Chapter 18

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Jessica is working on her Envirobeat column and she printed out the flyers for everyone to see it. She placed flyers and gave flyers to everyone to the school and then hand flyers to you and everyone in the table.

Jessica: Well, it looks like people are finally starting to read my "EnviroBeat" column.

Then everyone stop eating.

Jessica: What?

Babs then point at a trash can filled with crumpled up pieces of paper of the Envirobeat column.

Zee: Oh, Jess, sorry, but your column might just be a lost cause.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause! That's literally the name of my latest article.

Jessica then hold a flyer in Zee's face and hand it to her.

(Y/N): It's a great title.

Jessica: Thanks.

You then follow Jessica as she takes the crumbled pieces of paper from the trash.

Jessica: You could have at least recycled, you animals!

Jessica then spot a kid with a flyer as he crumble it up.

Jessica: Huh?

(Y/N): What is he doing?

Jessica then see what the kid is doing.

Jessica: Don't you dare!

(Y/N): Don't even think about it!

The kid then throw the ball of paper at instead of the trashcan it hit a girl with whitish red hair, green coat, green shirt, and a potted plant.

You then turn to the kid with a serious face and pointed a tommy gun at him as the kid runs away. Then there are more crumpled up pieces of paper were being thrown at her as you and Jessica put on a saddened look and head back to the table.

Jessica: That poor girl. No one to eat lunch with, no one to talk to...No friends, at all!

Babs: Oh, Jess! Poor unobservant, unperceptive Jess. Don't you see her hair carefully placed to hide the face? The downward direction of the gaze. The oversized baggy clothes, that tuck her away from society. It doesn't take a super sleuth like me to figure out Pam Isley doesn't want friends.

Jessica: Nonsense! Everyone wants friends. Pam just hasn't met the right one...

(Y/N): I'm with Jessica.

Zee: Oh, no, you two, please don't.

Jessica: ...yet.

Kara: Dude. Seriously, leave it alone. Pam Isley's a lost cause.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause.

(Y/N): I say we try it.

All the girls groaned as you and Jessica head to Pamela Isley. Pamela then examine her sandwich starting with the bread, she then throw it away and then she sees a piece of lettuce she then mourn over the lettuce and place a napkin over it and wipe away a tear from her eye. She then see baloney  and then start eating it like an animal until you and Jessica appear next to her and stopped.

Jessica: "Hi!

(Y/N): Hello.

You and Jessica then spot Pamela's plant.

Jessica: So, is this your plant?

(Y/N): It's adorable.

Pamela then move it away from you and Jessica.

Pamela: This is Phillip. He complains if I leave him home alone with the rhododendrons.

Jessica: Oh! How fascinating! I have a peace lily at home who wilts when I forget to water him.

(Y/N): And I have carnivorous garden at home that I always tend to.

Pamela then blush from your care of your garden, then snap out of it.

Pamela: Do you mind? Phil and I would rather eat our lunch alone. Photosynthesis is most optimal in silence.

Jessica: Oh! I know how that is. Silence is so silency. I love silence.

(Y/N): Silence is a great way to meditate to find your inner peace.

Pamela: Come on, Phillip. There's more sunlight out in the quad.

Jessica: Bye! See you around school, friend. That went well.

(Y/N): I guess so.

Later in Chemistry class, Pamela is working on a chemical for her project as you and Jessica head to her.

Jessica: Oh, hey! What are the odds we'd end up as lab partners, huh?

(Y/N): How convenient.

Pamela: I have an agreement with the teacher that I don't do lab partners.

Jessica: Come on! It'll be such a blast!

Pamela then put a drop of a chemical into a beaker and it exploded, when the smoke cleared she was gone.

(Y/N): We didn't mean it literally.

Later, Pamela was at her locker and she found a note from you and Jessica and she read it.

Pamela: *reads the note* Roses are red. Violets are blue. I would really like to be best friends with you." Ugh!

Pamela then close her locker as you and Jessica appeared.

Jessica: Hi, Pam!

Pamela: Violets are not blue! That is an unfounded stereotype!

(Y/N): She's right, it's been a misconception for so long.

Later, you were waiting outside of the girls restroom as the girls were using the restroom.

