Chapter 19

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It was a grand for the Zee's father, Mr. Zartara and you and Karen are watching the show.

Mr. Zatara: Thank you, thank you. Please, a round of applause for my charming daughter.

Then Zee appeared in a pink outfit and she wave to everyone in the audience. She then spot you and Karen and wink at you two.

(Y/N): Alright Zee!

Mr. Zatara: And now ladies and gentlemen, we've come to my final trick of the evening. A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may want to look away. Tonight, I will make my lovely assistant... disappear.

Mr. Zatara made a cabinet appear as Zee went into it.

Mr. Zatara: Spirits beyond. I summon thee here. Heed my command. Make this girl disappear.

Mr. Zatara make her daughter disappear and open the cabinet and she was not there.

Mr. Zatara: Behold.

You and Karen stand up and applaud for the trick as Zee come out of a portal that is out of sight. Zee has a saddened look on her face and take off her bow.

Crowd: Encore. Encore.

Later, you and Karen are in her room.

Karen: That was amazing, Zee. I can't believe this is your life. You're, like, a total star.

(Y/N): You were incredible out there Double Z.

Zee: Yeah, well...

Karen: And the fact that you've spent your whole life traveling the whole world entertaining people with your dad, it's so cool.

(Y/N): You're living the life.

Zee: Hmm... Indeed.

Karen: You're seriously the biggest celebrity we know.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Zee: Maybe. But I'm about to be even bigger.

Karen: What do you mean? You're not leaving the act, are you?

(Y/N): Why would you leave your act?

Zee then went behind her dressing room and change into her magician outfit.

Zee: What? Of course not.That would break poor Daddy's heart. But I am working on my own act. One day people will know the name, Zee Zatara. And that, my dears Karen and (Y/N), is where you come in.

Later, at the pier, you and Karen are dressed like Zee's assistants of magic.

You and Karen: What?

Zee then hand a megaphone to Karen.

Zee: Whenever you're ready.

Karen then gulp and pull out a flashcard and read it.

Karen: Prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen, for an experience unlike any other.This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara, Princess of Presti...Prestididge...

Zee: Prestidigitation.

Karen: Presti... tation.

Zee: Prestidigitation.

(Y/N): Uh girls, ya might wanna see this.

You then point at a crowd of people as Zee grab you and Karen and see a guy doing magic tricks.

You and the girls see the guy doing a coin trick.

Karen: Wow, Zee, he wears more eye shadow than you.

Zee then look at Kaen with annoyance while you tap her on the shoulder and she turned to you.

(Y/N): Well I think Zee is just as pretty as she is right now.

Zee then blushed and then turn to the magician named the Ace of Spades.

Ace of Spades: All right. Look, look. Right here. Eyes on me. Ready? Heads or tails?

Girl: Heads.

He then flip the coin that was on the other hand as Zee know that wasn't magic.

Zee: Did you see that? He totally switched hands.

He then catch the coin and it shows it has heads.

Zee: Ugh. A double-headed coin? Really? How uninspired. What's he going to do next, the detachable thumb trick?

The guy then do the detachable thumb trick.

Zee: You have got to be kidding me.

Ace of Spades then hold a deck of cards.

Ace of Spades: All right. Pick a card, any card. Go ahead. Go ahead.

The Girl takes it and it was an Ace of Spades and put it back into the deck.

Ace of Spades: Uh-huh. Okay, ready? Watch this. Watch. Ready? Wait for it...Is this your card?

Ace of Spades show a spade on his chest and a girl just fainted as Zee grab you and Karen and get closer to Ace of Spades.

Zee: That isn't magic. You're nothing but an overly-leathered, flimflam man.

Zee then slap away the cards from his hands.

Zee: See?

Random guy:He's turned them all into aces of spades. He's incredible.

(Y/N): There is no he did that.

Zee: Ugh! That is not magic. This is magic. thearw srewolf!

She casted a spell at a guy's flowered shirt and then a bouquet of flowers appeared in a girl's hands.

Zee: spriah!

Zee then casted a speed at a bald guy and then hair grew out of his head.

Zee: naf yawa!

Zee then throw confetti into the air and cast a spell to make butterflies.

Zee: Ta-da!

Random Guy: Fake.

Then you got angry pull out a tommy gun and shoot the guy's belt, then his hat, then the souls of his shoes, and then his hair.

(Y/N): that real enough for ya bub?

Random Guy: Okay, okay, just don't hurt me!

Then the audience clap for Zee Zatara as she was nervous from what you gonna do to them. Then they leave to see more of Ace of Spades as Zee then turn to you.

Zee: Look, I know you're trying to help, but that was a bit much.

(Y/N): Oh please what good is being a god of you can't smite some people every now and then.

Random guy 2: You could learn a thing or two from Ace of Spades.

Random girl: I love his magic.

Random guy 3: It's so raw, so real.

Zee: Raw and real? Raw and real!? Oh, I'll give him raw and real.

Zee then glows in a blue aura and cast a spell at Ace of Spades.

Karen: Uh, Zee?

(Y/N): You okay?

Zee: ees yvne sith!

Ace of Spades then scratch his back a bit.

Ace of Spades: All right. Look. Watch. Eyes on me. Is this your card?

He then show his chest but instead of a spade its actually a goblin's face.

Zee: Ta-da!

Random girl: Uh, that's not even a card. What kind of magician are you?

Then everyone leave as Ace of Spades cover himself. Then Zee turn to you and Karen.

Zee: So... who wants ice cream?

Karen: Uh...

You and Karen then follow Zee as Ace hears some growling from his chest as some gremlins appear and come out of his chest, then they start causing some chaos as you, Karen, and Zee eat ice cream.

