Chapter 1: The Spy and the Inhuman.

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It was another day at Mali U as we see our red clad blonde spy, Clover Ewing texting someone as she was giggling like someone on their birthday as Sam and Alex saw this.

Sam: Hey Clover, who are you texting?

Clover: Oh uh you know….Blaine.

Alex: Wait didn't you two break up?

Clover: Well yeah but we text as friends now, just because he isn't my boyfriend anymore doesn't mean I can still talk to him.

Alex: Make sense.

Clover: Yeah. *gets another text* *reads it* meet me in the park, yes, *to the girls* sorry to cut this short girls, but I uh,  gotta meet Blaine at the park see ya.

Clover then dashes off to the park as Sam and Alex were a bit skeptical about it.

Sam: There's no way Blaine would get back together with Clover right?

Alex: *calls Blaine* After he dated Mandy, nope. *hears Blaine picking up the phone* Hey Blaine.

Blaine: *O.T.P.* Oh hey Alex how's it going?

Alex: Great, um are you at the park by any chance?

Blaine: *O.T.P.* Um, nope,  still in Australia why?

Sam: *takes Alex’s phone and talk into it* Wait what? Clover said you were meeting her in the park.

Blaine: *O.T.P* Park? What are you talking about?

Sam: *hangs up on Blaine* Something is wrong, if Blaine is still back in Australia-

Alex: -Then who is Clover seeing?

Later at the park, we see both Sam and Alex then disguise themselves to blend in at the park and they see Clover sitting on a bench waiting for someone.

Sam: So Clover, let's see who are you waiting for?

Alex:You don't think it's one of her ex's do you?

Sam: I don’t know. *sees you* Hey wait a sec who's that?

The two girls then see a boy with tan skin, brown eyes, freckles, and brown hair. He wears a gray shirt with a long sleeve undershirt and green capri pants and black sandal shoes walking through the park as he sees Clover this was (Y/N) Husk.

(Y/N): Hey honey, how's it going?

Clover: I’m having a nice day now you’re here.

(Y/N): *sniffs the air* Hey I smell two kinds of perfumes, one is lavender and the other is apple.

Clover: Weird, the only people I know who wear those perfumes are Sam and Alex.

(Y/N): *points to Sam and Alex* You mean those two over there? In the bushes?

Clover: What the *turns to see Sam and Alex* What are you two doing here?!

Sam: Why didn’t you tell us you’re dating him?!

Alex: And how did you smell our perfumes?

(Y/N): I got a good nose.

Sam: So what's your name?

(Y/N): (Y/N) Husk.

Alex: Husk?

(Y/N): I don’t suppose you know Geraldine Husk right, she’s my mom.

Sam and Alex: WHAT?!?

(Y/N): I brought Clover to our house and at first she didn’t agree with her but eventually grew on her and my mom let me be Clover’s boyfriend.

Sam: But Geraldine is still in prison, how did she get out?

(Y/N): She got out because of good behavior. And because I bailed her out. *hands Clover some homemade cookies* Oh she made some cookies for you sweetie, mom made them.

Clover: Awesome, *eats a cookie* Mm, delish.

Alex: They're not poison are they?

(Y/N): Um, no they are not. They’re made with normal stuff, eggs, flour, sugar, and cinnamon.

Sam: *whispers to Alex* Can we trust him?

Alex: *whispers back* I dunno, but let's play along for now.

(Y/N): Oh I have enough cookies for you two. *hands some cookies to Sam and Alex*

Sam: Oh thanks.

Alex: Yeah thanks.

(Y/N): You're welcome, and don't worry Clover told me about WHOOP so you're secret is safe with me.

Sam: What?! Clover!

Clover: Hey me and (Y/N) are in a relationship and besides he had to know at some point.

(Y/N): And I have good news honey, I'm enrolling at Mali U and living with you and your friends.

Clover: Wow awesome! *hugs you tightly* Best day ever!

Sam and Alex: *nervously chuckles* Yeah, great.

Later we see you and the girls at their penthouse as you look around.

(Y/N): Wow, so this is where you girls live?

Clover: Sure is sweetie, *hugs you tightly* Oh I can't believe you’re gonna live with us! This is so awesome!

Clover then gives you multiple kisses leaving lipstick marks on your face as Sam and Alex were still shocked by this development.

Sam: I can't believe he’s gonna be staying with us.

Alex: I don’t know Sam, he is nice. Even though he is the son of our sworn nemesis.

Jerry: *on tv* Girls I just come to inform that *sees Clover kissing you* Oh my.

(Y/N): *sees Jerry* You must be Jerry right?

Jerry: How do you know my name young man?

(Y/N): My mom talked about you.

Jerry: Your mother?

(Y/N): Geraldine Husk.

Jerry: That makes sense.

(Y/N): You think I could work for WHOOP? I mean I know that you and my mother don't see eye to eye, but it would be nice to be with my girlfriend, I haven't seen her in months.

Jerry: Well...

Clover: Please Jerry?! He's my boyfriend! And please don't send him to Australia! Please!

Jerry: Oh very well, I’m pretty sure we can make some arrangements.

(Y/N): Thanks Jerry.

Jerry: You’re welcome, and (Y/N) you have lipstick all over your face.

(Y/N): I do? *sees his reflection* Oh heh, I do.

Clover: And thanks for the lipstick collection (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anytime honey.

Sam: Hm, so (Y/N), how did you and Clover meet?

(Y/N): Oh that's an easy one.


Here we see Clover moping around in the mall.

Clover: Oh man, between my spy life and my social life I can never get a boyfriend.

