Chapter 5: Pageant Problems

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It's been a few days since your first mission with your girlfriend Clover and her friends.  Here we see you and Jerry at WOOHP headquarters as we then see an old apple being hit with a blue laser and a screen showing molecules being attached as we see Jerry with a vial of purple liquid as took some of it.

Jerry: Just a drop should be sufficient.

(Y/N): Are you certain this is going to work?

Jerry: I'm positive, what could go wrong?

(Y/N): Hmm alright.

Jerry then pours a drop onto the apple as it did nothing as Jerry sighed in sadness.

(Y/N): Well it was a good try.

Jerry: Thank you, why don't we call it a day here.

(Y/N): Sounds good to me.

Jerry then turns off the monitor as we then see the apple restored back to its original state as you and Jerry turned around.

Jerry: Huh? *sees the apple is restored* Excellent.

(Y/N): Hm guess it took a second to take effect.

Jerry: Yes, excellent work (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thank you.

Jerry then puts the vial into a special containment unit as we see you and Jerry leaves WHOOP as he opens the door with his key card as we then see you two and Jerry outside.

Jerry: Preliminary findings show that the WHOOP age reversing serum is a success pending a few more trials it should be off and running.

(Y/N): I still don't understand why you would make a serum that reverses a human's age they're fine.

Jerry: I only made this just to at least make myself a bit younger. Plus the teasing gets a bit old.

(Y/N): Like you.

Jerry: You see, this is the exact reason why I am making this serum.

(Y/N): Is it because people think your….you know, the O-word. Or the hair on your head fading away?

Jerry: Both of those.

(Y/N): Well old or not I still think of you as an equal.

Jerry: Thank you (Y/N)

(Y/N): Anytime.

As you and Jerry were going into the car Jerry accidentally drops his WHOOP ID card as we then see a hand pick it up. Meanwhile we see you and Jerry in the car as he was dropping you off at Mali U as you were seen looking off into the distance.

Jerry: Something on your mind (Y/N)

(Y/N): What? Oh uh, it's nothing Jerry.

Jerry: Come now, you can tell me what's bothering you?

(Y/N): *sighs* Fine, but promise me you won't tell anyone about this, not even the girls.

Jerry: You have my word.

(Y/N): Okay, do you want to know how I have my superhuman abilities and powers.

Jerry: I have always wondered that.

(Y/N): Well that's because I was born with them.

Jerry: Born with them? But that's impossible.

(Y/N): It isn't impossible for an inhuman.

Jerry: Inhuman? So you're an extra terrestrial?!

(Y/N): No, well in a way I am, inhumans have a variety of powers, some use them for good and some use them for evil, I chose to use mine for good. However inhumans and humans don't exactly see eye to eye which is why I was adopted by Geraldine.

Jerry: You mean to tell me you already know your birth family?

(Y/N): Yes, they are the royal inhuman family, the head of the inhuman kingdom of Atilan and I am the prince.

Jerry: My word, I never thought you carried that burdian with you.

(Y/N): Yeah, and seriously do not say anything to this about the girls especially Clover.

Jerry: Understood.

After arriving in Mali U, you  went to the penthouse to play with Lockjaws since you didn't have any classes for the day. Meanwhile we see Sam in journalism class as the teacher was giving a lecture.

Teacher: Being a journalist is not simply about telling a story, being a journalist is about uncovering the truth *tosses his own and grabs it and goes to the black board and writes notes*

Sam: Oh this guy is good.

Teacher: *O.S* Your assignment is to write an expose for the school, uncovering some kind of injustice in the world.

As Sam was writing,  she heard her compowder buzz.

Sam: Uh oh, looks like it's spy time, I'll catch the rest of this later.
Sam then pushes her pen and puts it on the desk as it then scans her and makes a hologram version of her taking notes as she then moves away.

Sam: With a little help from the pen recorder hologram that is.

Sam then sneaks off with the teacher unaware of what she's doing.

Teacher: Now let's talk about the meaning of injustice.

Outside of Mali U we see Sam jump out of the bushes in her catsuit as she was running until she then sees Alex and Clover as they bump into each other, fall to the ground and get up immediately as you showed up with riding Lockjaw.

Alex: Hey looks like we all got the same alert, a break in at the WHOOP experimental lab.

Sam: I hated to leave journalism class, the professor was just going over our first assignment.

