Chapter 2: Teaching an Inhuman new tricks

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It's been a day since you moved in with Clover as we see you and her in bed and you were covered in lipstick as Clover woke up.

Clover: *snuggles on your chest* Mm, good morning sweetie, last night was amazing.

(Y/N): *wakes up* hm, yeah it sure was although I'm covered in lipstick, *pops lips* Mm, mango.

Clover: And you were a hugger last night.

(Y/N): Oh heh, sorry about that.

Clover: *plays with your hair* Oh don't worry sweetie, everyone's got their little sleeping habits, like me. *french kisses you on the lips*

(Y/N): *french kisses Clover back* Thanks honey, *stomach gurgles* Hm, I'm getting hungry, let's get some breakfast.

Clover: Yeah, let's see what's in the kitchen.

Later we see you and Clover along with Sam and Alex as you were seen making toaster waffles.

Sam: Morning Clover, how was your sleep?

Clover: It was totally amazing, he hugs when he sleeps.

Alex: Aww to him your like a teddy bear *sees you’re covered in lipstick* Um, why is (Y/N) covered in lipstick?

Clover: Oh *nervously chuckles* I may have gotten a bit frisky with him.

Sam: You didn't…..

Clover: Woah, woah, I only made out with him, honest.

Sam: Hmm, well okay.

Alex: That explains all the smooching I heard last night.

Clover: Yeah, my bad girls, hm although I am a bit worried about (Y/N).

Sam: What do you mean?

Clover: Well from what mo- er uh Geraldine said, (Y/N) isn't a regular guy when Geraldine adopted him, let's just say the other kids didn't get along with him.

Alex: Yikes what happened?

Clover: Well Geraldine told me that when (Y/N) got really angry he burned down the whole orphanage and breathed fire.

Sam: Wait he breathed fire? But that's impossible *sees you breathing fire to cook sausages* nevermind.

Alex: So how long did (Y/N) have those powers?

Clover: Beats me, other kids saw him as….you know….

Sam: *realizes what Clover means* Oh….I guess when you have powers like that, no one wants to be around you.

Clover: Yeah from what (Y/N) told me he had a rough childhood, being picked on, expelled from multiple schools.

Alex: Yikes. I never knew (Y/N) had it so rough.

Sam: Yeah, and now that he's a spy for WHOOP, you know what this means right girls?

Alex: He's gonna be the first boy on our team?

Sam: Aside from that, we need to teach him everything we know about spying.

Clover: Awesome, I’ll go first, and I'm gonna take him shopping.

Sam: You just want a shopping buddy don't you?

Clover: Hey he’s my boyfriend and besides him shopping with me is like a date.

Sam: Fair enough.

Alex: So what could me and Sammy teach (Y/N)?

Clover: Hm, Sam you could teach him about gadgets and Alex you teach him what you want to teach him.

Alex: What I want to teach him, hm let's see what could I teach him, *sees you using your fire breath to warm some coffee* probably teach him how to use the coffeemaker.

Clover: That could work.

Later we see you and Clover at the Groove as you were seen holding 200 shopping bags with ease as you were walking with Clover.

(Y/N): So honey, how does shopping teach me about spying?

Clover: Getting new clothes is key to blending in and looking fabulous, sweetie.

(Y/N): Okay. *sees all the girls in the mall looking at you* um why are all those girls staring at me?

Clover: Oh no, *hugs your arm and to the girls* Don't even think about it, he is my man!

Then the horde of girls then came running at you and they kissed all over you leaving lipstick kiss marks all over your face and they pushed Clover out of the way.

Clover: Agh! Hey! That's my boyfriend!

(Y/N): *while getting kissed* Ah! Hey! I have a girlfriend! Get away, get away *unintentionally uses a sonic scream* GET AWAY!!!!!

You then unleashed a sonic scream so loud that it blew all of the girls off of you as you stood up and saw all the windows shattered.

(Y/N): Oh man it happened again.

Clover: *sees your face covered in lipstick* And that happened too, *wipes the lipstick off with a wet wipe* The only girl who gets to kiss your pretty face is me.

(Y/N): Thanks Cloves.

Clover: *kisses you on the lips* You're welcome sweetie.

???(Mandy): Well, well, Clover, what are you doing here? *sees you* And who’s the cutie?

You and Clover turned to see someone Clover was all too familiar with.