Clover then looks to see you as you were doing some performance as you were seen levitating some various items as people were applauding at you.

(Y/N): Thank you, thank you.

Clover: Wow, you were amazing.

(Y/N): Oh thanks, I don't really work at the mall though I just do this for fun, I'm (Y/N) Husk.

Clover: Clover Ewing, nice to meet you.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you too. So what's a sad lady like you doing here? Where's your happy face? *turns upside down and looks at Clover* There it is.

Clover: *giggles* You're funny, and it's just my social and my W- er I mean work life has got me mixed up I used to have a boyfriend but now he works in Australia and we broke up.

(Y/N): Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

Clover: Yeah.

(Y/N): Well I'm sure you'll find someone else, you seem like a fun girl to be around with.

Clover: Aw thanks.

(Y/N): Your welcome, woah, *loses balance and lands in Clover's lap* oof, so is this seat taken?

Clover: *giggles* It is now, *hugs you* By you.

(Y/N): *chuckles* It sure is *hugs back*

Here we see a montage of you and Clover hanging out together and then we see you and Clover sitting next to each other in the park.

Clover: So why is this your favorite spot?

(Y/N): *sees a guy walking with a cake but trips on a stone and falls face first into his cake and chuckles* That's why people don't see that stone and they always trip on it.

Clover: *sees the a guy walking by with an ice cream cone but trips on it and falls face first into his ice cream and gets up with the cone on his head and laughs* Okay now that's funny.

(Y/N): Yeah, physical comedy by nature.

Clover: You know, you’re okay with me.

(Y/N): Me too, I never actually spent time with someone who didn't see me as a freak because of my special abilities.

Clover: Hey can I ask you a question?

(Y/N): If it's a math question, sure. *giggles* no no, but in all seriousness sure.

Clover: How do you react to this?

(Y/N): Wha-*gets kissed on the lips by Clover* Woah.

Clover: So does this mean we're-

(Y/N): Yeah we sure are.

You and Clover then kiss for hours on end. Later we see you and Clover at Geraldine's house.

(Y/N): I had an amazing time today Clover.

Clover: Me too honey.

Just as you and Clover were about to kiss again a certain someone startles the two of you.

Geraldine: What is going on here?!

Clover: Ah! Geraldine?! What are you doing here?!

(Y/N): Hi mom.

Clover: She’s your mother!?

(Y/N): Um yeah, well she's my adoptive mom.

Geraldine: And what are you doing with my son?

(Y/N): I guess it would be a bad time to mention she's my girlfriend huh?

Geraldine: What?! She’s your girlfriend!?

(Y/N): She sure is.

Geraldine: Oh no mister, you are not gonna galavant with that girl.

(Y/N): What why?

Geraldine: She and her friends are my arch nemesis do you not remember what they did to me.

(Y/N): Ugh, mom you can't let your vendetta against them affect me, I love Clover, she's fun, awesome, and cute, and super nice.

Clover: Aww.

Geraldine: *sighs* Well if it makes you happy then you have my blessings.

Clover: So does that mean-

Geraldine: Yes, you may be my son's girlfriend.

Clover: Thanks mom- I mean Geraldine.

Geraldine: No no, it’s okay to call me mom.

Clover: Are you sure?

Geraldine: Well, if you make my son happy, sure you can call me mom.

Clover: Okay….mom. Wow, it feels kind of weird calling a baddie I that I fought before mom.

(Y/N): Wait, you two know each other already?

Geraldine: Yes, we fought each other in the past and when she was in highschool. And this is kind of awkward seeing my nemesis date my son, but if she makes you happy then who am I to deny who my son dates.

(Y/N): Thanks mom.

Geraldine: You're welcome son.

Clover: Thanks mom.

Flashback end.

(Y/N): And that's how Clover and I met.

Alex: Aw that's so romantic.

Sam: Yeah.

Clover: It sure his, *hugs you* (Y/N) is the best boyfriend in history.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm an interesting person.

Clover: You got that right sweetie, let me show you my room or should I say *hugs your arm* our room~

(Y/N): Sounds great, it is time to get to bed.

Sam: Try not to make any noise.

Clover: Don't worry Sammy we won't be so noisy.

Later we see you and Clover in her room as you look around.

(Y/N): Wow, your room is amazing honey.

Clover: Aw thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): Anytime is there a restroom around this place?

Clover: Oh sure it's over there.

(Y/N): Thanks.

You then go into the bathroom and close the door and stuff the door with a towel just in case as you checked to make sure no sound got out.

(Y/N): Phew, *brings out phone and calls Fury* Director Fury to

Fury: Agent (Y/N) it's good to see are things on your end?

(Y/N): Going good so far sir, I've been accepted into WHOOP. The agents don't suspect a thing.

Fury: *over phone* That's good to hear (Y/N).

(Y/N): And how are things with Spider Man?

Fury: It's a work in progress.

(Y/N): Okay, is there anything you want me to do while I'm in WHOOP Director Fury?

Fury: *over phone* Just do what you do at S.H.I.E.L.D kiddo.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

You then hang up as you then brush your teeth and shower soon, we see you now wearing nothing but shorts as you walk out.

(Y/N): Alright ready for bed.

Clover: *sees your 12 pack* Wow….hello Mr.ripped.

(Y/N):  Mr. Ripped? What is that supposed *gets jumped by Clover* Woah!

We then see Clover start kissing you repeatedly as the camera freezes on that image and turns into a photograph.

Next: Chapter 2: Teaching an Inhuman new tricks.

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