Clover: You think that's bad?  We were just debating slingback vs pumps in advance shoe theory. Now I'll have to wait until after the mission to find out which to wear for a semi-formal occasion.

(Y/N): I think the sling-backs should work since it's semi-formal.

Clover: Thanks sweetums, you're a lifesaver.

(Y/N): Anytime hun.

Sam: Wait (Y/N) what were you doing?

(Y/N): I was playing with Lockjaws in my room until I got the distress signal. Plus he may or may not have tore through Mandy's clothing line.

Clover: *chuckles* Well at least there's a bright side to that.

Alex: Oh well actually I don't mind so much pop quiz in animal grooming I sure hope my hologram studies.

(Y/N): Unless you set your hologram to record what the professor is saying.

Sam: *sees the large whirlpool* Prepared to be WHOOPed.

We then see you, Lime Lion and the others sucked in the whirlpool as on a wave as the fan blows it away as we then see you and the others land in the lab as Sam sees the security droids.

Sam: Uh oh!

We then see the droids shooting lasers at all of you as you dodge them as we then see you and Clover cornered by the security droids.

Sam We gotta turn off the security system before it turns us off *dodges a laser blast along with Alex*

We then see Alex dodging as she is now back up into a corner.

Alex: I'm a little stuck in here!

(Y/N): Lockjaws, a little help here.

We then see Lockjaws run to the control panel while dodging all the lasers as he then bit through the control panel and chewed through the wiress making the lasers go away and deactivate it.

(Y/N): Thanks Lockjaws.

Lockjaws: *barks*

Sam: Yeah nice job Lockjaws, now where is Jerry?

You and the others then hear banging on the doors as you all get startled as you all hide until you all look at the camera to see it's Jerry.

You and the girls: Jerry.

(Y/N): Well that's a relief, Sam go open those doors.

Sam: On it.

We then see Sam open the glass doors as Jerry walks in.

Jerry: *clears throat* Sorry everyone, I seem to have misplaced my ID card.

Alex: And I thought I was the forgetful one *comes out of the trash bin*

(Y/N): You are, sometimes.

As Jerry is looking around he then sees the de age serum is missing.

Jerry: Oh my, my age reversing serum is gone!

(Y/N): Oh no that's awful, *looks on the ground and finds a tiara* Who dropped this thing? Oh well might as well put it good use *uses it as a back scratcher* ah that's better.

Clover: Sweetie no! *snatches the tiara from you* it's not a back scratcher it’s a tiara. And I definitely would have remembered a diamond encrusted tiara.

Sam: Let me see.

We then see Clover turn into a chibi and growls at Sam.

Clover: I dunno after all good accessories don't grow on trees Sammy.

(Y/N): Clover c'mon it's evidence it could give us lead on who took the serum. But you can keep the tiara afterwards.

We then see Clover reluctantly give the tiara to Sam.

Sam: Thanks, and a red hair, okay I might be more grossed out if this weren't an awesome clue.

Jerry: We better analyze that hair right away.

We then see Sam place the hair on the analyzer as it scans the hair.

Sam: It says the hair belongs to Bertha Bombshell, a 55 year old woman from Liverpool England.

Jerry: Why Liverpool is where I spent my youth.

Alex: You had a youth?

You and the girls laughed at this.

Clover: Oh sure he did, everyone has one so did you know shakespeare?

(Y/N): I think that was after his hair left his head.

You and others chuckled at this.

Jerry: Hey! I'm not bald!

(Y/N): Keep telling yourself that.

Sam: Anyways, we'll go to England to check out this Bertha chick right away.

Just as you and the others were about to leave Jerry stops you.

Jerry: *brings out some gadgets* You'll need these, binocular sunglasses for when you really need to get up close and personal, sugar free hot and spicy gum now hotter and spicier than ever for the optimal sweating effect, a web sling ring for hitting baddies with sticky webbing, and a super strong titanium hair clip that keeps hair and anything else firmly in place.

Alex: *picks up hair clip* Oh perfect.

Jerry: Okay then off you go.

Clover: Wait, *picks up the tiara* in case we get to meet the queen I don't wanna be underdressed.

(Y/N): It does look cute on you hun.

Clover: Aw thanks babe.

(Y/N): Anytime, WOOHP us away Jerry.

Jerry then pushes a button as you all fell through a trap door and slid down a slide as we then see you and the others now in England already as we see you and the girls were flying to the location.

