Chapter 7: Hero Family Reunion

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It's been a few days since you and Clover became engaged and Sam and Alex became your girlfriends too. Here we see the girls and Bertha cleaning up the house.

Clover: I can't believe our moms are coming here today.

Alex: Me neither, and it's bad.

Bertha: Why? Didn't you say they knew about your spy careers.

Sam: Yeah but they don't know about the super hero friends.

Just then they hear a knock at the door as Clover opens it to reveal the avengers, your family, Brittany and Geraldine.

Clover: Oh hey guys how's it going?

Captain America: Pretty well nice to see you again Clover.

Blackbolt: *nods in agreement*

Thor: Agreed it is good to see you three again.

Iron Man: And we bought shawarma with us too.

Sam: Thanks.

Iron Man: Say where's your fiance?

Clover: Oh he's out shopping.

Meanwhile, we see you, Spider Man, his friends, the agents of Smash, and Wolverine at Beverly Hills doing some shopping.

Spider man: Let’s get the shopping done before Skaar eats all the meat in the deli shop, again.

(Y/N): Yeah, *sees Skaar at the Deli* Skaar don't you remember what happened last time.

Skaar: Oh Skaar remember shiny man, but Skaar so hungry!

(Y/N): Fine, *pulls out Iron Man's credit card and hands it to the cashier* Here you go, you put it on Tony's tab.

Wolverine: You swiped Stark's card?

(Y/N): I had a feeling Skaar was gonna do something like this again so I came prepared. So what's on the list web-head?

Spider man: Let's see, *checks the list* rice, apples, and enough food to feed several hulks. Also cake.

She-Hulk: (Y/N), you put cake on the list because you have a sweet tooth right?

(Y/N): Guilty as charged, that and it's kind of a special cake.

Red Hulk: What's special about some pastry?

(Y/N): I'm engaged with my girlfriend Red.

A-Bomb: Really? Good for you dude.

Skaar: Congratulations shiny man.

She-Hulk: Yeah not bad kid, *in her head* Dang it, I hope she can share.

(Y/N): Thanks, now let's get the food before Skaar eats the store out the house and home.

Later, we see you and the others arrive with the food as Red Hulk opens the door and breaks it in the process.

(Y/N): I really need to make this place Hulk sized.

Red Hulk: Hey it’s not my fault that this place ain’t fit for a hulk let alone a platoon of them.

(Y/N): Fair enough, the other guests should be arriving later tonight.

Hulk: What other guests?

Later on, we see the Milano and the Monster truck show up as we see the guardians of the Galaxy, Cosmo, and Howard along with the Howling commandos, the fantastic four, and last but not least a certain eye patched man.

(Y/N): Them, *to the others* Hey guys come on in.

Mr.Fantastic: Hey (Y/N).

Blade: How's it going kid.

(Y/N): Hey guys glad you could make it, *sees Furry* Nick Furry, nice see you again.

Nick: Nice to see you too kid.

Frankenstein: Good see you again shiny man.

(Y/N): You too Frank.

Sam: Wow who ever thought (Y/N) knew so many heros.

Alex: Yeah just hope our moms are okay with it.

Meanwhile, we see the spies' moms arrive outside the penthouse.

Stella: Oh I can't wait to see the girls again.

Gabriel: Same here.

Carmen: Well who’s gonna knock?

Stella: I will.

Stella’ then knocks on the door as Clover opens it.

Clover: Hey mom.

Stella: Hi Clover so what's-

Just then Stella sees all of the heros, including the hulks, commandos and everyone.

Stella: Up?

Carmen: Who or what are they?!

Clover: Uh….the other guests?

(Y/N): *while holding 50 boxes of pizza* Hey everyone I got the *sees the moms shocked looks* Oh…. Hi?

The moms are still shocked by this.

(Y/N): Um….we come in peace?

We then see the moms all faint.

Wolverine: Really kid?

(Y/N): What? It worked in the movies.

Later, we see the moms wake up and the first thing they see is you.

(Y/N): Hey there.

