Ch 14. Ghost

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   Footprints crunched against the steep gravel slope; crickets chirped and water crashed against the rocky surface as the group slowly climbed towards Pure Towers.

The three held a constant fear and uncertainty, but radiated determination.

Taube seemed the most driven at this point, driving one foot in front of the other as he climbed the slope. Unable to use his wings he continued, flicking the tattered wings bitterly. The fairy clutched the rusty axe tightly.

Max was holding the crowbar in one hand and clutching the bottom of the sash slung over her shoulder with the other. Her eyes seemingly hadn't moved from the distant towers, barely visible through the thick fog that had settled over the entire island, casting dark shadows out into the foggy sea as the sun began to set.

Maya kept glancing at the other two, hand never leaving the comfort of the knife in her belt, occasionally reaching to feel the bat in her bag to ensure it was still there. The Psychic had infiltrated many places before- though always alone- so she wasn't afraid for herself whatsoever. She was entirely confident in her abilities, but had never relied on any other to do their own part in a mission before; this situation was entirely new to her, and she fought the urge to insist she goes first, gulping down her doubt, she trekked on.

The group had traveled through the back alleyways of Red, the thick vegetation of the woods, and were now bordering Droplet Caverns, climbing a familiar rocky slope that lead to the back of the Ascil's tower.

It was a rather short trek, but to the group it seemed to go on for ages in a deadly silence.

They reached the top, crouching behind some large boulders that were conveniently placed at the bottom of the towers.

"There's no guards or anything, so we should be fine." Max said, "We're going to climb in through my bedroom window, it's our best bet."

"The one all the way up there?" Taube muttered, voice uncharacteristically low. Max nodded.

"It's alright, I've climbed it many times. It's sturdy, I promise." She forced a small smile, "I'll go first." Max began to get up.

Maya grabbed the girl's arm swiftly. "Wait, let me go first. If the window's locked I can unlock it without breaking in. Psychic abilities." The Psychic said. The two looked at each other for a moment.

The wind elemental hesitantly nodded then crouched back down behind the boulder, watching as Maya swiftly disappeared up the side of the tower and into the thick fog at the top.

Taube and Max waited side by side behind the boulder, gazing up into the dark fog that consumed the top of the mountains, swirling around Pure Towers. A small 'clink' was heard, then a small metal piece fell through the fog, landing on the ground with a couple thuds.

Maya then appeared on the side of the tower, urging the others to follow. At once, the two perked up and followed.

The climb went by quickly. Maya was standing in Max's bedroom in the darkness as the other two climbed in through the window. Taube and Max were both rather winded due to the high altitude and speedy pace, even though both should have been used to the altitude, it was Maya who wasn't winded at all. Instead, the Psychic stood alert, waiting patiently for the others to silently close the window and catch their breath as she stared down the dark empty hallway.

Max's room was a mess. By now, the sun had set, but even though it was dark, her clothes were strung out all over the floor and her belongings were strewn about the room.

"Woah..." she whispered suddenly, "I swear I didn't leave my room like this...I'm a tidy person."

Taube and Maya looked at her oddly.

"It must've been my dad." The wind elemental said darkly, golden eyes flashing, "Follow me. Oliver's probably in the basement."

"How do you know that?" Taube asked, eyes narrowed, "Does Varick often keep prisoners?"

Max shushed him and tiptoed silently down the dark hallway.

The ceiling was high above them- dark and looming, the walls were white and everything was washed in pale colours.

The three turned a corner and silently crept down the steps of an empty room and into the golden entry way.

"My parents' room is back upstairs so we should be ok." Max said quietly, footsteps echoing through the building.

"Where's the basement?" Taube asked, "I'll go see if it's locked while you two stand by."

"It'll definitely be locked." Max whispered back. "Can you unlock with your Fairy powers or something?"

Taube nodded then was grabbed harshly by Max. "Do it silently. It's to the left of the door. The hatch has a lock-code on it." She motioned to a large wooden door that lead to the ground just next to the front doors.

Taube nodded and silently crept towards it while Maya and Max stood by and kept watch.

The fairy glanced at the lock- a small metal lock with numbers on it that needed a code. He swallowed dryly, thinking 'Oliver is behind this door- just unlock it and get him out of here..'

A pink aura surrounded the lock, Taube's bandaged wings flicked in anticipation.

The metal jingled quietly, causing the other two to snap their heads at the fairy. Taube mumbled a small apology then continued working. The magic clicked and popped the lock from the inside until finally it unlocked

then fell to the floor with a loud metal 'clang'.

Everyone's hearts simultaneously dropped as a female voice was heard. "Varick? Is that you?"

Taube threw the basement doors open and whizzed down the steps and into the darkness, and Maya and Max ran to the door- only to be stopped by a hand slamming the doors closed and white magic lifting the lock back onto the doors.

"Max." A harsh female voice snapped.

The two looked up to see a thin, sickly-looking woman. Her thick hair was a dark faded pink that hombre-d to white, her eyes were a pale golden and freckles scattered her body.


"You." Idris' eyes narrowed at the Psychic, "What are you doing with my daughter? She would never be a border hopper. What did you do to her, you halfbreed..?" Her voice was alluring, silky and calm, but powerful. Max's mother's, Idris', Powerful voice and icy cold eyes had seemingly withered over time, leaving a glossy and tired look, yet one that radiated fury.

"You don't own her!" Maya snapped harshly, stepping towards the woman who pushed Max behind her back.

"As a matter of fact," Idris lifted her hand and it began to radiate a white energy. "I do."

"No!" Max yelled, but it was too late.

A white beam had blasted at the Psychic, yet a red energy had formed a bubble around Maya, protecting her. The red magic sent itself flying at Idris, who delicately stepped out of the way.

Max ran towards the two in an attempt to get them to stop, only for her mother's white magic to grip her by the arm and push her back as the two dueled.

They fought.

The room became a golden haze of red and white flashing lights.

Maya fought vigorously, red eye glowing brightly and blue eye shining- movements quick and steady, bringing one arm back and one arm foreword at a time- sending powerful red beams at the woman. Though the Psychic could easily infiltrate someone's mind with her abilities, Idris wouldn't allow it.

The thin woman seemed to stand still yet moved her arms rapidly, deflecting every red beam that flew at her with a pure white one of her own, and slowly she stalked towards the psychic, who had no choice but to back up as she continued sending beams at the woman, progressively growing more powerful, smoke rising into the air.

Maya bumped into the wall, panting as Idris came up to her. The woman's white shield went down and Maya's red magic stopped as the two glared at each other.

Max silently struggled against her mother's magic and had began to plead at the two once more, though all the others heard were the pounding of their own hearts.

Idris brought her arm back and a white beam came down on Maya; Max closed her eyes and looked away.

All was silent.

Then as the girl opened her eyes again, a deep maroon puddle slowly covered the golden floor as her mother's white magic released- and the woman fell to the floor. At once, the wind elemental's left eye slowly faded to a deep grey.

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