(Y/N): Wow, that was faster than taking a plane here.

Alex: That's Whooping for you the fastest way to travel the world.

As all of you were flying we heard a beep.

Sam: That's it, Bertha's house now to come in for a landing.

(Y/N): If I were you I'd hold hands while we fly.

Alex: What why?

(Y/N): Trust me.

Sam: Okay if you say so.

We then see you and the others come in for landing as the wind blows a strong gust but the spies maintain their grip as you and the girls land on Bertha's roof.

Alex: Wow, good thinking (Y/N).

Sam: Yeah, how did you know the winds here are very strong?

(Y/N): Natural instinct.

Clover: That's my boyfriend for ya. that would have been intense if it wasn't for (Y/N)'s hand holding idea.

Alex: *sees an air duct* Hey look, an air duct we should be able to slip inside no probs.

Clover: *looks inside* I dunno, it looks small.

Sam: No worries the hot and spicy gum should get us nice and sweaty so we can slide on through *pops a piece of gum in her mouth*

You, Clover and Alex do the same as we later see you and the girls are now in the air duct trying to get through.

Alex: Maybe we need another piece of gum?

Clover: *feels hot* Or not, is it hot in here or is it just me.

(Y/N): *feels hot* You're not the only one.

We then see you and  the girls get so sweaty to the point where they slip through the air duct and slide into Bertha's house as Clover gets up.

Clover: Nice and sweaty should never be used in the same sentence *uses the blow-dryer compowder and smiles*

(Y/N): *gets up* Ugh man, okay as useful as that was it has got one grossest gadgets ever made it got my shirts all sweaty *takes off both of shirts showing his abs* Ah, there that's better.

Clover: *sees your sweaty abs* Oho, definitely. *Pulls out a cloth* Don't worry sweetie, I'll clean up those sweaty muscles.

(Y/N): Thanks hun.

Clover then wipes up your sweat while Sam and Alex watch jealousy

Sam and Alex: *in their heads* Lucky.

After Clover wiped up your sweat, she then saw a bunch of pageant dresses.

Clover: Are you seeing what I'm seeing?! I think I've died and gone to pagent heaven.

Sam: Check it out, here's Bertha winning the Ms. Tea and Crumpet England title, and there's her winning Ms. Tower of London

Alex: And look, there she is taking first runner up in Ms. Fish and Chips contest losing out to Ms. Flounder.

Clover: What could she possibly want with Jerry's serum after all she's totally young and beautiful.

(Y/N): *looks at the photos closer* Yeah she was, about 40 years ago.

Alex: *gasps in shock*

Clover: You don't think….

Sam: That Bertha took the age reversing serum in order to make herself young again and recapture her youth that's exactly what I think.

(Y/N): Oh boy this is bad, this is really bad, we better call Jerry.

Alex then pulls out her compowder and goes to sit on a chair when she feels something hitting her rear.

Alex: Ouch!

(Y/N): You okay Alex?

Alex: I'm good, *goes to the couch and picks up Jerry's ID card* Look it's Jerry's WHOOP ID, how odd he would have misplaced it here?

(Y/N): Unless it hadn't been misplaced it was stolen by Bertha to gain access to the labs.

Sam: But how did she know it even existed?

Jerry: Hello everyone, how's the mission going?

Sam: We're at Bertha's house, she's got your ID and we think Bertha may have used the serum on herself.

Jerry was shocked to hear this as he turned to see the apple bubbling and shapeshifting until it blew up.

Jerry: Oh deer, that's extremely problematic, if you girls don't get to Betha right away the situation could become quite dire.

Alex: She's not home, where could she be?

Clover: *while holding a flyer* I think I know, the Ms. Planetary teen pageant in Monte Carlo and it's today.

Jerry: Excellent work spies you are to go there right *trails off*.....a…..way.

Sam: What's wrong Jerry?

Alex: Yeah, it looks like you saw a ghost.

(Y/N): Yeah what's wrong?

Jerry: In a way I have, Bertha is someone I used to date

You and the others then turned to see a photo of Bertha and a younger Jerry.

(Y/N): Wow, how did we not notice that.

Clover: Yeah and first you're telling us you were young *with the others laughing* and your telling you used to date *laughs*.

Jerry: Yes indeed, and she was Bertha Kronkshell back in the day, she was quite the looker and had a great personality until she lost the Ms. Fish and Chips contest she could never eat flounder again.