Gabrielle: Oh phew, for a moment there I thought we saw a bunch of people in costumes that looked like monsters.

N'kantu: And who are you calling monsters?

Stella: *sees N'kantu* Ah! M-mommy!

N'kantu: That's the living mummy to you mortal.

(Y/N): Easy N’ kantu,  they’re guests.

Stella: Who are you people!?

Hawkeye: Simple, we're the good guys and girls.

(Y/N): What he means is that we mean you three no harm.

Rocket: Yeah the kid's right we're the good guys.

Carmen: D- did that raccoon just talk?

Rocket: Hey! Listen lady, I am not a raccoon.

(Y/N): Yeah you don't wanna call Rocket a raccoon. He gets angry when hears that.

Stella: Oh sorry. *to you* And you must be the lucky boy that Clover talked about. You’re a handsome young man.

(Y/N): Uh thanks Ms.Ewing.

Howard: Hey kid, those humans okay.

Gabriel: A talking duck?

Howard: Hey listen lady I am not a duck! I'm just an alien that looks like a duck.

(Y/N): He's right.

Gabriel: Whoops, sorry.

Stella: *hugs you tightly* You and I will get along quite well.

(Y/N): Uh….thanks. *hears something* Hey the other guests are here, just let me answer the door.

You then head to the door as you see Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ghost Rider and Deathlok.

(Y/N): Hey guys.

Capt. Marvel: Hey kiddo been awhile.

(Y/N): Yeah, *to Black Panther* Your highness nice to see you again. *to Ghost Rider* and you too Rider.

Ghost Rider: A pleasure to see you again young Diamond.

(Y/N): Come on in guys.

We see you bring in the other guests and you see the moms talking to Medusa.

Stella: Who is your stylist? I want to have their number and have them do my hair.

Medusa: I have been blessed with this hair.

Carmen: Uh blessed?

Crystal: We are inhumans, we are born with our unique abilities. Medusa controls her hair like how you control your arms and fingers.

Medusa: Like so.

Medusa then uses her hair to get the hot sauce and then puts a few drops on her food.

Gabriel: Wow, that's impressive.

Cosmo: Very impressive indeed comrade Gabriel.

Stella: Um, did that dog just talk? In a Russian accent?

(Y/N): That's Cosmo, he talks via telepathy.

Cosmo: Da, comrade Diamond is right. Cosmo was russian test pilot to test rockets and then Cosmo went into space for a while and then Cosmo can talk to people into people’s minds. Plus it has been a long time since Cosmo went back on Earth.

Stella: Oh wow.

Cosmo: Yes, Cosmo knows it is a lot to take in.

Groot: I am Groot.

Stella: Oh hey there.

Groot: I am Groot.

Gabriel: Yes we know, you already said that.

(Y/N): Actually he said "it's nice to meet you three."

Drax: Prince (Y/N) is right, I am Drax the destroyer. It is nice to meet the mothers of the spies.

Gabriel: Oh uh, nice to meet you too.

Spider-Man: Yeah nice to meet you three, name's Spider Man and you already met our resident nature boy, who is apparently losing oxygen.

Stella: *sees your face turning blue* Oh my, heh sorry *let's go of you*

(Y/N): It's fine, you got an iron grip there Ms.E.

Stella: Oh please you’re dating my daughter, call me mom.

(Y/N): Oh thanks, but uh you should know something about your daughter.

Stella: What is it?

(Y/N): Did you notice anything on her ring finger?

Stella then sees the ring on Clover’s finger and then turns to you.

Stella: You two are engaged!? *hugs you tightly* I’m so happy right now!

(Y/N):  *in pain* Augh! This is as painful as getting a hug from Hulk, no offense to you big guy.

Hulk: None taken kid.

(Y/N): Grr, thanks, I think I can feel my everything bone cracking.

Stella: *lets go of you* Sorry about that, I’m just so happy that you two are engaged!

Captain Marvel: Congrats kid.

Black Panther: Yes it is an honor to see you engaged.

(Y/N): Thanks from one prince to another that means a lot. Soooo, am I welcome in Wakanda?

