Ch 15. Problems For The Team

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Maya's eyes widened at her hand, clutching the knife sticking through Idris' stomach. Idris' eyes stared blankly at the Psychic, before Maya yanked the knife out and the lady fell to the floor in a puddle of blood, gasping. The gasping ceased.

The Psychic was panting, eyes unable to look away from the corpse in front of her. 'I just killed somebody' .

Max stared at her mother's body, then her knees gave in on her and she fell in shock. Maya glanced over at her friend then ran over with whatever strength was left in her body, grabbing her arms.

"Max!" She said, her voice breaking. Max's eyes remained on the corpse until Maya blocked her view. "Max! Look at me. Look at me! I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, but we need to go get Taube and Oliver. They're in the basement and-...and..."

Max's left eye was slowly fading from that familiar golden color to a dull grey.

Maya let go of her friend, hands shaking as she let out a small gasp. The Psychic shook her head slowly as she fought back the tears that threatened to prick at the corners of her eyes. "'re a ghost elemental."

Taube stumbled down the stairs to the basement, jumping as it slammed shut behind him. He ran back up in an attempt to open the door, only to find himself locked in. He groaned in frustration, then made his way down the steps. The lights were off; the room was pitch black.

"O-Oliver..?" Taube called out to the darkness, then lifted a shaky hand which radiated a dull pink light, clutching his axe in the other one.

At once, a figure flinched in the darkness.

Tears trickled down Taube's cheeks as he stared at Oliver. The boy's face was bruised and his head was hung low. The fairy managed to utter the others name, though it was so low it was just a whisper.

"Oliver...I'm sorry." He said. The bug elemental opened his eyes weakly.

"Taube..?" Oliver's voice cracked, but he managed a weak smile as a tear trickled down his cheek. Taube nodded as he began to cry softly, smiling and sniffling as he untied the boy's hands. "Let's get you out of here."

"Oh." Came a rough voice from behind the two, and the lights flickered on. Taube spun around, clutching the axe tighter in his hand. "It's you."

Varick emerged from the corner of the room, a grin on his face. Golden eyes were slanted and shadowed, knuckles bruised and shirt splattered with blood. His eyes held this crazy look that sent chills down the fairy's spine.

"You're the fairy that cut my hand off."

"Yeah." Taube said, lifting Oliver out of the chair, the boy's legs weak beneath him as he leaned against the shorter fairy. "And I'll do it again."

Varick laughed at this. "You children are causing me a lot of trouble." His voice went low and his face sunk. "Somebody had to teach you a lesson."

Taube gently set Oliver down, then turned to face the man, eyes glowing a dangerous pink, teeth clenched and fist shaking with anger.

"He didn't deserve that!" The fairy spat through clenched teeth.

"Oh? What are you going to do? Fight me?"

Taube let out a growl and charged at the man, hurling the axe into his chest, only for him to dodge and send the fairy flying into a wall. The boy's wings ached terribly but again he stood and dazzling pink magic lit up the room, holding Varick in place.

Taube was breathing harshly through his nose, much like a bull on a raging fit, approaching the man with the axe in his hand. Varick only grinned at this, then sighed and sent a beam of golden magic flying out of his hand, knocking the fairy back again.

Again, Taube stood and sent a beam of pink magic at Varick, who deflected it with a golden shield then began walking towards the fairy, who repeatedly sent beams of pink magic at the man, who repeatedly deflected them. Taube has no choice but to back up as the man approached, finding himself against a wall. Suddenly a strong force of golden magic forced the boy back against the wall, holding his hands back, forcing him to drop the axe.

"Fairy." Varick spat, "You will never win."

At that, the man pulled out a syringe. "This is so you don't try anything stupid."

Taube struggled beneath the man's magic and glared at him, his heart racing as he glanced over at Oliver who was fading in and out of conciousness.

"Wait!" Taube pleaded, "At-at least let me heal him! At least let me heal Oliver before you do this!"

Varick thought for a moment. Then he grinned. "No."

At that he forced the syringe into Taube's neck, causing him to let out a cry. The boy found himself growing weaker as the liquid was injected into him.

"Don't worry." Varick said, releasing the fairy onto the floor. "This will only take away your magical abilities momentarily. Your bug elemental friend here currently has the same affect. This is only so it's easier for me to teach you a lesson."

Taube forced himself to his knees. "So y-you're afraid of us?" He managed.

Varick stepped on the boy's hand, causing him to let out a whimper. "Do I look like I'm scared of you?"

Varick spun around and picked up the axe, leaving the two in the basement as he went up to retrieve his daughter and get revenge on the Psychic.

"O-Oliver!" Taube cried out, managing to crawl over to the bug elemental. "Oliver please answer me! Let me heal you!"

The bug elemental weakly pushed the fairy's hands away. "Don't..." he whispered, "s-save your energy. It's s-smart."

"No! I won't! It's not smart to let you die!" Taube's hands were shakily places on Oliver's heart, and let off a weak pink glow that flickered in and out. The fairy strained against the liquid coursing through his blood.

'Come on! Please please please...'

Taube clenched his teeth as he forced the last bit of magic into healing Oliver, before his mind grew fuzzy and he slipped into unconsciousness.

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