(Y/N): Wow, who would have thought fish could change a woman so fast into a life of crime.

Sam: And how Bertha knew about WHOOP she must have remembered Jerry worked there and followed him to the experimental lab.

Jerry: Yes, this only makes the situation more pressing. I'll send the new and Improved WHOOP speed boat to pick you up right away.
We later see you and the girls on a speedboat.

Jerry: The boat is equipped with sonic boom box missiles that deliver a rockin 'musical boom, powerful water spray jets strong enough to keep attackers away, and an ultimate energy harpoon to help you catch everything from sharks to bad guys.

Alex: Thanks Jerry.

Jerry: You’re welcome spies now goodbye and good luck *hangs up*.

You looked over the boat seeing all the fish as you then saw something unusual in the water and looked closer as you heard a roar which made you fall back on the boat.

(Y/N): What the?

Clover: Woah sweetie you okay?

(Y/N): Uh yeah I'm fine *gets helped up by Clover* thanks.

Clover: Anytime, so what happened?

(Y/N): I don't know, I thought I saw something in the water.

Sam: Maybe it was just a shark. Now back to the mission.

(Y/N): Uh right.

Later we see you and the others arrive in Monte Carlo.

Sam: This must be the place.

Clover: No way, this is the best mission ever.

(Y/N): Yeah, this place is amazing.

You and the spies celebrated a little by till the bellhop glared at you all as you all composed yourselves as you all walked in.

Bellhop: Welcome to the Grandmont thumped monte carlo hotel

Sam: Wow it's von thump tastic.

We then see you and the girls take a lot of pictures around the place as we see you all inside again.

Clover: Okay now I've gone to heaven.

Sam: Oh too bad we can't enjoy any of it, we've got a mission.

(Y/N):  Sam's right, we can’t be distracted

Clover: Maybe the injustice you should be reporting on is the we have to work for Jerry instead of getting to enjoy a place as opulent as this

Alex: *sees the queens* Look, the beauty queens represent every nation.

You then looked as they all had red hair and from each country ranging from France, Russia, and Greenland as they saw you, you waved at them with a smile which made them blush a bit as they walked by.

Alex: No way even pageant girls like (Y/N)?

Sam: Did not see that coming.

(Y/N): I guess I'm very likable.

Alex: Woah.

Clover: I may be not meeting the queen but I'm not gonna be only one without a tiara *puts on the tiara*

(Y/N): *puts on a necktie made by Clover* Same here.

Sam: We got to find Bertha right away Jerry said it was quite dire which means it must be really bad.

Alex: The only problem is with so many redheads in the competition who all look similar, how can we be positive which one is Bertha?

(Y/N): Hm how about we all go undercover as contestants for the pageants.

Clover: Good idea (Y/N).

Sam: Yeah good thinking.

(F/N): Thank you.

Alex: But wait a sec you're a guy wouldn't that give you away?

(Y/N): Not really, pageants that have only guys are really common these days so I'm in the clear.

Sam: Oh cool.

We then see you and the girls lol behind the pillar as Clover went under the table where the lady and her dog is as she changed her outfit via her compowder spooking the dog as it went to its owner then which gave Clover the chance to leave then Sam did the same, and then Alex which spooked the dog and the lady again as you did the same too.

(Y/N): Apologies for the scare ma'am.

Lady: Oh it's okay.

Spies: Awesome!

Sam: *sees your suit* Wowie nice suit (Y/N).

Clover: *sees your suit* Yeah sweetie  that looks totally fab on you.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Later, we see you and the girls join up with the other contestants as we hear the announcer.

Ronald: Welcome everyone to the first ever Ms. Planetary  teen contest hosted by me. The very grand Ronald Von Thump at the Grand Von Thump hotel where every day is grand we're gonna start with the interview portion of the competition conducted by me Ronald Von Thump let the Pageant begin.

The audience cheered as Clover was looking around only to be pulled to the front stage.

Ronald: Here's our first grand contestant, please tell us who you are, where you're from, and what your platform is.

Clover: Uh I'm Clover and I'm from WHOOP….topia, and well when it comes to shoes my platform is the higher the better.

The audience didn't say anything that time and grumbled a bit.

Next up was Sam.

Sam: I'm Sam um as I learned in journalism class my platform is truth, integrity, and reliable sources thank you.