Black Panther: Perhaps on your wedding day.

(Y/N): Thanks your highness.

Sam: What did you do to get banned from this Wakanda?

Black Panther: He knows exactly why.

(Y/N): How was I supposed to know I was in your territory, plus I need the clothing so I may or may not have used Vibranium and moved it into my clothing for protection.

Alex: Vibranium? I've never heard of that stuff.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, vibranium is a super rare and very expensive material.

Black Panther: Indeed and (Y/N) has weaved it into his clothing.

Sam: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, and I didn't know I was on Wakanden soil that time so I ran off to where Black Panther couldn't find me.

Sam: In the Himalayas.

(Y/N): Yep, and I said I was sorry.

Black Panther: And I forgiven you, but you’re not allowed in Wakanda but only on your wedding day.

Thor: Aye, I look forward to seeing your wedding friend Diamond.

(Y/N): Thanks Thor.

Red Hulk: Yeah, who’s gonna be the best man?

(Y/N): Huh, I've never thought that, how about all of you guys. I wouldn't want either of you to feel left out.

A-Bomb: Thanks man.

Red Hulk: Good idea kid.

(Y/N): Thanks guys.

Spider Man: Say has anyone noticed that She Hulk is staring at (Y/N) during the whole conversation?

Hulk: Yeah now that you mention it she has been looking at (Y/N) for awhile. *to She Hulk* Hey Jen, why are you staring at (Y/N) for so long?

She-Hulk: Wha- oh uh, it's nothing Hulk nothing at all.

Red Hulk: C'mon shulky you've been eyeing him like Skaar at the Deli.

(Y/N): Oh yeah thanks for the reminder red *tosses Tony his credit card* I think this belongs to you, Stark.

Iron Man: My credit card, how did you get this?

(Y/N): You left it on your front desk, let's just say Skaar went ham on that Deli.

Spider-Man: You didn't just say that.

(Y/N): Like you can make a better quip?

Spider Man: Touche.

Iron Fist: Skaar does possess a large appetite for meat.

(Y/N): *to Tony* Yeah, so be prepared for a large bill Stark.

Iron Man: Oh boy.

A-Bomb: *realizes* Dude, I just figured out why Jen was staring at (Y/N), she’s totally bonkers in love with him!

Alex: Really?

She-Hulk: *blushes* Jones!

(Y/N): Is that true Shulks?

She Hulk: Ugh yes it’s true! There I said I’m in love with you!

(Y/N): Wait then why didn't you say anything before?

She Hulk: I was too nervous to say anything! Plus you were engaged and it would have been so awkward and….ugh I'm so sorry.

Clover: Woah, woah, She Hulk relax it's okay, it's not just me that's dating (Y/N).

She-Hulk: It's not?

Clover: Nope, Alex and Sam are dating (Y/N) too.

Red Hulk: Wait wait, so the kid has three girlfriends?

(Y/N): Yeah, I thought that was pretty obvious.

A-Bomb: Okay I wish I was that lucky, but why have 3 girlfriends?

Medusa: All the women of Attilan wanted to be with my son.

Red Hulk: *chuckles* Wow, who thought the kid was a ladies man.

(Y/N): Hey it's not like that, most women only just went for my looks, Clover was different from the others.

A-Bomb: That's understandable.

(Y/N): Yeah, and don't worry A-Bomb, I know about Crystal.

A-Bomb: Wait, you know about me and Crystal?

(Y/N): Yeah, she told me about you and her being a thing, and you have my approval.

Crystal: Thank you brother.

(Y/N): My pleasure sister.

She-Hulk: Well since you’re sharing Clover.

She Hulk then grabs your head and pulls you in for a kiss on the lips as you kiss back.

She-Hulk: Wow that felt good to do.

(Y/N): Yeah, and don't worry Hulk, I'll treat your cousin well.

Hulk: I know you will kid.

(Y/N): Thanks big guy.

Clover: *to Blade* So if you're a vampire then how are you walking in the sunlight? And the lights in here?