Karen: So, uh, back there it was, uh...

(Y/N): You were uh?

Zee: I know. A complete disaster.

Karen: No, We--

Zee: I just want to show the world what I can do. The kind of magician I really am. I just want to touch an audience.

Karen: Don't worry, Zee, I bet someday you'll be known the world over as the greatest magician of them all.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Zee: You really think so?

(Y/N): Yeah what Karen said someday your name is gonna be in lights.

Then a gremlin fall onto their ice cream as the girls were grossed out from it as Zee slap it away.

(Y/N): uh Guys.

You then point at the chaos that the gremlins are causing.

Zee: Guys, what's happening?

Karen: Those faces. Zee. Your spell.

Zee: My spell? But how? My magic can't do something like... But I was angry. It was me. This is all my fault. What do I do? What do I do? What do I--

You then slap Zee.

(Y/N): Snap out of it, woman. This is no time for crying, it's time for heroing.

Zee: You're right, (Y/N). Let's teach these little monsters some manners.

You, Karen and Zee did a quick change into your hero outfits, then a gremlin was about to fall onto Zee's head but you managed to catch it and throw it away. Zee then turn to you.

Zee: Thanks.

(Y/N): Anytime, can't let those things ruin your style, you're too pretty to get hurt while I'm around.

Zee then blushed while Karen gets a bit jealous. Then you and the girls start heroin. Four gremlins are chasing a woman with her baby in bumper cars as Zee chases them on a horse from a carousel. She then start attacking the bumper cars as one of them went to an arcade and Karen chase after them. You on the other hand are fighting them off, but their numbers overwhelm you. Karen then aim her rockets at two of the gremlins.

Karen: Come on.

Karen then fire her missiles but misses them as the gremlins went into a claw machine.

Karen: Dang it.

Karen then went into the machine and look around, but then the gremlins found her and they try to get her. Meanwhile you were being overwhelmed by the shier numbers of the gremlins as Zee shot magic at a bumper car and they fall into the water as the woman got wet from the water. She then went after the other bumper car and they launch her into the arcade, she then spot the gremlins as they run away, you then came into the arcade and you see Karen stuck in the claw machine.

Karen: Zatanna! (Y/N)! Help! Get me out of here.

You then play the game and grab Karen on the first try along with a plush bumblebee. Karen then return to normal size and you pull out the prize.

(Y/N): For our resident yellow and black striped hero.

You then hand the toy to Karen and she blushed an giggled as Zee was a bit jealous from it. Then you all see what kind of chaos that the gremlins are causing right now.

Zee: What do we do? They're just so dreadfully evil.

Then two gremlins rip apart a teddy bear then they hug each other. Then Karen comes up with a plan.

Karen: "Wait a minute. What if they're not? What if they're just having fun? Look at them, Zatanna. They're just trying to entertain themselves."

Zee: "Well, if it's entertainment these gremlins want, it's entertainment they shall have. And that, my dear Karen, is where you come in."

Zee then put on her magician outfit and hand a megaphone to Karen. Then Karen turn to you and the gems.

Karen: We need a stage.

(Y/N): I got it. Moogers! Make stage for the Lady Magician if you would.

Then as if on cue Moogers started to appear and start building a Stage for Zee.

Later, the stage is finished setting up while you joined the audience while Karen is on stage with the megaphone.

Karen: Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentle-monsters, for an experience unlike any other. This is the great and powerful Zee Zatara, princess of prestidigitation. Yeah.

Then all of the gremlins became the audience as Zee appear on stage.

Zee: All right, you little beasts, (Y/N), and bumblebee who'd like to be entertained?

(Y/N): We do!

Zee then start off with her card trick and show the ace of hearts, she then change the color of the card and Karen's clothing at the same time from purple, aqua, , and pink. She then levitate Karen and ring appear and she went through it as outfit returns back to their normal colors. She then put Karen into a small basket and then Karen went from the basket and out of the magician's hat and back to you

(Y/N): Awesome!

Zee: And now we've come to my final trick of the evening. A trick so risky, so daring, that the squeamish among you may wish to look away. I will make my lovely assistant... disappear.

Zee then make a cabinet from her father's show appeared.

Karen: Wait, what?

Zee: Trust me.

Karen: Uh...

Zee: Lovely assistant.

Karen then went into the cabinet as Zee close it.

Zee: Now watch closely, my fiendish friends,and (Y/N)...

Everyone in the audience cheered as Zee perform that trick.

Zee: Spirits beyond,I summon thee here, heed my command, make this girl disappear. Behold.

She then open the cabinet and Karen was no longer there.

(Y/N): That's Zee Zatara for you.

Zee: Now, do I have any volunteers from the audience?

All the gremlins want to volunteer and head into the cabinet as Karen appeared from behind the cabinet. Karen then went to the front and close it on them.

Zee: Hmm. snilmerg ib enog

Zee then make the cabinet filled with gremlins disappeared as you and the gems applaud.

Zee: Ta-da.

Karen: You did it. It worked.

(Y/N): Encore!

Random Guy: Fake.

Then you got up and turn to the random guy and you have 4 Tommy guns ready to fire as the random guy was shaking in his boots about it.

(Y/N): I'm sorry what was that bub?

Random Guy: I mean, awesome, just don't hurt me!

(Y/N): *putting the guns away* yeah that's what I thought.

Later, you, Karen, and Zee pack and walk out of the pier.

Zee: Why do I even try?

Karen: Because how else are you gonna be the greatest magician the world has ever known?

(Y/N):Yeah I was like you back then and now look at me, a full time superhero and God of the Underworld.

Zee: Karen, (Y/N), you're the best assistants a magical girl could ever ask for.

A/N: Thanks Freelancer1337

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