Clover: Oh great Mandy, what do you want?

(Y/N): Is she your friend?

Clover: More like the opposite.

Mandy: Name’s Mandy and you should ditch that loser and be with a real girl like me.

(Y/N): You're a girl?

Clover: *stifles laughter and snorts*

Mandy: Grrrrr, of course I am!

(Y/N): I was kidding of course you’re a girl. You’re like Clover but with black hair and a high pitched voice.

Mandy: Why thank you.

Clover: Anyways, we’ll be leaving now.

(Y/N): Wait Clover, you and Mandy are equals, instead of fighting each other why don’t you two hug it out and get along with each other you two could be best friends.

Mandy and Clover: As if!

Clover: C'mon sweetie let's go back to the penthouse.

(Y/N): Come on you two at least spend one day getting along without fighting each other.

Mandy: Not gonna happen.

Clover: Like that'll be the day.

(Y/N): At least think about it.

Later we see you with Alex as the two of you were seen in the kitchen.

(Y/N): So Alex, what are you gonna teach me?

Alex: Today I'm gonna teach you how to operate a coffee maker.

(Y/N): And how is that gonna teach me how to be a spy?

Alex: Well not really, you need to learn about common sense like using a coffee maker.

(Y/N): Wouldn't it just be easier to use my fire breath?

Alex: Can’t rely on powers you know.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, good point.

Alex: Sure is now, *points to the coffee maker* this is a coffee maker, it makes coffee *points to the start button* and this is the start button, you press it once when you wanna make coffee and you need to make a frappuccino but that's only if you leave it there for a bit longer.

(Y/N): Okay good to know.

Alex: Thanks, and to make a frappe you push that button.

(Y/N): Okay. *feels the heat* Wow, it's warm here. *sweating from the heat* Phew, did you turn up the heat in here?

Alex: Um no, I think you're too close to the coffee maker.

(Y/N): I need to take off my shirt. *takes off the shirt* Ah there we go. Maybe a little ice wouldn't hurt *uses water and wind powers together to make a small snow cloud as it snows on you* ah that's better.

Alex: *sees your abs* Wow…. *Realizes* ah, no no, avert your eyes Alex *covers eyes*

(Y/N): Um Alex you okay?

Alex: *sees your abs again* Ah! I looked again! *covers eyes*

(Y/N): Looked at what?

Alex: Um I-*sees your abs* Ah I-I saw nothing! *covers eyes*

(Y/N): Ok? Wait, did you see my abs?

Alex: *sees your abs**lies* No.

(Y/N): Your seeing them now aren't you?

Alex: *lies* No, yes *covers eyes* Maybe.

Later we see you and Sam at WHOOP as Sam was showing some of the gadgets.

Sam: Alright (Y/N), lets learn how to use gadgets.

(Y/N): Cool, so what are we gonna use *sees the laser lipstick* lipstick? How's this useful?

Sam: That's not regular lipstick, that's the laser lipstick.

(Y/N): *picks up the laser lipstick and fires it accidentally* Ah!

The laser bounced everywhere and it was about to hit Sam in the rear until you made a force field blocking and absorbing the blast.

(Y/N): Phew, you're welcome.

Sam: You can make force fields?

(Y/N): Sure can and sorry about the laser lipstick.

Sam: It's okay it wasn't your fault and thanks for saving me and my behind.

(Y/N): You're welcome, that lipstick thingy is pretty defective.

Sam: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well the mechanism that fires the laser is on the fritz so I recommend having it fixed.

Sam: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, here let me show you, *takes apart the laser lipstick and shows Sam the red wire connected to the blue and the blue wire connected to the red* see those two wires, they didn't make a complete circuit so the laser would just fire randomly *fixes the wires and puts the in the right places* There we go.

Sam: Wow, how did you know that?

(Y/N): Well it was the weak point in the laser lipstick.

Sam: Wow, that is pretty impressive.

(Y/N): Thanks, studying enemies' weaknesses was kind of like my pastime whenever I was bored. Guess I just have a natural gift for it.

Sam: Huh neat. *grabs another laser lipstick and accidentally fires it* Watchout!

The beam bounced everywhere until it hit Sam on the rear that time.

Sam: Ow! I thought you fixed it?!

(Y/N): I did, you must have pushed the button by accident or you grabbed another defect.

Sam: Maybe it was the first one, thank goodness it was only set to stun.

