Chapter 16

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I snuggle more in the pillow . A small smile came on my face due to the warm and soft comforter. But when did my bed become so soft? I frown and open my eyes only to close them tightly because of the sunlight coming from the balcony door.

Where am I? I blink my eyes and sit up and look at my surroundings.  It is huge lavish room and from the balcony I can hear the sound of water.

As I stood up from the bed I saw my clothes.

OMG I'm wearing only a shirt that too a man's.I got scared and  start walking back and forth.

How did this... I stop walking when every event came rushing .

The trip, the plane and me crying in the lap of Emir . Ohh how embarrassing it is and I even sleeped in his lap.

Emir where he is , did he change my clothes? I'm still in my thoughts when suddenly the door opens and in comes the devil himself.

My steps halt and my breath stops . He is watching me with different kind of emotions . I subconsciously tug the shirt.

"I ...I...that.."

"If your done sleeping then  get ready we have to attend a meeting"

"What time is it?" I ask shockingly

"It's 8 of the morning beautiful" He is standing so close to me that his breath is fanning my face . He has bend his face to my level as he is taller then me.

"WHAT! I sleep a whole day. WOW" 

"Yes and know if you are done then please get ready we are getting late and it will look unprofessional to wait our important clints".

"Uh...Yeah..I..mean ..Yes . I mean I'm going to get ready " without waiting for his reply I run towards the bathroom but as I don't know the way of it I stop in my track and slowly trun around and look at Emir sheepishly

"That the way ..I..don't ..know.."

"There to your left and yeah you luggage is all set in closet which is on the left" he reply amusingly to me while pointing a finger towards the directions.

"Hehehehe.. Thankx" I laugh sheepishly  and run  towrads the bathroom.

As soon as I lock the door I took a deap breath to calm my racing heart . Their is a silly smile playing on my lips and my cheeks are also red due to the shyness. I can hear his deap chuckles probably laughing on my stupidity. I can't stop my self from smiling  Is he the same Emir who had raped me and treated me like a trash . What happened to him that he has changed so much? Something is wrong .

Don't want to spoil my mood I quickly take a warm shower . After wearing a bath rob I quickly walk towards the closet and select the. Thankx to Hooray that I can easily select the dress for the meeting. She had tell me which dress to wear on which occasion.

Anyway I hurriedly wear the dress and did my hair . As I don't know any makeup, I only apply a light lipgloss.  After taking the bag, although I didn't have much to put but Hooray has said it is important as this will show your class. Rich people and there trands seriously.

As I come out of the closed room I saw Emir talking to some one on the phone in the balcony with his back towards me . He is wearing his expensive signature tux and boy is he looking handsome.

Shut up Lale don't forget what this men has done to you. My subconscious scolded me.

Soon he ended his call and came in the room only to halt in his place. Did I do something wrong? I want to ask him but keep numb . He is taking deap breath like calming himself and running his fingers  in his perfectly trimmed hairs.

" Lets go we are already late" without saying anything I follow him closely as I don't want to get my way lost.

At the meeting

It's been hour or so that we have come to this meeting. Although Mrs. Halit is a very sweet and polite lady but it didn't help me to not getting bored. Emir and Mr Halit are continuously discussing Allah knows what and here I'm dying from hunger. Don't get me wrong I have not eaten anything since yesterday . Ufff when will this meeting end.

Currently Mrs. Halit is using her phone which reminds me I don't have a phone and thats why I can't go anywhere without Emir.

"So tell me child what are you doing now-a -days. I mean are you working something."

"Oh that actually I don't work. I'm currently focusing on my family and marriage life." I tell her slightly embarrassed of my lack of ambition.

"Oh that's so good to hear. Don't be embarrassed it feels to good to hear that someone giving her first priority to her home." I only smile at her comment . She again start to use her mobile and I feel a heated gaze of someone burning my skin . I look up only to meet a unkown gaze of a creepy man. He is the Secretary of Mr. Halit and from the time we have come he is watching me like creep.

