DC superhero Girls Halloween Special.

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On the night of Halloween we then hear you singing a song in the tune of Thriller. 

(Y/N): *singing in tune of Thriller* 🎶Cause it's Slender
Slender night🎶 Yeah, he's a skinny man🎶, but I hear he's got a knife🎶 *laughs*

Jessica: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) Huh? 

You turn around to see Jessica in her green lantern outfit holding flashlight construct

Jessica: Stop singing! Do you want to get us killed? 

(Y/N) Sorry. Could I hum instead?

Jessica: Focus, buddy. We gotta find these eight pages

before Slender finds us.

 (Y/N)I don't know, Jessica.This whole game sounds pretty "thin." laughs

While you were joking around some dramatic rumbling could be and Karen appeared in her bumblebee outfit scared and flying away from the static. 

Karen: Ah-ah! Run away! Run away! *Flies away* 

Jessica: Uhh…

(Y/N): Is it me or does she look a "little" scared?

*laughs* Slender! Slender! Hey, need some pages over here!

Jessica: Okay, time out.

(Y/N): *scoffs* Hey, noob. It's called a pause.

Jessica: Whatever. Look, I'm thinking we should split up.

(Y/N): What? Come on, Jess . We're not evil kryptonians.

We then see Zod and non with together with flashlights

Zod: Hey! Leave us out of this!

Non: Seriously! And could you try to keep it down?

And as if on cue the dramatic rumbling could heard again 

 Jessica: Uh-oh. Did you hear that?

(Y/N): Yeah. Stupid evil kryptonians. What do they know? *laughs*

The static envelopes them as they scream and they start to shake and then they exploded into ashes 

Jessica and you: ugh!

Jessica: Okay, we are definitely splitting up.

Then you and Jessica went in different directions.

(Y/N) *laughs* Slender. More like "blender." Those evil kryptonians were everywhere. *Sees a page* Hey, it's a note from Skinny Mini. Hmm, *reads* "beware of Slender Man." *Takes the page* Huh, looks like there's only one thing to do *makes a paper airplane* ...Make a paper airplane! *laughs* *throws the airplane* Whee! No fancy food on that flight. They only serve "plane" food. *laughs* *hears dramatic rumble*Hey. What the? *Sees Slenderman* Aah! It's a skinny mime!

Slender yells in pain as the paper airplane pokes his eye

(Y/N): Whoa! Sorry, skinny mime,but I did have the "flight" of way. *laughs*

Slenderman: *with the paper airplane in his eye* Oh, this really hurts!

(Y/N): Yeesh, I thought you were like me: silent but deadly.*grunts, farts* Okay, maybe not the silent part. *laughs*

Slenderman: *pulls out the page*  Oh, look at this. You totally bent one of my pages. I'm gonna have to iron this out now.*puts the page away* 

(Y/N): Pages? Are you writing a book? 

Slenderman: No!

(Y/N):Is it a poem? 

Slenderman: No!

(Y/N): Does it go like this:"Roses are red, violets are blue.Slender's too skinny to even scare you." *laughs* Skinny puns.

Slenderman: It's not a poem. 

(Y/N): Yeah, it's definitely a poem.They should call you Tender Man, not Slender Man. *laughs*

Slenderman: Stop it! I'm very scary!

(Y/N): Well, what are you doing out here then?

Slenderman: If you must know, I haunt these woods. I feast on all the souls who enter here.

The only way I can be stopped is if you collect

all eight pages that I have carefully hidden

throughout the for-- 

(Y/N): You mean these pages?*pulls out all 8 pages* 

Slender: What the? How did you do that?

(Y/N): Yay! What do I win? Do I get three wishes?

Slenderman: No! 

(Y/N): Ooh, a pot of gold?

Slenderman: No. 

(Y/N): How about a pot of gold wishes?

Slenderman: Aah! What is wrong with you? I'm not a leprechaun or a genie.

(Y/N):Ah, come on. I know what will make you feel better: the webs of friendship. *spits webs, laughs*

Slenderman: Rahh! That's it! I'm out of here!

(Y/N):*sees slender man running away* Hey, come back, Slendy! Come back! *Runs after him*  Where are you going, Slendy Tender Man?.You forgot your poems! 

Slenderman: *while running* Keep 'em! I don't want 'em.

(Y/N): Come back, Slendy! Come back!

Slenderman: No!! Leave me alo--

Just as he was about to finish his sentence Slenderman gets ran over by a truck with Karen in the driver's seat.

(Y/N): *startled reaction*Talk about a "Slender bender." *laughs* Eww.

Jessica: oh my gosh what happened?!

(Y/N): Karen ran over Slenderman

Karen: it was by accident I swear!

(Y/N): woah easy Karen it's Slenderman I'm sure he's gonna be okay

Then we Kara Babs zee and Diana showing up in the scene 

Babs: hey guys what's going*sees Slenderman on the ground* woah! Is that slenderman

(Y/N): Yep that ol slendy bendy

Kara: uh why is he on the ground?

(Y/N): oh because Karen ran over him

Karen: it by accident okay!

Kara: wow I didn't know you had it in you kid

Zee: Neither did I

Diana: Um pray tell what is this 'slenderman'?

Girls: What?!

Babs: you never heard of Slenderman?

Diana: no I have not is he a demon?

(Y/N): yeah he's a demon and not the good kind, the only way to defeat him is to get all 8 pages hidden in the forest.

Then Jessica showed up to see what was going on.

Jessica: hey girls what are you *sees Slenderman* ah Slenderman!

(Y/N): don't worry he's knocked out...I think

Zee: you think or you assume?

(Y/N): I think so. So what are you all doing out here?

Babs: we were all wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating after all it's Halloween!

Diana: treating and trick? And what is this Halloween?

(Y/N): trick or treating It's when you go to people's houses and say 'trick or treat' and then they give you candy and Halloween is a scary holiday celebrated in October with scary stuff.

Diana blinked in confusion

(Y/N): oh right. It's a holiday where people masquerade as demons and collect sweets

Diana: Ah yes sounds like a wonderful holiday. 

Babs: it's the best holiday.

Zee: So what should we do about that *points to Slenderman*

Everyone looked over Slenderman's unconscious body

(Y/N): don't worry I got this

You then pull out a shovel start digging a grave. Once the grave was deep enough you tossed the shovel aside which landed on slenderman.

Slenderman: Agh ugh

(Y/N): okay grave dug the grave now everyone this gonna be a team effort now everyone grab him by the arms legs and head

The girls and you grabbed Slenderman with Jessica and karen being a little disturbed and the others and you being okay

Karen: ew it's all icky and corpsey *gets out a tissue and holds his arm* 

Jessica: I can't believe I'm doing this and I'm a pacifist *makes a hand construct and grabs slender's left leg* 

 (Y/N): *while carrying slender's right leg* eh you get use to it. Okay on the count of three we all toss his corpse into the hole. Okay?

Girls: yep

(Y/N):  one, two, three!

Then you and the girls toss slenderman into the unmarked grave and then you bury the unmarked  grave.

(Y/N): and there we go. That should do it

Jessica: wait hold on Shouldn't we something on his behalf?

Babs: yeah (Y/N) Jess does make a good point

(Y/N):oh yeah good point. okay let's see um he was the scariest monster in all of Halloween history but seriously you should have seen it when Karen ran over old slendy bendy

Karen: haha yeah well you know it was in the heat of the moment

(Y/N): yeah it was. So… anybody wanna hit up Sweet Justice and go trick or treating?

Girls: yeah/okay/sure/why not.

Eventually you and the girls leave the forest and spent your time trick or treating and going to sweet justice to celebrate with sweets.


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