(Y/N): Yeah it could have been a lot more worse *sees Sam’s rear* Um Sam, you have a hole in your pants.

Sam: Huh? *sees the hole and blushes red* Ah! *covers hole* That’s embarrassing.

(Y/N): Here I’ll fix it.

You then fix up Sam’s pants in a matter of seconds.

Sam: *looks at her rear* Wow thanks.

(Y/N): Anytime. *picks up a tornado in a can* What’s this do?

You then open up the can and it  blows into your face and your shirt off too.

(Y/N): What the heck was that?

Sam: Tornado in a can, *sees your abs* Woah…. *takes a pic*

(Y/N): Uh Sam? You okay?

Sam: *while staring at your abs* Uh huh.

(Y/N): Are you sure? *puts shirt back on* Your face is all red.

Sam: *snaps out of it* Oh yeah I'm fine now. *in her head* I even got a picture of that 12 pack.

Later on we see you and the girls in the training room with Jerry.

(Y/N): So remind me again what we are doing?

Jerry: You are going to spar against other agents and some retried ones as well.

(Y/N): Okay who are they?

???(Pam): Us.

You then 3 girls who look like the spies but with different colored catsuits and along with were two guys.

(Y/N): And who are you five?

Dean: We're agents of WHOOP, I'm Dean.

Blaine: I’m Blaine.

Pam: I’m Pam and this is Crimson and Alice.

Crimson: Nice to meet you, so you must be the trainee Jerry told us about. I’d say you’re cute.

Clover: Hey that's my boyfriend you're talking to!

Jerry: Remember spies try to go easy on him, he is new to WHOOP.

Blaine: Don't worry Jerry this will be easy.

Two seconds later, we see Dean and Blaine all beaten up.

(Y/N): *mocking a little* Don't worry Jerry this will be easy.

Blaine: *in pain* You got lucky. *spits out all of his teeth* My teeth!

Pam: Alright our turn.

We then see the three counterpart spies charge at you as you then tripped Pam and slammed her against a wall knocking her out, hitting Crimson on the back of her head knocking her out, and lastly an elbow to Alison's back knocking to the ground.

(Y/N): Hm, I thought this would be more of a challenge.

Then Crimson got up and suplexed you and then held you down with her legs but you got out of it by hitting a pressure point in her legs making them go numb as you got back up.

(Y/N): That was easy.

Jerry: My word, never have I seen a trainee take down five WHOOP agents in 5 seconds.

Sam: Yeah, that was amazing.

Alex: Yeah it was, although I'm kinda scared to fight (Y/N).

Sam: Me too.

Crimson: Um I can't get up.

(Y/N): Don't worry, you'll get the feeling back in your legs in half an hour.

Crimson: Thanks.

Pam: How….how did you do that?

(Y/N): I had a strategy in my mind to take all five of you down. It was pretty easy although I didn't account for Crimson suplexing me.

Pam: Wow, impressive.

Jerry: Indeed.

Pam: *whispers to Clover* Hey, are you planning on sharing your boyfriend with the rest of us?

Clover: *whispers back* Mm, I'll think about it, he is the adopted son of a villian me and my friends and I fought back in highschool and a while back when we got to college.

Pam: *whispers* Okay I understand it's your choice.

Clover: *whispers back* Thanks, he didn't have a good childhood back in the orphanage he used to be in.

Crimson: *whispers* Yikes, that must’ve been rough.

Clover: *whispers* Yeah, he told me that he was constantly picked on and on top of all that, no one else adopted him except for Geraldine.

Alice: *whispers* Hey why don’t we hang out with him, just to get to know him.

Clover: *whispers* Hmm, okay but no funny business I mean it.

Pam: *whispers* Don't worry we won't try anything spy's honor.

Crimson: *whispers* Yeah we won't try anything.

Alice: *whispers* Yeah we understand.

Later we see you with the counterpart spies at their house as you look around.

(Y/N): So this is where you girls live?

Pam: Sure is, welcome to our home.

Alice: Yeah our house is pretty nice right.

(Y/N): Yeah it sure is.

Crimson: Why don’t make yourself at home on the couch.

(Y/N): Thanks, *sits on the couch* so you three were the spies before Sam, Alex and Clover?

Alice: We sure are, we reunited with Jerry a while back because he thought we were captured by a villain we were fighting but he mind controlled us into working for him but the girls saved us and we've been in retirement ever since.