"Emir your coming to our party right. You too Lale please do come . It will be so good to introduce you to my friends and colleagues they all are very excited to meet the only lady who has the ability to sweep up the only hot billionaire from his feet" all laugh at it and I only smile shyly

"Ofcourse we'll come and yeah she really has the ability." What Emir said that is he ill or something . He is smiling looking a me while I'm shocked to hear his comment.

After that they again started to discuss and I had this sudden urge to use the bathroom.

"Excuse me I'll just come after using the washroom. "  without waiting for the reply I quickly walk towards the nearby washroom.

It was really hard to find a woman washroom in this huge hotel but never the less I got here some how and know I'm washing my hands when someone enter the washroom. I didn't lift up my eyes to see who it is as it is a ladies washroom so.

But my breath come to halt when my eyes locked with the lustful gaze of the person.

"What are you doing here. Don't you know it's a ladies washroom. " I try to act brave but Hell I'm scared from inside. I just pray someone come and save me.

"Oh come on babes I'm watching the minuteyou've entered in the hotel and only want to ravinish you. You don't know how much I'm controlling my self from ripping this dress of you and F**k  you till you screamed my name." He is standing so close to me , my back is facing him but I can see him through the mirror. 

His ill talking brought tears in my eyes and the images of Emir raping came in to my mind.

A hand on my arm brought me out of my imagination . He trun me towards him mad I started to tug my arms out of hold but it only make his hold more tight.

"" I don't know when I started crying . I don't want to become weak in front of him and let the history repeat itself.

"Owww why are you crying beautifull. I'll do nothing to you . Shh stop crying look you're  spoiling your pretty face" he start creasing my cheeks and feels disgusted.

I pushed him with all my might and slap him hard on his face . He become shocked as he was not expecting this attack.

I tried to run towards the door but he caught my hair in his tight grip. I wince and a loud scream come out of my mouth.

He immediatly put his hand on my mouth to shut me and said my ear from behind.

"Now where are you runing bitch. We are not done here yet." I bite on his hand he screamed in pain and let me go only to trun my around and slap me hard on my face .

I lose my balance and fall on the floor . He grip my jaw and said

"Bitch it's to pay" with that he start to tug my dress but I didn't let him and fight with him.

"Ple..ase Help Help ..somebody help."

"Shut up just shut up and come here" he slap me hard again and ripped my dress arms. I'm feeling so humiliated. Please Emir come . Please Allah Help me.

My prayers got answeredwhen someone knock on the door. He immediatly put his hand on my mouth . I 'm crying and trying to call for help but my voice come muffled .

"Lale are you in there. Are you fine?" Emir it's Emir. I started to thrashed my hands and legs to break free from his hold.

" mummmph"  His hand slightly move from my mouth and I immediatly screamed

"EMIRRRRR!HELP!"  He slapped me again and was going to do again when Emir broke the door and enter inside .

"Emir" I started cry more with hiccups.
"You bastard.  How dare you to touch her" Emir started to pounch him again and again .

"Emir haa! Lale child what happened? " suddenly Mrs. Halit came to my side and hug me and I started to cry loudly

"It's okay child it's okay your safe"

"Emir leave him I'll take care of him you go to Lale she needs you know more" Mr . Halit says to Emir and as if he come to his senses he came towards me.

"Lale are you okay" I didn't said anything only hug him . Suddenly he put his hands on my arms and I push back wincing. He got shocked and saw my arms . His jaw clenched . He gritted his teeth.

"Emir take her to the hospital or home she needs rest" Mrs. Halit said politely.

"Yes go Emir I've call the police they will take care of this bastard. "

Emir put his coat on me and pick me up in his arms . I put my face under his neck from shame and silently cried.

Why all this happened  to me . Why my life is so difficult. Don't I deserve a happy life too. Why just why?


Hope you all are fine and safe.💕

I know my story is boring but I'm not a proffesional writer. I just write for fun . Just want to tell you  what ever my story is I'll not stop writing and will make you all bore from my shitty work okay. 😁😄

So chill and enjoy the update and if you like a little bit of it then hit that star button🌟🌟⭐

Thankyou so much💞

Stay at home stay safe .☺

Allah Hafiz😊

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