Jessica: I love your shoes! Are the soles sustainable rubber?

Pamela then run out of the restroom, then it was gym class and Pamela is doing a mile while you and Jessica catch up to her.

Jessica: Hey! You wanna...

Pamela then run faster to get away from you two as you two follow her.

Jessica: ...come help with the community garden this weekend?"

(Y/N): Or do a mediation, it's very relaxing.

Pamela: Leave me alone!

Jessica: It'll be fun! It's all organic!

Meanwhile your friends are watching the whole thing from afar.

Kara: This has gone on long enough, right?

Later, you and Jessica were given a flyer about adopting a puppy and to a room where you expected to see puppies but instead you see the girls and Steven.

Jessica: Hi, I'm here to help with the...orphaned puppies?

(Y/N): Hey guys.

Zee: Jess, (Y/N), we need to talk.

Jessica: Where are the puppies?

Diana: The puppies were a clever ruse.

You and Jessica sit down in chairs.

Karen: "Look, we know you want to make friends with Pamela.

Diana: Kind Jessica, it may not be apparent to you, but, Pamela is not exhibiting signs of receptiveness to your amicable advances.

Jessica: What do you mean? We've been chatting all day. We're becoming quite close, actually.

(Y/N): I don't think so Jess.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Zee then grab Jessica and shake her.

Zee: Jessica! Wake up and smell reality! She's just not that into you.

You and Jessica then leave the room.

Babs: That went well.

Later, you, and Jessica are outside handing out flyers for saving an ancient tree.

Jessica: Please, please, just take one, please! An ancient tree is about to be destroyed. Knocked down for another LexBucks coffee house!

(Y/N): Please give this tree a second chance at life.

Jessica then sigh and crumble up the flyer that she currently holding and throw it into the recycling bin.

Jessica: Allow me.

Jessica then sit down and put on a saddened look, you turn to her.

(Y/N): Jess, we can't give up now.

Then Pamela appeared and take a look at the crumbled up flyer about the ancient tree.

Pamela: Is this true? It says you're going down there to try and save the tree.

Jessica: Yup. It probably doesn't matter but we are.

Pamela: Can I come?

Jessica: Yes, yes! Oh, my gosh! Yes! I mean, cool. Yeah.

(Y/N): Welcome aboard.

Steven: "I guess I was wrong, we can make friends with her."

Pamela: So, what's the plan?

You and Jessica: The plan?

Later, you and your fellow protesters are chained up to the tree.

You and Jessica: One, two, three! We love trees! One, two, three! We love trees! One, two, three! We love trees!

Pamela then turn to the sign and it says: Warning Tree Removal tomorrow 5AM.

Pamela: Tomorrow?

(Y/N): whoops I got the wrong time my bad Pam.

Jessica: "We shall not! We shall not be moved! We shall not! We shall not be moved! ♪ Just like the tree That stands ♪ ♪ Where the LexBucks Is now planned ♪ ♪ We shall not be moved ♪
You see Pamela move her way behind the tree as you follow her. Pamela then groan as you move closer to her.

(Y/N): Hey, what's wrong?

Pamela then look at you.

Pamela: Look I know you want to help the environment, but...

(Y/N): Look, I know we got the wrong day, but don't let this discourage you. is it okay if I sit with you?

Pamela then blushes, but then cover her face with her hair.

Pamela: okay but once question are violets blue?

(Y/N): No there more like a dark purple color rather than blue.

Pamela: Alright, you may sit next to me.

Later, it was night time and Jessica still singing as you and Pam were playing chess

Jessica: "♪ For the land of the tree "♪ And the home of the... ♪"

Pamela: All right! All right! Stop!

Jessica: I'm sorry, Pam. I know I got the day wrong but we're still going to--

Pamela: Shh! Do you hear that?

(Y/N): Can you tell us Pam?

Then there was the wind blowing.

Pamela: I've been waiting all night, and now, he finally speaks.

Jessica: Um, who?

Pamela: Him. He wants to tell his story.

Jessica: Oh, uh, well, that's interesting.

You then head to Jessica.

(Y/N): shush  I wanna listen. *Turns to Pam* Can you translate what he's saying?