Blade: I’m merely half vampire.

Alex: Half vampire?

(Y/N): Yeah, Blade here is a day-walker.

Sam: Huh, never heard of that before.

Blade: It's true.

(Y/N): Hm, hey Jack where's the big guy?

Jack R: Hm, he wants to make an entrance.

Clover: Um who are you talking about?

Spider Man looked outside to see the ground moving.

Spider Man: I think we're about to find out.

We then see the ground open up as green muck comes out of it and forms into the Man thing.

(Y/N): Hello Man Thing.

Man-Thing: *groans and growls*

Sam: Okay who or what is that?

Jack: That's the big guy, Man Thing.

Sam: Woah, so he's a swamp monster?

(Y/N): Kind of.

We then see Man thing come inside squishing you and the others.

Spider Man: Augh, a little close for comfort don't you think?

Red Hulk: Yeah what's with the squishing act.

(Y/N): Yeah, yo Man-Thing you think you can shrink down to human size?

We then see the Man thing shrink down to human size as you all fall to the floor.

(Y/N): Thanks, everyone okay?

Rocket: Define okay?

Clover: *feels slime in her hair* Eww, there's slime in my hair.

Man Thing: *absorbs the slime from Clover's hair*

Clover: Thanks MT.

Man Thing: *pats Clover's shoulder*

(Y/N): Looks like he likes you.

Sam: How can you tell?

Jack: She didn't explode from Man Thing's touch.

Clover: Uh, good to know.

Sam: Wow, a vampire, werewolf, Frankenstein, and a swamp monster, what's next an invisible man?

(Y/N): Oh that reminds me, he’s right behind you.

Sam: What? *Turns around and sees nothing* Wait there's no one there.

Invisible Man: Of course, I’m right here

Sam: Ah! W-where are you?

(Y/N): Oh right, *pulls out some sunglasses on* Hey Invisible, wear this

Invisible Man: Thank you, *wears the sunglasses* Can you girls see me?

Alex: Uh, kind of but yeah, how long were you there?

Invisible Man: I was the first one to this place.

Clover: Wait really? Then how come you didn't say anything?

Invisible Man: I just want to make an entrance, also I was raiding your closets.

Spies: YOU WHAT!?

(Y/N): Oh boy.

Invisible Man: What's the matter?

Thor: I'd advise you to run man of Invisible.

Invisible Man: Why? What's the worst that could *sees the angry looks on the spies* Oh…..

We then see the spies chasing the invisible man as you and others were watching the whole thing.

(Y/N): So what do you think they're gonna do to him?

Spider-Man: I don’t know, scratch him with their manicures?

(Y/N): Well they are spies so maybe they're gonna use some sort of secret gadget.

A-Bomb: Yeah, maybe some sort of high tech laser blaster.

You and the others see the spies clawing at the Invisible Man’s skin with their manicures.

Spider-Man: Yep manicures.

(Y/N): Ouch, those must be painful.

Invisible Man: *in pain* Why are you not helping me?!

(Y/N): Hey you brought this on yourself man.

Spider Man: Yeah, plus I do not need to get in the middle of that.

Red Hulk: Same here, this is a war I do not want to be drafted in.

Blackbolt: *nods in agreement*

(Y/N): Yeah dad's right.

Triton: That is true.

Later, we see the Invisible Man all scratched up and is now being treated with bandaids.

(Y/N): So what did you learn?

Invisible Man: Not to mess with girls.

Spider man: And?

Invisible Man: Not to mess with their stuff.

Red Hulk: What else, spooky?

Invisible Man: Never do that again.

(Y/N): Yeah, especially to my girlfriends and soon to be wife.

Invisible Man: Okay.

Sam: Thanks, *to Deathlok* So uh, Deathlok was it? What's your story?

Deathlok: I came from a harsh future where all of humanity has been wiped out by the Skrulls.

Alex: Oh no! Um what's a Skrull?

(Y/N): Shapeshifting conquering aliens.

