Chapter 6: Finding out about non-humans

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It's been a few days since the pageant mission you and the girls went on as we Sam walked by Clover's room as she heard you talking to someone.

(Y/N): *to unknown voice* Yes I know what I'm doing, they don't suspect a thing about me or Lockjaws. I told you I'm fine. Look if things get bad you can come here. Maybe but only if it's that bad okay.

Unknown voice (Triton): Understood cousin.

(Y/N): Good.

Sam: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Ah! *sees Sam* geez Sam what the heck? You almost gave me a heart attack.

Sam: Oh sorry, just curious but uh who were you talking to?

(Y/N): Oh that was my mom checking up on me, she can be a bit overprotective sometimes.

Sam: Oh okay, I know that feeling.

(Y/N): Yeah well I got stuff to do so bye.

You then leave Sam thinking about what she heard. We later see the spies having lunch as the girls saw Sam in thought.

Clover: Uh you okay Sammy?

Sam: Wha? Oh yeah I'm fine.

Alex: Something on your mind?

Sam: Well it's just I heard (Y/N) talking to someone, but he told me it was Geraldine, but I'm getting the feeling that it wasn't Geraldine.

Alex: What makes you say that?

Sam: I don't know, but I'm getting a strange feeling that (Y/N) is hiding something from us.

Clover: No way, (Y/N) would never hide anything from us, especially me.

Alex: You think we should investigate?

Clover: I don’t know I do not want to invade his private life. Plus, I'm his girlfriend, it'd be wrong.

Sam: Well once he's not around, we'll look.

Clover: Hmm well okay.

We later see the spies in Clover's room as they look around at your stuff.

Sam: Alright girls, fan out for anything unusual.

Alex then found a book that has the title (Y/N)’s diary.

Alex: Hey I found (Y/N)'s diary.

Clover: Alex no, that diary must have some secret stuff that's personal to (Y/N) we can't just read it.

Alex: *opens the book but sees the writing is all in Inhuman* You're right we can't.

Sam: Why?

Alex: Look, it's written some kind of squiggly zig zag writing.

Clover: *sees an english translation of your diary* Oh wait, here's the translation. *Reads the diary* Dear diary, I hate this orphanage. They always make fun of my powers and I hate them for it. Someday I just want to burn this place down, but I won't after I saw it as a place to house lesser children. Well at least we know he didn't do it on purpose.

Sam: Well that doesn't help, *sees something glowing from the closet* Huh? What's that in the closet?

Sam then grabs and opens the door as she sees it was a bag of crystals aka terragin crystals.

Clover: Woah, okay either (Y/N) was preparing for my present or my wedding day.

Alex: Yeah, this looks more priceless than any diamond.

Sam: No kidding.

Clover: Would these make a great necklace?

Just then we see Lockjaw teleport in the closet and grab the terrigen crystals from Sam as he teleports out of the closet leaving the spies and some slobber on Sam’s arm.

Sam: Okay 1 eww, and 2 even Lockjaw is in on whatever (Y/N) is doing? This got a lot deeper.

Alex: Hey come to think of it, did we ever scan (Y/N)'s DNA before?

Clover: Hm I don't think we have.

Sam: Only way to find out.

Sam then see's a comb that you use as she took a hair straid and scanned it with her compowder and after a few seconds the results came out unknown.

Sam: This can't be right, it's saying it's unknown.

Alex: What does that mean?

Clover: I don’t know.

Clover then sees a small device and she grabs it.

Clover: Huh what's this?

Clover then pushes a button as we see the spies teleported to a strange city..

Sam: Okay where the heck are we?

Alex: *checks the GPS* The GPS says we’re in the Himalayas?

Clover: Wait, why would (Y/N)'s device bring us to the Himalayas?

Sam: No clue, but we should look around.

The spies looked around as they arrived at a palace-like place where they saw a painting of you and a certain royal family.

Clover: *sees your painting* Wowie, that painting of (Y/N) sure is handsome.

Alex: But who are those other people?

We then see Lockjaws teleport behind the spies and teleport himself and the spies to the throne room where they see you fighting Maximus.

(Y/N): I thought you were locked up for good! *Blasts fire at Maximus*

Maximus: *blocks the fire* Oh come now nephew, is that anyway to treat your king.

(Y/N): King my butt!

You then charged and punched Maximus knocking him off balance as you froze him in solid ice.

(Y/N): You may be related to the king, but you are no royalty. *sees the spies* What the? Girls, what are you doing here? And how did you three get here?

Sam: Well the teleporter brought us here.

(Y/N): *sighs* Dang it, forgot to put it away, Lockjaws send Maximus somewhere where he can't find his way back here okay.