Some of the audience clapped for Sam and next up was Alex.

Alex: *covers ears from microphone feedback* Oh I um like animals….*hears the audience cheers for her* Hey, want to see my chicken dance?

Alex then does the chicken which makes the audience cheers for her as the red haired girl in the pink dress saw this which made her angry and was about to go on until you went up next.

Ronald: Oh why don't save that for the grand talent competition.

(Y/N): *to the audience* Hi everyone I'm (Y/N) Husk, I'm from Malibu and I enjoy gardening and working out. My platform is working hard and doing good things.

The audience cheered for you  as you were pushed to the side by the red haired girl.

Bertha: My platform is to do whatever it takes to get ahead! The audience murumers a bit as

Bertha leaves, tossing the microphone to Ronold.

Ronold: Thank you my deer, that's very…. ambitious of you.

Alex: Did you hear that? She said she'll do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Clover: *sees her walking by* And she has red hair.

Sam: I think we may have found our villain.

(Y/N): Yeah let's go and warn her.

You then turn back to your normal size as you and the girls follow Bertha. Later on, we see you and the girls in the dressing room behind a couch with Bertha brushing her hair.

Sam: There she is, we'll need a strand of her hair to match the one we found earlier.

(Y/N): I'm on it.

You then teleported behind Bertha and plucked a strand of hair from Bertha's head making her yelp in surprise as you teleported back to the girls.

(Y/N): Got it.

Sam: I was thinking of getting one from her brush but it'll do.

(Y/N): Oh heh, sorry.

Clover: It's fine sweetie now let's just analyze it already.

Sam then puts the hair strand on her compowder as it begins to scan it and it indicates that it's a match.

Sam: It's a match, she's old Bertha alright.

Alex: Or new Bertha, young Bertha?

(Y/N): Maybe past Bertha?

Clover: Whatever Bertha she is we've got to help her before the serum does any damage, come on.

You and the girls come out of hiding.

Sam: We know you broke into WHOOP and stole Jerry's age reversing serum.

Clover: And we don't usually go around helping thieves but you totally need help because the serum you stole is way experimental.

(Y/N): She's right that serum is very dangerous.

Alex: Yeah, as in it's gonna turn on you any second.

Bertha: Age reversing serum? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Clover: Oh please lady, we are so onto you.

Alex: Yeah so better do what we say before it's too late.

Bertha: Why should I believe you? *Pushes Sam and Alex and walks past them* you're just pageant girls and a boy  trying to stop me from winning Ms. Planetary teen after all I done to get here there's no way I'm going to let you rob me of my title.

Bertha was about to leave until you and the girls changed back to your regular outfits.

Sam: We aren't pageant girls, and boy we're WHOOP spies and we're helping you whether you like it or not.

Sam then uses the web sling ring and tries to shoot Bertha only to have it backfire as we see you and the girls are now stuck to the wall.

(Y/N): Well this is just great.

Clover: Just once I'd like for one of these experimental gadgets to be a little less experimental.

Bertha: *laughs* If you excuse me it's time for the talent portion of the competition.

Bertha then leaves as you see her arms puffing up as well as her hand.

Alex: She's getting away

(Y/N): *sees the changes happening to Bertha Uh I'm no doctor but is that supposed to happen?

Sam: No, and she's starting to mutate. We gotta do something fast.

Meanwhile we see Ronald Von Thump back at the pagent with the talent portion beginning.

Ronold: Aren't our contestants grand? As grand as me, Ronald Von Thump of course, and now for the talent portion of the competition, up first Ms.Denmark.

Here we see Ms.Denmark with a fishing pole as she winked at the audience and then reeled her line to pull a large fish as the crowd applauded for her.

Ronald: Wow, give a von thump round of applause for that power grand herring fishing folks.

We later see Ms.France doing a can-can dance only for her to lose her boot in the dance as the audience laughed at her and Ronald chuckled slightly.

Ronald: Thank you Ms.France. Another grand performance.

We later see Ms.Australia toss a boomerang as it sliced through Ronald's toupe and came right back at her as she caught it with ease making the audience gasp in awe.

Ronald: Uh, thank you Ms.Australia and now Ms England will grace us with rhythmic gymnastics.