A-Bomb: Yeah this creep copied all the fantastic four’s powers, Mr.Fantastic's stretchy powers-

(Y/N): Sue’s power to be invisible-

A-Bomb: The Thing's super strength.

(Y/N): And the Human Torch, the biggest hot head of the bunch.

Johnny: Hey!

(Y/N): You know it's true.

Johnny: Fair enough.

Alex: So where are the Skrull now?

(Y/N): For now off world and it's a good thing too, how about we go to Beverly Hills for some fun.

A-Bomb: Sounds good to me.

She-Hulk: Same here.

We later see you and the others arrive at the mall in Beverly Hills where you saw people being scared.

Sam: I don't get what are they so scared of?

(Y/N): Maybe Red’s bad breath?

Red Hulk: Hey my breath isn't that bad.

Spider Man: I beg to differ, I bet they’re looking at us.

We later see you and the others arrive at the food court.

Skaar: Court of food….

A-Bomb: That's right Skaar, it's the food court, a buffet of international eatery, we got American, Churo republic, and my favorite prezella stand. Actually I'm not sure where pretzels come from but I'll show you where there going *eats some* there going in my mouth.

(Y/N): *eats some stir fry* Nothing beats take out from a food court.

Red Hulk: *sees a guard staring at him* Hey you got a problem rent a badge.

The guard then runs off to somewhere else.  Meanwhile see spies and the girls are in the clothing district of the mall.

Black Widow: So why are we here again?

Clover: Clothing shopping of course, and you deserve a makeover Nat.

We see the girls grab different outfits and turn to Black Widow as she was feeling a bit uneasy.

Black Widow: And why do I need a makeover?

Stella: You always wear the same outfit, it’s time to freshen up your look.

We then see a montage of Black Widow wearing different outfits and the girls judging them, each one not working with Black Widow. We then see Black Widow wearing a red shirt with a spider on it, a black jacket and a pair of black jeans with a pair of red high heels.

Black Widow: So how do I look?

Clover: Not bad.

Sam: I thought a casual look would look best on you.

She-Hulk:Yeah it looks good on you.

Stella: Reminds me of my golden years, except I wore more of a yellow skirt and an orange top.

Black Widow: Yeah, I'm not so big on being casual.

Clover: Oh come on, you’re rocking the casual look right now.

Black Widow: Never thought I'd anything else other than my cat suit. You three never wear your suits all the time?

Sam: Uh no, we don't. I mean we may be spies but even we have normal lives.

Black Widow: Yeah, because some of us don't have didn't have a normal spy career.

Alex: What do you mean?

She-Hulk: Widow here was trained in the Red Room, a very dangerous place that not even you three could survive.

Clover: Yikes, that must have been hard, sorry to hear that.

Black Widow: It's fine, you three are impressive for spies.

Clover: Thanks BW.

Meanwhile, we see you and the guys are at the food court as you see Wolverine acting suspicious and smells something off.

(Y/N): You okay Wolvie? 

Wolverine: Something ain't right here . *sniffs* I smell skrulls.

Spider Man: What are you talking about? They're just people.

(Y/N): Maybe not, Deathlok, scan the area.

Deathlok: On it. *scans the area*

A-Bomb: Deathlok, do you have something?

Deathlok: *after scanning* Yeah, skrulls everywhere.

We then see the humans all turn back into skrulls.

(Y/N): Aw man, and here I thought we'd have a normal night out, Deathlok, contact the girls and warn them about the Skrull.

We then see a Skrull being launched from the clothing store.

(Y/N): Nevermind.

Black Widow: I knew there was a reason why I don't go shopping. *punches a Skrull and tosses it off-screen*

You then see the moms taking down 50 skrulls as we see some of the Skrull turning into either you, the girls, or the guys.

Sam: What the?

(Y/N): Remember everyone, the Skrull can match our looks but they can't match our powers, *freezes a Skrull*

We then see Medusa use her hair to grab numerous Skrulls as you spot the Super-Skrull.

Super Skrull: Ah the Diamond Inhuman, at last we meet.

(Y/N): You know it's one thing trying to take over the world, but ruining our night out, that's where I cross the line.