Lockjaws: *barks*

Lockjaws then teleports with Maximus as they both arrive on Pluto and Lockjaws teleports back to you and the girls.

(Y/N): Phew, good riddance to him.

Sam: Okay I think I speak for the girls when I say, what the heck just happened?!

(Y/N): Me fighting a baddie.

Alex: Uh no, that wasn't just some baddie, do you know him (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Um….

Clover: Sweetie please, just tell us.

(Y/N): Okay fine, that crazy guy I was fighting was Maximus the Mad, he's my uncle.

Spies: What?!

Sam: Woah, woah back up, he's your uncle.

Alex: But we thought you didn't have any other family, you were an orphan.

???: Until he met us.

The spies then see the royal inhuman family.

Sam: It's those people from the painting.

Clover: *to Medusa* Okay lady just what the heck is going on, who are you and where are we?

Karnak: You dare speak to Queen Medusa human!?

Medusa: Calm yourself Karnak.

(Y/N): Yes Karnak stands down, these humans are with me, especially Clover the Beautiful.

Clover: Awww thank you.

Gorgon: So she is the human you talked about Diamond?

(Y/N): Yes she is, and while she and her companions are here you'll treat them as equals, is that understood?

Gorgon and Karnak: Yes, your highness.

Sam: Highness?

Clover: Why would they *realizes* Wait, (Y/N) you're a prince?!

(Y/N): Yes I am.

Alex: Well why didn't you tell us?

(Y/N): Because, I didn't want to be treated differently if you three found out about my royal status.

Clover: Hey we won’t treat you differently even if you are royalty. *to Medusa* By the way, where did you get hair like that? I want to try it too.

Medusa: If you must know, I was blessed with my powers.

Sam: Powers? I don't follow.

(Y/N): Haven't you figured it out yet, me and my family are inhumans.

Alex: Inhuman?  *Gasps* Like aliens?

Medusa: We used to be humans like you child, until we were experimented on and became inhumans many years ago when humans were in a more primitive way of thinking.

Sam: Wow, but that doesn't explain those crystals we found in the closet.

(Y/N): Those were terrigen crystals, I was keeping them safe but Crystal called and told me to bring them here.

Crystal: And it seems that was right that the humans would discover them.

(Y/N): Oh hush, you could find a better place to hide them.

Crystal: I could, in my sleep Diamond.

Alex: So what do those Crystals do?

Medusa: They grant a human great power and turn them into inhumans.

Sam: So in other words it's kind of like a curse?

Gorgon: What you say curse, we say a blessing.

Alex: *to Blackbolt* He’s been quiet.

(Y/N): Oh that's my father, Blackbolt.

Blackbolt: *waves hello*

Clover: Um hi? Does your dad not like us? Is that why he can't speak?

Karnak: Blackbolt can speak but he chooses not to, his voice even a whisper can destroy a mountain and our city of Attilan.

Sam: So that's why (Y/N)'s teleporter brought us here, your city is in the Himalayas.

(Y/N): Yeah. The city was built here and that barrier was put up too to keep out intruders.

Alex: Why?

Triton: Humans have feared us and treated us like monsters.

Clover: But I'm (Y/N)'s girlfriend and I'm not scared of him or any of you.

Medusa: You have betrothed our son?

(Y/N): Yes she has, mom, remember this is the human I was talking to you about.

Medusa: Oh I see, you are the one they call Clover. It is nice to meet my son's betrothed.

Alex: *whispers to Sam* Um what does betrothed mean?

Sam: *whispers to Alex* It means when two people are engaged.

Alex: *whispers* Oh.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I made Clover something because of how much I love her.

You then pull out a small box as you then open it to reveal a diamond ring with Clover's initials etched right onto the diamond as she gasped in shock as you placed it on her ring finger.

Clover: *gasps in shock* Babe where did you get this?

(Y/N): Get it? I made it myself.

Clover: *tears up a little in joy* I-I don't know what to say….your the best boyfriend ever

(Y/N): Aw thanks hun.

Crystal: Most impressive.

Blackbolt: *gives a thumbs up*

Medusa: Clover the Beautiful is now the first human to be part of the royal family of the inhumans.

Clover: Wait so does this mean I get to be a queen too?

Medusa: Princess actually.

Clover: Awesome!

Sam: So no one else knows about this city?

(Y/N): Nope, thanks to the dome people can't see the city, only their reflection.

Alex: What if someone else found it by accident?

Triton: That couldn't be possible, Attilan is well hidden no one else has ever found the city by accident.

(Y/N): Hey it could happen, Triton when we least expect it. I mean it would happen if one of us was outside the city trying to get a breath of fresh air until they meet a human that is like us and gets teleported with Lockjaws by accident.