Then the wind blows gently as Pamela tells the story.

Pamela: He came here, no more than a humble seed... Carried from across the land by a sparrow. The soil welcomed him. He was only a sapling in those days. He never dreamed he'd grow as big as the others. But he did. He cared for his neighbors...Providing them homes and nourishment. Centuries passed...He grew as wise as he was magnificent, until one day, he became the king of the forest.

Jessica: Wow! Pam, that was beautiful.

(Y/N): Very poetic.

Then the wind blows even more as Pamela put on a serious face.

Pamela: And then, the monsters came. They drove off the animals. They murdered all the king's subjects. They ripped up the earth. Buried it under concrete. They destroyed every last remnant of his kingdom... Leaving him eternally... alone! All he wanted was to protect his forest. Now, he's the one who needs protection.

(Y/N): uh Guys.

You then point at the group of people with equipment made to cut down trees.

Jessica: Oh, no! Hang on, Pam! This is the moment we've been waiting for!

(Y/N): I'm  your backup Jessica!

Then giant vines appear and start attacking as Jessica break herself free with chain cutters that she made from her ring.

Jessica: Pam, get out of here!

You and Jessica went behind the tree and see that she is gone somewhere safe. Then you and Jessica did a quick change.

Jessica: "Poison Ivy, what are you doing here?"

(Y/N): And why are you attacking these people?

Poison: Reminding these people of their place in the world!

She then uses her vines to launch three people into the air.

(Y/N): Uh oh.

You  then use 6 hands to catch the falling people.

(Y/N): Not like a yo-yo, but close enough.

Poison: I don't know where you came from, but stay out of this.

You and Jessica made giant hands as you hair uses 3 yo-yos to catch and stop most of the vines. Then the vines catch three people as you and Jessica made chainsaws to catch to cut them free. Then Poison Ivy grab some jackhammers and try to attack the people with them, but you managed to make a wall to block them.

Jessica: We won't let you hurt them, Ivy.

Poison: We'll see about that!

Then Poison Ivy surround the whole area in vines as you andJessica  struggle to keep up.

Jessica then turn to you.

Jessica: Tell us what is happening in the future you  showed you?

(Y/N): If I tell you it won't happen.

Poison: Oh, having trouble keeping up?

Poison then summon vines to pick up a bulldozer.

Poison: Let's just finish this. Shall we?

Poison then try to throw the dozer at the workers but Jessica managed to launch the dozer to launch it at the tree which destroyed it.

Poison: NOOOOO!!!!!

Jessica: Quick! Run!

Then the people run away as you, Smokey, and Jessica turn to Poison Ivy.

Jessica: You could have killed those people!

Poison: You killed this tree!

Jessica then look around as you turn your hair normal f

Jessica: I-- I didn't mean to.

(Y/N): It was an accident.

Poison: You're unworthy of the color of life, Green Lantern, and one of these days, you will pay.

Then Poison Ivy disappeared into the ground. Later, all the workers left with all the lumber from the tree as you, Jessica, and Pamela look at the stump with a saddened look.

Pamela: Three hundred years he reigned. And they just didn't care. People are a lost cause.

Then you realized you had healing spit and you can use it on the tree

(Y/N): Alright nuts to this 

You  then lick both of his hands and place both of them on the stump. Then light appeared and it reshaped the whole tree. The light is gone and the tree was back to life as Pamela was happy to see the tree again. Then Jessica turn to Pamela.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause.

(Y/N): she's right.

Jessica: Pammy, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Pamela: Yeah, I guess so.

Jessica: Let's head to Sweet Justice to celebrate our accomplishments.

(Y/N): Jessica you go ahead, I need to talk to Pamela.

Jessica: Sure.

Jessica, headed to Sweet Justice as you turn to Pamela.

(Y/N): Pamela, I know you're Poison Ivy.

Pamela: How did you know?

(Y/N): your dedication to plant life is give away.

Pamela: please Don't tell Jessica about it.

(Y/N): I won't tell Jessica, but she'll figure it out eventually on her own.

Pamela: Okay.

You then one arm hugged her as she blushed from it. You and Pam head to Sweet Justice to join Jessica.

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