A-Bomb: Not cool Super Skrull

You then blast the super Skrull with ice and freeze him as he dodges it and turns invisible.

Red Hulk: Watch out everyone super skrull just went invisible girl.

(Y/N): He's not getting away that easy, *punches a skrull* Wolvie, see if you can sniff him out.

Wolverine: On it kid, *sniffs the air and points to the where Super Skrull is* There!

We then see Geraldine use perfume to locate the Super Skrull and we see the moms gather around him.

Stella: You ruined our night out!

We see the moms then beat up the Super Skrull as we see Carmen hit him in the nuts and Gabriel used pepper spray in the Super Skrull’s eyes.

Super Skrull: Augh! What is this?!?

We then see Stella grab the Super Skrull by the arm and throw him over her shoulder as he stands back up.

Super Skrull: What is with these human females!

We then see Stella hit Super Skrull with her purse as he struggles to recover from the moms’ onslaught. This scares a lot of the guys especially you.

(Y/N): Geez, I almost feel sorry for double S.

Red Hulk: Not me.

A-Bomb: This is why moms are the scariest beings on the planet. When their maternal instincts go into overdrive, run.

Spider-Man: Yeah, I guess this is what they do. And I don’t even want to know what my Aunt May would do when she’s like that.

We then see the Skrulls making a full retreat and they’re too scared to get the Super Skrull.

(Y/N): Well at least they all left, *sees a note* Hey, what's this? *Picks up the note and reads it* Keep your planet, we're taking over Pluto. PS: The female humans that defeated our leader are terrifying.

Super Skrull: *in pain* No more, please have mercy!

Medusa: Leave this planet and never come back!

Super Skrull: Yes I will.

Super Skrull then runs outside and sees the Skrulls are leaving him.

Super Skrull: NO! Don’t leave me!

The Super Skrull then uses the power of the Human Torch to fly after them.

(Y/N): *to Deathlok* You think they're gonna come back to Earth?

Deathlok: Not likely, and it looks like they changed the future.

Clover: Really?

Deathlok: Yes, really. Plus Maximus the Mad would be their prisoner forever.

(Y/N): Well I'm definitely not sorry for him.

Wolverine: Hey kid, the Warden at the Vault told me that you’re gonna be a part time guard at the Vault.

(Y/N): Really? Cool I can finally meet my penpal Titania.

Clover: Who's Titania?

She-Hulk: She's a criminal and member of the Wrecking Crew.

(Y/N): Well according to her letters she’s a changed woman ever since you and the Smashers saved everyone in The Vault.

Sam: The Vault?

Wolverine: It's the most secure prison in the world. It’s built to hold people who rub shoulders with Hulk and Thor.

Clover: Wow, must have the world's most dangerous baddies on Earth.

(Y/N): It sure does.

Alex: I did overhear Jerry saying he’s transferring prisoners to the Vault.

(Y/N): Where did you hear that?

Alex: He was talking to some agents by the water cooler.

(Y/N): The water cooler, the best source of information ever, of all time.

Spider Man: And to get a good drink.

(Y/N): Hm, does anyone see Ghost Rider around?

Clover: *sees Ghost Rider in the punk section of the clothing store* There he is, and he's shopping.

Spider-Man: Where was he during the whole thing?

(Y/N): Guess he was there the whole time.

Deathlok: Yeah, guess he knew it wasn't his fight.

Clover: Either that or he was just here for the clothes.

Wolverine: Kid, get to the Vault first thing in the morning.

(Y/N): Gotcha.

Clover then sees the Ghost Rider trying on a leather jacket as it grows spikes on the shoulder and spikes on the gloves.

Clover: Wow, talk about a makeover.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's one of Ghost Rider's abilities: he can infuse anything with his fire and change it to his liking.

Later, at the Vault, we see Titania sitting in her cell looking at the love shrine of you while holding a body pillow of you.

Titania: I can't wait to see you (Y/N).

We then see Titania go to sleep in her bed  with the body pillow of you in her arms as the camera fades to black.

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