Sam: Wait so people don't know they're like you guys?

Blackbolt: *shakes head no*

(Y/N): Yes, while terrigen mist gives us our powers it also affects humans as well, some of the humans on this world are inhumans and they don't even know it.

Alex: Wow, that's actually kinda scary not knowing if you’re an Inhuman or not. *realizes* Wait guys, what if we’re inhumans and we didn’t even know it!?

(Y/N): Hm well it depends.

Sam: On what?

(Y/N): If you three get affected by the terrigen mist or not.

Alex: And that can give us powers like yours?

(Y/N): Well yes and no, Inhumans have different powers once affected by the mist, some are skillful like Karnak's ability to see the weak points in others, and some are destructive like Blackbolt's power.

Alex: So if Clover was an Inhuman she might have the power to persuade men to do her bidding?

Crystal: Hm, perhaps like my brother said we don't know what abilities each inhuman gets plus we don't know if humans on the outside are like us.

(Y/N): Which is why we chose to stay and let them have their normal lives.

Clover: Hmm, the power to get boys to do what I want them to do. Sounds like I can have fun with that, but I don't want to make (Y/N) jealous.

Sam: So no one else has ever seen Attilan?

Medusa: No, unless you count Maximus trying to crash our kingdom into New York.

Clover: You mean that crazy lunatic guy?

Triton: Yes, we call him Maximus the Mad, I think that's self-explanatory.

Alex: Yeah, I guess we know why he didn't make it on the family photo.

(Y/N): Yeah, good thing I had Lockjaws send him to Pluto. Also that photo is old and I lost some weight from then.

Clover: You worked out  a lot back then?

(Y/N): That and I got into the keto diet very recently.

Alex: Wow, I guess even super people need a diet too.

Medusa: Feel free to explore Attian, you are our guests after all.

Clover: Is there a spa here?

Crystal: Of course there is.

Clover: Wow, can you show us?

Later we see the spies at the spa in Attilan and they’re in a hot sauna wearing towels right now.

Sam: This is so amazing.

Alex: Totally, I feel relaxed right now. Plus they give the best manicures.

Clover: They treat people’s hair here too, my hair has never felt so soft and pretty. I even told them to give my hair the same treatment as Medusa’s hair.

Sam: And what did they do?

Clover: Curling irons, shampoo, hair brushing, and even some hair conditioner. My hair is fabulous right now, I bet Mandy would be jealous of my hair right now if she saw it.

We then see you wearing only a towel entering the hot sauna.

(Y/N): Phew, I finally got my back straightened out. The last attack from Maximus made me almost throw my back out. *hears explosions* Aw c'mon!

We then see you and the girls, now in your clothes as you all rush out to see what looks to be a humanoid robot.

Ultron: Hello Diamond.

(Y/N): Ultron? What are you doing here!?

Sam:  You know this robot?

(Y/N): Know him, I hate him. He tried to kill me like 45 times a day and that’s just Monday.

Ultron: And I won't fail this time.

Clover: Yeah right, you and what army?

Ultron then signals as we then see an army of Ultron robots.

Clover: Oh that army.

(Y/N): Lockjaws, go to Earth and get help immediately.

Lockjaws: *barks*

We then see Lockjaws teleport to Earth, specifically New York, as we then see Lockjaws arrive back with the Avengers.

Tony: Oh great, it’s Ultron trying to get rid of organic life again.

(Y/N): No, trying to take over Attilan, nice to see you again Anthony.

Tony: It's Tony kid, but I'll let it slide.

Hawkeye: So what's the game plan kid.

(Y/N): Give Ultron the boot out of the city!

We then see you and the others fighting off the Ultron army but it was getting overwhelming.

(Y/N): There's  gotta be a way to *gets an idea* Wait I got it, Hulk stay there and count to 10, once you do, hit Ultron.

Sam: Wait how-

(Y/N): Trust me.

Hulk: 1, 2 -- *gets angry* Gah! Nuts to this!!

We then see Hulk ram right through all the Ultron bots and then starts beating up Ultron.

Alex: So that was your plan?

(Y/N): Yeah, math makes Hulk angry.

We then see you shoot fire at Ultron and melt him down to molten metal.

(Y/N): I’ve beaten you again Ultron or should I call you Mr. Meltdown.

Thor: Ha-ha, clever (Y/N).

Sam: Uh (Y/N) you wanna introduce us to your other friends.

(Y/N): Oh right, everyone and Hawkeye.

Hawkeye: Hey!

(Y/N): Meet the spies that I work with, girls these are the Avengers.

Sam: The Avengers? *Sees Tony* Woah, you’re Tony Stark, it’s such an honor to meet you.