Pam: Yeah we’ve been under mind control for years until the girls freed us.

(Y/N): Wow, that must've been some experience.

Crimson: It sure was, *sits next to you* Hey, do you ever think of us as old people?

(Y/N): Not really, you girls look okay to me.

Pam: Aw thanks, so how's-

Just as Pam was about to finish her sentence you and the girls hear an explosion outside.

Alice: What was that?!

You and the girls rush outside to see a familiar face.

Hyperion: Where are you Diamond!!

(Y/N): *sees Hyperion* Hyperion?

Pam: You know this guy?

(Y/N): Kind of.

Hyperion: *sees you* You are found treson for not joining the cabal.

(Y/N): I told you I'm not joining your little club! *pulls out a microphone pen* And eat sound!

You then create a powerful wave of sound to deafen and knock out Hyperion as you grabbed him and tossed him to who knows where.

Alice: Okay so who was the guy in the yellow cape. Which is ugly by the way.

(Y/N): Hyperion, a very, very bad guy. And he's an alien hunting me down.

Pam: Yikes, you owe him money or something?

(Y/N): Not exactly…

One explanation later.

Alice: Wait what?! You- you're not human?

(Y/N): No, I'm an inhuman, they're super people created by another alien race called the Kree who are also very evil. And every criminal I ever fought is after me because I'm the very first and most powerful inhuman known in Attilan.

Pam: Wow that's a lot to take in.

(Y/N): Yeah. But please, please don't tell Jerry or the girls I'm a you know what. I don't want to put them in danger.

Crimson: Don't worry (Y/N) we won't tell.

(Y/N): Hm, pinkie finger swear?

Pam: Pinky swear.

(Y/N): Alright. I don't know what I'd do if I put my friends and loved ones in danger.

Crimson: I still can't believe you're royalty.

(Y/N): Yeah I know it's kind of shocking but I am part of the royal family and an ambassador of the Inhumans.

Pam: No wonder you’re so cute, you’re like Prince Charming.

(Y/N): Prince who?

One explanation later.

(Y/N): So this Prince Charming is a fictional character in a fairy tale?

Alice: Yep, I'm guessing you don't get out a lot huh?

(Y/N): Not really, Inhumans and humans aren't really buddy-buddy with each other which is why people see them as well you know. And Inhumans aren't so trusting with humans either.

Pam: Yikes, so that explains why you were picked on back in the orphanage huh?

(Y/N): Yeah being mocked, picked on, drove me to the point where I accidentally blew up the orphanage. All the kids and owners were okay, but now they were scared of me for what I did.

Alice: Hey we will not judge you (Y/N), we think you’re cool.

Crimson: Yeah you're still human to us.

(Y/N): Thanks girls. But seriously, do not tell anyone about this.

Pam: Even Jerry?

(Y/N): Even Jerry, the last thing I want is WHOOP thinking I'm an alien.

Crimson: Don't worry, we girls can keep a lot of secrets.

Alice: Which is why we keep secret diaries.

(Y/N): Thanks girls.

Pam: Hey, a little bird told us you got a 12 pack, we want to see it.

(Y/N): Um okay, *takes off shirt* here it is.

Pam: *sees your abs* Wow.

Crimson: *sees your abs*That’s amazing.

Alice: *sees your abs and drools* Wow….

(Y/N): I don't get it, why do girls act like that when I take off my shirt?

Pam: Easy, women go gaga for abs like yours.

(Y/N): But why?

Crimson: Remember back at the mall where all of those girls?

(Y/N): *flinches a little* Don't remind me, I accidentally used one of my powers to shatter every window in the Groove.

Crimson: That was you? Anyways, you are a very handsome guy.

(Y/N): Thanks, although I don't really do so well whenever women swarm at me I'm just so overwhelmed I just lose control of my powers and well….

Pam: Use one of your powers unintentionally?

(Y/N): Yeah, I mean it's not like I want to hurt anyone.

Crimson: Don't worry we understand, we know you don't wanna anyone.

Alice: Yeah we'll take it easy on you.

(Y/N): Thanks girls.

Pam: You’re welcome.

Later we see you back at the Penthouse and in bed with Clover as we saw you two asleep as the camera froze on that image and turned into a photograph.

Next: Chapter 3: Inhuman Classes.

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