is 'Grow up' by Oslly Mur

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