We then see Bertha come on stage as she does some rhythmic gymnastics with a ribbon making the audience gasp in awe  as she then pulls out  another ribbon and tosses them both in the air making it look like a large butterfly as the audience gasps in awe again and cheers for her.  But when Bertha caught her ribbons the audience then sees her hands puff up and her face change making the audience gasp in shock and look away.

Ronald: You are not grand enough for the Grand Von Thump hotel! *Goes to Bertha* You have been eliminated from the competition!

Bertha stands there in shock until she snapped.

Bertha: If I'm not going to win Ms Planetary teen then no one else is either!

We then see Bertha grow giant size making the audience and Ronald scream in terror as she was getting ready to stomp on him as she stomped on the stage making Ronald jump out of the way. Meanwhile we see you and the girls are still ensnared on the web.

Sam: Well the web-sling ring may have malfunctioned *struggling*  but the sticky webbing still works well.

Alex: Too well, how are we ever gonna escape?

(Y/N): No idea, we almost used up all our good gadgets, if only we had a something that reflects light like a magnifying glass or *gasps in realization* That's it, the tiara.

Sam: And you're thinking about accessories, why?

(Y/N): I'm not, I'm thinking about what it's made of, diamonds Clover if you will.

Clover: Of course, nice thinking sweetie.

(Y/N): Anytime.

We then see Clover pull out the tiara as she holds it to the sun as it reflects the light onto the webs and after a few seconds the sunlight cuts the webs off as you and the girls are now free.

Alex: Nice thinking (Y/N) and way to use your head Clover.

Clover: What can I say I have beauty, brains and a smart boyfriend.

(Y/N): Aw thanks.

You and the girls then feel the ground shake.

Sam: Looks like things have gotten worse with Bertha, it's time to bust our baddie.

(Y/N): Before she does anymore damage.

We then see you and the girls rush out of the dressing room and outside to see Bertha with giant hands.

Clover: Ew, way to experiment with grossness Jerr.

(Y/N): I told him that formula was a bad idea.

Sam: C'mon girls and guy we gotta stop her.

We then see you and the girls rush at her as Bertha turns to normal size as you and Sam grab her arm and try to run only to notice that it was stretched out.

Sam: What the?

(Y/N): Okay even I know people are not that flexible.

Bertha then shakes her arm as she sent you and Sam flying as you manage to get stable and catch Sam as you both land to the ground.

(Y/N): You okay Sam?

Sam: I'm good.

(Y/N): That's a relief.

We then see Alex rush at Bertha and tried to punch her only for Bertha's head to shrink down dodging the punch as she then stretched her leg out with Alex holding onto to it as she got into a handstand and ran on Bertha's leg and try to kick her but  misses after Bertha shrinked her body to the size of a child and laughed as she then became the size of a large ball knocking Alex into the air as you flew to her and caught her as you both land to the ground.

Alex: Wow, thanks for the save (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem.

We then see Clover run at Bertha as she tackled her to the ground.

Clover: Gotcha! *Sees Bertha becoming flat and deflating* Oh hey! No fair!

Berths then slips out of Clover's grasp and reformed back to normal as she then stretched her body into a tornado of punches and hit Clover, sending her off as you caught her too.

Clover: Thanks babe.

(Y/N): Anytime honey.

Bertha: I am young! *Disoriented voice* I am beautiful! *stretches up* I am the only winner!!

(Y/N): Not with that attitude you're not.

We then see Bertha slam her fists on the ground so hard that sent a shockwave at the audience as you then get in front of it and  block it giving the audience the chance to escape.

(Y/N): She's putting people in danger.

Sam: Yeah and we do something, something big.

Alex: Like what Sammy?

(Y/N): Like getting some Whoop power, which would be good right about now.

Sam: Yeah, Alex you and (Y/N) stay here and make sure no one gets hurt.

Alex: We're on it.

Sam: Clover come with me.

We then see Clover go with Sam as you do the same following Alex as we see more people running away and Bertha rampaging as you and Alex help Ronald up as you saw Bertha stomp her foot onto you and Alex as you and her got out of the way. There you place Ronald on a seat while Alex puts the wig back on him too.

(Y/N): Was putting the wig on him really necessary?

Alex: Well he wouldn't be a host without his fake hair.

(Y/N): Fair enough, *sees the pageant girls coming out* Uh Alex.

Alex: *sees the pageant girls and gasps* Oh no, the pageant girls.

(Y/N): C'mon we have to get them somewhere safe.

