Chapter 17

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Emir's POV: -

As soon as we reach in to the room I immediately throw Lale on the bad. I was so much frustrated these days and know her act makes me more pissed.

"Why did you do this. Can't you keep your filthy acts to yourself for a day. What will they be thinking that my wife is Whoring around there employees . Shame on"

"But... "
I pull her from her hair and directly looked in her eyes.

"Oh Shut up . I know what are your intentions but listen to me loud and clear you are not at you bastard of Uncles instead you're my wife know . If you don't want me to make you lovely uncle's family homeless than stop whoring around you Gold digger"

I don't know what gotten in to me but I just Slapped her shocking myself as well as her.

"Emirrrrr... stop it please I didn't do any...thing ple..ase fo..rgave me." She said crying really hard and I'm just looking at my hand regretting my act.

Loud shrill of my mobile brought me out of my thoughts. I pick it up and walk towards the balconay


"Sir the boat is ready"

"We are coming"  without waiting for his reply I cut the call.

I know you all  are confused that why I'm behaving like a bipolar. Well It was all Ahmet's plane that I'll behave all sweet and caring towards her and try to get as much information about her work as possible but I'm so much confused and want to rip my hair, either she is pretending to be innocent or she is really unaware of these things.

She is still crying on the bad , in other situation I would have found it cute bug know I'm really pissed off . Ignoring her pain filled cries I grab her from her elbow and said

"Get up and stop this nonsense.  Get yourself presentable we have to attend the party and one more thing don't you dare to do any stupid thing there or I swear I'll not sphere you this time." Her eyes held pain and inoccence that for a minute I thought to pull her in my arms and comfort.  Stop it Emir it's all her act to get you.

She jerked her arm from my grip. Totally unaware of this I become shock. She come near me until her eyes matched mine .

"I .HATE. YOU. MR. EMIR .ÇAĞLAR "  she said emphasising on every word and I feel ping in my heart. Why do I feel bad about it ? Why it make me upset?

She trun around and walk towards the washroom.

I shake my head and massaged my tample.  An idea came to my mind and I immediatly call my Pa.

"Hello Mehmat listen to me very carefully . I want every f**king detail about Lale . Do what ever you want but I want to know every thing about her and yeah this will be remain between us and when you find fly here and give me the details personally . Am I clear"

"Clear Sir . I'm on it" . After cutting the call I trun around only to be stunned by the bueaty standing infront of me . Elegantly dressed she is looking nothing more than a Hot bombshell.

I start walking towards her in slow steps, my eyes dring every feature of hers. She was about to take a step back when I pull her from her wait . Her fraigal body collided with my hard one. She put her small hand on my chest to mantain some distance between us.

Slowly I traced my nose on her neck and inhale the toxic fregnance of her . I planted a sloppy kiss on the base of her neck . She squirm and caught my shoulders in order to push me. I start assulting her neck and giving her hickeys. 

I was so engrossed in it that I didn't realised  that she has started crying and when she pushed me hard and slapped me that's when i ame back to my senses .

I look at he face it was showing only pain and hurt.

"Stop touching me okay. First you insulted me and know your taking advantage of my miserable condition. I hate you Emir so much for making my life so hard. The way you treat me it makes me hate my own self ."

She started crying again while sitting on the bad. Without saying anything to her I walk towrds the closet to get ready for the party.

After getting dress when I came out I saw her standing near the door . There is no sign of crying there any more . When she saw me , she start walking towards the door to go out. With a cold sigh I start following her.

Whole ride in the car she didn't said anything nor look at me. All the time she was looking out of the window in her own thoughts.

The car stop with a jerk and we both come out of our lands. I got out of car and walk towards her side and open the door for her.

First she become shocked then confused but she gave me a fake smile when she saw we have audience as well as media here . She put her hand in mine and carefully came out of the car.

Media people start bombarded us with tere usuall shit . I saw her becoming uncomfortable with there question . So I put my arms on her waist and walk her swiftly towards my boat and help her in the boat.

"Sit here and make youself comfortable it will take a while to reach their" . I said to her and without wating for her reply I walk towards the captain and my mans and shake hands with them.

I told the Captain that I will drive the boat myself. First he was hesitant but I assure him and give them a day off as they are my loyal people. After giving me a brief instructions, he walk away.

I started the engines and start driving the boat . There is a utter silence . No one said anything as Lale is downstairs and I'm in upper part driving . The sound of sea and the birds gives a calm and peacful atmosphere.

We are currently going to Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum. Itxs where the party is going to be held and honestly speaking it is one of my favourite place.

After sometime Lale came from downstairs carefully ascending the stairs . I saw that she is walking barefoot, as she was wearing heels might be uncomfortable for her.

She settle herself on the couch seat in the corner amd start admiring the sea and surroundings.

She is beautiful there is no doubt. 

Suddenly I remembered something and without giving a thought I ask her

"Give me your phone number as we didn't get time exchange the numbers" she still for a second and watched me with a shocked expression. 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that . It's only a number which asked" nerrowing my eyes i asked her

"That ...That



"What come again and speak slowly and clearly" I tell her annoyingly

"I don't have a phone."

"Hahahah! Are you kidding me . You mean in this era where every fu**king thing is done through a cell phone and you're telling me you don't own a phone. Stop kidding and give your number like a good girl"

"I'm telling you the truth.  I don't have a phone. My uncle didn't buy me one . If you don't beileve me than here see my clutch.  See it there is freaking Uhhhh!"

She aggressively stand from the seat and in that her foot slips and she was about fall when I immediately catch her by putting my arms around her.

"Lale you fine. You clumsy girl"  I chuckled and saw her with amusement.  Her eyes are closed and she is fisting my shirt in her small hands.

"You can open your eyes beautiful . You are safe"

"When she open her eyes I swear my World stop. So beautifull and innocent but lifeless.

Without saying any thing I kiss her on her plump tempting lips. The kiss was slow and sweet . I kiss her really hard . She was not moving her lips. So I pinch her waist she gasp and I took that opportunity to put my tounge in her mouth and tested every corner of her mouth. I shifted her in my lap and make her sit properly one leg each side on my waist.

The need for air make broke our moment . I put my forhead over hers ,both panting loudly for air.

She slowly open her eyes and a lone tear fell from her eyes.
"Why. Please Why?"
I gulp a knot  which form in my throat and pull her in a tight hug.

Yasmeen's POV: -

I'll kill this Bitch. I walk towards the vanity table and throw every thing from it. I took a bottle of perfume and throw it towards the mirror breaking it in small pieces.


"Yasmeen Huh! What are you doing?"

"I'll kill her mom look , look at these picture that Bitch is enjoying her time with him and hear I'm with nothing"

"Yasmeen dear please have patients...

"Patients patients my foot. Enough of it she has know what it look like to come in the way of Yasmeen she will regret the day she was born."

I clinched the magazine in my hand , ther pics in which Emir in holding her by her waist and leading her towrads the ship has published today apparently and my  blood boiled  instantly . 

I have to  work on my plane and for this I have to be on the right place.

"Hello I want you to book me a flight to Bodrum"

Lets finally meet you love birds.

Aslamoaliakum my lovelies. 😊🤗

Hope you are liking so far. I promise next chapter will be more intresting and a full of drama.😊

Please ignore the mistakes

Take care of yourself. ❤

Allah Hafiz😍

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