Tony: It’s nice to meet you too. So your spies (Y/N) told us about?

Alex: Wait, you know we're spies?

Black Widow: He keeps us up to date on his personal life.

Captain America: And he told us a lot about you three, you did things that impressed us even Black Widow is impressed.

Black Widow: Despite not having proper training you three are amazing spies.

Alex: Thanks.

Clover: Let’s get back to our spa day in Attilan since it was rudely interrupted by a pile of scrap metal.

Sam: Yeah, I want to get back to that sauna.

Later, we see you and the spies back in the sauna as you all feel the warmth of the sauna.

Sam: Ah, that's better.

Clover: You said it, I feel my pores opening up right now.

(Y/N): Yeah and it’s a good thing the steam is thick enough that we can’t see each other. If the towels on any of us fall down that would be embarrassing.

Alex: Well don't jinx it.

Clover: I wouldn’t mind though~.

Sam: Clover (Y/N) is here with us!

Clover: And….?

Alex: And he’s your boyfriend!

Clover: Well I don’t mind sharing him.

Sam: Wait what?

Clover: I know how you all were looking at him when we first met him.

Alex: *blushes* Uh whaaat what are you talking about Clover?

Sam: *blushes* I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Clover: Don’t give me that act, I’ve seen enough romance movies that you two have a crush on him.

Sam: Uh well, *sighs* okay fine we do.

Alex: We didn't want to admit it cause you two are now engaged and we didn't want to make things awkward.

Clover: Oh come on, we’re best friends. The last time we had an eye on the same guy we fought each other for him, I just don’t want it to happen again.

(Y/N): Are you sure you want to do this sweetie? I don't want to make you feel left out.

Clover: I’m sure, besides it’s their turn to spend some quality time with you.

(Y/N): Okay, if that's what you want.

We see Sam and Alex move closer to you and hug your arms.

Sam: Well if Clover is okay with it then so am I.

Alex: Same here.

(Y/N): I'm glad you two agree, *sees their towels slipping* Uh girls your towels.

Sam: *sees her towel slipping* Ah! *Fixes towel* Phew, thanks (Y/N).

Alex: *fixes towel* Yeah that was a close one.

(Y/N): You're welcome.

We see Clover get out of the sauna and she sees Medusa.

Medusa: You made a wise choice, sharing the one you love. Every inhuman woman wants to be his princess.

Clover: Really? Wow, even aliens want (Y/N).

Medusa: Indeed. Even the one who calls herself She-Hulk doesn’t want to admit it but she wants to be (Y/N)’s suitor as well. I can tell cause talks about my son every time the topic of inhumans were brought up.

Clover: She-Hulk? Wait there's a girl Hulk?

Medusa: Of course, she is the cousin of the Hulk after all.

Clover: Huh, did not see that coming.

We later see you and the girls arrive back home at the Penthouse where we see Bertha playing with Oinky.

Sam: Hey Bertha, anything interesting happened?

Bertha: Well other than this piglet being a handful, nothing really interesting happened.

Clover: Wait did Oinky get in my mud masks?

Bertha: Of course not, I kept those away from him.

Clover: Oh phew, thanks Berths.

Bertha: Oh it was no trouble at all.

Sam: So (Y/N) did Ge- er uh your mom knew about you being inhuman?

(Y/N): She did, I told her the first time she adopted me, she understood my situation and promised not to tell anyone.

Clover: Oh.

Bertha: You told them you're inhuman.

(Y/N): Yep.

Sam: Wait Bertha how did you know?

Bertha: (Y/N) told me.

Alex: Who else knows about your secret? I bet Mandy knows about your secret.

(Y/N): No she doesn't. And even if she did, who's gonna believe her?

Clover: Good point. Have you ever met She-Hulk?

(Y/N): Yeah I have, she's Hulk's cousin, she became a Hulk when Bruce aka Hulk gave her a blood transfusion but Bruce's blood aka Hulk's blood has Gamma radiation so….you can guess what happened from there.

Clover: Have you noticed something about her whenever she’s near you?

(Y/N): Hm, other than her being taller than me nope.

Clover: *in her head* Boys, they can’t tell what a girl is thinking.

(Y/N): *sees the time* Huh, it's getting late. And I got a lot of catching up with She-Hulk tomorrow, we’re heading to the arcade and I told the manager there that I promise I can get her to hold back her strength when she’s using the punch machine to get tickets.

Bertha: Oh right, I almost forgot to tell you girls, your mums are coming to the penthouse tomorrow. They want to meet (Y/N) in person.

Spies: What?!

We then see the camera freeze on that image on the shocked looks of the girls.

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