We then see the pageant girls about to go on stage until you and Alex get in front of them.

(Y/N): Uh hey girls how's it going?

Ms.France: *giggles* It iz going well Mr. Malibu ooh you are even cuter in person~.

Ms. Canada: You're right on that one Ms.France.

(Y/N): *blushes a little* Uh yeah thanks but there's no time to complement me right now because we have to go.

Ms. Australia: Go where? The competition is over there.

Alex: Uh well actually there's a change of plans. The evening gown competition is this way and you can all hug (Y/N) all you want.

(Y/N): Wait what?

We then see you and the pageant girls all rush to the evening gown session as Bertha saw this.

Bertha: No way!

We then see Bertha stomp her foot repeatedly blocking either you and the others paths as we see Sam and Clover on the speed boat as they saw what was happening.

Clover: The bad news is Bertha is going ballistic. The good news is one of our experimental gadgets finally worked *looses the glasses* Whoops.

Sam: Launch the sonic boom box missle.

We then see the boat arm it's missiles as then launched them as they sent a sonic wave at Bertha as she saw this and dodges the first one but gets hit by the second wave becoming warped as it cut the stage in half as it began to sink with the pagent girls screaming hugging each but not before they began hugging you for comfort as Alex got on the stage too and seeing what was happening

(Y/N): *while being hugged* Well this is demeaning.

Alex: Uh oh.

(Y/N): Alex the hair clip, use it to support the stage *feels the hug getting tighter* Augh! Girls please give me little breathing room here, trying to save your lives.

Ms. Australia: Whoops, sorry mate.

(Y/N): It's fine.

Alex: Good idea (Y/N), *pulls off titanium hair clip* Titanium hair clip, do your thing!

Alex then tosses the titanium hair clip into the waters as it then expands rapidly supporting the stage as we see Clover and Sam coming back via speed boat.

Clover: Maybe the spray jets will be more effective.

Sam then activates the spray jets as we see Bertha going to a terrified Ronald Von Thump as she was about to get him until she got hit by the spray jet which washed her and Roanld's tupe  off his head as we see Bertha knocked into the water as you then froze with your ice breath.

(Y/N): *breathes ice* This won't hold but I'm doing it anyway.

Sam And Clover: *hive five each other* Yeah!

Alex: Yeah!

(Y/N): Finally, *sees a giant hand break out of the ice* Oh crud.

You and Alex get out of the way as you then fly up and take the pageant girls off the platform and  place them in the bleachers.

(Y/N): Ladies, as much as I appreciate you all, you need to get to safety before one of you gets hurt by that drama mean queen.

Ms. France: Monsieur Malibu is right ladies we must flee while we are still intact.

Ms. Australia: Yeah we better get going.

We then see the pageant girls get to somewhere safe and away from Bertha's rampaging as you joined up with Alex as you saw Bertha getting up from the water and screaming in rage.

(Y/N): Wow, she looks mad.

Alex: No kidding.

Sam then accelerates the boat catching Clover off-guard as she holds on to something to support her as we see Bertha on top of the stage sign.

Bertha: I will not be denied!

Bertha then tries punching the boat as Sam dodgies each of the punches as we then see Sam and Clover speed-boating right onto Bertha's arm as she screams in rage.

Sam: Ultimate energy harpoon.

We then see a pink energy blast in the shape of a trident grt launched at Bertha as she was hit by it and is now ensnared by it.

Clover: And that concludes the talent portion of the competition.

Clover then cuffs Bertha with the tiara. We later see you and the girls, along with the pageant girls bringing Bertha to Jerry who was accompanied by two other agents.

Jerry: Bertha….

(Y/N): *nudges Bertha* Isn't there something you wanna say to our boss Berths?

Bertha: Right, *to Jerry* Jerry I'm sorry I stole from you I just want one more win *face distorted while Jerry sweatdropped* Can you ever forgive me darling?

Jerry: *clears throat* Sorry your pageant days are over you'll soon be returning to your natural age once the remaining age reversing serum is removed from your system, pity you never got over losing Ms fish and chips.

Jerry then snaps his fingers as the two agents we're about to take until you get in front of Bertha.

(Y/N): Seriously?

Jerry: (Y/N) what are you doing? We have to-

(Y/N): Seriously?! that's you have to say to her? Sure she stole the serum and made herself look young and beautiful, but didn't know the risks and all you did was treat her like any other criminal.

Jerry: But-

(Y/N): Don't interrupt me young man!! I am still talking!

Everyone, even Jerry,  flinched at your sudden outburst.

Sam: *whispers* Wow, I've never seen (Y/N) get so worked up like that.

Alex: Yeah me neither.

(Y/N): *pokes Jerry chest* She was once your girlfriend Gerald, and you have the gall to treat her that way?! Shame on you! I mean if Clover did that I would have helped cured her and forgiven her.

Clover: Aww thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): And if you think about none of this wouldn't have happened if you kept the serum somewhere safer, like I said, shame on you!

Jerry: I- I *realizes his mistakes and sighs* I suppose your right Bertha I….I apologize for what happened years ago and now.

Bertha: No it's okay Jerry, I should have gotten over my obsession if anything I should be the one apologizing and none of this wouldn't have happened if I taken that serum *arm puffs up*

(Y/N): Not to worry, I had feeling this might happen which is why I made this as a fail safe *pulls out a vial of an antidote you made* It's the antidote to Jerry's age reversing serum.

Jerry: When did you have time to make that?

(Y/N): This morning when you asked my help to make your serum, *loads the serum in the syringe* Now hold still Bertha this'll only hurt for a second.

You then inject the serum into Bertha's arm as she winced a little in pain, as you took the needle out and put a band-aid where you injected her.

Sam: Hey she's not mutating anymore.

Bertha: Goodnes, thank you young man but why would you help me? After all the trouble I put you and your friends and girlfriend through.

(Y/N): Hey everyone needs help once in a while, even criminals or a jealous pageant girl like you, no offense.

Bertha: None taken and thank you, so I take it once the serum wears off I'll return to my normal age?

(Y/N): Well not exactly, the antidote only stabilizes the serum, it takes away the side effects but…. you're gonna age normally overtime mentally and not physically.

Clover: Um, in english honey.

(Y/N): She can't age and get older physically but she'll get older up here *points her head*

Bertha: Wait, you mean I won't get old?

(Y/N): I mean you will but not physically, or maybe. It depends on how long the serum with my antidote lasts.

Bertha: Goodnes, I'm going to relive being 18 again.

Sam: Looks that way, so what do we do now?

(Y/N): Hm, hey Jerry can you enroll Bertha at Mali U and have her live at our penthouse.

Sam, Alex and Clover: What?!

Jerry: But of course.

Sam: Woah, woah, hang on (Y/N) isn't that bit risky?

Alex: Yeah, what if Bertha loses it again?

Bertha: I won't, and I think Jerry is right perhaps it is time for me to get over my pageant days.

(Y/N): Glad to hear it, and Clover here can try out your pageant outfits right?

Clover: *gasps* I can, oh that would be so awesome! Please, can I? can?

Bertha: But of course.

(Y/N): Cool so all in favor of Bertha living in the penthouse?

Clover: Aye.

Sam: Aye.

Alex: Aye.

(Y/N): Motion carried.

Berths: Splendid, oh and Jerry I was always the better fish.

We later see you and the spies are now at the campus grounds and Berths back at the penthouse as we see you and the girls walking around after the mission with Clover hugging your arm.

Clover: I can't believe what a totally crazy mission we went on all of that just to be young again.

Alex: And I can't believe we got to see (Y/N) get angry like that.

Sam: Me neither, *to you* so (Y/N) why did you defend Berths like that?

(Y/N): I just thought she needed a second chance you know,  I mean she didn't seem bad she just wasn't in the right state of mind and I kinda felt bad for her when I saw her being treated like a criminal by Jerry.

Clover: Yeah you almost acted like an actual dad back there sweetie.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess I did, didn't I? So Sam, you pick a topic on your expose thingy?

Sam: Oh yeah I did, the injustice of age criteria in beauty pageants.

Alex: That's a great idea Sammy.

(Y/N): Yeah that's a gold topic Sam.

Sam: Aw, thanks, you two.

We later see you and Clover getting ready for bed as we see you being hugged by the pageant girls from the Planetary Pageant show

Clover: Wow, I can't believe those pageant girls followed you all the way here.

Ms. France: Can you blame us madem?

Ms.Denmark: Yeah, we're just expressing our gratitude for our savior.

(Y/N): Fair enough.

We then see you and the girls go to bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 6: Finding out about non-humans

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